The Villainess Wants To Be A Sidekick

For every favorite character, there's an annoying one

[– For every favorite character, there’s an annoying one –] 


“……Isn’t that the person we met yesterday, the peddler? Was he really the Crown Prince?”

Velkina whispered as she asked, and I nodded, still dumbfounded. I had expected that guy to try something today to make up for the bad first impression he made. But I thought he’d just dress up more neatly and formally greet us, maybe even make another move on Velkina. I never imagined he would pull off such a crazy stunt.

“What do you mean by peddler?”

Luminus, who was listening beside us, asked with a puzzled expression.

“Oh, we ran into him while we were out for a walk. But he said some weird things, so Senephin told that peddlers not to cross the line  and go away.”

……Thanks for the kind words, Velkina. I feel like my head is going to explode.

What the Crown Prince just did was truly insane. The fact that he made his official debut in society in such a place is crazy. The fact that he barged into our research institute without us preparing the proper protocol for a Crown Prince is unbelieveable. The thought of the attendants who dressed him in the Prince’s regalia also seems nosense, and the King and Queen who will freaking out when they hear about this…..

Anyway, I’m messed up.

I underestimated Kalt. If I knew he was such an asshole, I shouldn’t have been so provocative yesterday. Arghh, huff………

Even though other guests are coming in one after another and being introduced, I can’t hear anything. Velkina is worried when she sees that I’m about to bang my head on the table.

“What should we do, Lumins? Do you think the Crown Prince will blame us?”

“Well, the Crown Prince has been shrouded in mystery, so his character is not well known…….”

Luminus bent down to match my eye level and looked at my face.

“Senephin, it’s okay. It wasn’t intentional, right? If His Highness is a reasonable person, he will understand.”

Lumins, your words are so kind, but I’m sorry, it was intentional.


And I also thought that this playboy prince was someone reasonable….. But after seeing him do something idiot today, I’m not so sure anymore.

I can’t even get those words out of my mouth, so I can only nod with a pale face and thank them for their concern. Beside me, Velkina also kept holding my hands tightly, reassuring me several times that everything would be okay.

The only comfort is that Belkina’s reaction wasn’t something like, “Oh my, that person was the Crown Prince? He looks different now…..♡” but rather just being surprised. Yeah, as long as Velkina’s heart doesn’t waver, even if I rot in a prison cell, it’ll be okay….. No, actually, it won’t be okay….. There’s still a long way to go before I see the ending of this game…..

If you ask me, I’ll leave my pride behind and stay by Velkina’s side, even if it’s only for a short time.

Come at me, playboy Prince……!

Once all the guests had arrived, Kalt stood on the platform. Normally, our research institute’s director would give a welcoming speech at this point, but since the Crown Prince showed up, the entire schedule got messed up. I can’t help but feel sympathy for the protocol officer who has to handle this tricky situation.

“Dear members of the Royal Magic Research Institute. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I imagine you were all surprised by this sudden visit. The responsibility for this abrupt change of plans lies with me, so whatever hospitality you offer, I will accept it as the utmost kindness.”

He was basically saying not to worry, even if the protocol is subpar. Yeah, if you have any conscience, you should do that…..

“Originally, I planned to visit without revealing my identity, but I thought I should respond with sincerity to those of you who are at the forefront of the magic field. I hope this will give you all the opportunity to fully demonstrate your skills. I will also reciprocate with sincerity beyond the results you show.”

It sounded like he was promising to bring in more funding than expected if the research results were satisfactory….. but have you agreed on this with your parents? It’s none of my business, but it seems like the heads of the various research departments will have a lot to calculate.

I quietly whispered to Lumins, who was in charge of the research presentation.


“It seems like tomorrow’s research presentation is going to be even more intense. Lumins, you’re attending too, right?”

“Yeah. Our department’s results are quite practical, so it should be fine, right? We’ve prepared thoroughly, so there shouldn’t be any issues.”

As expected, there was nothing to worry about when it came to our Lumins. Feeling proud, I couldn’t help but shrug my shoulders inwardly, when he asked.

“…… Are you worried about me? You were so nervous earlier.”

