The Villainess Wants To Be A Sidekick

My Lumin is very kind

[– My Lumin is very kind –]


Unable to contain my excitement because my favorite character was so active, I ended up fainting.

Of course, this is half a joke (but half true). To be precise, I was staring blankly at Lumins who saved me and then fainted because I was extremely dizzy.

Thinking back, it’s probably a good thing since who knows what nonsense I might have said if I were conscious.

Although I had seen it in the game, experiencing it in 4D was on a completely different scale compared to just seeing it through a smartphone screen.

Phew……Isn’t it ridiculous to say that such an almighty, god-like, general, emperor, munchkin wizard like Lumins has the characteristics of a weak sunfish? Isn’t this just a ploy by the developers worried about balance because our Lumins is too strong?

―― Let’s stop praising Lumini here.

I don’t know exactly what happened while I was unconscious, but it seemed my condition was more serious than it appeared. It wasn’t just because I had been immersed in cold water for a long time, but also due to prolonged exposure to the toxic atmosphere of the lake, which was no different from a monster.

Because of this, I remained unconscious for over 10 hours, and when I finally woke up, it was almost evening.

When I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a blurry figure sitting next to the bed. I was so groggy that I couldn’t comprehend the situation, and I unconsciously muttered “water…….”.

The person beyond my blurry vision stood up, and I heard the sound of water being poured. The person came back to the bedside, slipped an arm behind my back, and gently helped me sit up. The touch of a cold glass pressed against my lips, and as I opened my mouth, water flowed in, quenching my thirst.

As my blurry vision cleared and my mind became alert, I turned to look at the person who had given me the water.


“Are you feeling better now, Lady Senephin?”

“!! !!!!! !! ??? !!!!!”

If I were to express the emotions my facial muscles showed at that moment in a graph, there wouldn’t be enough space.

Shock, admiration, confusion, joy, delight, fear, denial, anguish and every possible emotion surged in like a tide and then receded.

This was because Lumins Hardelf helped me sit up and gave me water.

“……Lu- Lu- Lumins……?”

“Yes. I’m glad you regained consciousness. You were in real danger earlier.”

“……Wh- why, why are you here…….?”

“Because I’m also a medical consultant at the Magic Research Institute. For now, lie back down. Your condition isn’t fully recovered, so you need to rest well.”

Lumins explained the situation where I was exposed to the lake’s toxic atmosphere and the progress of my treatment. From magical researcher to medical advisor…… Right, our multi-talented Lumins had that backstory as well.

Because of this, in the game, he tended to be used more as a healer than an attack mage. This was probably the developers way of not overshadowing the heroine, Velkina, who also had a mage position. But that’s not what’s important right now…….. Right, Velkina.

“Is Miss Velkina alright? She was exposed to the lake as well…….”

“She’s safe. She was exposed for a shorter time than you, or maybe it’s the difference in magical resistance.”

That’s probably 100% thanks to Velkina’s vastly superior magical resistance. There’s no point in lamenting my meager talents now.

“She was crying and blaming herself while taking care of you until recently, but since the toxic influence was minimal on her, I thought it would be best for her to rest, so I sent her away. She’ll be happy to know you’re awake. I’ll go get her.”

“Oh, no. It’s fine. I’ve woken up and I’m feeling great now! Don’t worry about me, please go to Miss Velkina! She definitely needs your care more than I do!”


In a dating game, how crucial is the caregiving event? The moment when someone’s warmth seeps into your weakened heart, just as much as your weakened body……☆

Seeing that I appeared sicker than Velkina and ruined such an important event, I felt murderous towards my weak magical resistance.

“……I’m sure she’ll be furious with me if I do. Don’t think about it, just lie down. I’ll call Velkina.”

With that, I reluctantly lay back down and pulled the covers up to my shoulders. He was apparently contacting Velkina through a portable crystal ball. I could hear Velkina’s voice, overjoyed that I was awake, and she replied that she would be right over.

The contact was cut off and the room was silent again. Lumins sits down in the chair at the head of the bed, as if it were a matter of course, and opens the book he’d left there and begins to read. It’s easy to imagine that he was probably doing this before I woke up.

Seeing our Lumins reading a book with his intellectual profile was beautiful and heart-fluttering. Everything about it was great, but I felt like my head was going to explode trying to handle this awkward situation. If I were alone, I would have rolled around in bed, savoring the memory of our Lumins heroic actions, but with him right in front of me, I had to maintain my image, which interfered with my fangirling.

Then I realized that I had forgotten one thing, I hadn’t even thanked him……!

Not wanting to be ungrateful, I quickly turned to Lumins to express my gratitude.

“I’m sorry I didn’t thank you before. Lumins, thank you for saving me and taking care of me like this.”

“No, it’s only natural to do that as a fellow member of the Magic Research Institute.”

Lumins smiled warmly as he replied. Even to the annoying girl who had been bothering his friend until recently, he showed such kindness……. Truly, that’s our Lumins.


