The Villainess’ Kindergarten

CHAPTER 012: The Wicked Woman’s Theory of Happiness (3)

Holy crap, I cursed under my breath. What is that? Is it a torture device? My face became contemplative as I saw what the white mannequin was wearing, covering only her chest to her waist. What I witnessed was a torture device called a corset. It was only once that I saw that in real life. In my past life, when my friend was on a date with her boyfriend and asked me to tie it because she had gained too much weight. Just once. Looking at her like that, I used to tell her to go on a diet because her back was hurt. But the sight of her friend putting on a corset, saying it was already too late, really made her look suffocated. It even seemed twice as thick and sturdy as the one her friend was wearing. If you wear that, your back will definitely be bent in half. Instead of breathing naturally, will it become a matter of resting to survive? Of course, breathing was necessary to survive, but it meant that it was that terrible. Just imagining putting it on made me feel out of breath, so I shook my head. Just as I was having a fierce snowball fight with the corset, Lena came into her room with a dress. The moment I saw that dress, my mouth dropped open. How should I describe this dress? It was a dress so gorgeous that it would be an understatement to say that it cost money. How much is this? Even when I only saw the carriage, I felt that Fiora’s luxury was enormous. I never thought even the dress would be like this. In my previous life, I had experienced the saying that if you sold the clothes worn by celebrities, you would buy a car. No, it doesn’t end with a car. I think I can buy the mansion. I felt like I would never be in danger when walking down the street at night because the light would shine brightly when I wore this outfit. Isn’t it the opposite, since you wear so many jewels? As I was looking at dresses while thinking nonsense, a thought occurred to me.


I want to see the kids’ dresses too! I looked back at Lena with my eyes sparkling.


“Can I see the children’s dresses too?”


She hesitated at my words and then opened her mouth.


“We did not receive any separate dresses for the Prince and the Princess.”


Her words lit up my eyes. With only three days left until the banquet, the reason the children’s dresses had not yet arrived was that they had not been prepared. No, what does this mean? I can’t believe I don’t have a new dress. Of course, weren’t you preparing for the children too?


After much thought, I made a decision. It won’t work. I have no choice but to buy it for myself.


“Lena helps me get ready to go out. Rona, please bring the children.”


The two of them didn’t seem to like what I was going to do afterward because it seemed too obvious, but they were people who knew how to keep the line. After the girls left the room, I opened the jewelry box I had brought separately. Fiora’s luggage contained her jewels and gold coins, and the amount of gold coins was considerable. Although I did not know the exact value of this currency, it was clear that it was not a small amount. Since the word “Damon” is written on it, it appears to be the money of the Damon Empire and not the Crescent Empire.


“Hello, princess.”


When I looked back, Chantz was looking at me. It seems that my outing was an official outing under the name of the Chillan family, and I was wearing a uniform with the family crest on it. I smiled and greeted him.




During that time, I became quite friendly with Chantz. Before the original story began, he was just an ordinary 17-year-old boy who liked sweet snacks and pranks. I wondered if I was the source of all evil, so I was a little upset. And a few days ago, I got permission to give him a nickname and started calling him Chaz. To be exact, he told me to call him comfortably.


“Do you want to eat this, Chazl?”


When I gave the children the chocolate I received last time, the children smiled brightly and accepted his snack.


“thank you.”


After happily receiving his thanks, I opened the door and went downstairs.


As I went down to the garden, escorted by Chantz, a carriage with the Chillan family crest was waiting.


‘Okay, now let’s get started. Oh, that’s right. I asked Chantz to hold out a gold coin from the Damon Empire.’


“Can I use this here?”


After checking the type of gold coin, he nodded.


“Damon’s gold coins have the same value as Crescent’s gold coins and can be used in most places.”


I smiled at his words, feeling fortunate. It saves you the trouble of going to the bank.


“How much is one gold coin?”


“Well, to put it simply, a loaf of bread costs 1 ron.”


Money was called ‘ron’ here. When I nodded, he continued to explain.


“1 gold is 100 silver. 1 silver is equal to 10 rons.”


Just looking at it, the ron seemed to be the lowest amount. That would be enough, I said. I checked out the pockets, which easily looked like they had more than 100 at a glance.


“Then let’s leave.”


I got into the carriage with the children. Not long after that, the carriage departed with the sound of horses neighing.


Rattling, rattling.


The sound of the carriage moving was loud, perhaps because it was a forest road. I was leaning on the carriage seat, wondering what to buy, and Chantz, who was my guardian, sat in the passenger seat next to the carriage and asked me a question.


“But why are you suddenly going downtown?”


“To buy some dresses for the kids.”


After answering him, I turned my gaze out the window to look at the scenery on my first outing in a long time. The forest on Chillan Manor was just as beautiful as it was described in the novel. The wide lake sparkled like glass, and large and small trees and brightly blooming spring flowers were visible.