Well, that was because I was tense from facing your face, not because of the party…..

“H-ha ha. When a person surpasses their limits, they transcend all worries, or something like that? Maybe that’s what happened.”

“I see. Senephin, you’re really hard to figure out.”

For a villainous character that disappears early on, it has been a pretty eventful journey. Consistent character traits….. should I be worried about that?

Perhaps misunderstanding my silence, Lumins chuckled and added,

“I don’t mean it in a bad way. I just hope you can live every day enjoying yourself as you wish.”

……What? Is that supposed to mean it’s fine to act freely, but if I do anything weird to Velkina, you’ll cut me down? Something like that?

It’s okay, Lumins! Your nuna knows her place, and she’s on your side!

While I was chatting with Lumins, Kalt’s speech was over.

To summarize, he apologized for showing up unexpectedly but mentioned he planned to pull in as much funding as possible, and the reason he made his first public appearance in such a rural place was that recent magical research had caught his interest as it could enhance the nation’s power.

……Who would believe such nonsense? But if they don’t believe that nonsense, they wouldn’t understand today’s absurd events. The fact that such a lunatic is the next in line for the throne makes the future of the Kingdom of Faynance seem bleak.

With the formalities over, we were guided from the dining hall, where the meal had been served, to a larger dance hall. Now it’s time for introductions and dance time. Will Kalt come right over to get back at me? It seems likely, but won’t he be busy greeting important people? Should I try to escape before then?


However, Velkina looked around with an intrigued expression, showing no intention of leaving the event early. It would be like leaving a cat in charge of a fish, so I couldn’t leave her here with Kalt around. I finally give up.

“I hope the Crown Prince doesn’t recognize us.”

Velkina said, to which I could only respond with a tired smile.

With your beauty, there’s no way someone wouldn’t recognize you……. It would be nice if he didn’t recognize me with all this makeup, but since our eyes met earlier when he was on the platform, that’s unlikely.

As the three of us awkwardly stood in a corner, the Crown Prince Kalt gracefully made his way toward us. I barely managed to suppress the hiccup that threatened to escape, trying my best to stay calm.

Should I just turn myself in? Or should I wait until he starts something?

While I was mentally spinning through all possible scenarios, the Crown Prince finally arrived in front of us.

“Nice to meet you. You must be Lumins Hardelf?”

And then he addressed someone completely unexpected.

“……It’s an honor to meet His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince of Faynance.”

Lumins responded in a stoic voice, politely greeting him. Velkina and I quickly followed suit, greeting him silently.

“I heard that the Duke of Hardelf was deeply grieved when you refused the title of heir and chose the path of magical research. It’s truly an honor for me to meet the rumored genius in person.”

“It’s a name that has sullied the family. Please consider me as no one and cleanse your ears of my existence, Your Highness.”

In typical fashion for a character from a high-quality otome game, our Lumins had a backstory where he abandoned his position as an heir to pursue the path of a pure mage.

With Jin and Kalt, I can’t help but feel that the characters in this game are a bit overdeveloped, but it’s okay because our Lumins is cool! And the little Whitey dog is cute, so it’s forgiven! But you, playboy Prince, I won’t forgive you.


“Haha, it seems your father hasn’t given up yet, so you might as well resign yourself. Are these ladies your friends?”

Ah, so he was just faking it by greeting Luminus first, and now he’s ready to make his move….. I clenched my fists, preparing myself for what was coming.

“Yes, Your Highness. This is Velkina, and this is Senephin Cromwell,”

Lumins introduced us. As I raised my head after the introduction, I saw Kalt’s red eyes glinting.

Those eyes were like a cat’s, scheming how to toy with a mouse before devouring it.

“…..Actually, I lost my way yesterday and ended up on the grounds of this research institute.”

He cut straight to the point.

“I happened to run into these two ladies. It seems I may have committed a grave offense then. Could I ask for your forgiveness?”

He was clearly using a strategy of how will you respond when someone of higher status apologizes first? What a twisted personality……

I bowed deeply. I had already decided to throw away my pride, so what did it matter?

