The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights


“My point is… does it make sense to spend that much money just to impress Sir Romanov?”


Empress, breathing heavily, calmed herself and continued in a softer tone.


“Of course, I know very well that you have no concept of money. But as a mother, I feel I must stop you from such extravagant actions.”


Ah, so she’s linking the purification elixirs issue with extravagance?




I narrowed my eyes at the Empress.


Look, I understand that you desperately want your precious son to become emperor, and you absolutely, immensely, unbelievably dislike me because I might become his competitor in the future. But could you at least consider my position?


‘I have absolutely no interest in the throne, you know.’


Honestly, the throne? Why would anyone want such a cumbersome job?


If I were born with a diamond spoon in my mouth, I would live my life lazing around and doing nothing to the best of my ability…


‘But whatever, it’s not like I can say I’m not interested in the throne.’


I understand that it’s an inevitable problem for the Empress and Fernando to keep worrying about the legitimate princess, but…


‘Ugh, this is so annoying.’


I crawled out of bed like a sloth.

Then I tried to calm the empress down in my own way.


“Your Majesty, I…”


But I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Because the Empress cut me off right away.


“Cassia, you can’t live your life chasing after men forever.”




Oh, come on, listen to what I’m saying!


But the Empress’s nagging didn’t seem to be over yet.


For example,


“So, Cassia.”


For the first time, the Empress, who had been scowling, smiled softly.


“Why don’t you consider getting married?”




I was genuinely impressed.


‘Even after being reincarnated, I still can’t escape marriage nagging. Is this real?’


It seems even a villainess can’t escape the nagging about marriage.


I became disinterested and reached for the snack table.


Feeling around the table, I picked up the strawberry aid and took a small sip.


It means ‘not even worth answering’. You see?


Then, the empress closed her eyes tightly and opened them, and opened her mouth with an expression that she had a lot to say but would hold back.


“Honestly, most ladies your age are either married or at least engaged.”


“So what?”


When I asked back, the empress’s expression suddenly softened.


“Cassia, I’m your mother, after all.”


Uh, suddenly you’re my mother?


But the empress’s strange behavior didn’t stop there. Suddenly, she sat down next to me and held my hand, not tightly, but rather gently.


‘No, why are you doing this all of a sudden?’


Unable to hide my discomfort, the empress spoke in a soft voice.


“I’m really giving you advice because I care about you.”


“You care about me?”


“Yes. After all, your reputation isn’t very good. There’s also the incident with Sir Romanov.”


The empress continued speaking with the face of a kind mother.


“But don’t worry too much.”


I wasn’t worried.


“If you become the lady of a family and carefully manage the family’s affairs, the bad rumors will soon subside.”


The empress, who had made me worry about getting married, handed me a piece of paper.


“Here, I’ve picked out a list of some eligible bachelors who would be a good match for you.”


Wow, you’re so thorough.


I looked at the families listed on the paper with a sullen face.


Count Romain, Viscount Miller, Baron Barquin…


At the same time, I noticed something in common between these families.


Middle-ranking nobles who are not above the rank of count.


They are ambitious to rise in status and become part of the central aristocracy.


They are financially well-off and are close to Fernando.


In other words.


‘What is this, you’re telling me to sacrifice myself for Fernando’s succession to the throne?’


To marry off the legitimate princess, who is a thorn in the side, to the head of a noble family.


In exchange for a marriage with the princess, Fernando will also have a lot of money in his back pocket.


On top of that, he can also gain strength by arranging a marriage with the princess.


‘Oh, nice try, really.’


I clicked my tongue inwardly and looked straight at the empress.


“Your Majesty The Empress.”


The empress flinched and stiffened her shoulders for a moment.


Perhaps I couldn’t entirely suppress my irritation because my voice sounded a bit sharp even to my own ears when I addressed the Empress.


“I do appreciate your concern for me, Your Majesty, but I have a few questions.”


What nonsense is she trying to spout now?


The Empress looked at me with a wary gaze.


“Why do these negative rumors about me have to be eliminated at all costs?”


I narrowed my eyes and smiled brightly.


“I’m quite comfortable as it is.”


I really enjoy living as a villainess. It’s totally my style.




The Empress looked as if she had been hit on the back of the head a hundred times.


Ignoring her reaction, I shrugged my shoulders proudly.


‘What can you do?’


This is how I truly feel.


With just a slight gesture, they bring me the finest snacks and luxury items. One word from me, and they promptly follow my orders. If that’s too much trouble, I just stare at them expressionlessly, and everything unfolds exactly as I want.


So why should I give up this sweet life by my own hand?


“Okay, let’s assume for a moment that those rumors need to be quashed, as you said, Your Majesty. But tell me.”


My smile grew a bit sharper, like a well-honed blade.


“Why do those rumors have to be quelled through marriage?”


The Empress, looking pale, asked back.




“Isn’t it obvious? You say that my supplying purification elixirs to the Azure Dawn Knights is an act of extravagance.”


I said this with a blank expression.


“But I believe that an action doesn’t become good just because it has a good intention behind it.”


“Cassia, wait…”


The Empress tried to say something, but I was faster.


“Whether I like Sir Romanov or not, what difference does it make?”


I declared coldly.


“The Azure Dawn Knights need purification elixirs right now, and I decided to supply them with the necessary amount.”




“Moreover, they are the protectors of the Empire, working tirelessly to prevent the portals from going berserk.”


I flashed a smile.


“I don’t think the public will view my support of purification elixirs so negatively.”


It seems I struck a nerve.


Seeing the Empress’s face flushed with anger, I spoke.


“In such a situation, urging me to marry… well, it just seems…”


And then, I looked up and down at the Empress, who was stiff as a board, with a leisurely gaze.


“It just seems like Your Majesty, think of me as a thorn in the side, and are trying to get rid of me by marrying me off to someone. Am I mistaken?”


When I asked her this bluntly, the Empress’s face turned pale white.




The Empress raised her voice.


Either way, I pointed to the list of husband candidates that the Empress had brought with her.


“And then there are these husband candidates. They seem like people who would be… very helpful to Brother’s succession to the throne.”


I smiled prettily.


“I must be mistaken about that too, right?”




The Empress called my name like a scream.


I looked at the Empress with an indifferent face.


Oh, come on.


Why do you keep yelling and hurting my ears?


Honestly, do you not have anything to say, so you just want to shut me up?


“As you yourself said, I am legally Your Majesty’s daughter, am I not?”


I pulled my hand away from the Empress’s grip.


And then I spoke softly.


“If it were me, I wouldn’t recommend such a marriage to my own daughter.”




I looked at the Empress, who was clenching her teeth tightly, and drove the nail in again.


“I appreciate your offer to silence the rumors about me, but I’m not interested in getting married for the time being.”


And then I curled up the corners of my lips.


It was a clear mockery.


“Then will you please leave? I need to take a nap.”


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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