The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


The two men faced each other, gripping their wooden swords.


Unlike the tense Commander of the 4th Knight Order, Giscard appeared completely calm.


‘Wow, even I’m feeling a bit anxious.’


Meanwhile, Cassia, her eyes wide, watched the training ground intently.


Truth be told, even the 4th Knight Commander, being the commander of a knight order, wasn’t completely unskilled.


Of course, Giscard was the acknowledged male protagonist of the original work and the most skilled fighter in this world. It was obvious he would easily toy with the 4th Knight Commander and defeat him.




Cassia’s eyes narrowed suddenly. The 4th Knight Commander, who had been observing Giscard for a moment, suddenly gripped his wooden sword tightly and lunged forward.


The blunt end of the sword aimed straight for Giscard’s neck.




The wooden sword sliced through the air with a sharp sound, tearing through the air. But despite its fierce momentum, the sword had no effect on Giscard.


Only his black hair fluttered gently in the wind created by the sword.


With a slight tilt of his head, Giscard easily dodged the sword.


Then, with a very light movement, he thrust his sword into the empty space where the 4th Knight Commander’s waist had been.




The 4th Knight Commander, realizing his mistake too late, quickly twisted his body to avoid the sword.


However, the cost was not small.




Ignoring his dignity as a knight commander, the 4th Knight Commander rolled ungracefully on the floor.




A groan escaped the 4th Knight Commander’s lips.


Still, being a knight commander, he deserved praise for immediately getting back on his feet.


However, his face turned bright red with humiliation, which he couldn’t help.




The 4th Knight Commander glared and swung his wooden sword with great force.


Perhaps it was because he was so enraged. His movement was quite fierce.


In response, Giscard gently raised his wooden sword.




The wooden swords collided, producing a sharp sound.


‘Wait, aren’t those wooden swords?’


Cassia’s eyes widened in surprise.


‘How can two wooden swords make such a sound when they collide?!’


And then.


Clang, clang, clang—


The 4th Knight Commander’s sword slid down the slanted surface of Giscard’s raised sword.




The tip of the sword bounced off, and the 4th Knight Commander stumbled backward.


His eyes were filled with bewilderment.


‘What, how…?’


I could understand if he had blocked the sword or swung it away.


But Giscard had merely raised his sword.


It felt as if his own sword had been drawn to Giscard’s, sliding down the slanted surface as if magnetically attracted.


That fact itself proved the vast difference in skill between the two…


‘Damn it!’


The 4th Knight Commander’s eyes flared with anger.


Thwack! Thwack! Thwack!


The 4th Knight Commander started swinging his wooden sword again, irritated.


The sharp sounds, hard to believe came from wooden swords clashing, echoed.


Giscard faced him without even a twitch of his eyebrows.


And then…




The 4th Knight Commander blinked blankly for a moment.


It was because the image of Giscar standing in front of him seemed to waver and then suddenly disappeared.


At the same moment, Giscard reappeared right in front of him and swung his wooden sword.




Giscard’s wooden sword struck the commander’s sword with great force.


The 4th Knight Commander tried to suppress the groan that was about to come out involuntarily.




The strike was so powerful that his wrist throbbed with pain.


But Giscard didn’t stop there.


Bang! Clang!


In an instant, Giscard drove the Commander into a corner.


The Commander gritted his teeth.


‘Could it be that he’s trying to force me out of bounds?!’


He couldn’t afford to lose so easily.


The 4th Knight Commander put his strength into both legs and desperately blocked Giscard’s wooden sword.


But it was only for a moment.




The Commander’s wooden sword drew a large arc through the air.


He couldn’t hold out any longer.




At the same time, he collapsed to the ground.





Silence fell.


The Azure Dawn Knights’ eyes sparkled with excitement and pleasure.


On the other hand, the 4th Knight Order were unable to overcome their sense of defeat and lowered their heads one by one.


A heavy, oppressive atmosphere quickly spread like poison in a well.


Amidst the polar opposite atmosphere, Giscar raised his wooden sword straight and held it to

the neck of the 4th Knight Commander.


The blunt blade pressed gently against the pulsating carotid artery.


“Do you admit defeat?”




The 4th Knight Commander looked up at Giscard with his whole face contorted.


Eyes stained with shame and pain glared fiercely at Giscard.


But Giscard asked again without blinking an eye.


“I asked if you admit defeat.”




The 4th Knight Commander clamped his lips shut.


The last bit of self-esteem he had been trying to hold onto was being torn to shreds.


A terrible despair weighed heavily on his whole body.


He glared at Giscard with bloodshot eyes.


Meeting that gaze indifferently, Giscard shrugged lightly.


“If I were you, I would quickly admit defeat and get treatment for my ankle.”


At the same time, the commander of the 4th Knight Order widened his eyes.


‘Could it be that he noticed?’


Due to the recent skirmish, the commander of the 4th Knight Order had been exerting all his strength in his legs to avoid being knocked out of bounds.


However, right at the moment the wooden sword flew, he twisted his ankle.


‘Damn it!’


The commander of the 4th Knight Order’ face turned beet red.


Just in time, Cassia stepped forward and said,


“Do we need to see more? It looks like the result is already clear…”


Her cold, red eyes glanced sideways at the commander of the 4th Knight Order.


“More importantly, I think we should take the commander of the 4th Knight Order to the infirmary as

soon as possible.”




The commander of the 4th Knight Order bit his lip until it bled.




Upon hearing that word, his injured ankle throbbed again.


At the same time, Cassia posed a question to the evaluator.


“What do you think, evaluator?”


“Administrative Officer Astrid’s words are correct.”


The evaluator replied promptly.


“Isn’t the commander of the 4th Knight Order a precious asset of the Empire? Since his injury could worsen, we should take him to the infirmary as soon as possible.”


“You heard him ,commander of the 4th Knight Order.”


Cassia added sarcastically.


‘How did things turn out like this?’


The commander of the 4th Knight Order felt the world going dark before his eyes.


The Azure Dawn Knights had always been groveling beneath the 4th Knight Order.


But as soon as that lunatic princess joined, the situation had completely reversed.


‘If only that princess wasn’t there!’


The commander of the 4th Knight Order gnashed his teeth.


However, Giscard’s wooden sword still pointed unwaveringly at the commander of the 4th Knight Order’s neck.


In the end, there was only one thing the commander of the 4th Knight Order could say.


“I… ”


Hesitating for a moment, the commander of the 4th Knight Order finished his sentence in a subdued voice.


“I admit defeat.”


“Woah… Woaaahhh!!!”


As soon as the declaration of defeat was made, the members of the Azure Dawn Knights clenched their fists and cheered loudly.


“Our commander won!”




“I never doubted our commander would win!”




The knights couldn’t contain their joy and swung their fists in the air or hugged each other tightly and jumped up and down.


They looked truly happy.


On the other hand, the 4th Knight Order members were in a state of mourning.






The members of the 4th Knight Order tried to manage their expressions, but they couldn’t help but stiffen their faces.


‘Damn it.’


The commander of the 4th Knight Order couldn’t bring himself to look up.


Dozens of pairs of eyes filled with disappointment stared fixedly at the commander of the 4th Knight Order.


The disappointment was so intense that it felt like his skin was tingling.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


  1. Karma95 says:

    They sure be bitin their lips alot…

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