The Villainess Princess Wants To Live In A Gingerbread House ​


Prince Nothea slowly rubbed the back of his neck. In the meantime, nobles from the empire, who had come to catch some fresh air, exchanged friendly words with him before departing once again. As the surroundings grew quieter, Lorenzo appeared from a quiet corner.

“It seems like you’ve done something good for someone else?”

“I feel empty inside. Just be quiet.”

Lorenzo looked at Prince Nothea with a little surprise.

“Surely not…? Her Highness Princess Anastasia…?”

“I told you to be quiet.”

“Was my prince such an innocent man? You haven’t gotten anything from the princess!”

“I know that too!”

Prince Nothea exclaimed. Lorenzo looked at Prince Nothea with a look of amusement and bitterness. After nudging Lorenzo for no reason, Prince Nothea looked in the direction where Princess Anastasia had run off to with an indescribable expression.

– Prince Nothea, when people get tired and tired in hot weather, sometimes they just sit down and wonder, “When will it rain?” It’s been really hot lately. Don’t you agree?

In the summer garden, Princess Anastasia lowered the game pieces she was holding and spoke like that to him. Then, without saying anything, she gently waved a fan toward him, sending a slow breeze.

– Still, the capital is cooler than the south, so eat a lot of delicious food and rest comfortably… Well, being in someone else’s house can’t be completely comfortable, but still, take it easy. Think of it as a vacation.

Prince Nothea had coughed at the expression “vacation.” Princess Anastasia showed no restraint in her expression.

– My grandfather never went on vacation once he ascended the throne.

If it’s Princess Anastasia’s grandfather, wouldn’t he be the emperor? Prince Nothea was taken aback, but Princess Anastasia kept smiling.

– Maybe this could be your last vacation, too, Prince Nothea. So take it easy. Um, it’s like a really nice hotel… But maybe not quite?

– I think that’s a little bit…

With Prince Nothea’s hesitant response, Princess Anastasia seemed a bit embarrassed and coughed nervously. The summer night wind blew fiercely, disturbing Prince Nothea’s thoughts. He carefully observed the exotic garden, swaying roughly.

“…It looks like a luxury hotel garden in some ways.”

“Right? I probably won’t be able to come twice.”

Even after dissecting and analyzing the princess’s words, there was no suggestion that Prince Nothea would eventually listen to what she wanted. All she was saying was to think of the palace as a hotel and rest comfortably…

“You’ve been… very tired.”

Lorenzo looked at Prince Nothea with a rather melancholic expression.

During the race and the rush of competition, he had inadvertently become tired and weary, lured by the easier path. Perhaps the prince was exhausted just like himself.

“Of course, I’m tired. If I sleep deeply now, I might miss the chance to escape. Ah! It’s nice here. Sleep comes easily.”

Though in the palace no one dared to spill blood, Lorenzo couldn’t entirely believe that here he could sleep deeply. It had been a long time.

“…It’s my fault.”

Lorenzo’s voice sounded slightly apologetic. The princess’s words were essentially what he should have said. In response to Lorenzo’s words, Prince Nothea tapped him with his elbow.

“I never knew you were so serious about me. Seriously, to the point of risking your life for me?”

“Oh come on. It seems the princess misunderstood that.”

“Embarrassed, huh?”

“No, but did you really just turn that into a compliment and immediately offer to give her a set of Mura Aylau’s silver bellflower tea set?”

“Are you changing the subject? I said I’d give her something first, so what else could I do?”

Prince Nothea grumbled. He had intended to offer some spices brought by him to Princess Anastasia, but the princess had flatly refused. Instead, suggesting it would be better to export them officially, he had no choice but to include the spices. However, Princess Anastasia had something else to say.

– I heard there’s one in the Kirelettian royal family.

– I don’t know what you’re talking about…

– The silver bellflower tea set made by Mura Aylau.

