The Villainess Wants To Be A Sidekick

For every favorite character, there's an unpleasant one

[– For every favorite character, there’s an unpleasant one –] 


Although I managed to get the upper hand during our first encounter, the real battle starts today.

Yesterday, Kalt was merely testing the waters, but today, he’s revealing his true identity.

Instead of posing as a crown prince, he’s going to reveal his temporary identity as a high noble. But so what? It was them who acted suspiciously yesterday. It’s not like I called him a peddler knowing he was a noble. (Well, I knew, but I did it on purpose.)

Even if Kalt tries to rebrand himself as a high noble today, to Velkina, his first impression will always be that of a peddler. I really did a great job.

With this “take it or leave it” attitude, I was being dressed up like a doll by Velkina.

“Everyone, including Senephin, should wear a pretty dress to the welcome party for the inspection team today!”

“No……. I’m fine. Velkina, you look beautiful today, so make sure to dance with Lumin……. I’ll watch from afar.”

“Why would I dance with Lumin when I’m tired of seeing his face every day? If I’m going to dance, I’ll dance with you, Senephin!”

Gah……. Lumin, have you not been appealing to Velkina all this time? At this point, you seem to be stuck in the ‘tedious frenemy’ zone rather than being a close friend. Isn’t that just a misunderstanding?

This girl……. I’ll do something about it…….

Without knowing my sadness, she twirled me around, alternating between green and yellow silk, and then exclaimed, “This one is better!” before tying the green silk around my waist into a ribbon.

“See, doesn’t it look pretty?”

Velkina grabbed my shoulders and showed me the full-length mirror. Seeing myself in makeup and a dress felt strange. Of course, I’m nowhere near as stunning as the girl standing next to me, but thanks to the makeup that softened my sharp eyes, I think I look better than usual.

I was actually more displeased with Velkina’s modest dress. I mean, she’s just a kid who recently joined the research institute after living in an orphanage, so how could she have a proper dress? I could lend her accessories, but the fact that I couldn’t lend her clothes and shoes that fit her size was my greatest regret.


However, with the blue flowers adorning her hair, she looks like a forest fairy, so I’m sure Velkina will be the star of the day. Well, there will be plenty of other opportunities to dress her in luxurious gowns later!

To prepare for the inspection team’s welcome party in the afternoon, only morning duties were conducted today. The protocol officers and other staff members were busy with final checks, while everyone else was bustling around, preparing their outfits for the party.

Since I couldn’t bring Whitey to the party, I informed him in advance. He seemed a bit shocked, but with a sullen expression, he told me to have a good time. I’ll have to treat him to something delicious later.

After finishing our preparations, Velkina and I headed to the hall, which is usually used for research presentations but will be the venue for the banquet. Although the inspection team wasn’t expected to arrive for another 20 minutes, a considerable number of people were already gathered in small groups. We found a table near the entrance, sat down, and began chatting.

It felt somewhat like being at a wedding, where guests chat among themselves before the bride and groom make their entrance…

As I was lost in such trivial thoughts, Velkina suddenly waved towards the entrance, saying, “Ah, it’s Lumin.” I turned my head to see him since I was sitting with my back to the entrance.


His light gray jacket was delicately embroidered with silver thread. The shirt underneath and the dark navy cravat harmonized perfectly. The jacket’s line, extending to his waist, was impeccably tailored, and the brooch connected to his pocket watch chain displayed a restrained elegance. His hair, parted differently and swept back, gave off a sensual vibe, contrasting with his usual intellectual aura.

If I hadn’t pressed my palm with my nails to calm my heart, I might have shed tears of joy, just like when I first encountered Lumin in this world.

Thankful for my solid rationality, I could only stare at him intensely. Lumin, noticing me, narrowed his golden eyes and smiled brightly. His purple hair, swaying naturally, looked almost divine.

Even if today were the end of my life, I would have no regrets. After all, I did something bold with the crown prince yesterday, what’s death compared to that? Or perhaps this place is heaven?


“You both arrived early. Not that there’s much to see anyway.”

“The cocktail they’re serving is delicious. So are the canapés. Will they refill them if we finish everything?”

“Well, just don’t eat too much, or your dress might burst.”

“Wow, thanks for the kind words, really.”

How can Velkina talk so calmly and rationally with Lumin? I need to……. regain my composure……. and have a proper conversation…….

“Senephin, you should eat too. If not, that glutton over there might eat the tablecloth as well.”

Lumin, who seems to shine ten times brighter than everyone else, speaks to me kindly. This surreal space……. I need to pull myself together…….


I picked up a canapé and put it in my mouth. I’m not sure what it tastes like, but if Lumin recommends it, I should eat it! Yes!

While awkwardly stuffing my face, unsure if the food was going into my mouth or nose, I suddenly felt my throat clogging. I reached out for a cocktail to wash it down, but my trembling hand failed to grasp the glass properly, and I ended up dropping it.

“Oh no.”


Great, I lost focus and messed up.

In the blink of an eye, the red cocktail splattered across the tablecloth, creating irregular patterns before dripping off the edge. Naturally, the liquid landed right on my dress.

Oddly enough, after the accident, my mind felt clearer. It’s not like dressing up was going to bring me wealth and glory, so what’s a little stain…..?

As I was trying to clean up and accept my fate, an unbelievable scene unfolded before my eyes.

Lumin, who was sitting next to me, quickly got down on one knee in front of me and began to wipe the liquid off my dress with a napkin.


“……Lu, Lumin!?”

Without hesitation, as if it were the most natural thing to do, he meticulously wiped the hem of my dress and then returned to his seat as if nothing had happened.

