The Villainess Princess Wants To Live In A Gingerbread House ​

Asha scanned the letter from top to bottom with an expression of forcibly pulling up the tail of her mouth, then folded it in half and put it in a drawer.

“Phoebe, Karnov’s power. He can’t go back to the past, can he?”

<To the past? It’s not possible.>

After eating the entire cup of caramel pudding that Asha had made, Phoebe was lying in the cage and wheezing with her protruding belly exposed.

<However, time is actually… like a cooking egg.>

“It seems straightforward.”

<…You can speed up the cooking by force, but you can’t return to the state of a raw egg.>

“But didn’t you turn it around once?”

<That one turn forced him to be silent like a fool for years.>

“Oh…no, no, not turning all the time axes, but just making one person younger or something like that?”

<One thing might be possible, but more than that would be difficult.>


<What are you trying to use it for?>

“I think Uncle Valery’s attachment type seems to be somewhat wrong. I thought I would go back to his childhood and make things right again as an adult.”

Asha recalled a letter full of words that she had just read, “How dare you fall into the water? Do you know what kind of behavior it is? Do you know what kind of aftereffects you will suffer if you fall into the water incorrectly, and now you seem to want to fall into the spring?”

She had fallen into the water last week, and Valery had sent her a letter belatedly.

In terms of the tone, it was filled with fierce criticism, but he seemed to be worried in his own way.

<Hmmm. It’s not just because of Prasti that his personality is lacking and unchanging. He’s eaten so much of the snacks you gave him, but is Prasti still using his power?>

Asha tilted her head.

“I know. It’s not because of Prasti, but because when he was young, he had some of those qualities…”

<Ugh. How old is he? He who has a son as big as you, who is young, not even thinking of fixing his weak and poor character until Prasti comes along.>

Phoebe clapped her beak as if she were frustrated.

<Hmph. Probably because he leads a comfortable life. Isn’t it convenient to blame others and conveniently complain?>


<Doesn’t he know he’s not the only one who didn’t get as much love as he wanted from his father?>

Asha opened her eyes wide with surprise at Phoebe’s stern voice.

<There are many such people like stars in the night sky, but not all of them hate and hate others before raising and growing Prasti. There are so many people who want to give to others as much as they didn’t receive.>

“Wow, Phoebe, you’re incredibly powerful. And incredibly… strict.”

<What is the reason for me to be generous to humans other than you? …Well, still, your poor father has put aside his selfish thoughts and is worrying about you and your surroundings, so this can be considered as significant progress.>

Phoebe laid on her side, stroking her swollen belly, and said tangibly.

<There’s no need to turn back time. Just do well from now on. Move forward.>

Asha opened her eyes wide and smiled bashfully.

“Woah. Do you think I’m that good, Phoebe?”

<What? No… What? How did this conversation turn out like this!>

“Our lovely Phoebe, who is only affectionate toward me!”

Asha took Phoebe out of the cage and blew her breath into Phoebe’s stomach. Phoebe flew in amazement.

<You… You! You seem to be unaware of this shame! You should feel embarrassed!>

Phoebe shouted back. Asha laughed and laughed for a long time before catching her breath.

“But people are just like like that.”

<Don’t talk to me!>

“For five seconds? Okay. Five, four, three, two, one. Done?”

<You’re pretty unique…>

Phoebe wrapped her belly and glared at Asha. Asha lightly flicked Phoebe with her fingertips, causing Phoebe to squawk in response.

<What is it about people that makes them like this?>

“It’s like when I sprained my ankle and I couldn’t just cut it off and replace it.”

<Sprained? When was that? When you fell into the water?!>

Phoebe exclaimed, flying up in disbelief. Asha laughed mischievously and held Phoebe tightly in her hands, tilting her head.

“Example, I’m giving you an example.”

<Don’t use yourself as an example. Got it? Huh? Got it?>

“Oh, okay. Anyway, that’s how it is. Even a tree, if it faces a drought or excessive rainfall… it can’t grow well.”

<But it only briefly stops growing at that time.>

“But that remains in the rings of the tree. The tree that has experienced a flood or drought has to live carrying the rings that couldn’t grow at that time. You can’t just remove that part.”

<Hmph. The rings gather and pile up to form a beautiful pattern. No tree blames floods or droughts.>

“It’s because trees are mature and wonderful. Humans, on the other hand, find it difficult. They constantly see their own flaws, feel sorry, and can’t take their eyes off them.”

<So you’re saying that your uncle did a good job?>

“It’s not about whether he did well or not, I just understand why things became like this.”

<Your empathy is as vast as the sea.>

Phoebe, who spoke sarcastically, flew out of Asha’s hand, stopped still right where Asha’s eye level was, and looked at Asha.

<Why are you worrying about useless things?>

“What am I worried about?”

Asha tried to catch Phoebe in her hands again, but this time Phoebe didn’t get caught as easily as before.

<Why do you imagine yourself in the shoes of those who are criticized? As if you’re afraid to experience the same criticism.>

“I’m going through adolescence, that’s why.”


Phoebe, who had been holding her breath, made a sound as if coughing and then stumbled over a bunch of stationery on the desk.

“P,Phoebe? Are you okay?”

<Heum! Heum! What did you, what did you say?>

“Well, now that I’m fourteen, I’m going through adolescence…”

<Heum, heum, heum!>

“…You’re coughing on purpose.”

<Heum, heum!>

Having teased Asha by coughing for a long time, Phoebe eventually had to fly far away to the garden to avoid getting caught by Asha, who was chasing after her. However, unable to get far enough, Phoebe was caught in the end and let out a loud squawk.

<It’s because you’re talking nonsense!>

“When did I!”

