The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


“The Princess requested purification elixirs from the Imperial Supernatural Abilities Research Institute?”


“She even offered her own jewels as a reward to expedite the process!”


Upon hearing this news, the most surprised person was Giscard himself.


‘Could it be that she’s really planning to send us purification elixirs?’


Giscard blinked in disbelief.


“You need purification elixirs, right? I’ll support you for half a year for now.”


Why was it that her confident voice echoed in his ears at this moment?


Of course, the princess had promised to support them with purification elixirs.


But who was the one who made that promise?


That Damn Cassia.


The troublemaking princess who constantly dragged Giscard’s reputation through the mud.


In truth, Giscard would sooner believe that the sun rose in the west this morning than trust the princess’s promise.


“Are the purification elixirs really coming?”


“Ah, half a year’s supply.”


“That means we won’t have to go begging to the Northern Command for purification elixirs for at least half a year!”


Excited by the good news, the Azure Dawn Knights chattered enthusiastically.


“What’s gotten into the Princess to actually do something helpful for us?”


“I never would have imagined it.”


The knights, who had always had dark expressions, had rare bright smiles on their faces.


Their appearance was both heartwarming and worrisome, as if they were expecting too much and would be even more disappointed if things didn’t work out.


“Don’t get your hopes up,”

Giscard warned, deliberately tightening his grip on the knights.


“After all, it’s ‘that’ Princess Cassia, aren’t you all being too naive in believing her?”






At those words, the knights fell silent as if they had been doused with cold water.


“Oh, well… that’s true,”


“I think we were expecting too much.”


The knights nodded their heads sullenly each.


That arrogant, extravagant, and annoying princess was actually going to use her own money to support them with purification elixirs? And not just for Giscard, but for the entire Azure Dawn Knights Order?


‘Yeah, it doesn’t make sense.’


Just as the knights were trying to suppress their excitement, another piece of surprising news arrived. This time it was a letter from the director of the Imperial Supernatural Abilities Research Institute, addressed directly to Giscard. The gist of the letter could be summarized in one sentence:


[The purification elixirs are complete and will be sent to the north.]


It’s going to happen.


‘No way’


Giscard opened the letter again, which he had read several times already.


It had been three days since he received the letter, but everything still felt like a dream.


‘She’s really going to support us with the purification elixirs?’


Giscard’s hand, clutching the letter, trembled slightly with the many emotions surging through him.


Gratitude, joy, peace, reassurance… and, though he hated to admit it, a wave of gratitude for the frivolous princess.


Really, it had been a long time since he had felt such warm emotions.


Just then, as his usually stoic face softened slightly, Giscard’s shoulders tensed up.


‘Wait a minute.’


On the night he had asked for the purification elixirs, Giscard had said something to Cassia.


“Instead of just talking about supporting us, it would be better to…”


“How about joining our Knights Order?”


To be honest, he was just being sarcastic.


At that time, Cassia’s proposal had seemed like just empty words.


‘What did the princess say back then?’


Suddenly, Giscard felt a cold sweat run down his spine.


Certainly, back then…


“…Are you really saying that you want to join our Order?”


“Yes, I do.”


Giscard felt his mouth go dry.


Considering the princess’s unnecessary decisiveness, she might really join the Azure Dawn Knights and come down to the north…


‘No, that can’t be.’


Giscard quickly dismissed his ominous thoughts.


‘Would the princess really intend to serve in this harsh knights’ order? Nonsense.’


She had lived a life of luxury all her life.


And the current barracks where the knights resided were in such poor condition, it looked like a haunted house.


‘I’m overreacting. There’s no way the princess would come here. What am I thinking?’


Just as Giscard was trying to calm his uneasy mind, things suddenly got noisy outside.


“What? What’s that?”


“Isn’t that a supply wagon?!”


The knights, who were already on edge, started chattering excitedly.


‘A supply wagon?’


Giscard hastily shoved the letter into a drawer and dashed outside like a bullet.


What unfolded before his eyes was…


‘This can’t be.’


Giscard’s eyes widened in astonishment.


In the middle of the barracks stood a massive, specially modified wagon for transporting supplies.


The wagon was loaded with all kinds of support materials.


Among them, the crates of purification elixirs stamped with the insignia of the Imperial Supernatural Abilities Research Institute stood out prominently.


The brand-new, shiny wagon looked completely out of place next to the old and shabby barracks.


But the most out-of-place presence was someone else.


“Ah, Sir Romanov!”


A woman standing proudly on the wagon waved energetically at Giscard.


Her golden hair, like thin strands of sunlight on the clearest day, shone brightly.


Her ruby-red eyes were reminiscent of rubies.


The beauty, who resembled a delicately crafted rose made of gold and rubies, smiled brightly at Giscard.


It was Cassia.


“I’m here!”


Cassia, who exclaimed excitedly, jumped off the wagon and briskly approached Giscard.




Giscard muttered, unusually dumbfounded.


Gone was her usual glamorous dress; now, Cassia was in a simple shirt and leather pants.


Her hair, which was always neatly styled by her maids, was pulled up roughly into a single ponytail.


“I present you purification elixirs and myself as a bonus. No refunds.”


Cassia winked mischievously.


purification elixirs and I come as a one-plus-one set, you know?


* * *


For a moment, the surroundings fell silent.






The knights, who had initially been curiously peeking at the supply wagon with anticipation, were now watching with wary eyes. It seemed they were recalling all the troublesome things Cassia had done to Giscard.


‘Ah, I suppose they don’t like me?’


Cassia narrowed her eyes.


‘Well, that could be the case. But still.’


Could they refuse me even in front of these magnificent snacks?!


Cassia walked confidently toward the wagon’s cargo bed. She took out a large paper box decorated with a ribbon, from which a sweet and savory smell wafted out.


Instantly, the knights’ gazes were fixed on her.


Sensing their attention, Cassia lifted her chin slightly and gave a sly smile, her eyes twinkling like a fox’s.


“It’s my first visit to the knight order, so I thought it would be impolite to come empty-handed.”




The knights’ Adam’s apples bobbed visibly.


Like an evil witch tempting children with sweets, Cassia continued in a soft voice.


“Do you like pies? I have apple pies, strawberry pies, cherry pies, chocolate pies… even some meat pies that can serve as a meal.”


Speaking loudly enough for all to hear, Cassia reached back into the cargo bed.


She pulled out a pretty glass jar filled with colorful candies and chocolates.


“I also brought chocolates and candies for light snacks. I thought it would be nice to have one after training.”


Then she revealed a box of tea leaves, a famous high-end brand in the empire.


“Oh, and I also brought tea leaves, milk, and cream to drink with it. And sugar, too.”


How about this luxurious gift set from the princess? You don’t have anything like this, do you?






Silence fell again.


But this time, it was a different kind of silence than before.


Earlier, they had fallen silent due to their hostility toward Cassia.


Now, the knights were silent because they were staring at the snacks in Cassia’s hands as if spellbound.




The sound of someone swallowing saliva could be heard loudly.


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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