The Villainess Princess Wants To Live In A Gingerbread House ​



At Asha’s question, a black chick popped out from behind Karnov’s shoulder this time.

<It must be Prasti. The troublemaker imp of the peach spit it out, huh?>

<Yes, that one!>

Asha briefly shook off her confusion. She was confused for a moment because there were so many troublemakers.

“Valery… You mean Uncle Valery, right? But how did that get all the way to Karnov’s estate?”

<Didn’t they raid the grain warehouse there? Seems like some beast, like a wildcat, swallowed Prasti and went north.>

“How do you know that?”

<Now that he’s here, too!>

Phoebe never called Kairos by name. The black chick nodded with a careful look.

<Yeah, I could see the future because it was related to Prasti.>

“See the future?”

Karnov seemed to understand.

“I was foretold the day before that Kairos would come as a messenger bringing that news.”

Asha opened her eyes wide.

“Kairos, do you mean you can see the future?”

<It’s not like that. It’s knowing a little about the future.>

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

<Isn’t it common knowledge? Just like when you see a swollen seed inside a shell, you know it’s grown. If clouds gather in the sky, rain soon follows.>

“I don’t quite get it, but it seems like I should know…”

Asha nodded in agreement.

“But why did it go north? Uncle Valery vomited Prasti in the capital. Does it like the cold?”

<Prasti was originally managed and sealed by the Noctis Elves in the north. So trouble always arises from there. Your new friend also went north for treatment and brought back Prasti.>

Lyudmila was the only one who had eaten Prasti after recuperating in the north. Asha touched her forehead, nodded, and turned to Karnov.

“I guess it’s a homing instinct or something. Okay, got it. Then I’ll go with you.”

“So you… What?”

At the same time, Karnov’s face was bewildered. Asha continued in a casual voice.

“Phoebe just said it. It seems like that thing swallowed Prasti.”

“That’s what she said, but…”

“I have to go anyway because I have to purify that Prasti too and make him vomit. Let’s go together!”


Karnov’s answer was as fast as Asha’s cheerful suggestion. Asha looked at Karnov with strength in her eyes.


“…First, we need to catch the monster or beast to figure out what to do, but frankly, Princess, you won’t do much good there.”


Asha had nothing to refute, so she just bit her lips and pouted.

“Although that’s true…”

“After we capture or deal with the monster, I’ll contact you. Please come then.”

“…How long will that take?”

“I’m not sure.”

Asha nervously chewed on her lip, repeatedly clenching her fists and then releasing, before finally speaking again.

“But wouldn’t it be better if I went along? That way, we can handle it right after catching it. I’ll stay in a safe place.”

“The grain warehouse was supposed to be a protected safe place. But this time, people were injured.”

Karnov shook his head. Unlike usual, he looked determined. This time, Phoebe also flew up and helped Karnov.

<Yeah. Karnov is right. If you go to the north, such a mushy half-baked peach will freeze and crumble in the cold wind.>

“It’s not that bad…”

<What help does a hand used for making cookie dough offer in capturing a beast?>

Asha tried to grab Phoebe’s feather to pull it out but ended up stretching her arm out.

“Would it be better if I stayed behind?”

Karnov moved to Asha’s side at the question.


“Would I just be a hindrance?”


Karnov nodded decisively. Asha rolled up her fist as hard as she could, but she couldn’t move it.

Karnov spoke in a cold voice, but his pupils were filled with smooth colors, like the cross-section of a halved strawberry dripping down.

At the same time, his fingertips emitted swirling violet eddies of concern, gentle cream-colored particles danced around his shoulders, and wisps of hair fluttered in the soft breeze, casting shadows like clouds.

Asha somehow couldn’t say anything. Perhaps it was because of the heat, or maybe because she couldn’t meet Karnov’s eyes, she simply lowered her head.

“Asha? Are you angry?”

Asha just lightly tapped Karnov’s arm with her hand. Karnov didn’t resist the first one that came from her left hand. Asha tapped again with her right hand, and Karnov didn’t resist that either.

Karnov, who accepted Asha’s constant left-hand and right-hand alternating, weak taps, bent his knee and looked up at Asha.

“I’ll contact you as soon as I catch the monster or beast.”

Asha turned her head and took a deep breath.

“It’s because Karnov acts foolishly, which is why I worry.”

“Despite appearances, I am the deputy commander.”

“You’re not even the commander yet. How can you catch a monster when you’re so vulnerable?”

“I don’t know what to say when you say that…”

<P… Peach, our child is still young, but not so incompetent…>

The black chick added tearfully. Phoebe snorted, but did not refute the remark.

Perhaps he was worried that Asha might actually express too much concern by saying Karnov was incompetent for no reason and would decide to go north together.

<Yes, among the men, he’s still the most useful. Our strict little pea sets the standard a bit high, so.>

“When I’m not around, I’m just a moldy peach, but at times like this, I’m a sturdy little pea. No, if I’m going to be like that, you might as well call me a soybean.”

<I’m a spirit who knows limits, so I’ll stop there…>

<Then I’d prefer a small soybean.>

“If I’m a small soybean, I’m just a pea!”

<The two are completely different species, so I don’t know what you mean.>

Asha pondered for quite some time before straightening her shoulders again.

