The Villainess Writes a Resignation letter

TVWRL Chapter 4

TVWRL Chapter 4

“Is that person also a candidate for the Saintess?”

“Yes, that’s Adeline Senelda.”

Upon hearing Zion’s answer, a flicker of surprise flashed in Prince Ilias’s golden eyes. Even though he was disguised in shabby clothes and had his face covered, his natural charisma and aura could not be hidden.

“Your Highness, it’s getting late. We should move quickly.”

Instead of answering, Ilias turned his body towards the appointed direction. As he walked, he glanced back.


The people from the slums who had been watching also looked at me with stunned expressions. Seeing their faces brought me back to my senses.

What I had planned to do today wasn’t this… I acted impulsively out of anger and caused trouble.

‘Oh, my mouth! Please, let’s speak only necessary words, not just what we want to say!’

For a moment, I wondered if I could turn back time and change things, but of course, that wasn’t going to happen. I quickly accepted reality and tried to think positively. What were the chances that my impulsive outburst would turn into an opportunity?

‘Ah! Maybe one hundred percent!’

This incident was a bigger problem for the Order than for me.

Because today, I had spoken words that violated the most important and dangerous virtue of a Saintess: the doctrine. The conservative Kinsteria Empire and the Myaria Church would not like a Saintess harboring such rebellious thoughts.

A smile spread across my face while the priests wore expressions of anger. Since I was the one smiling, didn’t that mean I won?

At that moment, the highest-ranking priest present, with a horrified look, finally spoke.

“Lady Adeline, that was a very dangerous and reckless statement.”

“Really? I thought I was just suggesting we should establish fundamental measures against poverty. I didn’t realize it was wrong. I guess I’m unqualified to be a Saintess. I think it’s best for me to resign as a Saintess. Please report everything that happened today to the High Priest without leaving anything out.”

At my words, the priest groaned and looked away.

It would be an easy solution to just cut me off, but the Myaria Order valued justification, reputation, and formality too much.

As a result, I couldn’t finish my walk and was dragged back to the carriage by the priest. They isolated me immediately, fearing I would cause more trouble.

I spent the next two hours locked in the carriage, waiting for Leona to return.


When I heard the door open, I looked up to see Leona. I greeted her with eye contact, but Leona blatantly ignored me. The atmosphere inside the carriage turned colder than the north wind blowing in the dead of winter.

‘Whatever. Even when I’m kind, there’s an uproar.’

Since I needed to distance myself from Leona, I turned my attention to the window, not caring much.

As we neared the temple, Leona broke the long silence and spoke.

“Adeline, why have you been acting like this lately? Is it because you don’t like me?”

She looked at me with a troubled expression. Seeing the protagonist looking at a supporting character like me with such eyes filled me with immense guilt.

Since my reincarnation, I hadn’t done anything villainous, but I felt as if I had committed a great sin.

“No, it’s not that. I just spoke out of impulse, saying what I believed was right. I’m obviously unqualified to be a Saintess. I get too easily agitated.”

I looked at Leona with a serious expression. My rare show of seriousness seemed to make Leona nervous; she couldn’t even blink as she stared at me.

Swallowing hard, I cautiously spoke again.

“So, could you tell the High Priest to dismiss me?”

Leona’s eyes momentarily turned cold before calming down.

‘Did I see that wrong? Anyway, wouldn’t it be better for her if I’m gone, so she can quickly become a Saintess?’

The Myaria Order would undoubtedly prefer Leona, the sole daughter of Count Waynes, over a commoner like me to be the Saintess. It’s a win-win for everyone, right? So why is she looking at me so menacingly?

She looks like she’s about to shoot lasers from her eyes.

Leona, glaring at me disapprovingly, turned her gaze away. But even if she was sulking, there was nothing I could do for her.

‘Unfortunately, there’s nothing more precious to me than my own life.’

I also averted my gaze from her and looked out the window. Statues of the Goddess Aria, covered in gold and jewels, dotted the streets. There were so many that it seemed like just distributing the jewels from those statues could eliminate poverty in the empire.

The Myaria Order wielded overwhelming power in the empire.

And here I was, a mere commoner, challenging them like a war.

‘Why not try breaking a stone with an egg, since I’ve been reincarnated? Nothing is impossible.’


Waking up early at dawn, I visited the High Priest’s office as part of my routine. The low-ranking priests tried to stop me, saying he had visitors.

‘Visitors at this early hour? If you’re going to lie, at least make it believable. This lack of detail is disappointing.’

