The Villainess Princess Wants To Live In A Gingerbread House ​


Karnov Neustadter’s expression as he looked at the other person was gentle. With graceful movements, he requested a dance, and the girl across from him, with a smile that seemed to tickle your heart, held the hem of her dress with both hands and nodded.

The first song played was a traditional lively imperial dance. They joined shoulders, clapped hands, and spun around, and during this, the girl’s hair waved beautifully, as if enchanted.

It made the butterfly decorations scattered throughout her hair look like living butterflies. When the dance ended, the girl’s hair floated gently and then slowly settled down, as if wrapped in something mysterious and sweet.

The next song was an elegant waltz. They put each other’s hands on the other’s shoulders and waist and circled to the slow beat.


The nobles attending the ball watched the two dance with subtle expressions.

The poisoned chalice, a monster guarding the empire, a terrifying existence beyond reach. It wasn’t shameful to bend down and hold your breath in front of him. What could be more acceptable at the end of life? Karnov Neustadter symbolized the final moments of life with his very existence, as he was bound by a contract with the Reaper.

When fear obscures your eyes, nothing else is visible. The handsome appearance, the graceful height, the affectionate gaze staring down at someone, and the hands held gently to not cause any pain. Then, there were moments when the lid of that fear peeled off.

“It seems Her Highness treats Karnov Neustadter very consistently.”

“Isn’t he the future emperor’s closest ally? He’s a friend of her cousin. You can’t run away just because you’re scared.”

“Still. Can you just stay still because you can’t escape? When I think about it, Her Highness has been… since she was young…”

“Isn’t she the only child of Prince Yuriev? Given her father’s distant relationship with His Majesty.”

Someone who spoke frankly drew the attention of those around. Marquis Oleg listened, letting the talk flow, and observed the waltz between Lord Karnov and Princess Anastasia. A little further away, his daughter was chatting with Marchioness Tataricha.

‘So that’s how it is.’

Fear obscures a person’s eyes, but even more than that, it’s greed and restlessness. It goes beyond even fear.

Though Marquis Oleg’s family knew that they were being led by Karnov Neustadter’s overwhelming achievements, and although they knew that his parents weren’t on good terms with their son, they accepted the marriage proposal because of growing anxious desires.

A desire to give their daughter a stable, respectable marriage. She had spent so much time being sick that she didn’t know how to socially interact with people. Worried that she might appear inferior, be ridiculed, or be taken lightly, the marquis’s concern grew.

Being anxious and concerned that she wouldn’t find a suitable partner in time, and that it would cause her pain.

At that time, he thought it was the best choice, the decision that was in favor of his daughter. But in reality, it was a misguided desire that almost gave his daughter nothing but pain.

For Karnov Neustadter, it’s already…


As the night of the ball wore on, Asha fled to the terrace with Karnov.

“Two dances were the limit, Your Highness.”

“If I had danced with Natasha, we might have been killed by the glares of the people.”

The eyes of all the nobles, who hadn’t expected Natalya to appear today, widened. At Asha’s remark, Karnov let out a chuckle. The early spring night air was still chilly, but having just been under the vibrant lights of the ball, it felt refreshing.


“The cold breeze feels nice~! Huh? What?”

Asha, who was fixing her disheveled hair on the terrace, looked up with a puzzled expression. Karnov playfully pursed his lips, let out a short sigh, and shook his head, taking off his outer garment.


Asha blinked.

“No, it’s nothing.”

“What? Huh? What is it?”

Without saying a word, Karnov took his coat and draped it over Asha’s shoulders. As Asha slipped her arms into the roomy coat, Karnov chose that moment to speak, just as she was about to ask again.

At that moment, there was a tapping sound. It was the sound of someone knocking on the terrace window. Asha, who looked to the side in surprise, burst into laughter. Natalya clung to the window and was looking at Asha and Karnov.

Behind Natalya, Lyudmila’s figure was vaguely visible. Lyudmila seemed to be signaling to Natalya with a nonchalant attitude. Karnov opened the terrace door, shaking his head. The girls burst into laughter.

At the same time, the outside began to become noisy. The news that the fireworks were about to start had people streaming out of the banquet hall.

The fireworks bloomed beautifully, stitching the sky with vivid colors, and everyone at that moment congratulated the twenty-year-olds.

