The Villainess Writes a Resignation letter

TVWRL Chapter 7

TVWRL Chapter 7

“It feels a bit strange to say this so late, but I don’t recall giving you permission to sit there. Am I remembering incorrectly? And why are you eating the pie I ordered?”

“Oh! It was so delicious I ate it without thinking. I really like the pies here.”

Paulian raised his hand to call a server.

“Two cream pies and some tea…?”

He looked at me as if asking for my consent, and I shook my head since I was planning to leave. But then he continued.

“Bring two cups of tea.”

I looked at him in disbelief, unable to hide my feelings. As I started gathering my things to leave, he smiled his usual charming smile at me.

“I’d like to apologize for my rudeness. I’ll pay for everything on this table.”

“No, it’s fine. I’ll pay for what I ordered. It’s uncomfortable and burdensome to have a stranger pay for me.”

For a moment, his face showed a hint of “Do you really not know who I am?” but I pretended not to notice. After all, I was still upset that he had eaten my pie. And I figured it was in my best interest to act as if I didn’t know him.

I kept my feelings hidden and looked at him indifferently.

‘Do you really think an avid reader like me doesn’t know you? You, Paulian Lint, the third son of Marquis Lint and the next Master of the Magic Tower.’

Paulian was a celebrity in the Kinsteria Empire. His dazzling looks were praised by everyone, and he possessed one of the greatest magical abilities in history. Moreover, he had the strong backing of the Lint Marquis family, known for producing the Imperial Guard Captain for generations.

He was someone you simply couldn’t not know, someone with such a strong presence. Compared to another male lead candidate, the prince, Paulian had a far better life. People sympathized with the prince but admired Paulian. He had such an influence that everything he ate, wore, or used sold out immediately, and shopkeepers eagerly awaited his visits. He was a perfect candidate for a male lead in many ways.

He loved showing off his extraordinary abilities and enjoyed the attention he received from the public. The synergy from his star status had a tremendous positive impact on his life. That’s probably why he sat in front of me without hesitation today. His confident gaze looking at me made me want to break that confidence.

Anyway, he was someone I would never get involved with. In the original story, he only had eyes for Leona and loved her deeply. He also played a significant role in exposing Adeline’s evil deeds. Although he did some bad things, I was Adeline, after all. I calculated that it was advantageous for me to pretend not to know him now.

I stood up without hesitation, hiding my thoughts and looking at him indifferently. Paulian seemed more bewildered than I expected.

“Lady, I apologize again for my rudeness. If you leave now, I’ll become a pie thief, which would tarnish the honor of the Lint Marquis family. Please forgive my actions and accept my apology.”

‘Talking about honor over a pie? Seriously?’

However, Paulian’s expression was too serious. I hesitated for a moment, seeing this usually flexible, bright character being so serious. Still, I didn’t plan to sit back down.

As I turned to leave, a breeze rustling my clothes, his voice stopped me again.

“If you leave now, I’ll be too ashamed to return here.”

‘Wait, that’s not good. He shouldn’t do that…’

I was in a dilemma. This place was where he and Leona would frequently visit in the future. Leona would eventually love this place because of Paulian’s recommendation. I wavered slightly, but then he sealed the deal.

‘Are you really going to waste the cream pie from Mirage?’

Thinking of wasting the pie that melted sweetly the moment it touched your lips felt almost like a sin.

‘Our K-citizens never waste good food.’

I was a member of a culture known for its love of food and food exploration.

So, I decided to save the pie. However, I had to maintain my pride, so I walked to a table behind him and sat with my back to him.

His voice, which had been tense, now held a hint of relief.

“Thank you, Lady. I will repay this favor someday.”

“I hope today is the last of our encounters.”

Paulian said nothing more. I sat with my back to him and quietly ate the pie and tea he had ordered for me. The pie here was so fantastic that it made me forget everything that had just happened.

* * *

“Lady Adeline, please wake up. It’s time to prepare for the birthday celebration.”

Sarah, the servant girl who usually avoided me, was particularly persistent from early in the morning. Perhaps it was because I had a particularly tough argument with Paulian yesterday that my body felt unusually sluggish.

