The Villain’s Daughter Plans To Run Away

Chapter 35

[Even if I’m from the Law Kingdom?]


Of course, it must be a joke.


“…But was Sian originally the type to joke around?”


The 100th life of the villain’s daughter.


The original story was played through my present regression.


The Law Kingdom’s fund issue was also passed without incident, and I didn’t let Dad and the Empress face each other.


‘It’s perfect, though?’


Even if Peter appeared in the distant future, there was no reason for him to punish the Vallois family now.


That means we can slowly turn the happiness circuit around.


[Even if I’m from the Law Kingdom?]




My hand, which had been eating the cake, hardened like a stone at the vivid hallucinations.


From a while ago, that question kept ringing in my ears like a repeat mark.


(it says round trip ticket, which refers to the repeat marks in music sheets)


“…he’s a smart kid, so he wouldn’t play such a joke…”


But it’s weird.


Sian must have known that the current relationship between Vallois and the Law Kingdom isn’t good.


He wasn’t the type to joke around in such a situation.


‘Then why?’


By all means, in that situation?


‘Come to think of it, I don’t know much about Sian. Except for the fact that he resembles Peter a lot.’


Blonde hair that seems to have been condensed by sunlight.


A static and calm gaze that contrasts with his elaborate facial features.


‘But their eye colors are different.’


That’s right.


Sian’s eyes were calm black eyes.


Peter, on the other hand, had perfect golden eyes that seemed to reflect the sunlight.


“Ah, I’m upset. Why is it so hard?”


Losing my appetite, I eventually dropped the fork I was biting on.


My mind was complicated as if I was looking at tangled threads.


What is Peter doing now?


‘Because he was taken hostage by the Imperial Palace when he was eight years old.’


I rolled my mind while resting my chin.


Currently, Peter was living in all sorts of persecution in the Law Kingdom.


“… Princess Billishia… Spirit…”


It was then.


At the mention of my name, my ears instinctively pricked.


I put on the face of a charismatic Tibetan fox again after waking up from the unpleasant thought.


“Come to think of it, her black hair and noble purple eyes definitely resemble His Grace.”


In the aftermath of the assassin’s appearance, I thought it would be a bit gloomy for a few days, yet…


As expected of Vallois.


Maybe it’s because it’s a family that has established itself through swordsmanship and military power.


The vassals didn’t really care.


…Rather, this was what collaterals were rather afraid of,


“Since His Grace and the Princess are together, there is nothing to be afraid of.”


As they secretly whispered about Dad, the corners of Cassis’ expressionless lips twitched.


And then.






The vassals, who were trembling in shock, turned their heads and murmured.


The vassals feared Dad more than the assassin.


As the family head of Vallois, Cassis had enough charisma to keep his followers loyal.


However, because he was distraught over the loss of Vivian, he didn’t really have a good reputation among people.


“Princess Billishia reminds me of that solemn expression.”


“It was like a symbol of Vallois. How could that figure resemble His Grace…”




Let’s carefully look at Cassis whom the people were whispering about.




The corners of Cassis’s lips automatically rose upon hearing praises for his daughter.


The purple eyes were still indifferent, but he couldn’t control his uncontrollable lower lip.




There was a shock in the eyes of the vassals watching the strange sight.


Some of them even trembled like herbivores.


‘If you’re going to do this, why don’t you just not praise me!’


However, was there a strange charm that they could see even if they were scared, I wonder.


“…T-That’s what I mean. Doesn’t the Princess have a unique charisma in her purple eyes?”


“The future is bright, bright…”






The meeting room was buzzing as if they were watching a horror movie.


“Ahem, do as much as you like. By the way, Billie. I heard that you directly gave your opinion to the regular meeting, is that true?”


Cassis, who had tightly closed his mouth, which was difficult to control, eventually came to his senses.


“… Really?”


Then he stroked my hair and glanced at the vassals.


The vassals, slightly flinching, continued.


“She provided her own opinion.”




“I saw it with my own eyes.”




I can hear the rattling sound from here.


It’s the first time I’ve heard compliments to the point it’s embarrassing, though?


I don’t know what to do.


“…Am I the best?”


I was sitting at the table in the corner, and when I hesitantly asked, mechanical answers followed.




“Of course.”


“Miss Billishia will grow from the best to the strongest.”




I munched on the cake and smiled broadly.


“Thank you!”


Kyaaaㅡthis feeling of being a golden spoon, me!


Oh my gosh. I was in a bad mood because of Sian and Peter, but they’re all long gone!




I need to focus on the meeting first.


I gulped down the remaining cake.


Then, using Dad’s knee as a stage, I climbed up and crossed one leg.


“I was thinking long-term. If we delay the abolition of the fund, the trouble will go away.”


“My daughter, she thought long term.”




