The Villainess Wants To Be A Sidekick

For every favorite character, there's an unlikable one

[– For every favorite character, there’s an unlikable one –]


The Royal Magic Research Institute, which can be called our workplace, is a research institution located within the Kingdom of Faynance, which occupies a large portion of the continent of Arlandast. In Earth terms, it’s like a National Science Research Center.

This is a place where typical magical research is conducted, such as excavating and interpreting ancient texts to reproduce lost ancient magic, or studying original magical laws.

I belong to the department of ancient document interpretation, and although my skills as a wizard are somewhat lacking, I have a decent ability to interpret ancient languages.

Meanwhile, Lumins belongs to a fluid department that changes based on important research projects, repeatedly proving and experimenting with new magical laws.

Velkina is an apprentice, but her magical talents have been recognized and she is undergoing training to become a full sorceress.

As such, the members of the institute include those with immense magical talent, like our Lumins or Velkina, while others, like myself, who are specialized in other fields and possess little magical talent.

Within the institute, the former are rare, while the latter are many, as having a practical magical talent and being loved by mana and elements is different from having a research mind.

Of course, our Lumins excels in both!

One of the prides of the Magic Research Institute, which is such a leisurely and pastoral workplace, is the cafeteria that serves delicious food.

After finishing my morning work and having lunch, I sighed while stabbing a sausage on my plate with a fork. I still hadn’t decided how to stop the crown prince, who was scheduled to appear tomorrow.


In Western fantasy-themed otome games, the prince position is practically a necessity.

Naturally, that man also appears in “Arlandast Saga.”

Kalt Ashan Faynance. Perhaps because the protagonist, Velkina, is blonde, he is not a blonde prince but a black-haired prince. He even has red eyes. Isn’t it too obvious to design such a fatal man?

On top of that, he also has the playboy trait that commonly appears in these games. He persistently flirts with the overwhelmed Belkina. Of course, in a typical cliché twist, it turns out he didn’t do it because he liked Velkina but because he saw her as useful. Eventually, he realizes his true feelings and becomes a regretful man who falls in love for real. Well……. I wonder if that’s okay……..

You might guess from my unenthusiastic and negative explanation, but the truth is, I find this character a bit uncomfortable. It’s not that I hate him……. but I think, “If he’s going to become a regretful man, why did he hurt our Velkina in the first place?” or “Does our Lumins have to sacrifice his life for the country to protect this guy?” These realistic thoughts make me dislike him a bit.

Even though I’m grumbling like this, as a monarch, he’s a good royal character who thinks of his country and people first. I know he’s not a bad guy, but…….

“No, I need to get a grip!”

When I suddenly shouted this, Belkina, who was eating a panini next to me, looked at me in surprise.

“Senephin, are you sleepy? Maybe a nap will help you feel less tired.”

……Ugh, I’ve become so deeply troubled that I’ve broken character.


“Oh, hahah. It’s nothing.”

This time, Lumins, who was drinking coffee across from me.

“Is something bothering you? You’ve been looking so serious the whole time.”

Our Lumins is so kind. This sister is happy, but…… since it’s not a problem I can reveal, I’m not happy right now.

“You seem to be sighing a lot these days. I feel pathetic for not being able to help you.”

said Whitey, who was eating cheese on my lap. It seems…… too obvious.

Since it’s not something I can discuss with others, I decided to change the subject.

“Haha, I’m just a bit short on sleep. The day after tomorrow, the royal inspection team is coming, right? Because of that, our department has a lot of work.”

“Well, it’s an annual event, so it’s understandable. Aside from us, the protocol and research presentation departments seem to be going crazy. They’ve been pulling all-nighters for days.”

Since Lumins department deals with cutting-edge magical research, he must have had to prepare presentation materials too, but it seems he’s already finished. As expected, our Lumins is an elite…….

“What do they do when the inspection team comes? Do they just look around and leave?”

Velkina asked with a curious expression. Lumins set her teacup down and answered.

“They come to monitor. To see if the budget is being spent inappropriately, to check if the goals set last year have been properly achieved. Besides that, since they’re our main source of funding, we hold a party and put on a bit of a show for them.”

Even in our peaceful Magic Research Institute, it’s still just a place where people live and work…….


“I see. Are important people coming?”

“Yeah, the ones coming this time are high-ranking officials from the capital’s Magic Association to verify our research results, and a few nobles from the royal family’s collateral branches. Don’t be nervous, they’re people you’ll probably only greet briefly from a distance.”

……That’s the official story, Lumins, but unfortunately, the crown prince is among the inspection team this time.

The crown prince’s face is still not publicly known, so at his request, he’ll be posing as a noble from a collateral branch of the royal family.

This is a big picture of the Crown Prince of Kalt, who is calculating to make the audience laugh when he reveals that he is actually the Crown Prince…….

But honestly, I find this guy really uncomfortable. I can’t seem to say anything nice about him.

The important thing is that even if I try to block the initial meeting event, it won’t solve the problem. It’s a given that Kalt is part of this inspection team. One way or another, he will meet Velkina.

Moreover, given his position as the crown prince, he plays an important role in Velkina’s quest to save the world, so I can’t sever ties with him.

…….In that case, is my only option to stick to Velkina like glue and block all his flirtations?

I actually came to this conclusion a few days ago, but I haven’t mustered the motivation to carry it out, which is why I’ve been sighing like this. I’ve been racking my brain for a better solution, but I just can’t come up with one.

……Guarding her from his constant flirtations like this…….



