The Villainous Baby Makes a Prophecy

VBMP Chapter 2


Bunny’s mouth fell open as she was gently lowered to the ground by Roden Heiner after attempting to leap from the carriage on her own.

‘So white and fancy and sparkly!’

Before her stood a towering mansion adorned with gleaming gold accents—a sight both grand and extravagant. It was unlike anything Bunny had ever seen.

A white mansion!

“This way, please.”

With wide eyes, Bunny followed Roden Heiner, shuffling her steps along.

Inside the enormous white mansion, there seemed to be an unusual number of people dressed in white robes. Many carried thick books in their arms, while others wore gleaming silver armor.


Bunny gasped audibly as she observed her surroundings.

“Little one, little one. You must *never* get too close to people wearing white. They might hurt you. Do you understand?”

Bunny suddenly recalled Rule Number 7 from Luriel’s endless list of warnings.

‘White clothes, bad people! White stuff, bad stuff!’

As she shuffled along, Bunny’s eyes met someone wearing flowing white robes, clutching a book. Startled, she hopped in place.


Frightened, Bunny quickly pressed her neck into her shoulders, like a turtle retreating into its shell, and scurried close to the knight. She glanced nervously at Roden Heiner’s black attire and let out a small sigh of relief.

‘The knight is wearing black, so I’m safe!’

Feeling reassured by Roden Heiner’s black robes that covered him from head to toe, Bunny mimed wiping sweat from her brow with her sleeve.

Hearing the heavy sigh from the little one, far too mature for a child her age, Roden Heiner glanced at her curiously.

Bunny kept moving her short, stubby arms and legs with great enthusiasm as she walked. The limbs of her black bunny-shaped bag dangled limply from her back, swaying with each step. The bag was oddly lumpy, as if she had stuffed it to the brim, causing the once-slender rabbit shape to bulge awkwardly.

‘It looks like a bodybuilder bunny.’

The thought made Roden Heiner chuckle to himself—until he abruptly stopped.

‘Why am I starting to think like a child?’

Perhaps it was because Bunny was so small. He found himself oddly preoccupied with her.

Truthfully, children under ten weren’t usually permitted inside the “Mansion of Trials,” but due to Bunny’s unique circumstances—no guardian—she had been granted an exception.

“Miss Bunny, do you have any questions?”


“Yes. Although everything will be explained when we arrive, you can ask now if you’d like.”

Bunny pondered this for a moment before raising her hand high into the air.

The orphanage director had told her that humans raise their hands when they want to ask a question.

‘It’s one of their rules.’

Of course, Bunny didn’t feel bound by human rules—after all, she was destined to become the Demon King. But adults liked children who behaved well, so she decided to play along.

“Why do the white people bite?”

“Ah, the people in white robes are from the temple.”

“The… temple?”

“Yes. The temple purifies monsters, exterminates demons, and protects peace among the people.”

Roden Heiner knelt down to her eye level, speaking gently so that she could understand.


In Bunny’s mind, it was as if a giant boulder had just dropped on her head.

Her jaw dropped open in shock.

“Little one, some of those white-robed people are… really, really dangerous,” Luriel’s voice echoed in her head. “Especially the ones called *paladins.* You stay far away from them, you hear me?”

“Dangerous people?”

“Yes. Paladins are heartless. They won’t hesitate to gobble up little kids like you.”

Suddenly recalling Luriel’s words, Bunny’s eyes widened as she looked up at Roden Heiner.

Beneath the edge of his black robe, she caught a glimpse of white fabric.

Temple? Knight…?

Roden… a paladin?!

‘Am I… in big trouble?’

What if they find out I’m destined to be the Demon King?! Will they gobble me up?!

Shaking with fear, Bunny shuffled backward, carefully putting three steps of distance between her and Roden Heiner. Of course, given her tiny legs, it was hardly a full step away from him.

“Miss Bunny?”

“Are you… from the temple?”

Roden flinched at the unexpected question, struggling to maintain his composure.

“No, I’m a knight of the Duchy of Eudia.”

‘Ah, phew.’

If he’s not from the temple, then it’s fine.

Safe! Bunny was totally safe!

Now satisfied with his answer, Bunny grinned and scurried back to cling to Roden Heiner’s leg.

‘There are just too many people in white around here!’

Roden Heiner glanced down at her with a puzzled expression, completely baffled by her strange behavior—first pulling away, now clinging to him again.

‘Could it be… is she hurt?’

Concerned, he knelt once more, his eyes level with hers.

“Are you okay? Do your legs hurt? I could carry you if you want.”


Bunny hopped on the spot to show off her energy, grinning brightly.

Roden Heiner paused briefly, then let out a small cough before speaking again.

“The Eudia family has a long history of producing high-ranking clergy, including high priests, paladin commanders, and even saints. It’s also the only family permitted to maintain a divine order of knights superior to ordinary paladins.”


As Roden Heiner rattled off impressive facts, Bunny’s eyes began to spin in confusion.

Although Bunny considered herself a genius—having mastered the human language after just a year at the orphanage—her grammar was still a mess, and complex words flew right over her head.

After mulling over his words for a while, Bunny finally latched onto a few key phrases.

“A divine… skills family?”

“No, it’s a sacred family that values merit.”


So, basically, they’re super important, right?

Since it was another ducal family, Bunny figured they must have a super-strong demon dad here too.

She smiled brightly, nodding along without really understanding.

Seeing her innocent response, Roden Heiner couldn’t help but feel a little proud.

“And a few years ago, it was the direct descendants of the Eudia family who led us to victory in the war against the demons.”



In Bunny’s imagination, thunder and lightning flashed over her head.

‘They… destroyed the demons?!’

Even the terrifying Eudia family?!

Luriel’s words echoed once more in her mind: “If you’re ever near temple folks, never let them find out you’re the Demon King’s heir. Keep your wits about you, and you’ll be just fine.”

“Stay safe! Safe, always!” Bunny echoed, determined.

“Yes, exactly. You’re special, Miss Bunny. As long as you keep it a secret, no one will ever know. It’s the perfect crime.”

‘Right, even in the tiger’s den, if you stay sharp, you’ll be safe!’

Bunny clenched her fists.

‘I’ll become the sharpest tiger in the world!’


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