The Villainess Writes a Resignation letter

TVWRL Chapter 1

TVWRL Chapter 1

Everyone carries a resignation letter in their heart.

Words that any office worker can empathize with.

Today as well, I carefully tucked away the neatly written resignation letter in my heart.

“Oh, goddess! Please, fix my resignation letter today. Please!”

It’s been about two months since I’ve been repeating the routine of submitting resignation letters to the pulpit every day.
A resignation letter out of the blue in a romance fantasy?

You might think I’ve mistakenly stumbled into a modern romance, but where you’re reading right now is indeed the world of a romance fantasy.


I, Adeline Senelda, have become a final candidate for the Saintess of Myaria Church, along with the noble lady Leona of the Winsworth family.

Adeline became a candidate for Saintess in her childhood when a faint divine power was discovered in her.

Though faint, thanks to her divine power, Adeline was raised with special treatment in an orphanage.

“I’m not a commoner, I’m a Saintess.”
Young Adeline saw herself as a special being and grew up day by day with selfish behavior.

Because it was never common for a commoner to become a Saintess.
Until now, Saintesses had always been nobles. For a commoner like Adeline to become a Saintess was like winning the lottery a million times in a row.

So Adeline fervently wished.
To become a Saintess herself.
This wish turned into a strong desire as time passed.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to take the place of the Saintess.”

Thus, as time passed and she became an adult, Adeline began a full-fledged competition with other candidates for the position of Saintess.

It was the time when the abilities honed as a villainess would flourish.

Adeline, wielding spectacular villainy as if possessed, defeated competitors much stronger in divine power than herself and became the final candidate for Saintess along with Leona Winsworth.

“But why are you narrating my story like someone else’s?”

That’s right, because I’m not Adeline, I’m just a normal freelance broadcasting writer from South Korea, Lee Chan-mi.
I believe everyone must have noticed by now.

I, a side character in a romance novel, was suddenly possessed by the villainess who harasses the female lead and is sentenced to death.

Here is the world of my favorite romance novel, “The Conditions of a Perfect Saintess,” which I’ve read hundreds of times.


After six months of planning and preparation, and three months of pre-filming, the ambitious astrology survival show was canceled due to protests from all religious and civic groups in South Korea after the first episode aired.
Of course, until then, I didn’t know there were so many religious groups in our country.

The CEO of the production company suffered huge financial losses and didn’t pay any of the money I had earned so far.
In response, I drowned my sorrows in alcohol and cursed the world.

While intoxicated and ranting, I felt suffocated, lost consciousness, and when I opened my eyes, I was here.
Even now, recalling that day made me dizzy.



As I gasped for air and opened my eyes, the first thing that caught my eye was the clear sky, bright to the point of blinding.
The glare made me involuntarily squint.

“Why is it so bright?”

I wondered for a moment, then closed my eyes again, thinking maybe I hadn’t fully sobered up yet.

But when I opened them again after a few tries, all I could see was the blue sky.
Not the dark ceiling of my room.

“I must have come here because I drank too much last night… Am I homeless?”

It was the moment I thought to myself, ‘I must be going too far.’

“Adeline! Adeline! Are you awake?”

“What? Adeline? Are there foreigners like me, drinking and sleeping rough?”

Suddenly feeling envious of the foreigner who came to check on me out of concern, I felt even more pathetic about my situation.

I stretched out my arms and legs to shake off the useless emotions.

“Did I drink too much last night? My body feels… light…? Why do I feel so light-headed?”

At that moment, my eyes widened.

“Adeline! Are you okay? Are you coming to your senses now?”

I turned my head towards the voice, and our eyes met.

Although I thought it was rude, I couldn’t help but gaze at her face, which was so beautiful.

Maybe this was the first time I experienced face-blindness after entering a novel.
Fortunately, I didn’t drool, at least.

Her platinum blonde hair was unusually dazzling in the sunlight, and her crimson eyes sparkled like rubies.

“Why is this doll-like person keep looking at me and talking to me?”

No matter how pretty she was, I didn’t know her.

When I was puzzled if she was a real person, she smiled broadly.

“You were surprised. You suddenly collapsed.”

“Why? Adeline? Are there foreigner like me who suddenly collapse and sleep rough?”

When I unexpectedly stood up, the four people who had approached me hesitated for a moment.

“Adeline, what’s wrong? Is it okay to suddenly get up like this?”

Leona Winsworth, with platinum blonde hair and crimson eyes, looked at me with a worried expression.

As I got up, I noticed that the clothes I was wearing were different from usual, and the fallen locks of hair were not black but a lavender color.

Adeline, with lavender hair despite her personality, had a pure appearance.
Leona, with platinum blonde hair but a gorgeous appearance despite her personality.