Having heard the visitor excuse more than once, I resolutely brushed them aside and entered the office. Honestly, I didn’t expect there to be actual visitors.

Oops! But today, it wasn’t a lie; there really were visitors, which surprised me. However, without showing my surprise, I smiled brightly and greeted the High Priest sitting facing the door.

“High Priest, good morning!”

Well, it didn’t really matter if there were guests. In fact, I was more motivated, thinking, ‘Let’s see you get embarrassed in front of your guests.’

‘I’m saying, if you don’t want to be humiliated in front of your guests, accept my resignation.’

I pressured him with a silent glare.

‘This is what you get for slipping away like an eel all this time.’

The High Priest was in conversation with someone wearing a black robe, facing away from me. I could only see the red hair and broad back, so I couldn’t tell who it was. There were more than a few redheads in the novel.

The High Priest, with a calm face, greeted me.

“What brings you here, Adeline?”

“I came to reflect on my shortcomings and to give you something.”

As I meekly pulled out my resignation letter, the High Priest spoke first.

“That looks like the same thing I rejected yesterday, Adeline.”

“Yes. I was lacking yesterday, and I am lacking today. I will likely be lacking tomorrow as well. Since I am lacking every day, I am unqualified to be a Saintess. Therefore, I earnestly request that you accept my resignation.”

I noticed the High Priest glancing awkwardly at the person in front of him.

‘He looks young. Is he worried about what he thinks?’

I didn’t know the reason, but it wasn’t my concern. I just wanted him to accept my resignation today so we wouldn’t have to face each other with red faces every day.

The High Priest maintained his composure as he spoke.

“I see no reason to accept today what I rejected yesterday. You can work on your shortcomings from now on. Goddess Aria is a benevolent and patient deity, Adeline. For now, we have guests, so let’s discuss this matter of addressing your shortcomings at a later time. Much training will be needed, Adeline.”

This slippery old man!

Despite his words, he kept evading me, making it as hard to meet him as catching a star from the sky.

Even the last time, I had to barge into the prayer room to meet him. I needed to ensure the next appointment was definite.

“When, where, and how later? Please be precise. It seems we keep missing each other. Of course, I don’t believe you’re avoiding me on purpose, but repeated coincidences can lead to misunderstandings.”


The High Priest looked at his guest with an awkward smile.

“Let’s meet here tomorrow at two o’clock, Adeline.”

“Yes. Then I’ll see you tomorrow. I apologize for interrupting your conversation with your guest.”

Satisfied with securing an appointment, I politely bowed and left. Tomorrow, I would settle this once and for all!


After Adeline left, the High Priest turned to face the guest with an embarrassed look.

“My apologies. It’s my shortcoming, Cardinal.”

“Is that Adeline Senelda? The one who made it to the final round of Saintess candidates and then had a change of heart?”

“Yes, that’s her.”

A peculiar curiosity flashed across the cold face of the young Cardinal with red hair and green eyes.

“I’ll meet her tomorrow.”

Christian, who possessed such immense divine power that no other Cardinals could compare, had become the youngest Cardinal and a candidate for the youngest Pope. His abilities were as impressive as his appearance.

The church wished he would engage more in external activities, but Christian’s response was always the same.

“It’s not yet time.”

He focused solely on honing his divine power and studying doctrine within the church. It was clear that the time he referred to was when he would become the Pope. Christian planned to unleash all his power after becoming the Pope.

It was well-known that Christian didn’t care about others. His sole interest was the revival of the Myaria Order.

That he now wanted to meet a mere candidate, not even a Saintess, surprised the elderly High Priest. However, he expertly concealed his surprise and nodded.


More than three months of living in constant fear of death. At that time, I felt a thrilling sense of expectation that tomorrow would bring the conclusion I wanted.

Unaware that an even more challenging mountain awaited me.


The next day.

My reflection in the mirror showed me with lilac hair, deep violet eyes, and a cream-colored empire-line dress with gold accents, half tied back. I looked pure, elegant, and refined, even to myself.

It was unbelievable that someone with such a pretty face had committed such wicked deeds in the novel. I looked forward to living a brilliant future with this face. Of course, that’s assuming I successfully resign.

I felt good about today.

Stepping out into the temple garden, I saw the statues of Goddess Aria and the towering papal palace beyond the grand pillars. It was still surreal to me, even after more than three months.

Thinking that there were only a few days left to see this beauty, I felt refreshingly cheerful, almost to the point of tears.



  1. Hugpug says:

    Just let my poor girl quit!

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