“I don’t want to. Let me sleep more.”

“But Lady Adeline, what if you’re late for the birthday preparations? The Goddess will be displeased.”

“If the Goddess is displeased, will I be punished? Then let her be as displeased as she wants.”

“Adeline, how could you say something so disrespectful?”

Sarah looked at me with a pale face.

“Oh, forget it. I want to sleep more. I’m tired.”

Thinking of the original story’s priority, I closed my eyes and pulled the blanket over my head. The temple I was responsible for was of immense size, and even after days of cleaning, it was still easily noticeable. This was deliberately arranged by the priests who had been mistreated by Adeline’s tyranny. I didn’t want to be exploited for labor. Sarah, noticing my lack of intention to get up, became restless. She couldn’t touch my body without permission, so she constantly nagged in my ear.

Endless nagging!

It was more irritating than a hundred alarms going off simultaneously. I finally couldn’t take it anymore and coldly dismissed her.

“Sarah, since I dislike being criticized, you’ve been too persistent. Should I treat you as I did before? Before I fainted and woke up, that is.”

“Oh, no, no. I’m sorry. I’ll inform the temple that you’re not feeling well.”


As I closed my eyes again, Sarah’s voice reached me.

“Lady Adeline, what exactly is this criticism controversy?”

“Get out! Get out!”

I yelled, choosing to respond with shouting because I was too lazy to explain. Sarah’s face turned even paler at my sudden outburst.

‘Well, compared to Adeline, she’s far inferior. So, she must have had the leisure to ask questions as she left. Now that I know I won’t hit people anymore.’

On the first day of preparations for the birthday celebration, I decided to believe in the original and cleanly skipped it. Little did I know what kind of aftermath awaited me.

* * *

That night, I received an unexpected summons from the High Priest .

Being able to see someone who was usually difficult to meet, even when I pursued them, was a method I never imagined before.

“Have you been looking for me, High Priest ?”

“Shall we walk together, Adeline?”

As I nodded, the High Priest took the first step.

“I heard you weren’t feeling well. Is your body better now?”

“Thanks to your concern, I’m much better.”

Suddenly, I remembered my overly flushed face after waking up from a long nap and eating something delicious. I regretted not putting on some lipstick to hide it.

“Good to hear.”

The High Priest didn’t say anything else and walked on. I followed him without knowing where we were going.

When the High Priest stopped, we were in front of the temple I was responsible for cleaning.

Although it was the time when the official temple duties were over, the lights were still brightly lit, which struck me as odd.

At that moment, the High Priest looked at me.

“Why do you think the temple is still lit at this hour?”

“It seems like the priest in charge of the final inspection missed something. I’ll make sure someone turns off the lights.”

“There’s no need. Let’s go in together. Shall we just turn them off ourselves?”

Feeling choked up that the High Priest had called me out to do temple chores, I blinked back tears.

He ignored my resignation when I talked about resigning but conveniently called me out for work. It annoyed me.

I couldn’t understand what he was doing, and it frustrated me.

Nevertheless, I followed him.

When we entered the temple, we saw a trainee priest kneeling and mopping the floor.

‘Who could it be at this hour?’

The priest, getting up to mop, noticed us and hurried over.

The person who came with a bright smile was none other than the trainee priest I met in the High Priest’s office.

“High Priest, Lady Adeline, what brings you here at this late hour?”

The High Priest looked at him warmly.

“It’s late for you to be working. Why are you here?”

The priest scratched his head awkwardly and glanced at me discreetly.

“Lady Adeline said she wasn’t feeling well, so I came instead. Since the temple is spacious, it’s hard for Lady Adeline to do it alone. And if we don’t finish today’s work, Lady Adeline will suffer.”

Quietly recalling the original, I felt a headache. Such behavior was not in the original story. I tried to remain calm, telling myself that it wasn’t enough to disturb the protagonist’s line.

“It’s time to go in. You’ve worked hard today.”

“Yes. High Priest, Lady Adeline. I’ll take my leave.”

He left the temple with a backward glance, still smiling.

“He really seems to like you.”


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