The girls looked up at the sky with glistening eyes. Karnov looked up at Asha, who was covering her mouth with the sleeve of Karnov’s coat, and looked back at him with a big smile. Then she lowered his sleeves and whispered.


Karnov closed his eyes and smiled.

[Weekly Vichegda Special Feature Article: The Secret Behind Karnov Neustadter’s Succession as the Youngest Duke

Last spring, the title of Duke of Sedvoyer was passed onto Karnov Neustadter, who turned twenty. Unknown to everyone, an astonishing secret is hidden in this succession ceremony.

Even though Karnov Neustadter became a duke at the age of twenty, he left the position of the duchess vacant. With no fiancee…]

[Weekly Vichegda Editorial Complaint Postcard: Seriously?! So what’s the secret! The entire empire knows Karnov Neustadter doesn’t have a fiancé! Rather than writing like this, write about something worthwhile! I’ll tell it for you, so write it correctly. Our eleven-year-old cat always poops on the Weekly Vichegda editor’s herb pot!]

[Presenting this month’s dessert cafe introduced during Weekly Vichegda: Cafe Grindel]

Rumored to have close family ties with the royal head chef, Fjord Buicker, is the pastry chef at Cafe Grindel truly following in the footsteps of his illustrious relative?

Despite having opened its doors not too long ago, Cafe Grindel has already created a buzz around town.

However, the signature chocolate cake served at Cafe Grindel seems somewhat familiar to locals…]


[Weekly Vichegda’s Featured Article: At the Moment When the Leaves Turn, It’s Completed. The Train Heading North.

Anyone who has ever visited the Sedvoyer Estate around the time of autumn will know.

However, everyone knows that it’s too arduous to travel back and forth just to see the autumn leaves in that distant place.

Even the author has only witnessed that dreamlike scenery once.

But now, we can see those autumn leaves every year. Finally, the railway line extending from the capital to the north…]

[Weekly Vichegda Advertisement: Complete the snack of your dreams in your kitchen! Just go with the angel’s white powder]

[Weekly Vichegda Special Feature!: Inside the Private Compartment of the Northern Train, ‘Violet Room’ Exploration Begins from Wallpaper to Door Knobs!

The moment you open the door of that special compartment, a subtle floral fragrance fills the air. A small glass vase is placed on the table, and the corridor-side glass window features delicate patterns… a dreamy room… …… However, they say making a reservation is not as easy as one might think.

Nevertheless, it’s said that one compartment is always vacant. It’s attributed to the intentions of an anonymous investor who poured a fortune into it, but the owner of that chamber is…]


[Weekly Vichegda: Seeking the Miracle of Lake Bishti.

Everyone is aware that the place, which suffered from a devastating fire last year, has received an extraordinary harvest as a heavenly response this year.

But there is a strange story going around. Astonishingly, during the last fire, an unexpected downpour extinguished the flames, and the next day, barley spikes sprouted…]

[Weekly Vichegda: Autumn Recipe – Special Chestnut Glaze.

We delve into the special recipe of the ‘Angel’s Night Slice,’ which has been on sale since this year!

…… And the final touch is the company’s secret sauce, they say. If you want to know, you can only taste it.]

[Weekly Vichegda Editorial Complaint Postcard: Damn it, do you think it’s sweet if you say it’s a secret at the end? Is this even an article? Give me back my subscription!]


[Weekly Vichegda Anonymous Tip Postcard: Have you heard about the rumor of ‘Tears of the Spirit’? It’s a wonderful drink that gives you a glimpse of heaven with just one drop…

There is a sunset inside the glass, and it is said to be a wonderful taste that implies both the heavenly fruit and the scent of flowers.

We reached out to the brewing company Pasapo Lefkadiya for inquiries, but unfortunately, we couldn’t get a proper response… (to be continued)]

[Weekly Vichegda Spring Special Article: Comfortable Clothes That Changed Our Daily Lives, Linum Linen, and Everyday Wear.

If we were to mention one of the significant changes brought by the war, it would probably be the pajamas we wear every day.

Since last winter, these pajamas that swept through the capital are made of a special fabric.

