The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


‘I mean, the 4th Knight Order… they’re not following the deputy commander’s orders at all?’


Because our esteemed commander of the 4th Knight Order had dumped the responsibility of leading the order onto the deputy commander,


The deputy commander was now running around the training ground, trying to give commands.


But the problem was that the knights of the 4th Knight Order were not following his orders at all.


“Don’t break formation! Hold your positions!”


I clicked my tongue inwardly.


What’s the use of the deputy commander shouting himself hoarse?


The knights weren’t listening at all.


‘No matter how much they’re sidelining him.’


Is it really okay to blatantly ignore their superior’s commands like that?


If they just followed the deputy commander’s orders properly, they wouldn’t be standing around doing nothing like this…


Then, at that moment,


“What do you think, Administrative officer Astrid?”


Giscard lowered his voice and whispered to me.


“I told you our knights would never be defeated, didn’t I?”


Giscard, asking that, looked as delighted as a child receiving a surprise gift.


His blue eyes sparkled with pride.


Well, it was understandable.


After all, Giscard must have only seen his subordinates getting beaten up left and right every time they participated in joint training.


But even though they had only been supplied with one purification elixir each.


The Azure Dawn Order was showing such overwhelming performance.


It must have been quite a poignant moment for him.




I smiled brightly at Giscard, who couldn’t hide his joy.


“Our knights are truly amazing, aren’t they?”


* * *


Finally, the mock battle concluded.


The Azure Dawn Knights soared as if to shake off all the resentment they had accumulated so far.


While the 4th Knight Order didn’t even manage to act as a supporting role.




“We won!”


Our knights hugged each other with excited faces,






Meanwhile, the 4th Knight Order pursed their lips and slumped their shoulders in dejection.


The commander of the 4th Knight Order, watching this scene, had his eyes flipped in rage and defeat.


Well, that much I can understand.


Anyone would be upset seeing their knights getting completely beaten helplessly.


The problem was that he expressed his lowly thoughts out loud.


“What’s the point of using aura in joint training? That’s cheating; not everyone can use it.”




I, who had been excited, suddenly turned to look at him with a perplexed expression.


The commander had his head hung low, mumbling to himself.


“They can’t even move properly without the purification elixirs.”


Why is this guy acting like this?


Is he so angry that he’s lost his mind?


“Can aura even be considered skill? This is cheating, cheating.”


What? Now he’s trying to claim that aura isn’t even a skill?!


Hey, you need to know your place.


Honestly, our knights could have flattened the 4th Knight Order even without aura.


They just couldn’t quickly deal with the demonic monster models because they weren’t able to use aura.


There’s a limit to how much one can be jealous.


‘What are you going to do, iron out every wrinkle in your brain?’


As I was silently finding him pathetic,


the commander of the 4th Knight Order pressed Giscard’s berserk button.


“Such bastard monsters…”


The word encapsulated the contempt, disdain, and intense fear that Imperial citizens secretly

harbored toward aura users.




Simultaneously, Giscard’s eyes took on a dangerously icy hue.


“Commander of the 4th Knight Order.”


A voice as cold as the north wind called the commander.


He flinched involuntarily, shoulders stiffening.


It was the first time.


The always composed Giscard had hardened his expression so completely.


Giscard asked sharply,


“What did you just say?”


Wait a minute.


I swallowed hard.


This intense pressure that enveloped my whole body was…


‘Killing intent?!’


I felt a chill down my spine.


The only other time Giscard had shown such genuine anger


It was when he confronted Fernando at the last Dawn Festival.


…This meant his rage had completely taken over.


“Did you just say ‘monsters’?”


“N-No, that’s not…”


“Did you dare call my knights…monsters?”


Giscard curled his lips.


A sneer as cold as ice.


At the time, the killing intent grew even stronger.


The pressure emanating from Giscard was so intense that it was stifling, even for me, let alone the evaluator.


‘Ugh, this is tough.’


I struggled to endure the choking pressure.


If it was this hard for me just sitting next to him, how must the 4th Knight Order’s commander feel, facing it head-on?


He must be feeling like he’s going to die.


‘Go on, more!’


However, I cheered Giscard on in my heart.


In a way, I was relieved.


The anger, frustration, and despair that had been piling up in Giscard’s heart until now.


These negative emotions were at least being released in this way.


But then.




Giscard’s expression subtly stiffened upon noticing me.


Simultaneously, the overwhelming pressure around us vanished as if it had never been there.


‘I mean, he could have continued a bit longer,’


I felt both disappointed and relieved.


Well, it had been a bit hard to breathe…


Although Giscard had suppressed his killing intent, his anger remained.


Regaining his composure, he continued in a cold tone.


“Just because you have a mouth doesn’t mean you should say everything, Commander of the 4th Knight Order.”




Despite Giscard’s blunt words, the commander could only tremble, unable to respond properly.


He looked like a mouse in front of a predator.


“As Administrative Officer Astrid pointed out, our knights have never used aura once during training so far.”


Good, good.


I nodded in satisfaction internally.


Our male lead is finally giving them a piece of his mind!


If he had done this in the original story, readers wouldn’t have been so frustrated with <Giscard> that they quit in droves.


I felt a bit nostalgic for some reason…


“Therefore, to be precise, the joint training has been advantageous to the 4th Knight Order until now.”


Giscard pressed on relentlessly.


“What is the purpose of this joint training in the first place? Isn’t it to ensure that aura knights and regular knights can cooperate effectively in emergencies?”




“Thus, the previous training sessions were meaningless. It’s only now that our knights can freely use their aura that the training holds true value.”


Giscard, determined, unleashed his words toward the commander, who remained tight-lipped.


The commander looked around desperately and made eye contact with me.


His gaze was filled with earnestness


It was a look that was full of pleas for me to intervene and stop Giscard, but…


‘Nope, not happening!’


I just shrugged.


Why should I stop him when he’s finally making sense?


He should be grateful that Giscard was calmly stating the facts instead of losing his temper.


“I can overlook insults directed at me.”


Giscard declared firmly.


“But I will not tolerate anyone calling my knights monsters.”




The commander bit his lip until it bled.




‘He seems quite humiliated, doesn’t he?’


Especially with the evaluator watching everything unfold.


The commander’s face turned red with embarrassment and anger.




“…I admit my words were a bit harsh.”


Perhaps not wanting to end the confrontation under Giscard’s overwhelming pressure, the commander started to push back.


“But even so, how dare you direct killing intent at a fellow knight? Where is your sense of respect for your comrades?”




At those words, Giscard’s blue eyes turned icy cold.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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