That’s when I knew.
I was reincarnated into the novel “The Conditions of a Perfect Saintess,” which I loved so much that I even memorized the author’s typos.


Excitement and fear swept over me.
Overwhelmed and marvelous.
Various emotions swirled inside me.
But now wasn’t the time to examine my emotions.

I couldn’t bear the strict, solemn, and serious gazes of the strict officials surrounding me.

I touched my forehead again and naturally collapsed onto the floor with a sigh.
After being carried into the room on the stretcher, I sent everyone, including Leona, away under the pretext of wanting to rest.

As soon as the door closed, I stood up again and approached the full-length mirror to look at my reflection.

Even as I looked, I couldn’t believe it, so I touched my face myself and almost slid off because my skin was so smooth.

“I take a bath with milk every day.”

Adeline stubbornly insisted on indulging in luxurious milk baths, even while receiving disapproving looks from the clergy.
Of course, no one in the clergy dared to stop Adeline.

Anyway, from beginning to end, it all felt like a dream, yet it was reality.
I was reincarnated into Adeline Senelda.


Cascading lavender hair down to the waist. Mysterious purple eyes deep and large, transparent white skin, doll-like straight nose, and sharp crimson lips in a small, slender face—a complete masterpiece that could evoke admiration.

No matter how long I looked, from any angle, even when just waking up in the morning, the face that moved me was beyond worldly beauty.

“The beauty of a supporting character.”

Indeed, people in novels would have lamented like this.

“What a waste of a face. Please live as you are. Demand your worth for your looks.”

Contrary to her role, Adeline was a beauty with a pure atmosphere.

Every time I looked at this face, I wanted to live with it forever.

Of course, now wasn’t the time to admire such precious beauty. As everyone knew, I had a big problem.

“I lived happily ever after” wasn’t the conclusion for me, but rather tormenting the protagonist and dying as the villainess, the worst scenario!

Moreover, the fact that I had already committed numerous wicked deeds was also a big problem.

I had accumulated sins meticulously, from bronze to silver, and I felt like I would reach the diamond grade soon.

So, before accumulating more sins, I had to get out of here as soon as possible.


Thinking about Adeline’s fate, a deep sigh escaped me.

“Why do I have to be the villainess, and why do I have to die? My life after reincarnation isn’t smooth sailing at all.”

As I wrote countless resignation letters, tears blurred my vision.


I started the monotonous resignation battle with the clergy two months ago.

Actually, at first, I thought everyone would be happy if Adeline left.

However, contrary to my expectations, the clergy immediately rejected the resignation, saying such a case had never happened in seven thousand years of history.

Since then, for various reasons, I submitted resignation letters every day, but they were all rejected.

Still, I didn’t give up and continued to write resignation letters every day.
I couldn’t just sit still and helplessly wait to die.

After being reincarnated, it didn’t take me long to understand the situation and adapt.
As a devoted reader of “The Conditions of a Perfect Saintess,” I quickly took care of everything and immediately wrote a resignation letter as soon as the plan was settled.

[“Due to personal reasons, I will step down from this position.”]

Reflecting on that time when I dreamed of a simple new life, I felt naive.

“I didn’t expect resigning to be so difficult.”

Working for the Myaria Church in the Kingdom of Kinsteria was equivalent to working in a court in South Korea.

Religion, which held sway over the empire, had more power than the royal family.
Moreover, my position was not just an ordinary clergy member but a saintess candidate.

Becoming a saintess meant acquiring both wealth and power.

Even if I failed, being a finalist meant I could enjoy many benefits by assisting the saintess.

When I said I would quit after enduring ten years as a saintess, people found it strange.

But such concerns were futile.
After all, I was destined to be the villainess who would be executed.

I had to leave this place no matter what.
On the morning I wrote my first resignation letter, I confidently went to a high-ranking clergy member and handed in my resignation.

“Reverend, I will quit as a saintess candidate from today.”

I vividly witnessed the high-ranking clergy’s expression contorting in an instant.

“He used to be so gentle. Why is he like this?”

The high-ranking clergy looked at me with an incredulous expression, as if wondering if he had heard me correctly.

“What did you just say to me? Adeline.”

“I said I will step down from the position of saintess candidate.”


  1. Fatemeh says:

    سلام خیلی خیلی ممنون خسته نباشید فوق العاده هست 😍😘❤️‍🔥❤️❤️‍🩹

    1. Sid says:

      You are welcome. New chapters will be out soon. Stay tuned 😊

  2. akerue says:

    Interesting! I want to find out what will happen next

    1. Sid says:

      New chapters will be out soon, stay tuned.

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