The Villainess Is Tired Of Everything

 Chapter 01

I faced people from my past, like ghosts.

But to be honest, they were far too remarkable to be called mere ghosts.


At the sound of my name, I looked up, as if waking up from a dream.

His blonde hair gleamed like a jewel catching the light, but oddly, it lacked life.

Ryan Stregen, the man who was supposed to have everything as the male lead.

His blue eyes were staring at me, deep and sunken like an abyss.

“…I didn’t know you.”

Hearing his regret-filled voice, I couldn’t help but laugh in disbelief.

You never had any intention of getting to know me in the first place.

If only you had treated me like a person, I wouldn’t have turned my back on them so completely.

I really did try to maintain a good relationship with them in this new life.

“I told you from the start, didn’t I?”

I replied coldly, staring at the man in front of me.

The prince destined to rule this nation, who once had a crush on female lead, Reshwan.

Not anymore, though.

“…Lady Marso.”

As Ryan hesitated, Kaisen, who had been standing beside him, stepped forward.

I immediately backed away, wary of getting too close to him.

“You’re the same, aren’t you.”

I replied coldly, pushing Kaisen away. The strength in his hand, which had been reaching out to me, faded.

Both of them stood there with pitiful puppy eyes, staring at me, and I found it ridiculous.

Who brought things to this point?

Who was the one who should’ve been looking at me with those kinds of eyes?

“Now…you don’t have to hide anymore.”

Ryan, who had been standing there speechless, finally spoke in a tender voice.

I could guess what misunderstanding he was having.

Rumors had spread that I started hiding away after being hurt by his words, and similar rumors circulated again about my second retreat, so he probably thought I missed him.

‘The world doesn’t revolve around just the two of them.’

I remembered the things they had said to me in the past.

“I think I’ve warned you enough. It won’t end with just words anymore.”

“If you try to harm Reshwan again, I will use everything at my disposal to destroy your family.”

That day, those two men came to threaten me again, just like always, telling me to stay away from Rshwan.

It didn’t matter how much I told them that I no longer troubled Reshwan and that they should see for themselves the state of things between her and me.

My actions were always interpreted as attempts to undermine her somehow.

No one was interested in the truth that I tried to get along with everyone.

I told them over and over again.

“I was only trying to take care of Reshwan.”

I yelled until my throat was hoarse, trying to make them understand that I had changed, and I worked hard to show it through my actions.

But that day, I was finally exhausted too.

So, I said goodbye to them and to the original story.

“Alright. I’ll just stay at home from now on.”

With those words, I gave up the last bit of hope I had for them. And I truly began a reclusive life, staying at home.

“I’m sorry for not believing in you back then.”

But it wasn’t because I liked them.

I raised my hand to stop Kaisen, who was speaking in a desperate tone.

“Kaisen, I think you’re misunderstanding something.”

I stepped forward and spoke with a straight expression.

“The reason I shut myself away wasn’t for you or the prince.”


Kaisen asked, looking bewildered, and I firmly clarified.

“I just wanted to take time for myself without worrying about your annoying faces and the gossip surrounding you.”


“You’re not that important to my life, so don’t get the wrong idea.”

“But you still hid away afterwards, right? How do you explain that?”

Ryan protested.

“That was also for myself, you should know that, Kaisen.”

At my words, Kaisen seemed at a loss for words.

An awkward silence filled the air.

I blinked and sighed.

Ryan always acts as if something terrible will happen if I don’t love him.

‘Shouldn’t you be relieved that I’m not clinging to you?’

You didn’t even like me.

I felt like I had said all I needed to say.

I really wanted to head back to the main square where the festival was happening.

“I was worried because you didn’t come for so long.”

A voice like gentle sunlight echoed as a cloak wrapped around my shoulders.


I thought he’d be super busy right now, so how did he know to come here?

For a moment, I was surprised by his voice, but when I faced him, I was at a loss for words.

His different colored eyes sparkled like they had jewels embedded in them.

He was a man as beautiful as a blooming flower.

He smiled while fixing his flowing silver hair in the breeze.

“This festival is for you, so you should go back.”

His gaze was solely on me as if the people we were just talking to had vanished.

“You crazy…”

Just then Ryan, getting all worked up, reached for his sword, but Darcy’s gun was suddenly aimed right at him.

