The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


The administrative officer started to sweat profusely.


He was concerned.


If he tried to stop me, he would be afraid of the reckless, unruly princess who’s notorious for causing all sorts of incidents and accidents so far.


And if he were to protest to the northern commander-in-chief, all the corruption committed by the 4th Knight’s Order would be exposed if a full-scale investigation was conducted.


Just as his face was turning pale as if he was dying.


“Just let her go.”


A man intervened in the conversation.


The administrative officer of the 4th Knight’s Order looked back at the man in confusion.




Oh, this?


My eyes narrowed.


When I saw the rank insignia on his chest, I could see that the man was in a fairly high position within the 4th Knight’s Order.


More precisely.


‘Isn’t he the deputy commander?’


The Azure Dawn Knights had so few personnel that they didn’t have a deputy commander, but other orders were different.


‘This is interesting, isn’t it?’


The fact that someone like a deputy commander would come to the supply distribution center was strange in itself.


Usually, if you were that high-ranking, you wouldn’t be on the front lines.


Rather, it was common to groan under a mountain of paperwork…….


At the same time, the administrative officer of the 4th Knight’s Order clenched his jaw.


A growling voice came out.


“Deputy Commander. The Commander will be very displeased with this.”


Oh lala?


I couldn’t hide my curious expression.


Knights are soldiers who belong to the Imperial Army.


In addition, the principle that soldiers must follow is obedience to orders.


In other words, they must follow the orders of their superiors to the letter.


The Azure Dawn Knights were like a family, so the military discipline wasn’t strict, but they still followed Giscard’s orders to the letter.


They would probably even pretend to die if ordered to do so?


On the other hand…….


‘Well, Isn’t that insubordination, in a way?’


Even though a mere administrative officer was making a fuss, the deputy commander didn’t seem to have any intention of punishing the administrative officer.


It was as if it was normal for his subordinates to disobey him.


Ah, and for those wondering why I always challenge our male protagonist?


Well, I’m the princess, aren’t I?


If you’re envious, try being born with a diamond spoon in your mouth.


Despite the administrative officer’s thinly veiled threat, the deputy commander remained impassive. He glanced at me and said,


“You may go now, Administrative Officer Astrid.”


Hmm. I narrowed my eyes.


This situation was odd in many ways, but…




I smiled brightly and turned around without hesitation.


For now, the most urgent thing was to secure food and supplies for our knights.


I guess the 4th Knight’s Order can handle their own family fight, so there’s no reason for me to get involved, right?




‘Deputy Commander, huh?’


While supervising the loading of supplies, I suddenly sharpened my gaze like a hawk.


‘I guess I need to look into this a bit further?’


* * *


The Azure Dawn Knights’ barracks were bustling from morning.


The cause of the commotion was twofold:


Firstly, Cassia’s outing.


To be precise, she had announced that she was going to the supply distribution center and left the barracks in a horse-drawn wagon with a group of workers in tow.


The knights were fine with that, as they had heard that she had reported her outing to Giscard beforehand.


However, what happened next was truly astonishing.


Knock, knock.


“Is anyone here?”


“Greetings, knights.”


“We’ve come from the Linerbell workshop.”


And just like that, a group of repairmen suddenly barged in.


With each tap of their hammers, the holes in the ceiling were patched up and the warped window frames were restored to their proper positions.


It was like watching magic.




“Oh my…”


The knights watched in awe as the repairmen worked on the barracks.


And that’s not all.


Afterwards, a group of new workers arrived pulling several large horse-drawn wagons.


“You ordered the beds, tables, and chairs, right?”


They were replacing all the old furniture in the barracks with new ones.


Even the smallest details, such as neat curtains, fluffy rugs, and tablecloths, were not overlooked.


The knights watched in silence as the interior of the barracks was transformed in real time.


It’s only natural to be speechless when witnessing such an incredible sight.


Meanwhile, Giscard, who had belatedly emerged from his quarters, also stared in disbelief at the barracks, which was changing every moment.




In fact, Cassia had already informed him of the day’s schedule.


She had told him that repairmen and carpenters would be visiting today to renovate the barracks overall.


To be honest, he was so excited that he couldn’t sleep a wink the night before.


And the sight that unfolded before his eyes was even more exciting than he had imagined.


It was as if he were witnessing a miracle.


Wasn’t the problem that Giscard had been struggling with for years being solved in an instant?


“Wow, we won’t have to keep buckets under the ceiling anymore?”


“Did you see the new furniture being brought in earlier?”


“Oh, come on. I touched the mattress of the new bed that came in earlier, and it’s so soft and fluffy!”


The knights were all buzzing with excitement.


Their faces were all lit up.


Looking at the knights, Giscard felt a strange twinge in his nose.


And this change was all because…


‘…of Astrid, the administrative Officer, joining the Knights’ Order.’


Despite the fact that the mischievous princess was not entirely innocent, it was true that Cassia was bringing about positive changes to the Knights’ Order.


‘I guess there are times when that woman can be helpful.’


In fact, Giscard had never trusted Cassia at all.


Considering all the incidents and accidents Cassia had caused so far, he wanted to kick her out right now.


But the current Cassia was truly making a significant contribution to the Azure Dawn Knights’ Order…




Giscard couldn’t hide the complex look in his eyes.


And so, as the sun began to set


Cassia, who had left early in the morning, finally returned.


“I’m back~!”


Cassia, who was full of energy, waved her arms at the knights.


However, the knights didn’t react to Cassia in any way.






They were all staring at the horse-drawn wagon with dumbfounded expressions.


The amount of supplies that Cassia had loaded onto the wagon was truly staggering. It was almost as if she had plundered the entire distribution center.


“Administrative Officer Astrid?!”


Giscard, who had just rushed outside, stared wide-eyed at the wagon.


‘Am I dreaming?’


He closed his eyes tightly and then opened them again, but the supplies were still there.


“H-how on earth did this happen?”


Giscard was so shocked that he even stuttered. Cassia jumped off the wagon and approached Giscard with confident strides, answering cheerfully.


“How did it happen? I just brought them.”


Giscard’s expression turned curious.


“And the 4th Knight’s Order… just let you take them?”


The 4th Knight’s Order had always used their connection to the Northern commander-in-chief to openly disregard Giscard. But now, Cassia had intervened and everything was resolved so easily?


Cassia responded to his question with a crooked smile, one that perfectly suited the Empire’s most notorious troublemaker.


“What could they do if they didn’t just let me?”


Giscard was at a loss for words. As a commander, he knew he should reprimand his subordinate for acting so recklessly. But honestly…


‘It’s kind of impressive.’




The relief of having a long-standing burden lifted was indescribable.


As he stood there staring at Cassia in a daze, Giscard suddenly snapped back to reality.


‘What am I even thinking?’


He shook his head in disbelief. Meanwhile, Cassia was watching him intently. She flashed a playful smile and spoke cheekily.




“What is it?”


“You seem to be in a good mood.”


Giscard hurriedly tried to straighten his expression, but it was too late. His lips were curved in a gentle arc, his brows relaxed, and even his usually icy blue eyes had a warm glint to them.


Indeed, though he hadn’t realized it, Giscard had been smiling broadly. Of course, once it was pointed out, he quickly reverted to a stern expression.




* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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