It was unthinkable for a mere prince, not even a crown prince, to casually take out such an item. Unable to bring himself to express the difficulty of obtaining it, he hesitated to speak, but Princess Anastasia smiled and said.

– Next time, if you get the chance, please send it to me. I’ll be waiting.

The princess closed her eyes with anticipation for the future, as if knowing what was to come, as if she could see the promised throne of Prince Nothea there.

“Oh! It’s Tarjei Nellin, Your Highness. Let’s step aside.”

“Eh? Maybe you never know, someday he might be my future grandfather-in-law. Isn’t it better to be seen?”

Ignoring the nonsensical remarks of Prince Nothea, Lorenzo rolled his eyes and dragged the prince away.

“I believe it was his turn to dance with the princess this time. But you just pulled her away… He looks like he’s going to shoot fire out of his eyes.”

Prince Nothea and Lorenzo quickly hid themselves in the corner of the garden.


Asha ran through the garden, her breath reaching her chin. With the heel of her shoe broken halfway, she eventually took it off and ran with it clenched in her hand. Along the path Asha was running, the gardeners bent branches for her. A strong wind cleared the way, and a chirping chick flew around noisily before suddenly falling silent.

Karnov stood there.

And before Karnov, there was another person. A tall man in a black cloak. The end of the cloak fluttered incessantly like smoke. Asha knew who he was the moment she saw him.

“Karnov’s… time… spi…”

And the murmur made Karnov look back at Asha belatedly.

“Asha! How did you… No, why aren’t you wearing shoes and carrying them? Did you hurt your foot? What about Prince Nothea? Why are you sweating so much?”

“Karnov! Is Prince Nothea the problem now? That! That gentleman! Over there! What…”

Asha faltered after pointing fingers while speaking almost exclusively in monosyllables. The light of joy was seeping out of Karnov from the moment they first met eyes. Like a diamond containing tightly compressed strong heat, Karnov shone brilliantly with radiant particles of happiness.

In front of that light and expression, Asha was speechless.


Karnov, who for fifteen years believed his spirit was the spirit of death, and even after knowing the truth, could not communicate with his spirit, was now the one who had broken down that barrier. The wind blew along Asha’s gaze.

<The day to see his true self has come.>

“Is this your first time seeing him too, Shamal?”

The wind stroking her cheek beside Asha gently lifted her hair.

<It is indeed the first time in the human realm.>

Even the spirit had never been seen as a being in the human realm, and Karnov finally encountered him. Asha tried to contain her overwhelming emotions. The protagonist of this moment was Karnov. Asha picked up Phoebe, who was perched on her shoulder, and suddenly silenced her.

“Phoebe. That man, no, that spirit is finally with Karnov… Oh, no, are you… crying?”

<Ha… Sniff… Ugh…>

Small, black bean-like eyes were crying. Asha was embarrassed and looked at the man and Phoebe alternately, then opened her mouth again.

“No, are you crying too?!”

The spirit, clad in a black cloak and with a bulky figure, was also shedding tears with veiled sobs. Asha didn’t know what to do, but first she gave Phoebe to the Spirit of Time. Soon the large man embraced the little chick and began to wail loudly.

“Why… why are you all crying? Is it because you haven’t seen each other in so long?”

Asha muttered in bewilderment while Karnov cleared his throat.

“I don’t know about Phoebe, but my spirit says he’s sorry he hasn’t been able to speak so far.”

“To… To Karnov? Did you talk to each other?”

“Not since he gained a physical body.”

“So he is… What’s he sorry about?”

“He’s sorry to make me misunderstand that I signed the Spirit of Death. I told him I didn’t mind, but he kept…”

Karnov murmured. It was a voice that was infused with a slight sense of dazedness. Asha alternately looked at the two spirits and Karnov during the dramatic reunion, sweeping away her fluffy hair.

“No, but what happened? I was so surprised that I ran all the way here. Suddenly I felt like something exploded far away… How did the spirit suddenly materialize…”

<That, sniff, I’ll explain.>

The Spirit of Time, tears barely dried, wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and spoke. As Asha widened her eyes and looked up at him, Karnov sighed and pushed Asha behind him.

