The Villainess Writes a Resignation letter

TVWRL Chapter 10

TVWRL Chapter 10

Leona smirked, raising one corner of her mouth at me.

“This is why commoners like you are considered vulgar. Are you out of your mind? How dare you use such expressions to me, a nobleman’s cherished daughter? Adeline, listen to me from now on. I am currently educating you. First of all, I don’t appreciate that arrogant look in your eyes. Even if you were raised with the support of our household, you’re still lacking. Yet, here you are, lying down and sleeping?”

Throughout her speech, she pulled my hair forcefully, causing my scalp to ache as if it were about to be torn off. But Leona’s gaze, as she behaved like this, was excessively serene and clear. It seemed like she had no idea what she was doing.

“Do you really think you, a mere saintess candidate, are equal to me? How much have I endured you until now, and you don’t even know how grateful you should be.”

Now I realized that Leona wasn’t selectively aristocratic; she was thoroughly entrenched in aristocratic beliefs. In the Kinsteria Empire, class discrimination was severe, so it was natural for nobles to disregard commoners. Commoners didn’t even think about having any complaints due to this atmosphere.

Perhaps due to this influence, Leona had an unreserved and confident attitude.

“Yeah. Especially at the Count Waynes house, it’s famous for treating servants with violence. Pretending it’s education. I’m just a commoner who can be treated as I please by Leona.”

It was astonishing to think that one could exercise violence against people based solely on their status. But Leona’s gaze was excessively pure. It was clear that she had no awareness that her actions were wrong.

“Alright. In that case, let me educate you today too.”

I endured the pain and grabbed Leona’s head with both hands, blowing her hair, which was bundled like a cat’s fur, into her face.


She looked at me with venomous eyes.

“Did you just lay hands on me without permission? Do you think you can become a noble just because people tolerate you?”

“If a commoner like me receives equal treatment to you, a noble, wouldn’t that make me superior? I came here solely by my own strength, without any family influence.”

Perhaps offended by my words, Leona widened her eyes and lunged at me again. And thus, the second round began.

Since neither of us had any special fighting skills, it was truly a brawl. Swinging our arms and legs wildly, we looked ferocious.

This quiet space, the Goddess’s chamber, was turning into chaos. Wherever we went, it turned into ruins.

And then, the accident happened. As I momentarily stepped back, Leona, who was rushing towards me, tripped and tumbled down the stairs.



Surprised, I reached out, but it was too late. With a scream, Leona disappeared from my sight.

Worried that she might have been seriously injured, I ran down the stairs.

“Leona! Leona! Are you okay?”

She had lost consciousness and collapsed.

Frantically, I rushed outside to find the High Priest.

And now, I was enduring an ordeal in the High Priest’s office.

For the past hour, he had been silently staring at me.

It felt like being called to the teacher’s office in high school to be scolded.

I hadn’t started it, but since I was the only one summoned, I was the only one being scolded.

“Why did you do that to Leona, Adeline? Did you really have to go this far even though you wanted to stop?”

“I didn’t start it; Leona grabbed my hair first.”

He looked at me with an unbelieving gaze before coldly turning away.

Of course, looking at the past records, it would be correct to think that Adeline initiated the fight, but the situation was different now.

“I never struck violence against Leona first.”

“Return to your room.”

The High Priest didn’t seem to want to listen to me any further.

Already feeling like giving up, being falsely accused made me feel even more aggrieved. It was clear that I wouldn’t be allowed to relax during the Festival.

But contrary to my expectations, the door to my room, which I thought was firmly closed, opened faster than I had imagined. It opened so quickly that it caught me off guard.

Sarah rushed in breathlessly and said, “Adeline, you need to go to the Goddess’s chamber right now.”

Outside the Goddess’s chamber, many high-ranking priests, including the High Priest, had gathered. Their faces were all serious.

“Have you found her?” When I gave a signal, everyone in the room turned to look at me. But their stares were sharp and menacing.

The High Priest gestured for me to come to where he was standing.

“Leona has fractures in both legs and won’t be able to move for a while.”


“Adeline, you need to greet the visitors at the Birthday Festival.”

That meant that everything, including filling the room with sanctity and blessing the visitors, had become my responsibility. Only a saintess or a saintess candidate could fill a room with divine power.

Although I had an unresolved issue with divine power, I couldn’t miss this opportunity. It was the perfect chance to complete my resignation letter.

A day I thought would never come arrived. The morning of the Festival, where I could become a deity, dawned. Outside the temple, people were already lining up to enter.

I had been with Sarah for hours, getting my makeup and hair done. I thought about the festival as I entrusted my face to Sarah. During the day, people would visit the temple, and at night, there would be a complex event with performances and food prepared by the temple. Most importantly, the highlight of today’s event was the unveiling of the new statue of the Goddess.

That was the moment I was aiming for.

“Adeline, your preparations are complete.”

Sarah seemed to have put in more effort than usual. Her elegant makeup and hair, let loose from its usual style, enhanced her innocent beauty.

“Thank you, Sarah.”

Sarah’s lips curled up slightly at my praise.

‘How cute.’

I left the lodging and went to the Goddess’s chamber. Although there were people everywhere in the temple, the largest gathering was naturally around the Goddess’s chamber, where I was.

I quietly and diligently completed the tasks assigned to me. The day passed in a blur, and darkness descended. My heart began to race with anticipation as the time for the unveiling ceremony approached.

In the center of the stage stood the Goddess’s statue, still covered. The High Priest looked at me with a soft but cold gaze.

“Are you ready?” Despite not accepting my resignation letter, I still thought he was a decent man. But he was just another member of the church, shrouded in prejudice and hypocrisy.

I went up on stage alongside him. After exchanging brief greetings, we moved to the side of the statue.

Before unveiling the statue, I whispered to him standing beside me, “High Priest, it seems I won’t be able to control the divine power as I want.”

His puzzled expression lingered on me.

“The divine power frequencies should match well. The Goddess’s statue won’t explode, will it?”

I raised one corner of my mouth smugly.

Finally understanding my intentions, the High Priest’s expression changed.

“Adeline, we should handle internal matters internally.”

“I intended to, but what can I do if internal resolution isn’t possible? We have to seek external help then.”

“Adeline, you should know when and where to joke. Is this why you made Leona like that?”

“I told you it wasn’t me. Don’t you think dissatisfaction with the church that doesn’t trust me is the reason?”

As we heatedly conversed, the cloth covering the statue fell to the ground.

People cheered and applauded.

I didn’t lose my smile as I looked at them.

At that moment, the voice of the priest overseeing the ceremony was heard.

“The first person to infuse divine power into the Goddess’s statue is the saintess candidate, Adeline Senner.”

As I approached the statue, the High Priest’s face turned pale.

“Is it possible to make a vow before the Goddess?”

“I swear before the Goddess.”

I wanted to jump for joy right there.


Suppressing the urge, I carefully placed my hand on the statue. As divine power emanated from my body, the noisy surroundings grew silent.

Those who witnessed the sacred and devout scene shed tears, smiled, or expressed joy in their own ways as they welcomed the Goddess.

Meanwhile, at the back of the stage, Paulian, who had been observing the situation on stage using magic, burst into laughter.

“She was a saintess candidate? But what is she allowing?”

Paulian’s eyes sparkled with interest as he looked at me.


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