“You should contact me as soon as you catch it.”

“Of course. I’ll beg you to come then.”

“What will you do then? You can’t meet me from afar.”

“I’ll do it in a letter.”

“Write, ‘Please come, Princess Asha.’”

“I got it, I got it.”

Karnov even laughed lightly as if it were funny. Asha pursed her lips and turned her head to avoid Karnov’s eyes.

‘What’s this…’

A swirl of cream, apricot, pale peach, and fresh green like sprouts intertwined like cotton candy. It was all familiar to Asha.

Because it was a color that lay at the base when Karnov looked at her. Sometimes when he laughs a little more emphatically…

“Asha, are you mad?”

“I’m not mad…”

“I’ll write a letter. ‘Please come, Princess Asha.’”

“Is that a promise?”

“It’s a promise.”


Karnov Neustadter secretly headed north. It wasn’t so much shrouded in secrecy as it was something he didn’t inform anyone about, and fortunately, the <Weekly Vichegda> had been closed for a while, so no one tracked the news.

However, as soon as Asha heard from Alexei that Karnov had arrived safely, she faced another difficulty.

“No, no, no! Ivan should be training at this time! Practice! Sword practice!”

Asha shouted almost as if she were going to tear her hair out. Standing beside her, Ivan had a placid expression.

“I’ll do it after work.”

“When will you sleep then? Sleeping is essential for growing taller!”

“I… am tall enough.”


Asha looked at Ivan and then slowly turned her head.

“Right, tall enough… but still, you should practice with the knights during the day. Ivan, people need basic skills to survive.”

“I’ll make sure to practice after work. I’m sorry I’m not good enough…”

Ivan drooped his shoulders. Asha almost screamed.

“No! No! That’s not what I meant! You’re doing this on purpose, knowing it!”


Ivan didn’t say anything, but Asha could see through her palms.

“I’m really upset.”

Eventually, Asha ran to the bed, buried her face in the pillow, and whined. It was a no-nonsense grump. Ivan sat on his knees next to the bed.

“Should I be your escort?”

“Because of me, Ivan’s training time was taken away, and Ivan doesn’t even know my feelings.”

“I trained to become your escort…”

Asha raised her face slightly from the pillow. Ivan was looking at her, like a puppy waiting only for its owner’s voice.

Seeing those eyes made her heart ache a little. Ivan had grown so much taller than her, no longer bending to her words. He had his own desires, things he wanted to do, and even if Asha objected, he wouldn’t yield…

Asha made an effort to hide her prideful feelings, smoothing her expression.

“…But don’t do anything dangerous, okay?”


“Phew… Then I’ll look at the card that my grandfather gave me.”


Ivan took out the envelope that he had kept in his arms. Since hearing that Ivan would temporarily serve as Asha’s knight, Asha had been so caught up in chaos that she hadn’t even looked at the letter sent by the knight commander.

Asha opened the seal of the letter, read it sourly while lying on the bed, and jumped out of her seat. The letter was about half a page long and explained what happened in a rough and rugged handwriting.

It briefly stated that Karnov Neustadter had suggested temporarily assigning Ivan as Asha’s knight, and the knight commander had approved.

And underneath it was an explanation of the condition of Ivan from Asha’s maternal grandfather.

[…He’s usually so devoted to training, so he’s already become one of the top trainees in the knights, but recently, due to growth pains, he often suffers and needs to reduce his training a bit…]

Asha was startled and scanned the letter with her fingertips. The letter increasingly conveyed Tarjei’s concerns. Since Ivan wouldn’t listen to a simple request to take a break from training, it seemed like an appropriate opportunity to send the letter to Asha. Asha bit her lip and looked at Ivan.


Ivan looked at her with expressionless eyes. Asha, in her heart, tapped her forehead, bit her tongue, and finally opened her mouth.

“If… If you’re going to be my knight, you should focus only on me! After work… After work, don’t do anything else, just rest and sleep deeply, understood?”

“Yes, understood.”

Even if Asha changed what she had just said, Ivan nodded seriously without a hint of teasing. Asha thought about saying more but couldn’t bring herself to continue, burying her face in the pillow again. Everything had gone as she wanted, yet she felt like nothing had gone the way she wanted.

“Oh, Your Highness. A letter has arrived from the Kingdom of Kirelete…”

In the meantime, Lise, who carried a letter on a tray, opened her eyes wide when she saw the scenery in the room. Then she quickly closed her eyes and laughed.

“Are you bothering Ivan again, Your Highness?”

“Bothering him?!”

Asha jumped up in defense, and Ivan raised his head as if in response. Asha grabbed the letter from the tray with a determined expression.

“It seems they will send someone to finalize the contract. Looks like the Prince Nothea has returned home safely.”

Asha said so, and looked at Ivan. Ivan made eye contact with her. Asha reached out and cleaned up Ivan’s hair, which was a little disheveled. Ivan casted his eyes downward.

“I heard that Your Highness is planning to create a new opera…”

“Yes, that’s right. When the opera is beautifully completed, let’s go watch it together, Ivan.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Ivan nodded, his eyes slightly softened.


  1. JS says:

    Thank you for the update! I love this story a lot.

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