The Villainous Baby Makes a Prophecy

VBMP Chapter 1

**”Are you Miss Bunny, born on January 7th?”**

One sunny day, when the cookies served as snacks were particularly delicious, a man visiting the orphanage asked this question.


With watery silver hair cascading down and deep pink eyes, Bunny, possessing chubby cheeks, snow-white skin, and a small frame, tilted her head cautiously and answered nervously.

The man knelt down on one knee.

“Nice to meet you. I am Roden Heiner, the knight assigned to serve you from today.”

As the man spoke, a light bulb flickered on in Bunny’s mind.

“Remember this, little one. If you stay here long enough, a knight will come and take you away, turning you into a noble lady.”

The memory that suddenly resurfaced made Bunny’s eyes gleam. It was finally happening—the moment she had longed for.

**A lady?**

**A knight?!**

*”Is this the start of Bunny’s life-changing moment?”*

Though Bunny’s eyes sparkled with excitement, she quickly shook her head.

*”No, no. I can’t let my guard down yet.”*

Luriel always said that more than half of the world is full of swindlers, so it’s essential to double-check everything. She also taught Bunny to conceal her true intentions and test people slyly.

“I’m not a lady… Bunny isn’t one,” she said, dabbing her eyes with her sleeve—because, according to Luriel, a woman’s tears could work wonders on men.

“It’s no mistake. Our investigation confirms that Miss Bunny is indeed a descendant of the House of Eudia,” Roden explained.


**A duchy?!**

*”That sounds really amazing!”* Bunny’s eyes sparkled, and she swallowed hard.

“Does that mean Bunny is now… a lady of the duchy?”

The man gave her a peculiar look before nodding slowly.



Bunny covered her mouth with her tiny hands, her eyes wide in disbelief.

What was a duchy?

According to the fairy tales Luriel read to her, it was a grand estate where fierce demons and cute protagonists with complicated backstories lived.

*”Right, it’s a super high-ranking title!”*

Clenching her small fists, Bunny’s eyes shone brighter than ever.


*”Bunny’s off to the duchy!”*


She quickly shook her head again, then tightened her little fists even more.

*”I’ll be a lady of the duchy!”*

Or… was she not quite a lady yet?


*”Bunny’s going to drain these humans dry, grow up well, and become the greatest Dark Overlord!”*

She snickered quietly behind her hand, her evil grin spreading wide—at least, in her mind. As Roden knelt, his stern face softened momentarily, a faint smile tugging at his lips. But when Bunny looked up at him with curious eyes, his expression snapped back to its original seriousness.

“I’m glad you’re pleased. Shall we go now?” the knight asked.


Bunny grabbed the hand he offered without hesitation. Her small, soft hand fit perfectly in his, causing his lips to twitch once again.

“Before we leave, would you like to pack anything to take with you to the duchy, miss?” he asked.


Bunny dashed out of the room, her small footsteps pattering as she ran. Outside, the other orphans gathered at the door, hopping in place like startled chickens.

“Bunny! Are you leaving for real?”

“Yeah. Bunny’s going to the duchy. Turns out I’m actually a duchy lady.”

Wait—something felt strange.

If a duchy lady belonged to a duchy, then…


She remembered the knight’s words.

“Our investigation confirms that Miss Bunny is indeed a descendant of the House of Eudia.”

But Bunny already had a mom and dad. Why would she belong to the duchy?

*”Could it be…? Is Bunny being adopted because of some misunderstanding?”*

Her eyes widened at the thought.

Just like in the fairy tales Luriel read to her, where little children were mistakenly adopted because people thought they were important.

*”Is Bunny getting adopted by mistake too?!”*

Her heart pounded wildly as Bunny pressed both palms to her chest.

*”Should I tell them the truth?”*

But she decided against it.

*”No, use the big, strong dad first.”*

Luriel always said grown-ups were useful until you didn’t need them anymore. Bunny figured she could wait until she became an adult, then plan her escape.

*”Bunny doesn’t need love like other kids. Just use the grown-ups and move on.”*

With a mischievous smirk, Bunny’s lips puckered into a little triangle, looking like a duck’s beak. One of the orphans poked her pouty lips with a finger.

“A duchy? What’s that?”

“It’s where the super-strong demon dad lives!”

“A demon dad? What’s that?”

“That doesn’t sound real.”

The other children burst into laughter, leaving Bunny puffing her cheeks in annoyance. Even though she wasn’t lying, she felt as if she had told a fib.

“Bunny’s leaving! I’m a lady of the duchy now!”

With an annoyed snort, she turned her back on them and ran upstairs. Bunny pulled out her black bunny backpack, a birthday gift, and began packing her belongings.

She tucked in Toto, the bunny plushie that chased away bad dreams, along with a child-safe, blunt yellow knife for business ventures. Then, she carefully added her savings—kept in an elephant piggy bank—deep inside the bag.


Bunny was now fully prepared to become the greatest Dark Overlord.

Just like Luriel said, a knight had arrived to take her to a place full of useful fools. Today was the day!

After adding her teddy bear mascot and Luriel’s diary to the bag, Bunny slung the heavy backpack over her shoulders. Holding the railing, she carefully made her way down the stairs, where the orphans waited, teary-eyed.

“You’re really leaving, Bunny?”

“You’re going to leave us behind?”

“What will we do without you?”

Some kids clung to her legs, sobbing, which made Roden, standing nearby, widen his eyes slightly in surprise.

*”It seems she had good relationships here,”* Roden mused with a nod.

“I’ll wait outside. Say your goodbyes and join me, miss,” he said, bowing his head before stepping out.

Bunny sighed as the children continued sobbing.

“We’ll miss the mashed potatoes you made, the sweet candied yams, and the bread you toasted just right…”

“And your energy drinks kept us going!”

Bunny shook her head and pointed down the hall.

“Everything’s in the storage room,” she said smugly.

The children gasped and sprinted toward the storage room, shouting their goodbyes without looking back.

*”Fools! They fell right into Bunny’s trap!”*

She chuckled quietly.

Just as she was about to leave, the orphanage director caught her shoulder, kneeling to her level. With a serious expression, she said, “Bunny.”


Was this a farewell message? Another person enchanted by her?

“Don’t raid the storage room at the duchy, okay?”


Not a farewell. A scolding.


“No buts. If you do, the guards will catch you and sell you off as a slave. Got it?”

“Okay…” Bunny pouted, hanging her head. The director pulled her in for a warm hug.

“Be happy, Bunny.”

“You too, Director! When I become the greatest Dark Overlord, I’ll make you rich!”

The director laughed and nodded.

*”Typical Bunny—to dream of becoming an overlord, not a hero.”*

Outside, Roden greeted her with a bow.

“All set, miss?”

“Yep!” Bunny twirled to show off her backpack, wriggling her small body proudly.

Roden’s hand twitched toward her head but stopped. Instead, he lifted her into the carriage.

*”A carriage!”*

Bunny’s heart raced with excitement as she sat inside.

*”Just like the fairy tale princesses!”*

The House of Eudia—a hero’s lineage, known for its battles against demons.

And Bunny?

A four-year-old destined to become the next Dark Overlord.

She just didn’t know it yet—until three hours later, when she arrived at the duchy.


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