The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


A few days later.


The knights realized that hope isn’t something you can forcibly discard.


This realization came because

Cassia had caused quite an uproar.


However, that uproar was…


* * *


The Northern Command.


It is an organization known as the ‘General’ that oversees the military in the north.


Currently, five knight orders are under the Northern Command. The 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Northern Knight Orders.


And then there’s the Azure Dawn Knight Order, a special unit where all knights can use aura.


In principle, the five knight orders are equal and should respect each other as comrades in executing missions. However…


“Aha, so that’s how it is.”


I was currently standing with my arms crossed, glaring at the administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order with a cynical look.


“It seems that silently taking supplies from other knight orders is the 4th Knights Order’s way of showing respect, right?”


The administrative officer was sweating profusely and desperately avoiding eye contact.




I was currently at the supply distribution center where supplies were allocated to each knight order.


Specifically, this is where supplies for the 4th Knights Order and the Azure Dawn Knight Order are divided and sent to their respective garrisons.


‘Those bastards, they’re really getting on my nerves.’


I narrowed my eyes and glared at the administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order.


Ideally, a new military official should be assigned to the distribution center to oversee all distribution duties. But currently, the supply distribution was being handled by the administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order.


That’s right.


It was a kind of military injustice.


To understand how this absurd situation was allowed, you need to know what the 4th Knights Order is like.


The 4th Knights Order.


They are the unit that jointly handles portal defense duties with the Azure Dawn Knight Order.


Naturally, they were the most likely to clash with our knight order.


The problem is that the commander of the 4th Knights Order…


‘Is the nephew of the current Northern Command Commander-in-Chief, right?’


Thus, the 4th Knights Order’s commander used his connections, his so-called “backing,” to great effect.


He unfairly diverted most of the supplies sent to the garrison to the 4th Knights Order alone.


‘It’s like giving six out of eight pieces of pie to the 4th Knights Order, leaving our knight order with nothing to live on!’


This was clearly overstepping authority, and Giscard had repeatedly raised issues about it.


‘Of course, nothing changed.’


Giscard had, out of sheer frustration, personally gone to the distribution center a few times to get supplies himself.


The problem was that Giscard was already insanely busy with his duties as the commander of the knight order.


He couldn’t always go to the distribution center himself.


Moreover, in a situation where the commander-in-chief subtly favored the 4th Knights Order’s commander, ordinary knights couldn’t openly fight with the 4th Knights Order, could they?


‘But now our knights have their own backing.’


I thought confidently.


The name of that backing was Cassia Sortis del Astrid.


The empire’s most notorious princess!


And I intended to make full use of that infamous reputation.


Thus, the method I chose was,


“No matter how much we protest for fair distribution, they don’t even listen!”


With a bright smile, I decided to confront them head-on.


“So, I had to come personally.”


“Pardon? What do you mean…”


The administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order looked as if his eyes were in an earthquake.


“It seems there’s been a misunderstanding.”


“A misunderstanding?”


I tilted my head.


The administrative officer quickly nodded.


“Yes, that’s right! We’ve always distributed supplies according to the supply documents, without any issues…”


But I had no intention of listening to more of his idiotically naive words.


“Really, according to the supply documents.”


I cut him off sharply.


“You have been distributing the supplies without any issues?”




The administrative officer was at a loss for words and bit his lower lip hard.


“Aha, I see.”


Observing him intently, I nodded with a deep smile.


A radiant smile, like a rose with deadly thorns.


“You claim it’s a misunderstanding, right?”




The administrative administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order looked momentarily dumbfounded.


Ignoring him, I walked over to the piles of supplies.


“From here to here.”


I gestured from one end of the supplies to the other, then cheerfully ordered the workers.


“Load all of this into our wagons.”




The administrative officer’s face turned ashen.


No wonder, since the amount I indicated was about one-third of the total supplies. The remaining supplies would be insufficient for sure.


‘Don’t you know who I am?’


Rather, there was one thing I needed to point out.


I glared sharply at the administrative officer.


“Could you address me properly?”




“Before being a princess, I have an official position here, don’t I?”


Of course, I intended to switch between my princess and administrative officer roles as I pleased.


The administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order mumbled with a stunned expression.


“…Ah, Administrative Officer Astrid?”


“That’s right.”


I nodded in satisfaction.


Yes, that’s right.


How much had I struggled to obtain the position of administrative officer?


“Th-this is unfair!”


Meanwhile, the 4th Knights Order finally came to their senses and shouted in protest.


I glanced at him.






The administrative officer involuntarily stepped back under my cold gaze.


I reiterated, driving the point home.


“Really, unfair?”


The administrative officer gulped nervously.


However, if he got caught up in the word ‘unfair’ here, it would mean that the administrative officer himself was at fault. since the 4th Knights Order was responsible for the supply distribution.


And that meant the administrative officer was in charge of managing and overseeing the supply distribution.


“Y-Yes, it is!”


The administrative officer shouted in a shrill voice.


But I was already prepared to counter his outburst.


“Oh? Why are you getting so serious and yelling, scaring people?”


“Administrative Officer Astrid…!”


“Really, people might misunderstand if they hear you.”


I shrugged and flamboyantly waved a document.


“According to the documents, the supplies have been properly distributed, you know?”




I emphasized the word “documents.”

The administrative officer’s ashen face turned bright red.


No wonder, as the document I presented was a confirmation of proper supply distribution.


Honestly, unless the Northern Commander-in-Chief and the 4th Knights Order commander were complete idiots, the distribution document itself would be written to say that they should be divided fairly.


This confirmation had signatures from not only the administrative officer but also the commander-in-chief and the commander of the 4th Knights Order.


This confirmation essentially meant,

‘Sure, I’ll sign it in advance. I’ll take the supplies as I please anyway!’


It was a mere formality.


So, I ignored the distribution documents and took the supplies as I wished.


This was exactly how the 4th Knights Order usually acted.


I guess it must hurt a bit to have the tables turned on you like that?


“If you really think this distribution is unfair, why not directly protest to the Northern Commander-in-Chief?”


I asked without batting an eye.


“Conduct a thorough investigation to see if supplies have been properly distributed so far.”


“A thorough investigation?”


“Yes. Then all the wrongdoings will be revealed clearly.”


I shrugged and smiled mischievously.


“Don’t worry too much.”


I spoke gently to the thoroughly frozen administrative officer of the 4th Knights Order.


“If you want a thorough investigation, I will also speak to His Majesty and make sure that the investigation is conducted with certainty.”


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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