“To think that she thinks and judges the future of Vallois in the long term. My daughter, who is only five years old.”


Cassis, who had been staring at me, stared at the vassals with a look of elation.


They jumped up from their seats when his eyes demanded a response.


Clap, clap, clapㅡ


“I can’t believe she looks into the future and gives her opinion.”


“The future of Vallois will be brilliant.”


The feeling of being on top of the pyramidㅡ 


This is the villain’s daughter!


‘No, no! I’m not the daughter of a villain anymore, I’m just the Princess of Vallois.’


Being praised feels so good.


I will continue to live by doing good things.


“What do you think?”


Hehe. Hihihi.


My body was twisting at the compliments I heard for the first time.


Cassis, who had been grinning at me, changed his gaze to a cold look this time.


Now that the praises were over, I really meant to say my opinion.


“If we’re proceeding with the fund withdrawal as planned, there is absolutely no reason to oppose it.”


“My opinion goes as well. We better go to the safe side.”


The vassals, who had become serious before they knew it, nodded in agreement.


“Then, if the other families present their opinions, we will follow the withdrawal of the fund.”


Cassis’s expression softened.


He seemed satisfied that the vassals didn’t simply agree with the Princess’ opinion, but seriously voted for it.


“And I won’t be absent from regular meetings in the future.”


“Is that so, then from now on Vallois,”


Viscount Candice hesitated, stopping his words abruptly.


The surrounding vassals were also exchanging glances as if they didn’t understand for a moment.


Let me also raise my eyes at the words whose intention was unknown.


“I’ve been away too many times.”


Did he keep looking at me?


As soon as I raised my head, I met friendly purple eyes.


Regret seeped in his voice, as he spoke calmly yet firmly.


Soon, a large hand covered the top of my head.


It was soft.


To the point, I stopped when it reminded me of Mom, who loved me.


“The business of Vallois in the regular meeting was almost suspended due to me being absent for five years. Social activity. To the conference of the central government. It will go back to normal. It looks like you all will be pretty busy for the time being, so I’d like to ask for your understanding.”


Cassis, who continued to speak as if it wasn’t a big deal, finally turned to the vassals.


“Like five years ago.”




This time, the vassals, who seemed genuinely surprised, were excited.


They weren’t showing up for Cassis, but everyone was well aware of the heavy weight of the words.


For Cassis to run all of Vallois’ activities as he did five years ago, it also meant that he would let go of Vivian, whom he had been madly obsessed with for five years.


That meant he acknowledged Vivian’s death.




A moment of silence passed.


Pitiful feelings.


And it took me a while to accept the huge change that was right in front of me.


It was the same for me too.


‘Is he serious?’


Of course, he is.




[Since the Saintess is also dead, I can’t save Vivian. I’ll just die.]


Cassis was such a person.


[I have no reason to live.]


The purple eyes, which were empty as if they were already dead, were still numb until he was stabbed by Peter’s sword.


Certainly, the Cassis I know…


“Billie. Let’s go for a walk outside.”


I was lost in thought, yet Cassis was looking down at me.


“Let’s talk with the three of us.”


I flinched as I met Dad’s gaze.


In his cloudy eyes from my previous life, there was a will to protect me.




After that, Dad worked all day.


Perhaps the vassals poured out business-related issues that they hadn’t been able to talk about for five years, and some unresolved issues were problems that he, now the head of the family, had to solve.


The remark that he would focus on Vallois instead of Vivian, of course, turned the Vallois Castle upside down.


But that’s all, not a single employee was happy.


Cassis not really looking for Vivian means he officially acknowledged her death at Vallois Castle.


It meant they had to accept the death of the Duchess, which had been delayed for a long time.


Everyone was well aware of the meaning of that heavy remark.


Many letters will come in the future.


Some nobles were even able to go directly to Cassis to express their condolences.


Will he be able to handle the situation after not acknowledging Mom’s death until his death?


‘He will be able to. Even though Dad knew that, he must have made that choice.’


“…You’re a real father.”


My heart ached.


How did Cassis feel when he said that?


Because beneath his declaration that he would go back five years ago was the sadness of losing Vivian.


“Cassis, you’ve become a real father.”


Vallois’ fund issue was also resolved, and Cassis chose me instead of the Saintess.


Perhaps now, even if Peter becomes an emperor, the Vallois family will still remain as one of the four largest families.


It’s definitely something I should like.


Can I really enjoy the happiness that came from his sacrifice?


Clack, clackㅡ


The garden Dad had made with Vivian in mind.


The blue chrysanthemums and the shy red geraniums made a soft contrast.


I was moving my steps to a place that reminded me of Mom for no reason.






Raindrops were falling on the palm of my hand.




Then the raindrops stopped.


When I raised my head at the familiar voice above the top of my head, Dad was standing there.


He bent his upper body slightly to block the rain.




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