The Villainess Is Tired Of Everything

Chapter 02

The main residence of the Etuard Marquis family was one of the largest mansions in the capital, with several annexes.

Among them, my favorite space was the glass-decorated garden.

In the center, a sofa, table, and even a bed were placed, making it feel as though I had stepped into a forest.

After changing into a light dress, I headed straight to the garden.

I flopped onto the bed, kicked off my shoes, and called out to my maid.

“Bring me 10 macarons, tea, and a cake loaded with strawberries.”

“Yes, yes, right away.”

It had been a long time since I craved something so sweet.

After exhaling a deep breath, I sat up and moved to the sofa. Now it was time to relieve some stress.

In no time, my favorite desserts were laid out on the table.

A cake filled with strawberries and whipped cream.

Vibrant macarons of various colors.

And the tea, freshly brewed.

Everything on the table was perfect.

“Goodbye, social circles.”

I’ve lost count of how much stress I’ve accumulated, dealing with people who indirectly say what they want while pretending to compliment you, only to criticize you behind your back.

I no longer want to be part of the process of meeting people and engaging in conversations.

To Ryan and Kaisen, who turned a deaf ear and shunned me despite my best efforts, and to the heroine, Reshwan, whose dull personality and ill-fitting nature made my life a struggle—goodbye.

No matter what happens in the original story, I’ve decided I’ll live out my life with a cat and grow old in peace.

Why hadn’t I thought of this sooner?

Perhaps it was the pressure of having to engage in social activities as a modern person that held me back.

There’s really no need for that.

“What should I do at home…?”

However, it was true that the life of a noble in this book’s world, which lacked all the conveniences of modern society, could be quite dull.

I needed items to help me endure this reclusive lifestyle.

Things like smartphones, computers, and projectors.

Then, a thought flashed through my mind.

“Magic tools. Let’s make magic tools.”

Tools imbued with magic.

I had heard that if I wanted, I could command wizards to invent specific items.

Of course, magic tools were astronomically expensive and considered ominous, so even most nobles avoided using them…

But it was different for me, Marso Etuard.

The Marquis of Etuard neglected the daughter his wife left behind when she passed away, but he didn’t skimp on financial support.

He loved his wife so much that seeing Marso, who resembled her, was painful, yet he couldn’t completely abandon her.

The tragedy was that he didn’t know Marso had become an entirely different person, but it was fortunate for me.

In conclusion, I had more than enough money.

So, I decided to invest that money generously for my comfortable secluded life.


“Yes, Miss.”

“I want to meet a merchant who sells magical tools.”

With that, I immediately put my thoughts into action.

The wealth of the Marquis of Etuard came from mines that extracted magical stones.

The marquis owned two of the five mines that could produce magical stones.

The other two belonged to the royal family, and the last one was owned by the Ephecle Marquis, where the heroine Reshwan resided.

Magical stones were mainly used to make the staffs of the palace wizards serving the emperor.

Moreover, the purple hue of the magical stones was beautiful, so they were often carved into lamps and other decorative items.

The capital’s palace, adorned with magical stones, was considered the most beautiful building in the empire.

Magic tools were made by crafting these magical stones.

If you took raw, purple magical stones to a wizard, they would craft them into the desired form.

Mystical items like carriages that moved without being pulled by horses or devices that could record voices were all made through magical stones and wizards.

Unfortunately, magic tools in this world were still not very advanced.

Magic tools were incredibly useful, but their creation required magical stones, and their performance varied depending on the wizard’s ability.

Moreover, wizards didn’t look kindly on magic tools that allowed magic to be used without their presence.

High-ranking wizards despised magic tools, which diminished the value of their existence. They were already often viewed with suspicion due to the power they held.

It was inevitable that prices for magic tools would skyrocket.

Conservative nobles also didn’t favor things like carriages that moved without horses or recording devices.

The world functioned well enough without magic tools.

The emperor and nobles denigrated magic tools.

They spread false rumors, claiming magic tools were cursed and that no one used them.

But those false rumors didn’t bother me much.

A recording device, cursed?

No way.

I was going to order the creation of magic tools far beyond the level of a simple recording device.

More importantly, magic tools were a jackpot.

Why? Because, later on, one of these magic tools—a “carriage that moves without being pulled”—would be used during a date between Ryan and Reshwan, causing a huge sensation.

That event would free magic tools from their cursed reputation and turn them into highly sought-after items among nobles who loved rare things.

As a result, the royal family, which monopolized the wizards, would profit even more.

It even became known that various tools made with magic stones were used to suppress wizards, further increasing their fame.

In a society that shunned wizards, magic tools capable of subduing them were an irresistible temptation.

In the end, high-ranking wizards succumbed to the allure of money.

Too much money to resist… Isn’t that a fitting story for this capitalist world?

And I had more than enough wealth to make it happen.


My faithful maid Leti quickly found a merchant who dealt in magic tools.

It was unexpected; I thought it would be more difficult… It was as if the merchant had been looking for me.

Oh, of course, I didn’t take a single step outside my home.

Once I say something, I stick to it.

Also, since Ryan and Kaisen were likely monitoring me, I didn’t want to give them any reason to find fault.

The merchant expressed a desire to meet with me directly.

I gladly accepted.

Everything was proceeding smoothly.

And today was the day the courtesy merchant was scheduled to visit the Marquis of Etuard.

Lounging on the sofa in the parlor, I put on a serious face.

The agreed time to meet was 2:00 PM.

The current time was 1:58 PM.

But there wasn’t even a glimpse of the merchant.

“Have I been scammed?”

I hadn’t expected to find a magic tool merchant so quickly.

After all, there aren’t many people who are fond of magical tools.

When there’s no demand, there’s no supply.

“I thought it would be easier since it’s the Marquis of Etuard.”

Given that the Marquis of Etuard owns a mana stone mine, I assumed the merchant would rush over as soon as they heard the marquis was looking for them.

But to think I’d be scammed like this.

I grumbled as I watched the second hand tick toward 2:00.

It seems I’ll have to wait a bit longer to add some excitement to my reclusive life.

Maybe I should start by redecorating the house.

I like minimalistic white furniture, but the pieces here are too luxurious.

No matter what others think, it’s best if I do what I want.

I’m not going to care about my reputation anymore.

Just the thought made me feel better.

I picked up my fork with a smile.

“First, let’s eat some cake.”

But just as I was about to cut the fruit cake in half, a man appeared before my eyes.


That’s right.

A man descended from thin air.

…Teleportation into the mansion? That means he’s quite skilled.

As I sat there in a daze, the man, whose face was obscured by a robe, greeted me.


It was a soft, melodious voice.

Why is he speaking informally right off the bat? As someone raised with Confucian values, I couldn’t accept that.

I was about to harden my expression and utter a cliché line asking if he knew who I was, but I clamped my mouth shut when I saw the man remove his robe.

“…What is this?”

The words slipped out unintentionally.

It was a reflexive response.

His sleek silver hair sparkled like the finest diamond.

His face was so beautiful it seemed like he could instantly become everyone’s first love, but it wasn’t a gentle look.

His eyes, with double eyelids and upturned like a cat’s, along with the whites of his eyes showing prominently, gave off a decadent vibe that completely captivated my gaze.

It was like looking at a dangerous poisonous flower—one that lures people in with its beautiful exterior but hides a lethal poison that could kill at any moment.

And yet, he was so tempting that you couldn’t help but reach out.

…Does a person like this really exist?

The man, who had been gazing at my dazed expression, suddenly smiled brightly, like a blooming flower.

“My name is Darcy. I’m a magic tool merchant and a mage.”

…What’s with this handsome guy?


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