The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


Time passed, and it was the day of the joint training.


The Azure Dawn Knights Order headed to the Northern Integrated Training Ground, where the joint training was taking place, early in the morning.


The Integrated Training Ground was a large training facility used when two or more Knights Orders conducted mock battles. It included dormitories and dining halls for the Knights Orders to stay in during the training period.


However, that meant that the two Knights Orders would use the same amenities during the training.


Naturally, this meant that there would be situations where the two Knights Orders would clash.


“Well, then, Administrative Officer, Astrid.”


Giscard greeted me with a nod.


“I need to meet with the evaluator, so I’ll head off first.”


“Yes, I’ll see you later!”


I gave him a brief, cheerful smile that only lasted for a moment.


Left alone, I narrowed my eyes sharply.


‘Well, shall I go check it out?’


Today, I had sneaked into the Integrated Training Ground hidden in a wagon.


I had kept the fact that I was participating in the training a secret from the 4th Knights Order officials, and even from my fellow Azure Dawn Knights Order members.


The reason I went to such trouble was simple.


‘Well, shouldn’t I find out how much bullying our Knights Order members usually go through?’


The two Knights Order Commanders were away to meet with the evaluator.


And there was no way the unruly princess, aka me, could openly stop the 4th Knights Order.


Officially, I was not participating in this joint training.


That means.


It means that only the two Knights Orders are left in the dormitory right now.




I clenched my fists tightly.


It was said that if you know your enemy and yourself, you will win every battle.


That means.


‘The more I know about the 4th Knights Order, the faster I can deal with them if those shitty bastards try to pull any underhanded tricks behind my back, right?’


So, I was going to take this opportunity to carefully observe how the two Knights Orders treated each other.


I walked into the dormitory with determination, my eyes shining.


……That was it.


I was definitely only going to observe today.


‘Those bastards?!’


I hid behind the wall, gritting my teeth and watching the confrontation between the Azure Dawn Knights Order and the 4th Knights Order.


The Knights Orders glared at each other with murderous intent.


‘How dare you mess with our knights?!’


This is how it started.


As soon as those damn 4th Knights Order bastards ran into our knights, they bumped Sir Daniel’s shoulder!




Sir Daniel stumbled back.


Then, snickering laughter erupted from the 4th Knights Order members.


‘That bastard! He did it on purpose, right?!’


I couldn’t hold back my anger any longer and almost jumped out from behind the wall.


Sir Daniel is the most gentle and youngest of the Azure Dawn Knights Order, so he did it on purpose, didn’t he!?


At the same time, a 4th Knights Order member whose name I didn’t even know looked Sir Daniel up and down with a sneer.


With a smirk, the 4th Order knight raised the corner of his lips.


“Oh, sorry.”

His voice dripped with mockery.


“You’re so weak and scrawny that I didn’t see you.”


Ugh, that bastard!


I clenched my fists in anger. This is outright abuse! Those bastards need to be smacked down hard and buried!


But the 4th Order knight wasn’t done yet.


“By the way, you guys look a bit better today.”


Of course, they do. I personally selected the highest quality functional fabrics and commissioned the top designer in the North, paying extra for the best!


The 4th Order knight glanced at their uniforms with a sneer.


“I heard the princess took all the supplies meant for us.”


He reached out and tapped Sir Daniel’s shoulder.


“Did she feel like giving some charity to you beggars?”




Sir Daniel harshly swatted the hand away, glaring fiercely at the 4th Order knight.


“Don’t touch me.”


“Wow, look at this,”


The 4th Order knight exaggeratedly pointed at Sir Daniel with wide eyes.


“Did he just swat my hand away? That scrawny guy?”


“He’s got some pride, huh?”


Laughter erupted from the 4th Knights Order, their mocking laughs cutting through the tension, ignoring the Azure Dawn knights’ glares.


Then they suddenly turned their gaze to our knights with a glare.


“Hey, where do you think you’re looking?”


“Lower your eyes now!”


“Beggars of a fallen kingdom, you should be grateful.”


Taunts poured out, and our knights could only bite their lips in frustration, unable to retort.




I felt a suffocating frustration, like having a hundred dry sweet potatoes stuffed in my throat.


‘Just hit them! The princess will handle the aftermath!’


As our knights remained silent, the 4th Order knight grew bolder.


“So, how long do you plan to rely on the princess and act up?”


Huh? Me?


Even in my rising fury, I paused. Why were they bringing me up?


“After all, she’s ‘that’ princess. Leading the empire’s trends and, well…”


The knight gave a sly grin without finishing his sentence.


“How long do you think someone like her will stay in your shabby Order?”


Ah, I get it. I furrowed my brow.


‘They’re implying that a lavish princess like me won’t endure the harsh military life for long, huh?’


The knight continued to taunt.


“Honestly, she’s way too good for you, isn’t she?”




Sir Daniel raised his voice.


At that moment, the 4th Order knight’s voice took on a sinister tone.


“Well, she’ll be leaving soon anyway, so if you keep relying on the princess and acting tough…?”






At those words, the eyes of the Azure Dawn Knights fluttered violently.


The 4th Order knight snickered and asked,


“What are you going to do when the time comes to deal with the aftermath?”


At that provocation, our knights, including Sir Daniel, clenched their jaws in unison.


Biting their lower lips tightly, they clenched their fists tightly.


So angry were they that the tips of their clenched fists were shaking.


But the reason they couldn’t refute those words was…


‘It must be because they don’t fully trust me yet.’


I felt a little bitter.


The 4th Order knight concluded with a sly smile.


“So, know your place well and stay quietly cowering, okay?”


But then.


“Hey, Have you said everything?”


Someone retorted in a twisted voice.




I became a surprised rabbit and looked at the owner of the voice.


That person was none other than…


‘Sir Rodrigo?!’


As far as I know, Sir Rodrigo is the most hot-tempered person in the Azure Dawn Knights.


Perhaps he couldn’t bear his displeasure and joined the conversation…


‘Yeah, just punch him!’


I cheered for Sir Rodrigo in my heart.


‘I’ll take care of the aftermath!’


And at the same time, Sir Rodrigo shouted with a flourish.


“The princess, you see, called out my and Daniel’s names!”






Silence flowed.


I blinked blankly in confusion.


No, why?


Is it that surprising that I called out the knights’ names?


But the really surprising thing happened next.


What on earth did he mean?


For some reason, the 4th Knights Order all looked like they had been hit on the head.


Their faces looked as if they were filled with a sense of defeat…


‘It’s just my imagination, right?’


On the other hand, the Azure Dawn Knights immediately became high-spirited.


“You know, right? The princess never remembers anyone’s name!”


“But as soon as she joined our Order, she called out the names of all the knights!”


I felt a little nervous.


Oh, is this where my reputation as a villainess comes in handy?


In this way?


Well, I’m glad that our knights seem to be taking the lead, but…


Do they have to go this far?!


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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