The Villainess’ Kindergarten

CHAPTER 033: Children's time (4)

Before we knew it, evening had come and the room, where all the children had left, seemed a little larger and more empty than usual. Still, after spending time with my children for the first time in a while, I felt a little energized. Although I lost all my strength while playing with the children. As she was resting her tired body, Lorna came into the room carrying her stew. The portion size was larger than at lunch, perhaps because they were concerned that I had not finished my meal earlier. It must have been something that Amarona separately requested from her kitchen.


“I’ll eat well, thank you.”


It was a larger portion than usual, but perhaps thanks to the children’s appetite, I devoured the stew. I thought I would be completely healed by tomorrow. Was the epidemic calming down a bit? I also started to worry about the situation in the territory. It seems like the initial response was not bad, but what happened after that? It seemed like there wouldn’t be any problem since Baridas came forward, but it was still true that I was worried. 


‘If I feel better tomorrow, I will ask Baridas about the situation. Sleep some more now.’


I yawned and lay down on the bed. Even though I slept all day because I was sick, I was still tired.


* * *


When I opened my eyes, the sun was setting again. I got out of bed thinking that day and night had completely changed. My head was clear and my body felt light. I felt completely better now.


Knock, knock.


It was dark in the room and I was about to turn on the light, but suddenly there was a knock on the door and someone came inside. The only people who could enter my room at this time were Lorna and Lena, but the shadow in front of me seemed much larger than them. Was it really a ghost? Only then did I felt scared and tried to scream, but clenched my fists to hold back. Late at night, I thought yelling was a nuisance. How important was sleep for children? What if I woke up? There were no ghosts, and there was no way there would have been anyone big enough to enter the Childe duchy. Then, isn’t there only one person who will come?




Perhaps my prediction was correct, when I heard a familiar voice coming from the darkness.


“…You’re awake.”


I tilted my head at his words. Why did you come? Even if I think he came to visit, the relationship between him and I is that close… That’s right. He’s my fiancé. It’s worth coming. At that moment when I was gathering my thoughts alone, the light in the room turned on and Baridas appeared. He looked more tired than when I saw him a few days ago, probably because he had a lot of work to do… But I guess it makes no sense to be in my current state. Do you just want to turn off the lights? Because I was sick, I was lying down all day and couldn’t even wash. But now it was no longer possible to ask them to turn off the light. Should I tie my hair up and cover up my messy hair? Or should I let my hair down to cover my fucked up face? While I was thinking about it, I looked at the mirror behind me out of the corner of my eye. Fortunately, Fiora’s appearance didn’t fall apart because she hadn’t washed in about a day. After confirming that fact, I looked up at Baridas with a sigh of relief.


“I’ve confirmed that you’re okay, so let’s go back.”


It’s true that I came to visit the hospital.


I nodded.


“Thank you for your concern, I think it would be good for Baridas to get some rest too.”


Looking closely, Baridas’ condition seemed to be serious. The area under his eyes was dark due to dark circles, and his condition didn’t seem to be very good.


“…Yes, we do.”


Baridas responded to my words in a somewhat sullen tone and left the room. I tilted my head at his appearance and lay down on the bed. But now I’m not sure if I’m completely healed, but I couldn’t fall asleep even after lying down for a while. I thought that drinking some warm tea would help me fall asleep, so I got out of bed and left the room. On my way to the kitchen, I noticed that the light in the room next door was still on. That’s what the face looks like. I sighed as I remembered Baridas’ condition earlier. It’s just a document, I’ll do it for you. I knocked on Baridas’ door with the intention of putting him to sleep. Not long after, Baridas opened the door. He looked even more haggard than before.


“It’s late at night. Please sleep.”


No, what are you talking about with a face that looks like it’s about to collapse? Bewildered, I ignored his words and walked to the desk. After reading the documents briefly, I found that most of them were not difficult.


“I’ll just handle this. Please sleep first.”


But Baridas did not give in to my words. He took the document from my hand with a stern look on his face.


“It’s okay.”


But looking at his condition, I thought he might collapse at any moment.


“Then would you like me to buy you a cup of coffee?”


Baridas shook his head at my words. His eyes were unusually trembling.


“…I can’t drink coffee.”


I tilted my head at his words. Coffee was great, but drinking too much can be hard on your body. For modern people like me, it’s like a potion.




In response to my question, he hesitated before opening his mouth.


“…too… By writing…”


I burst out laughing at his embarrassed appearance. No, I can’t eat something so big that it looks like it could chew coffee beans. It really doesn’t suit me. Hmm, I guess we don’t have that here yet… Baridas liked sweets, right?


“Then just wait a moment.”


It may be less effective than regular coffee, but it’s still better than not drinking it at all. I got up from my seat and walked towards the kitchen. Perhaps because it was early, the kitchen was dark. After turning on the light and opening the cupboard, I saw various foodstuffs and seasonings.


‘Let’s see, coffee…’


Maybe it was because Baridas didn’t drink coffee much, but coffee beans appeared on the highest shelf. Unfortunately, the coffee mix didn’t seem to have been released yet. I brought a chair and climbed on it. When I stretched out my hand, I barely reached the container of coffee beans. I took it out and opened the container. It had a strong aroma, probably because it was a pretty good coffee bean. When I opened the refrigerator to take out the milk, the fruits in the compartment right below caught my eye. I picked up bananas and strawberries among them.


‘While I’m making this, I’ll have to make some for the kids too.’