“P-please, Your Highness, kill me. Not realizing you were the Crown Prince and daring to speak so carelessly, I deserve to die a thousand times over.”

“I-I’m so sorry, Your Highness…….”

Actually, this world is a more casual fantasy setting rather than a traditional Western one, more like a law-and-order country where you don’t really get killed for making a foul-mouthed joke at the Crown Prince. I figured going over the top would make him more satisfied.

It seemed like the Crown Prince was looking between Belkina and me before he spoke again.

“Haha, both of you, raise your heads. Especially you, Lady Senephin. You were merely cautious of a suspicious person approaching your workplace, which is something to be praised. It was my fault for being dressed in such a suspicious manner.”

Calling me out specifically, huh….!

What he really meant was, How could you call my expensive outfit suspicious? What, are your eyes made of wood?

Grinding my teeth internally, I was about to offer another exaggerated apology.


“I…. really….. I’ve committed an unforgivable sin-…”

“Your Highness, let’s stop here.”

Lumins pulled me towards him, grabbing my shoulder and hand, as he intervened.

Not fully understanding what had just happened, I looked up at Lumins in surprise. He held onto my shoulder and spoke to Kalt.

“Surely, Your Highness, you of all people must know that she did not act intentionally. Just being in the presence of your illustrious visage is already an honor beyond our station. I understand your desire to correct the events of yesterday, but I fear it is unworthy of your precious time.”

He was subtly suggesting that Kalt should stop and move on, using polite language to sort out the hierarchy.

Was Luminis always this politically astute? I hadn’t noticed in the game, where he wasn’t involved in political scenes. This side of him was unexpected.

Moreover, the contrast between Lumins in his light, almost pale-gray attire, and Kalt in his dark uniform, a mix of black and navy, only heightened the tension in the air.

Thanks to that, Lumins looked so…. cool…. but the fact that I was caught in the middle made the situation feel really awkward……

……It feels like everyone’s watching. Can I escape?

“….Indeed. If that is truly what you wish, I will take note of it. We shall exchange greetings again later.”

“I am deeply honored, Your Highness.”

“….I am deeply honored, Your Highness.”

“And Lady Velkina.”

Kalt politely took Velkina’s hand and made a request.

“If it’s alright with you, would you grant me the honor of being your first partner during the dance time?”

Th-that bastard….! That was his real intention!! He shut me up just to get this…..!!

Velkina, who had been subdued by the undercurrents of the aristocratic battle, looked surprised with her wide eyes and seemed to ponder for a moment before nodding slightly.

“….If you are willing to forgive the incident in Senephin, I would be honored.”



This nuna may have been touched, but no! Don’t get sold off to someone like that…!

“Haha, that was my mistake, so there’s nothing to forgive. Well then, Lady, I’ll see you again later.”

With a cheerful laugh, Kalt left to greet someone else.

It was a complete defeat.

“Hehe, that’s great, Senephin! At least His Highness forgave you!”

“Senephin, you were surprised, right? His Highness was probably just teasing you a bit. He didn’t mean anything serious. You can relax.”

Their kind reassurances didn’t really sink in, and I held Velkina’s hand tightly.

“……I feel like crying a little…….”

“Ah, you must have been really startled and tense, right? Lumins, take Senephin back to her room quickly.”

“Sure. And don’t go tearing your dress while dancing with His Highness.”

“Honestly, even with just one word…. Make sure to say hi to Jin when you’re waiting in the room.”

Being led away by Lumins in a daze, all I could do was hope that Velkina wouldn’t fall for Kalt after dancing with him and receiving the Crown Prince’s buff.

As we left the hall and moved through the garden, it seemed like the dance time had started. The music playing was a three-beat waltz.

Ah, the Crown Prince must have gone straight to ask Velkina to dance. It’s frustrating that I couldn’t even interfere….. I turned my head back, feeling regretful as I looked at the banquet hall.

“…Do you regret it?”

“Yes, of course…..”

I answered Lumins’s question without thinking, but then realized, wait, that’s probably not what he meant.

“……Then, Lady, would you like to dance with me?”

Luminis asked, kissing the back of my hand.

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


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