Although I had read about it in novels, the Duke of Chillan’s House was a much more beautiful place in person. Among them, in addition to the fact that the family’s forest was extremely large, it was said that there were many rumors and mysterious happenings even before the Chillan duchy was established. The first head of the Chillan family, who was interested in it, built a castle in this forest. In addition, he was a wizard with outstanding skills, and it was said that he liked playing pranks and often hid something in the forest. Among the previous comments, the importance of the forest was so great that one comment that said, ‘It is an established opinion in academia that even the author does not know all the secrets of the forest’ was featured on the main page. Of course, I only read it roughly, so I don’t know what secrets are hidden there. It was the best comment I saw every time I entered the novel, so I had no choice but to read it. Shortly after leaving the forest owned by Duke Chillan, people’s voices began to be heard. I looked out the window at the sound of that voice and let out a low sigh. There was a city that looked like something out of a painting or a village in Europe from the past. What I realized after getting off the carriage was that not only were the cities in this world very pretty, but the air was also very clean. I took a deep breath and smiled. Even though it is a village and not a forest, the air is devoid of any fine dust. My head felt refreshed. Of course, just now we were in a mansion located in the woods where the air was inevitably very good. Chantz in front of the carriage held out his hands to me and said.


“Can I guide you?”


A place resembling a medieval setting, people glancing at me as if they were watching a celebrity, and a dedicated driver extending his hand to me. I really felt like I was the main character in a movie. Unfortunately, I was the villain, not the main character. Well, I like it now. I held Chantz’s outstretched hand and said with a smile.


“It’s okay, the real fun of sightseeing is finding the way.”


Chantz chuckled at my words. My original dream of traveling was to ask for directions, but I wanted to see more of this cute and pretty town, so I started walking down the street slowly. There was a fountain under the clock tower, which seemed to be the center of the village. As the bell rang from the clock tower, white birds flew into the sky. I internally cheered at that sight. Yes, this is a movie and a novel! The romance was crazy, really. For now, it didn’t matter if I was a villain or anything. I was completely absorbed in the atmosphere as it looked like something out of a movie. Until I heard that voice.


“What a thief!!!!!”


I turned around at the sound of a fierce voice. A boy dressed in rags was crying, being held by a man wearing an apron. There were two pieces of bread in his young hands. She was holding the bread with her two bony arms to prevent the man from taking it away. The boy’s entire body was full of wounds. The man raised his hand high in the air as if he was about to hit his child. No matter how wrong the theft was, the boy’s life could have been in danger if he had been hit by that thin body.


I approached without hesitation.


“What happened?”


At my words, he lowered his hands and turned to look at me. I could feel him shivering slightly at the sight of me looking like a nobleman.


“Oh, my goodness, ma’am. It’s no big deal.”


He threw the child on the floor, and the boy fell helplessly and crawled towards me. The sight was so pitiful that it was difficult to even look at it. I tightened my fists and looked at the man.


“Does this happen often?”


He sighed and nodded. I knew he wasn’t at fault, so I didn’t have any intention of scolding him.


“It’s not something the noble lady should worry about.”


At that time, the boy grabbed the hem of my dress with his hand. It was visible that the man was shocked by his actions. The boy looked into my eyes. Then he chuckled and opened his mouth.


“Do… Please come…”


I held the boy, who seemed to have no strength to speak, with both hands. The child had a musty smell, perhaps because it hadn’t been washed for a long time, but it didn’t bother me at all. And then I just walked up to the man and opened his mouth.


“I’d like to buy some bread, is that possible?”


I ordered five cream buns, baguettes, and two slices of bread for the kids, and then bought ten more different types of bread. Then he gave the man two gold coins. Two gold coins was a lot of money, exceeding the price of the bread I bought. This was an unspoken pressure and request to get over the child’s theft. I put cream bread, baguettes, and white bread for the kids in one paper bag, and put all the remaining bread in another paper bag. And then he handed the envelope to the child.


“Take it.”


The child accepted the envelope I held out as if he couldn’t believe it. Tears flowed from the child’s eyes as he grabbed a piece of bread from the bag and ate it as if hiding his eyes.


“Thank you…”


Smiling at the child’s greeting, he took out his handkerchief and wiped the cream off the child’s face. And then he smiled and opened his mouth.


“Then, in return, can you tell me the location of the dressing room?”


At my words, the child nodded his head and raised his hand to point in one direction. There were many different shops in the direction the child pointed.


“It’s the second building on the alley on the right.”


I smiled and patted his head.


“Thank you.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on December, 9.

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  1. ABlossom says:

    Eu voto em criar uma escola tipo internato e colocar todas as crianças que precisam lá 🤧 ou adota
    Thanks for the update 😊🇧🇷🐱

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