The Villainous Princess Saves The Doomed Knights




After a moment of deliberation, Madame Abigail answered cautiously,


“How about 600,000 derks for the limited-edition dress purchase?”


Whether out of fear or because it was a fairly reasonable price, Cassia remained silent.


However, my goal was to get my hands on the cash as quickly as possible.


“900,000 derks, including the shoes and bag.”




At my suggestion, the madam’s eyes widened as if they were about to pop out of her head.


For reference, 900,000 derks was enough to buy a mansion with a garden in the suburbs of the imperial capital.


In Korean won, that would be around 900 million won?


“Are you really going to give us the shoes and bag as well?”


The madam asked me in a voice that couldn’t believe it.


But despite the enormous amount, the corners of the madam’s mouth were slowly curling up.


It must be because she was quite tempted by my offer.


Well, it’s understandable, considering that among the shoes and bags, many limited editions were included.


The more they were kept, the higher their price would surely rise.


In addition, the dresses Cassia wore were all top-notch and in the best condition.


This was because she had a sensitive personality that caused a fuss even if the fabric was slightly frayed.


On top of that, there was the premium of being dresses worn by the princess, so the costume shop was definitely not going to lose money.


…Somehow, it felt a little regrettable.


‘Should I have tried to squeeze more out of her? Maybe 50,000 derks more?’


I pondered for a moment, then shook my head inwardly.


‘If I can easily sell them at such a high price, I can afford to take a slight loss on the price.’


I’m in no position to waste time right now.


Honestly, this amount of money is not a loss at all.


Madame Abigail, who had been observing me, suddenly shuddered.


In the meantime, the madam’s face had turned as white as a sheet.


“Yo, Your Highness…?”




Judging by the way she was calling out to me in a voice that seemed like she might pass out, it seems that she misinterpreted my silence as something else.


“If, If I have somehow offended Your Highness…”




I narrowed my eyes.


Well, seeing her freeze up like that makes me feel a little sorry, but since the madam is already scared, why not use it to my advantage?


“I mean these items, I sold them for a ridiculously cheap price. You know that, right?”


The madam’s face instantly turned pale and trembling.


It was written all over her face, ‘No, I didn’t… I paid you a fair price for these items…’


But I continued shamelessly.


“So, in exchange for giving you the stuff for such a low price, you need to keep your mouth shut.”


“Wh, What do you mean…?”


“I want you to keep it a secret for now that I’m disposing of the dresses and accessories.”


I nailed it with the most haughty expression I could manage, as befitting a villainess.


If it were revealed that I was cashing in on the items instead of burning them off as usual, the imperial family might start poking around for a reason, which would be a pain.


So, this fact should not be leaked to the outside world until at least after I have officially joined the Knights.


“If any rumors about this get out to the outside…”


I didn’t say anything more.


Instead, I ran my finger across my neck with a blank expression.




Madame Abigail’s face turned as white as a sheet.


“I, I understand!”


Hmm, I guess it’s because the original Cassia was so infamous for her wickedness.


It’s nice that she follows orders like a knife.


TL/N: This phrase is a Korean idiom that means to be obedient and follow orders without question. It is often used to praise someone who is very compliant and respectful of authority. The image of a knife being sharp and obedient is used to emphasize the importance of being precise and unquestioning in one’s actions.


* * *


After sending Madam Abigail away like that,


I moved busily.


First, I had my beloved carriage, Cassia’s exclusive carriage, remodeled entirely.


I was thinking of disposing of it after taking the carriage out of the imperial palace.


‘I’d better fix it up as much as possible to get at least a little more value.’


That was the calculation.


‘Hic. My beloved carriage. My Fe**ari…….’


I looked at the carriage with growling eyes.


My hand caressing the carriage was full of affection.


‘Even though we are parting here like this, I will never forget your sacrifice, Sister. You know that, right?’


After neatly handling most of the things, including this tearful farewell,


I finally opened the jewelry boxes.