“Hey. Calm down a bit.”

Perhaps the rough sobbing of the imposing figure made Karnov try to placate him with raised hands, but it had the opposite effect.

<Oh, I couldn’t say a word because I’m bad, so my kid, you, uh…>


Phoebe’s sobbing was mixed with words like it’s not your fault or I should have spoken better, but it was hard to understand amidst the tears.

Seeing the wind blowing, Shamal seemed to be laughing heartily. Despite her embarrassment, Asha tried to say something, but Karnov preempted her.

“Asha, hold on a moment.”

“Huh? Why are my shoes… Oh my god!”

Karnov snatched the shoes from Asha’s hand and hugged her.

“No matter how urgent it is, no one runs barefoot.”

“Since it’s the palace garden, it’s all grass. It’s okay…”

Karnov refused to listen and headed straight for the fountain in the corner of the garden. It was the same fountain where he had washed Asha’s hands a while ago.

Karnov sat Asha on the edge of the fountain and washed away all the dirt and grass on her feet. After confirming that there were no major injuries, he finally relaxed.

In the meantime, the spirits who had hurried after them also found seats by the fountain. Asha shook off her initial embarrassment and used the ribbon around her waist to wipe Phoebe’s tear-streaked face.

“Goodness. Who knew our Phoebe would cry so much.”

<Sniff, sniff!>

“Yes, yes. I understand. There, there, good Phoebe, right? Sniff…”

<Sniff… sniff, wha… what?>


The chick, which had been sobbing tearfully during the emotional reunion, widened its eyes. On the other side, the Spirit of Time had transformed into the form of a young child, barely reaching Asha’s waist.

“What… what’s going on again!”

<What, what is it? What’s happening?>

Asha’s puzzled expression embarrassed the spirit, making him flail his hands and feet. The crying Phoebe stopped crying before she knew it. Then, after a moment, the little chick burst into laughter.

<Huh…! What a relief!>

<What, what did you say?>

<Wow! I didn’t know what to do since I was ashamed because I thought only my body was like this, but it turns out there’s still decency in this world!>

<What did you say?>

The Spirit of Time, in the form of a five-year-old boy, tried to move but ended up rolling forward. Asha quickly helped the boy up.

Karnov let out a deep sigh. The tear-streaked face of the young spirit looked at Karnov with a poignant expression. Asha alternated between looking at the child sitting on the ground and laughing, Karnov sighing, and then touched her forehead.

“What in the world is happening…”

<It’s because using the form and communicating requires so much energy. Shamal isn’t just fooling around for no reason. It’s all because he’s so fragile.>

<Big winds don’t sway to the chirping of small birds.>

Phoebe chuckled at Shamal’s words.

<Isn’t the fact that you’re responding right now proof that you’re aware of it?>

<There’s no dignity in every word spoken.>

Asha sighed, barely stopping Phoebe from rushing in like a blind dog.

“I get that. But what happened to Karnov that you’re suddenly able to talk to your spirit? Is it just the right time? Did I feed our Karnov too many treats…”

The Spirit of Time sniffled and nodded.

<S, sniff. No, that’s not it, peach. Of course, without your efforts, I wouldn’t have been able to come out… But Karnov became able to communicate with me because he strongly desired it.>

Asha widened her eyes at that statement.

“What? How many treats have I made so far? And yet Karnov has been half-hearted until now…”

Karnov’s complexion changed and she shook her hand in a hurry.

“No, that’s not it! Hey, stop talking nonsense… No, just don’t say anything! Asha, hold on. Just a moment! For a moment, ugh!”


  1. JS says:

    This is so hilarious. Thank you for the update!

  2. melody says:

    Lol a child form eh 😂 Karnov gonna have lots of explaining to do
    Thanks for the chapter ❤️

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