What I was going to make was a latte. A cafe latte for Baridas and a fruit latte for the kids. The kids’ one was closer to fruit milk than a latte. When I was in college, I had a part-time job at a cafe, so I was confident in making lattes. After making the coffee, I frothed the milk. Wouldn’t it be better to add a little more sugar? Thinking so, I poured out the sugar. At this level, you could drink it deliciously without using baridas. Before I knew it, the coffee was finished, and I took a tall cup, put ice and milk in it, and then slowly poured the coffee. As if my skills hadn’t died while I was still working part-time, a pretty gradient came out. When I opened the refrigerator, there was some cream left in the piping bag, and when I swirled it around on the latte, it looked even more delicious. Unfortunately, there was no straw, so I found a long teaspoon and put it in the cup. I grabbed the cup and headed to Baridas, thinking that I should bring it to him first and make some for the kids. It would be nice if it suits your taste.


Holding the tray with one hand, I knocked and Baridas opened the door. He looked at the latte in my hand with puzzled eyes.


“It’s sweet coffee.”


He tilted his head at my words. Then, he accepted the glass I offered him.


“Thank you for caring for me.”


At his words, I smiled brightly and held out the long teaspoon that was on the tray. It’s more convenient and prettier if it has a straw.


I thought this was a bit disappointing.


“You can stir it and drink it!”


Baridas nodded at my words and slowly began mixing whipped cream, coffee, and milk. Fortunately, I adjusted the amount appropriately so it didn’t overflow. Baridas finished stirring the latte and took a deep breath. Then he took a cautious sip. At that moment his eyes widened. Then, after taking three more sips in an instant, he lifted his glass and opened his mouth.


“Sweet… It’s really delicious.”


I burst out laughing at the compliment that came from my heart. I poured sugar like that, so of course it was sweet and delicious.


“I’m glad you like it. If you want, I’ll make it again next time.”


Baridas smiled again at my words. That dangerous and harmful smile.


“Thank you.”


At his words, I nodded, trying to remain as calm as possible.


“Finish quickly and go to sleep.”


“Thank you, but please don’t overdo it. And sleep well.”


I appreciate your concern, but I will push myself a little harder. After leaving the room, I headed straight to the kitchen. The purpose was to make fruit milk for children to consume. Jasmine also said that she was almost completely healed. I guess I can eat it. When we returned to the kitchen, the cooks were already busy preparing the children’s breakfast. Without even noticing that I had come in.


“I’d like to rent the kitchen for a while.”


The chef finally looked at me after hearing my words and ran towards me. I felt sorry that I was a nuisance by coming in while I was working.


“I’m sorry for disturbing you. I’ll just make drinks for the kids and leave.”


When I said that, the chef waved his hand and gave me a corner of the kitchen. After refusing the offer to hire an assistant to help me, I rolled up my sleeves. When making fruit milk, someone even provides assistance. I prepared fresh cream, strawberries, bananas, and milk sugar in a piping bag and started crushing the fruits. Some chefs looked at me as if I was amazed at such behavior. I mixed mashed strawberries and bananas with sugar, put half of it in a cup, and then poured milk on top. And when the whipped cream was added, the latte that everyone knows appeared.


‘Not bad.’


Repeat that action five times, three banana milk. Three strawberry milk came out. Maybe they should have just unified it into one flavor. I felt a little regret.


“When I bring the kids breakfast, will you serve it with me?”


When I asked the chef, he nodded.


“Of course I should do it.”


Judging by the fact that most of the dishes were finished, it would soon be time for the children to wake up.


“Thank you. It was well written.”


I even tried to wash the dishes I used, but due to strong resistance from the cooks, I ended up only being able to clean up the space I used. When we arrived at the restaurant, Ren, Thomas, and Jasmine were sitting. Jasmine was dozing off, and Thomas and Ren came running to me.


“Are you all better now?”


“I’m glad you look healthy.”


Feeling grateful for the brightly smiling children, I patted their heads. At that time, Jasmine seemed to have woken up because of our conversation, so she jumped off the chair and came running.




She fell into my arms and started rubbing her face. I thought Jasmine was so cute, so I patted her back and hugged her, and Jasmine also hugged my waist.


“Thank you for taking care of me.”


“What am I thankful for? I’m glad you’re better.”


At that time, Lima and Greenly entered the restaurant with attendants carrying plates. The two saw me and came running, smiling brightly. After saying hello to the twins, we started eating. Omelet rice, salad, and various other foods were served along with the banana and strawberry milk I made. The children’s eyes widened as if they were amazed at the drink they were seeing for the first time.


“What is this? There are strawberries!”


“Banana too!”


As I looked at the children’s curious looks, I gave them the teaspoon that was waiting for me next to the milk.


“Stir it and drink it.”


At my words, the children mixed the milk and fruit with spoons without even asking who was first. Then it became pastel-toned strawberry and banana milk. Seeing that, the children let out low exclamations of exclamation.


“It’s like strawberry cocoa!”


“Can I drink now?”


I nodded, laughing because of their sparkling eyes.


“It’s sweet and delicious.”


Jasmine tilted her head at my words. She looked back and forth between the strawberry milk she was holding in her hand and at me, then opened her mouth.


“But isn’t it sweet that my sister-in-law is sweet?”


“Wouldn’t that mean it’s sweet?”


I tilted my head at Ren’s answer. Isn’t there something sweet about this? For that matter, I used Baridas naturally earlier. How quick are you, is this really a ghost? I guess I’ll have to be more careful with my behavior in front of Baridas from now on.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 10.

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