Linum Yushita’s linen, and perhaps many people don’t even know that these pajamas are made of linen. That’s because it’s too soft to be called linen…]

[Weekly Vichegda: Linum Linen and Famous Designers in the Capital

Everyone knows that the designer Joel Alman collaborated with Linum Linen.

Although it is said that everyone on the island wears those pajamas, does everyone really wear pajamas that are that price?]

[Weekly Vichegda Ad Section: Adorn yourself with the angel’s reeds*. We invite you to a world of blissful dreams.]

*TN: This phrase is metaphorical and suggests dressing oneself with something that symbolizes purity, innocence, or heavenly qualities, similar to how one might adorn oneself with clothing or accessories.

[Weekly Vichegda Summer Edition: Those without These Summer Pajamas! Guilty as Charged!

Linum Linen, now renamed Linum Boutique, has introduced new sleepwear this summer.

We should cherish our sleep a little more. The clothes we wear during our sleep should be equally precious. Perhaps Joel Alman’s special sleepwear made from special fabric is the attire everyone in the capital should wear?]


[Weekly Vichegda Winter Special: Duke Sedvoyer who hosted last year’s secret coronation ceremony. A monster appears at the ducal decree? Is it the work of the Noctis Elves, or is it someone else’s conspiracy?]

[Weekly Vichegda Winter Special: People Lighting Lanterns on the Frozen Vichegda River.

This winter, the Vichegda River has frozen beautifully as always. Among the people skating, we spotted Princess Anastasia, who snuck out secretly… Wearing deer ear-shaped ear warmers, the shy girl winks while asking her cousin to keep it a secret, and we captured the scene in a drawing.]


[Weekly Vichegda Spring Stage Special: Poster of Opera Singer Zoya Asmus Who Took On the Role of a Mercenary and Cross-Dressed, Completely Sold Out!

A poster depicting Zoya Asmus, the male protagonist of the opera “Wish Dew,” created by adapting a fairy tale, was sold out in a day.

The artist behind the poster is reportedly someone unknown until now, named ‘Mariya Aylau.’

A few years ago, after meeting Mura, she became part of the great artist’s circle, surprisingly taking a different path than the other painters in the family. High-priced poster sales – how far will her commercial success go?]

[Weekly Vichegda Advertisement: Meet the spring edition of the sensational new book, “Natali’s Plant Catalog”. You can find it at a nearby bookstore. Who is Natali, the daring and meticulous author of this boldly written catalog?]

[Weekly Vichegda’s Spring Stage Special Article: In-Depth Interview with the Protagonist Zoya Asmus, the Center of the Opera ‘Dew of Wishes’ Box Office Sensation

Weekly Vichegda (hereinafter Vichegda): We heard that you willingly cross-dressed for the main role of a mercenary, and seeing it in person is surprising. Cutting your hair short and dyeing it red didn’t bother you at all, I heard.

Zoya Asmus (hereinafter Zoya): It was a role I really wanted to play. The fact that the character was male wasn’t important. Doesn’t short hair suit me well?

Vichegda: We heard that you took an interest in the production process of the opera from the beginning. Can you share any special production anecdotes?

Zoya: ‘Dew of Wishes’ is a reinterpretation of the fairy tales we often encounter. It revolves around a saint and a mercenary who coincidentally meet and strive to fulfill their wishes. There was someone who played a crucial role in selecting the work and provided assistance from the production stage. That person was my angel…]

[Weekly Vichegda Special Feature: Protagonist of the Sold-Out Poster, ‘Zoya Asmus,’ Does She Have a Hidden Child?

[Weekly Vichegda Special Feature: Our Attitude Toward Consuming Celebrities, and the Law and Penalties]

[Weekly Vichegda Correction Article: We have confirmed that the article about the opera singer Zoya Asmus published in the last issue was based on a misunderstanding. We sincerely apologize to the parties involved and our readers for disseminating inaccurate information. We truly regret the error.]


[Weekly Vichegda: One of the two remaining grandchildren in the Imperial Palace. Now seventeen years old, we will uncover the true identity of Princess AXXXsha from now on.

[Do you know the girl who monopolizes the paintings of the great artist Mura Aylau, wanders around the palace receiving the affection of the emperor and crown prince?]

[Weekly Vichegda: This week is off]

[Weekly Vichegda: This week is off]

[Weekly Vichegda: This week is off]


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