<You’re talking like you’re going through adolescence. Have you become a spoiled and rotten peach? A moldy peach?>

“No! If you’re still going to call me a peach, at least call me a fully grown peach!”

<You think you’ve grown just because you’re about to turn fifteen? How ridiculous!>


As Asha was about to retort, she was quickly silenced by Phoebe.

<Are you troubled by the thought of the fake that took over your body at fifteen?>

“You didn’t tell me exactly what the fake was. You’re just nagging.”

Upon hearing Asha’s words and seeing her dejected expression, Phoebe perked up and chirped happily.

<So, only you, as the ‘real’ one, can form a contract with me, Phoebe, the magnificent Spirit of Feelings.>

“I’ve heard it a thousand and one times.”

Phoebe did a somersault as if she were frustrated.

<In order for spirits to interfere in the human world, they need the power of their contract holders. If you had Prasti, I would have signed a contract and dealt with it somehow. I’m sure you’ve taken care of the other Prasti step by step like now.>

“Uh… that makes sense…?”

<That’s why, if someone wants to raise Prasti again and make the Sword of Sin, they need to prevent our contract. What should we do in that case?>

“Can’t they just kill me?”

“That… you… fools. Only when you turned ten, a few from the northern region were allowed to descend. How could they come to kill you? Even if they killed you, you would be reborn somewhere else, wouldn’t you?”

Asha opened her eyes wide.

“Is that possible?”

<Yes. That’s why those pathetic remnants of evil used such tactics. Prasti thrives in ‘cracks.’ In the cracks between different species, or in the cracks of flawed personalities. They fill the void in souls with those who have cracks and embed Prasti.>

“Then… What about me?”

<Didn’t you get switched with the fake and wander around different places for a while? I had to work so hard to bring you back.>

“A different… uh…”

Asha fumbled her words and stroked her arm.

“That gave me a chill just now.”

<What’s wrong this time?>

“My only secret in life was exposed so easily.”


The chick squeaked.

“So, by turning back time, you removed the fake that was in my body and brought me back?”

<Yes, because of that…>

“And is it because Karnov’s spirit used too much power that it still can’t speak?”

<That’s right. You’re finally getting smarter. Silly peach.>

“And you still haven’t grown out of your chick form because you were busy bringing me back?”

The moment Phoebe had shown her magnificent appearance was just for a brief moment. Since then, no matter what she tried, she couldn’t grow any bigger.

<Peep… Yes, no! Do you understand? I went through all this trouble to bring only you back, like this… like this…>

Phoebe looked down at her little yellow wings, and in time she whimpered.

<When will you even grow?>

“Well, even now, you’re adorable!”

“I am not an adorable being! I am a magnificent being! A great spirit!”

“Wow! Our Phoebe is amazing! The best!”

Phoebe seemed to feel a little better at Asha’s clapping, waving her hands, and whispering.

<Anyway, so don’t talk nonsense. Don’t be depressed.>

“All right, all right.”

Phoebe flew over Asha’s shoulder and rubbed the small top of her head against Asha’s cheek. Asha laughed bitterly.


“Oh my, even though it’s linen, the texture is so lovely. I think you can make your summer pajamas with this. Because you get hot easily…”

Asha tilted her head as she looked at the beige fabric that Lise laid out. Since the surroundings had been busy since the day, they must have been moving things around.

As Lise said, even though it was made of linen, it was not rough at all and was soft like pure cotton, to add a little exaggeration.

“Where did you get it from?”

“This was sent by Marquis Oleg. He will be staying in the palace for six months as per the request of His Majesty the Emperor and His Highness the Crown Prince. The fabric was made in Lumen Vasilice.”

‘Come to think of it, Marquis Oleg is coming back this time.’

Asha recalled a ceramic doll on the desk of the emperor’s office for a moment, then a fever rose and smashed it.

“Do we have enough fabric? If we have enough, we can send some to Mom and Dad, and also make clothes for my cousins…”

The moment Asha said so, there was a commotion from the outside. It was people sent by the emperor.

“Oh my.”

“Oh, my God.”

Asha muttered to herself. And no wonder, because what the emperor had sent was pajamas made from the very fabric Asha had just been looking at. With a gentle expression, the person sent by the emperor bowed once toward Asha and proceeded to explain.

“This is the fabric that Marquis Oleg sent this time. By His Majesty’s order, we have made summer pajamas for Your Highness.”

The skirt, cuffs, and collar were adorned with Remschite lace, and the buttons were made of pearls. It was a loose-fitting garment. As the person who had been outside came inside, they whispered to Asha.

“Your Highness, His Highness the Crown Prince…”

The emperor’s servant’s face was very competitive when he said that the emperor sent it.

The servant, who was sent by the crown prince, looked surprised when he first saw the emperor’s servant presenting his pajamas, and when he saw his pajamas, he was in high spirits.

“His Highness the Crown Prince has sent these. He had them specially tailored for Your Highness the Princess’s new summer pajamas.”

“Hahaha, if it’s pajamas, His Majesty sent them first.”

As the emperor’s envoy subtly tried to assert his authority, the crown prince’s envoy presented what he had brought with a gentle and compassionate smile.

“The top and bottom of the pajamas were specially ordered to be made into comfortable pants to wear underneath and short gowns to be worn over so that Her Highness can move freely anytime, anywhere.”



While the emperor’s servants opened their mouths, the crown prince’s servants raised their shoulders a little more.

“The ankle of the pants can be adjusted with ribbon ties, and the top can be buttoned up, allowing for a lightweight robe to be worn over it, which can be fastened with ties.”

As the emperor’s envoy gave the envoy of the crown prince a fierce glare, like that of a fox, the crown prince’s envoy met his gaze with a victorious expression.

Then another servant outside came in.

“Your Highness, Karnov Neustadter has sent someone…”

“Oh my gosh.”


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