“No, honestly, I had resigned myself to the idea that it might be the end. Miss Velkina went to get help, but the distance from the lake to the Magic Research Tower is quite far……. But then you came much sooner than I expected.”

“Oh. Actually, I had some business with Velkina in the morning, so I went to find her.”

Wait, that’s an event I hadn’t seen in the game. If only Velkina hadn’t gone for a walk.

“But then someone mentioned seeing both Velkina and Lady Senephin heading toward the lake. Since it’s dangerous there, I went to look for you. I ran into Velkina and, after hearing what happened, rushed to the lake immediately.”

That’s why Lumins arrived earlier than I expected. It was truly a stroke of luck…….

“…….. Velkina told me that you apologized for everything and risked your life to save her.”

“Oh, well, hearing it from someone else makes me feel embarrassed. It’s not that big of a deal. And probably, I’ve wronged Miss Velkina more than you might know.”

While the event of slapping her might have been overlooked, before that, I constantly picked fights with her, insisted she call me with an honorific, dumped unreasonable tasks on her despite her being a new member, and basically did every type of hazing a newbie could experience at work.

“No, I think it was a significant act. One of the hardest things for people to do is face their own mistakes.”

Feeling extremely undeserving of the praise, I didn’t know where to put myself, but then, the doorbell rang at the perfect moment.

“Miss Senephin……!”

As expected, the visitor was Velkina. She quickly ran over and looked at my face lying in bed. Her tearful face was so pitiful that even my heterosexual heart couldn’t help but flutter. Truly, she was the heroine…….


“Whoa, whoa, calm down, Velkina. You shouldn’t pounce on a patient like that.”

Lumins warned, causing her to take a step back from the bed in surprise.

“Oh, ahahah……. There’s no need to worry, Miss Velkina. I’m really fine now. I’m just glad you’re safe.”

Without Velkina, the future of this continent would be doomed. Ultimately, not only for Lumins but also for the peace of the continent, her existence was indispensable. It was truly a relief that she survived.

“More importantly, as I mentioned yesterday, you should stop addressing me with honorifics, Miss Velkina. I only insisted on it because I was being petty.”

“Then, Senephin-nim…… no, just Senephin, please speak comfortably to me too! Lumins as well, since we’re all the same age. How about we all drop the formalities? Lumins, you agree, right?”

At her words, Lumins smiled like an angel.


Please let me fangirling alone……. Let me breakdance in this bed……. My mental state is at its limit right now……. How long do I have to keep up this image…….

Oblivious to my internal struggle, Lumins nodded “Indeed, I’ve felt a bit uncomfortable speaking informally while you’re still using honorifics.”

“Well, it’s just that…… it’s more comfortable for me this way! Ho ho! So, don’t worry about it.”

In my heart, I was already building a sense of closeness by calling them Lumins and Velkina. If I were to drop the mask of Senephin Cromwell, who knows what mistakes I might make. It was, so to speak, my last line of defense.

“Then…… could you just call me by my name without the ‘Miss’ or ‘Mr.’?”

Velkina’s eyes sparkled, and I couldn’t resist the pressure from her and Lumins, who seemed to agree with her. I finally replied in a small, timid voice.


“……Okay, Velkina. Lumins.”

Seeing Velkina do a triumphant pose with a bright smile was adorable, but I wasn’t sure if I had done the right thing.

I’d need to stay sharp and manage my image even more strictly from now on……!

After chatting a bit more, the two decided to return to their rooms. Velkina left first, while Lumins seemed to be collecting the magical tools he had brought for my treatment.

Just as I was sighing with relief at finally having some alone time, Lumins spoke up.

“Take care of yourself. If you notice anything strange, contact me through the crystal orb.”

“I will, Lumins. Thanks for everything today, even though you’re busy.”

So, hurry up and go talk to Velkina, build your relationship, Lumins.

“………Can I ask you one question?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

I wondered what he could possibly want to ask me, but I nodded willingly.

“Do you believe that people can change suddenly?”

“Well, it depends on the situation, but if I had to choose, I’d say I don’t believe it.”

“I see. Me neither.”

Narrowing his gentle golden eyes and giving a somewhat different smile than usual, he continued.

“So, I’ll keep an eye on you. Oh, and if you’re feeling fine by tonight, you can return to work as usual. See you tomorrow.”

With those words, Lumins closed my door and left. I listened as his conversation with Velkina grew fainter and then rose from the bed.



“As expected of Lumins! He’s worried I might pretend to have changed and then backstab Velkina! He’s so kind!”

As if releasing all the emotions I had been holding back, I pounded my fists into the mattress, replaying Lumins’s unusually serious words in my head.

“Don’t worry, Lumins! I’m on your side and Velkina’s, who you’re meant to be with! So stop worrying about me and think about how to impress Velkina!”

So pay no attention to this sister and worry about how you’re going to appeal to Velkina!

Phew, I’ve witnessed something wonderful… Today has truly been filled with delightful moments for my eyes and heart…

From tomorrow onwards, I need to energetically plan more ways to bring those two together!

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