“Senephin, if you’re truly troubled, tell me everything. I can put an end to whatever is tormenting you.”

“Well, well~. There are plenty of ways to end one’s zest for life without ending their life, so let’s proceed gently.”

“Why are you making such gloomy remarks in front of someone who’s troubled?”

“You’re just trying to score points with Senefin by pretending to be good, aren’t you, Lumins!?”

Listening to the banter that spilled out of their mouths as if they’d become best friends, I rinsed my face again and dried it off.

The next day, I woke up feeling restless and went to visit Velkina in the morning. If it weren’t a weekday, I would have stayed with her from wake-up to bedtime. Unfortunately, today was a weekday, so I had to finish work at the Magic Research Institute. I wish I could take a leave, but I had used up my sick leave after the incident at the lake, so I had no leave days left.

Good grief, the damned prince (the title inside the seal) will come next month after my leave is refilled, and it’s really not helping my timing!

“Good morning, Senephin! What brings you here so early?”

Velkina, an adorable girl with her blonde hair braided and tied up, smiled brightly.

Hmph, this prince-like guy doesn’t know when to give up, crawling up like this when Velkina is so lovely!

“Good morning, Velkina! You’re beautiful today as well. I’m having a hard time sleeping…….”

“Ahaha, looks like someone didn’t get enough sleep! Senephin, you look much prettier!”

It’s a great thing about Velkina that she doesn’t sound the least bit hateful, even though she’s obviously just saying that.

“Can you do me a favor, Velkina?”

“Of course, anything.”

“Well, you see, I had a troubling dream last night. I’m afraid something might happen to you. If it’s not too much to ask, could you stay with me whenever you’re not in the Magic Institute office……?”


It was a lame excuse, but I couldn’t think of any other reason to cover Velkina outside of the office.

I was prepared for her to look at me suspiciously and decline, but to my surprise, she said yes.

“Senephin, you worried about me that much? Hehe, thank you. Even if you weren’t worried, I always want to be with you, Senephin.”

Oops, my heart skipped a beat a little…….

No, Lumins. She’s just you, and I have no biases, but I am hetero!

With that, I took Velkina’s hand, making excuses in my mind that no one asked.

“Thank you, Velkina. Shall we go to breakfast first?”

“Yeah, I heard they have honey ice cream at the cafeteria today!”

The damned prince…… no, let’s keep it real. The timing for Kalt’s appearance, other than today, is uncertain within the game. Moreover, unlike other characters, he’s not going to accidentally meet us, he already knows Velkina’s whereabouts and is coming to meet her. Therefore, no location could be deemed safe.

If that damned prince were still in his right mind, he wouldn’t invade the Magic Institute, scheduled for a visit tomorrow. That’s why I’ve decided to cover only outside the office.

I finished breakfast and honey ice cream, and worked the morning shift without any issues. During lunch, I drank my dessert tea without any problems.

I was relieved, and as I sipped my dessert tea, Velkina said.

“Senefin, how about a short walk to aid digestion?”

“……Haha, sure…….”

I had a premonition. I knew this would be the destined walk where I would meet ‘that guy.’

But if reality comes knocking, it’s better to face it head-on. I stood next to Velkina, ready for battle, and she quickly hooked her arm through mine.

The path leading south from the Magic Institute was accompanied by a babbling brook. It was a reminder that the Magic Institute, although a bit far from the capital, was surrounded by beautiful natural scenery. If I ever missed city life, I could always take a vacation. Unless it was a particularly busy time like now, it was quite a sweet job, wasn’t it?

As I tried to shake off my fears with positive thoughts, a young man approached from ahead.

……Ha, here he comes.


Dark hair with a radiant crimson eye. Despite not visiting as a crown prince, there’s a noticeable air of elegance, even though he’s dressed quite simply.

Even if you don’t know who he is, you can tell he’s someone of high status.

Kalt Ashan Faynance. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, heir to the throne of this country.

“Oh, ladies. May I interrupt for a moment?”

“Yes, hello.”

Velkina, always kind and polite to everyone, responded immediately.

“To the blonde lady over there, I have a matter to discuss.”

“What is it?”

“Well, I seem to have fallen ill with a fever…….”

“Where are you feeling unwell?”


No, this won’t do. I can already imagine the next line, sending chills down my spine.

“I seem to have fallen head over heels for you, my angel……”

Without hesitation, I interjected.

“Hehe. Velkina, please ignore this person and let’s go quickly. Excuse me, sir. Since this is a public space, you shouldn’t enter so casually.”

“A person like me……?”

The insulting title, unimaginable to be referring to himself, seemed to freeze Kalt like a malfunctioning computer.

Of course, without waiting for him to start working again, I grabbed Velkina’s arm and quickly changed direction towards the Magic Researcher.

“Oh my, was he a merchant, Senephin?”

“Even if they look clean on the outside, it’s all a means of business. You have to be careful not to fall for things like gemstone carpets.”

“Gemstone carpets……?”

“Objects made of jewels. They’re trendy these days in the capital, Hallerina.”

Spitting out whatever words came to mind, I felt proud of gaining an advantage over the prince of swallows.

If this were a game, wouldn’t I get a title like “The person who called the first prince of the continent a merchant” or something like that?

Hi there, hope you'll like my translation. Please correct me if there's something you don't understand by comment or contact me on Dc. Kindly support me on Ko-fi gi0zzzxx (๑ↀᆺↀ๑) Thank you!


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not work with dark mode