“The dress is dark, so it shouldn’t be too noticeable. You can send it for cleaning later.”

“Thank goodness, Senepin! The glass didn’t break, so you weren’t hurt, right?”

Lumin’s gentle voice and Velkina’s concerned tone barely registered in my ears.

“…..I’m fine… Really. The servant could have cleaned it up, but….. I’m sorry…..”

“But Senepin, you were nervous, right?”

Resting his chin on his hand, Lumin leaned in and whispered softly.

“If we had called a servant over and drawn attention to you, I thought it might make you even more anxious. It’s okay, it’s okay. No one here is going to bite. Even the important people coming later have nothing to do with us.”


“It’s just like usual. Velkina, the glutton she is, is here, and I’m here. It’s a shame Jin isn’t here, but it’s just the three of us having a meal like always. Don’t worry about dancing later, just think of it as enjoying a nice dinner and heading back.”

Velkina’s grumbling, Lumin’s teasing responses, and the elegant melody played by the chamber orchestra all blended into a gentle hum around me.

The truth is, I wasn’t nervous. I just felt breathless because seeing you, Lumin, made this place seem so unreal, like a dream.

But I couldn’t say that aloud, so I bit my lip to hold back tears.

Ah, I see. This is reality after all.

Lumin Hardelf, the kind and gentle character who brought me so much comfort while playing Alrandast Saga, is really here.

And because I wished for your happiness above all, that’s why I’m here.


I lifted my head. Now, Lumins, who had been so bright that it was difficult to even look at, seemed to finally come into proper focus before my eyes.

“Thank you, Lumins. I’m sorry for the trouble.”

So, I will do what I must. So that the kind, beautiful, and wonderful people here can all enjoy a happy ending.

“Oh, you can have more canapés, Velkina. I’m just overwhelmed….. No, it feels like I’m stuffed.”

“Hey, come on. Saying that makes it sound like you’re confirming that I’m a glutton.”

“It’s not something to confirm or deny, it’s just the truth.”

“You little…..”

Yeah, since there is love that begins with rivalry, let’s think positively about the current relationship between these two.

Well, in the game, Lumins route was so plain that it almost felt like a friendship route….. Being close is a hundred times better than not being close at all.

“Haha, they say those who fight are close, so Lumins and Velkina must be inseparable. You’ll both dance together later, right?”

“No, thanks.”


…..And because I was too moved by the atmosphere, I didn’t even think about the bomb that was about to drop afterward…..

When it was time for the inspection team’s arrival, petals started to flutter towards the hall’s entrance. Of course, these weren’t paper flowers like the ones used at Korean weddings, they were real petals. The fact that there was no one scattering them and that they were controlled by wind magic was very fitting for a magical research institute.

“Whose taste is that, I wonder?”

“Maybe it’s the head of our research institute? I doubt the guests would have requested such a tacky welcome.”

“I’m voting for the head as well!”

While warmly watching the two people mercilessly judging the taste of a middle-aged bachelor who keeps cats and has slightly romantic inclinations, I turned my head toward the entrance.

But for some reason, the people in charge of the ceremony looked pale and were scurrying around in confusion.

According to the original schedule, the host should check the incoming guests, announce their names, titles, and positions. The order would be from the highest rank to the lowest, and after everyone was announced, the head would give a welcoming speech and brief greetings, followed by dancing….. It’s that kind of semi-formal party.


Outside, the protocol officer, now pale as a sheet, approached the host, handed over a note, and whispered something in his ear. As soon as the host heard it, his face turned ashen. It seemed like a major trouble had arisen, and I wondered if the protocol department would be scolded from above later.

While I watched the situation unfold as if it were someone else’s problem, the host cleared his throat and used a voice amplification spell to project his voice throughout the hall.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please stand up from your seats to avoid any disrespect.”


There is a member of a royal family among today’s guests, but there shouldn’t be a need for such formalities.

I looked at Lumins with a puzzled expression, but he shrugged, indicating he had no idea either. Velkina, who was attending such an official party for the first time, stood up without much thought.

…..This was the moment when I should have realized.

He appeared at the entrance.

The first thing that caught my eye was a gold-embellished cloak. The collar around his neck was adorned with geometric patterns woven in golden thread. Over the wine-colored cape, black fur draped elegantly from his left shoulder downwards. Black and deep navy fabric enveloped a highly ornate uniform in perfect balance, and the large gemstones adorning it hinted at his status.

The decoration and details depicted a luxurious extravagance that wasn’t tacky. The man who wore such an incredible outfit, possessing a beauty that matched it, smiled gracefully with his red eyes curved like a crescent moon.

The host cleared his throat and solemnly announced

“―Direct descendant of the Faynance who prospered in this land with the blessing of the first King Alfaynans. His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Kalt Ashan Faynance, has arrived!”

The entire hall fell into silence. Even the chamber music that filled the background seemed to falter for a moment.

No wonder. Ah…..

“May the blessing of Alfaynans be with you. Please, everyone, feel free to sit.”

Surveying the hall with a commanding voice, he gave the order. Everyone started to sit down, but then Prince Kalt looked in my direction.

If it wasn’t my imagination, his eyes were not smiling.

….. That lunatic, is he still holding a grudge from yesterday for being called a peddler? Has he decided to abandon all mystery and make his society debut at some backwater magical research institute?

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


  1. Gio says:

    Hello dear readers. I’m so sorry for the long no updates. Things sometimes didn’t go as we planned. I had some personal matter that happened when the time I want to work on my translation. Plus Gio also a slow translator…

    As my apology I could only give you 2 more chapter for tomorrow update… I hope you understand and enjoy the reading. Once again, Sorry and Thank you so much for waiting.

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