The Villainess's Daughter Is Getting an Obsession

“However?” Sensing anxiety, I asked Juri before she could finish her sentence.


“As I mentioned earlier, the force is indeed minor enough for you to relax about. However, the reason I was cautious again is…”


Seeing Juri glance at me as if measuring my reaction, I reassured her again, prompting her to continue.


“In fact, in my investigation… it seemed like His Majesty had already looked into it beforehand.”


“His Majesty?”




I asked, slightly surprised.


Juri nodded. “Yes, if Your Majesty wishes, I will continue the investigation, but I thought you should know. It seems His Majesty had also observed and deemed there was no issue, but he might still be keeping an eye on it.” She added that it was beyond her to delve into Valery’s actions.


Valery already knew about it…


Should I have expected that? I had no idea because he never showed any signs. Perhaps Valery hoped I wouldn’t know.


I wished Valery wouldn’t feel anxious or troubled because of this, especially since he’s already overwhelmed with numerous responsibilities. I also worried about being a burden to him.


“Moreover, it seems the remaining forces haven’t been able to properly set foot in the capital. At most, they could mobilize messengers quickly. If it becomes a problem, I believe His Majesty will take action himself.”


“So, that’s why he advised me several times.”


Juri slightly nodded.


There was no fault in Juri’s words. If Valery was indeed keeping an eye on it, there was truly no need to worry.


“…Alright, I understand.”


* * *

Juri provided more information on the places they had tracked and the remaining data, but I decided to stop digging deeper and just asked Juri to keep an eye on them.


I felt I needed to ask Valery first. It might be that Valery didn’t mention it because he thought it wasn’t a danger, or perhaps he didn’t want to worry me.


Distracted by these thoughts, even after sending Juri away, I sat in my office under the pretense of work, fiddling with a cold teacup. However, the fact that the places Juri mentioned tracking were very close to the northern Shiseta bothered me, making me consider sending a cautionary message to Ian alone.


“Is it really just needless worry?”


Just the fact of Shubart’s closest associates’ fierce loyalty doesn’t guarantee they won’t seek revenge for Shubart Rivaho. The nightmares made me feel like I was unnecessarily worrying even more.


I lingered in the office a bit longer before standing up. As I knocked on the door, the doorknob turned, and the door opened, which coincided with my action.




Startled, I lifted my head to see a broad chest right in front of me. The large height naturally made me look up, but I immediately recognized who it was from the familiar scent that accompanied the figure.


I had heard Valery had to step out for a moment earlier. So, I thought it was a good time to head to his office.


“Why are you here…”


Valery, equally surprised, stepped back.


“I was waiting here for you. I wanted to ask if you had a lot of work… So, have you finished your work?”


I nodded, looking at Valery, who was smiling brightly.


There wasn’t a single servant in sight in the corridor leading to his office, as if he had dismissed them beforehand.


I closed the door and turned back around. “Yes, I’ve finished. I sent Marchioness Chartero away earlier and came here when I heard you were busy.”


“It wasn’t urgent. Did your conversation with Duke Chartero go well?”


I looked intently at Valery. Fortunately, there wasn’t a shadow on his face. I nodded again, and Valery’s smile widened.


“So, will you now give me your time, Wife?”


I grabbed Valery’s arm and, before he could react, linked it with mine.  “Of course. I promised, didn’t I?”


* * *

Valery and I walked arm in arm through the palace gardens.


“Don’t you find it suffocating to stay in the palace all the time?”


I laughed softly, overwhelmed by the vastness of the palace.


Valery often joked about dropping everything to live a simple life as we had before, asking if I’d prefer that. Although he seemed to genuinely wish for it, I disliked the idea of Valery giving up his responsibilities for me. And now, being with Valery was enough for me, regardless of where we were, though he seemed to think I was tied down here because of him.


“I like the palace. And we visited the villa just last month.”


“That was already a month ago.”


“Aren’t you the one getting bored, always thinking of new amusements?”




I thought I saw a flash of guilt on his face, but I decided to pretend not to notice.


“I’m happy as it is now. Just walking like this is pleasant.”


I continued walking, listening to Valery’s laughter.


“Actually, there’s something I wanted to ask Valery.”


“Ask away.”


It was the response Valery always gave whenever I had a question or request.


“The reason I met Marchioness Chartero today was because I had a favor to ask.”




“There’s something that’s been bothering me.”


Valery nodded. He adjusted his pace to match mine as I slowed down, lost in thought.


“It was related to my mother.”




“Specifically, about Shubart Rivaho.”


I didn’t hide the truth. And when I looked up, I easily met Valery’s gaze. “You knew, didn’t you?”


Instead of answering, Valery just looked at me, which felt like an affirmation. He eventually spoke. “I knew they remained but didn’t realize Bella was still concerned about it.”


Ah… I thought you didn’t want me to meet Marchioness Chartero today because of that.”


“That was because, Bella, you seemed not to be in high spirits.”


I touched my cheek as if to hide my concerns. Was my worry that obvious? It seemed I had been revealing my feelings without realizing it.


Once the conversation started, it became easier to continue.


“I was worried their remnants might pose a problem, and I wanted it investigated, but am I overthinking?” I stopped walking and, while still arm-in-arm with Valery, turned my body to face him.




“I thought I had forgotten, but I seem to have become even more of a coward… Is that why you didn’t tell me?”


Valery’s large hand touched my cheek. I leaned slightly into his touch.


“I didn’t mention it, thinking it might reopen your old wounds. It wasn’t my intention to hide it.”


At those words, I shook my head. “I’m not blaming you for hiding it. It just seems funny to me now. You always said to trust only you, that there would never be any danger.”


Valery nodded.


“So, you’re saying you know it was for my sake.”


With that, I openly shared the nightmares I had and the requests I had made to Juri, not concealing anything. Initiating the conversation allowed me to hear about it from Valery as well.


As Juri said, it wasn’t something for me to worry about. Even the fact that their base was near northern Shiseta.



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