The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


Despite all this, it was true that Cassia had become the administrative officer of the Azure Dawn Knights as of today.


It was only right that they at least become acquainted with each other’s faces.


With that in mind, Giscard suppressed his urge to lash out and headed towards the dining hall.


Cassia followed closely behind him, bouncing along.


Finally, they arrived in front of the dining hall.




Giscard stopped in his tracks without realizing it.


“Wow, what is this?”


“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen chocolate.”


“Is this really sugar?”


“There’s milk too! Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve had milk tea!”


This was because a sound of laughter that sounded like marbles rolling could be heard from inside the old, dining hall.


Beyond the entrance to the dining hall, the sight of the knights enjoying themselves could be seen.


The table, which creaked because the legs were not of the same length, was filled with the snacks that Cassia had brought.


The rich aroma of butter and the sweet scent of jam and syrup wafted through the air.


Giscard watched the scene silently with a complex look.


‘How long…has it been since they’ve all had such bright expressions on their faces?’


But then.




The knights belatedly noticed the presence of them and turned around.


The knights, who had been smiling brightly with chocolate and crumbs on their lips, immediately changed their expression to one of wariness as soon as they saw Cassia.


“……The princess is here too.”


However, Cassia didn’t even bat an eyelash.


The way they each clutched their snacks tightly in their hands was like long-tailed cats about to bite.


“Yes, I’m here too.”


After nodding her head casually, Cassia began to observe the dining hall with sparkling eyes.


The stained wallpaper, the shabby table and chairs that looked like they hadn’t been washed in years.


At least they were clean, so that was a relief.


‘Ha, this place is no good either.’


Cassia, who was clicking her tongue inwardly, glanced at the knights.


At the same time, her red eyes sank deeply.


‘Really, what are they going to do with those ragged clothes…?’


At a glance, it was clear that the knights’ uniforms were all worn out.


The sight of the pieces of different colored cloth sewn on was just depressing.


Even a dog that guards the house would be given food.


‘Is this a knight order or a gathering of stragglers?’


Cassia bit her lower lip tightly.


‘They’re all so young.’


Overall, the knights had young, immature faces.


In fact, it was no wonder that the knights were young.


Most of the experienced knights had died shortly after the portal opened.


What weighed heavily on Cassia’s mind was…


‘Everyone’s expressions are so dark.’


Their haggard faces were worn down by hardship.


Those lifeless eyes showed no sign of hope at all.


…It was pitiful.


At such a young age, they lost their parents and families, guarded against the portals going berserk, negotiated with the empire, and took care of the refugees of their fallen nation.


They accomplished tasks that even the greatest heroes couldn’t manage…


‘And yet the result is the end of the world.’


Additionally, thanks to their sacrifices, the empire lived safely until the brink of the world’s end.


Remembering that fact, a sharp pain, like being cut by a blade, struck a corner of her heart.


‘It’s okay.’


Cassia tried to shake off the bitter feeling.


‘This time, I won’t let it come to that.’

Meanwhile, the knights involuntarily stiffened their shoulders under her troubled gaze.


‘Why does she look like that?’


‘Could she be planning to cause trouble?’


The knights, exchanging uneasy glances, slowly put down the wooden forks they were holding.


‘Yes, we shouldn’t be distracted by mere snacks.’


‘Isn’t she the crazy princess who clung to the commander?’


‘Remember how our knight order was ridiculed because of her last time?’


‘Who knows what she might do this time?’


Their faces were filled with such suspicion.


At that moment, Giscard calmly asked,


“Why is everyone putting down their forks?”




The knights looked at Giscard with puzzled expressions.


Giscard nodded quietly, signaling that it was fine.


“Just eat.”




“These are supplies that Administrative Officer Astrid worked hard to obtain.”


When Giscard mentioned ‘Administrative Officer Astrid,’ his jaw tightened slightly, but Cassia simply ignored it without batting an eye.


‘Still, at least he introduced me as the administrative officer.’


Giscard, who had been staring intently at Cassia, looked away and spoke.


“…Wouldn’t it be a waste to let them spoil?”


Yes, yes. That’s right.


Cassia nodded contentedly.


‘Do they even know how much money I spent to buy and bring those supplies here?’


Giscard ignored Cassia and continued speaking.


“Let me introduce her. From today, Lady Astrid will be assigned as the administrative officer of the Azure Dawn Knights.”


Meanwhile, the knights were in a state of uproar at the bombshell announcement.


“W-what did you just say?”


“The princess?!”


Cassia broke into a wide grin.


“You’re addressing me incorrectly.”




“You should call me ‘Administrative Officer’, not ‘Princess’.”


“Ah, but that’s…”


The knights looked unusually flustered by Cassia’s blunt response.


Regardless, Cassia puffed out her chest and declared to the knights.


“Cassia Sortis del Astrid, I am hereby assigned as the administrative officer to the Azure Dawn Knight Order, effective today.”


Clank! The sound of a dropped fork broke the silence.


The knights couldn’t help but open their mouths in disbelief, despite knowing it was rude.


Regardless, Cassia smiled at the knights who looked like they were about to faint.


“Please take care of me in the future. And also…”






In front of the silent knights, Cassia’s eyes flashed like a hawk.


“As long as I am working as your administrative officer, I will not tolerate y’all living like beggars like this. Do you understand?”


* * *


2. An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth, And A Bully For A Bully



…I clearly declared that.


Despite my resolve to change the knight order, everyone avoided me as if I were a plague carrier.


And so, here I am now.


I was holed up in my office alone, staring at the mountain of paperwork piled up in front of me.


‘It’s okay. I didn’t come here to be friends with the knights in the first place, right?.’


I tried to think positively.


There’s no need to bother with the knights, and I have more free time now.


I can focus on my work!


Wow, I’m happy! so happy!




I tightened my grip on the pen in my hand.


Of course, I didn’t expect them to be all friendly with me right away.


The original Cassia’s reputation is so notorious, after all.


But still, they should at least give me a chance to try, right?!


In the first place, why do I have to clean up the mess when it was the original Cassia who caused the it?!




I threw down my pen and clutched my head with both hands, letting out a silent scream.


To be honest, I expected the Order to be in a bad state.


They had been exploited even for essential supplies like purification elixirs, so there was no way they were getting ample supplies.


However, what made me feel even more powerless was…


I put down the hair I had been messing with and picked up a piece of paper instead.


The paper was an application form for the Azure Dawn Knights.


I looked over the application forms several times, but there was something missing.


That’s right.


‘Additional overtime pay, compensation in case of accidents, medical support for mental stress and physical injuries.’


All of them were missing.


…These are clauses that are always included in the application forms of other orders.


Of course, whether or not they actually follow through on these clauses is another matter.


Even so.


‘They should have at least put them in there, even just for show.’


I gritted my teeth.


The very existence of these application forms blatantly reveals the discrimination that the Azure Dawn Knights face.


I couldn’t help but feel the humiliation that the knights must have felt when they signed these forms…


‘Giscard too…must have gone through a lot so far.’


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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