“Wow, it’s dazzling.”


The light pouring out of the jewelry box was so dazzling that I reflexively frowned.


Earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, anklets, brooches, jeweled hairpins, tiaras…….


‘Really, I didn’t know there were so many kinds of jewelry.’


I was a little impressed, but then I fell into serious thought.


‘Hmm, should I just get rid of all the jewelry while I’m at it? No.’


I shook my head.


Dresses, shoes, and fashion accessories are so bulky that I can’t take them with me to the north.


But small jewels seem to be useful in many ways.


Even if I don’t sell them for cheap right now, I can use them as emergency money when I need it.


‘They’re also good for slipping to people who don’t listen to me to persuade them.’


I knew.


The world calls it bribery.


But come on, in a situation where the world is about to end, is bribery a problem?!


Besides, I could use this bribe to catch their weaknesses.


‘If there really comes a time when I have to bribe someone who is being uncooperative…….’


My eyes sparkled with excitement.


‘I’ll make sure to keep good records and stab them all in the back later!’


Who would dare to put the princess in jail for giving them a few jewels?


I chuckled belatedly and came to my senses.


‘Speaking of which, I should probably order some purification elixirs soon.’


The only place where purification elixirs can be made is the Imperial Supernatural Abilities Research Institute at the moment.


And it is impossible to hide the fact that I ordered purification elixirs.


Because it’s an organization under the imperial family.


‘So what.’


I shrugged my shoulders.


‘I can just order them openly.’


To be honest, the original Cassia had so many incidents and accidents piled up so far.


There is a high probability that she will think that I am doing something stupid to look good to Giscard even this time.


‘Then, should I distribute the jewels that are difficult to dispose of modestly as gifts to the researchers?’


I thought I might as well score some points with the researchers while I was at it.


After all, I will be involved with the Imperial Supernatural Abilities Research Institute a lot in the future.


‘And…… the last thing I need to do now is.’


I threw myself onto the fluffy bed.


Ah, what a soft feeling this is.


As I lay on the mattress and rolled around, a sense of happiness welled up from the depths of my chest.


‘I’m going to play.’


Until the purification elixirs were secured, I planned to enjoy the luxurious life of a princess to the fullest.


* * *


Strange rumors have been circulating around the Imperial Palace lately.


The protagonist of these rumors is none other than Cassia Sortiz del Astrid. She was the troublemaker of the imperial family and the notorious villainess of the empire, known for her extravagance and temper.


“Lately, the Princess seems to have changed a bit, hasn’t she?”


“That’s right, she hasn’t thrown a tantrum in a while.”


“What’s more, it’s been two weeks since she’s called the jeweler or the seamstress.”


“Is this a new record? In the old days, she would have called them five times by now.”


The maids looked at each other with incredulous faces.


“A princess who doesn’t indulge in luxury or get angry? Am I dreaming?”


One of them, raising her hand, pinched her cheek hard.




Judging by the sting on her cheek, it confirmed it wasn’t a dream after all.


At the same time, the maid who had first brought up the topic continued speaking in an excited voice.


“But I have an even more surprising story to tell you. This is something I heard directly from my friend who works in the Princess’s Palace…”


The maids immediately became a little more subdued.


“Whoa, she works in the Princess’s Palace?”


“Well… your friend must really have a hard time.”


It’s no wonder, since the Princess’s Palace was known among the maids as a “place of exile.”


Even with a promise of double the salary, all the servants avoided the place.


The maids, unable to bear the Princess’s temper, were replaced every week…


But the maid who had brought up the topic shook her head meaningfully.


“My friend was picking flowers for the vase the other day, and she accidentally broke the vase,”


The maids turned pale.


“Oh no, what happened?”


“Did your friend survive?”


With everyone’s eyes on her, she nodded.


“The Princess just told her to clean up the broken pieces and leave!”


“What? She didn’t slap her?”


* * * *


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Hi, I'm J! Hope y'all enjoy reading^^


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