Without even looking, Darcy had precisely targeted Ryan’s temple.


While Ryan froze, Kaisen shouted loudly.

But Darcy’s gaze remained fixed on me.

With a face as innocent as a child’s, he asked me,

“What should I do?”

His sweet voice melted like candy.

“What you want is what I want too.”

All his focus and senses were directed toward me.

“Because this weapon is something you thought of.”


“I’m alive thanks to you.”

He whispered that he could give me the world, and it wasn’t just an empty promise.

Looking at Darcy, I recalled our first meeting.

The unexpected fortune that had come into my life when I thought I would spend my whole life in seclusion.


Today’s pointless argument was no different from any other day.

“Do you think insulting her will make you look more attractive?”

“Lady Marso, you don’t deserve anyone’s love! How dare you try to bring her down!”

Their harsh voices made my ears ring, as if a volcanic eruption had occurred nearby.

Narrowing my eyes as I looked at the enraged male leads, I wondered if the truth even mattered to them.

There was a significant contradiction in their words.

I never insulted the female lead, Reshwan.

I simply corrected her table manners, as she still had habits from her time as a commoner.

I thought it was better for her to be corrected once by me than to be gossiped about behind her back.

Was it really necessary for the male leads to barge in and threaten me over a kindness I showed to someone who struggled with noble etiquettes.

More importantly, I knew Reshwan would have genuinely thanked me for it.

But clearly, my actions didn’t appear that way to the people around us.

After all, the Marso I had possessed was a villainess.

The rumors that I committed evil deeds because I wanted their love were equally false.

My actions at my mansion would undoubtedly become part of those rumors and be exaggerated even more.

“Enraged by the villainess Marso Etouard’s misdeeds, the prince and captain of the knights seek justice…” That kind of headline was a given .

The book I had possessed was a romance fantasy novel called *The Heroine is Loved by All*, a story about the tragic life of the female lead who eventually becomes loved by everyone.

This world revolved solely around Reshwan, and her happiness was everyone’s greatest happiness.

But if she was the only one happy, the story couldn’t progress. Her dullness was added for this reason.

This is why the author made her oblivious, to ensure she could have more dramatic events with the male leads.

If the heroine was too sharp, it would interfere with the romantic developments.

So, the author created another character who could present challenges for the kind heroine, Reshwan.

An outsider, In a story where everyone loves the heroine, Marso Etouard was the only one who disliked her.

“Marso” was the only daughter of the Etouard Marquis, blessed with elegant looks and everything else she could want. And she’d been in love with Prince Ryan, who had been her childhood friend.

For Marso, who had never been denied anything, Ryan was the one person she approached with caution.

The prince was the perfect match for someone like Marso, who had everything.

She hovered around him like a girl experiencing her first love, hoping that one day, Ryan would like her back.

Of course, that never happened.

Ryan fell in love at first sight with Reshwan Epeckle, who suddenly appeared like a comet in the Epeckle Marquis family.

Ryan, who had always been indifferent and even cold to Marso, was completely different around Reshwan.

The same went for Reshwan’s grandfather, Marquis Epeckle, and the other male lead, Kaisen. Everything came easy to the female lead.

You can imagine how much of a thorn in Marso’s side Reshwan must have been.

Although she was the granddaughter of a marquis, Reshwan had grown up like a commoner and lacked many things.

Meanwhile, Marso had already debuted in high society and made a name for herself.

Marso used these points to torment her.

When I first possessed her body, this was the situation I found myself in.

It could have been a grim situation, but I thought of it as an opportunity.

Despite Marso being a villainess, there were still people around her who wanted to be close to her.

In my previous life, I had died in a car accident, a meaningless death. But now, I had a chance to start a new life.

Isn’t that right? Even in novels, when the villainess changes, the people around her are surprised yet pleased.

I’ve read plenty of stories where the villainess redeems herself and gets a better life.

As a fan of romance fantasy novels, I firmly believed that after redeeming the villainess, I would have a good life ahead.

“I think I’ve warned you enough. It won’t end with just words anymore.”

…What nonsense. Seeing the male leads, who looked ready to point a sword at my throat, I realized how stupid I had been!

Life wasn’t fiction; it was reality, and people were harsh.

I forced a smile, struggling to lift the corners of my mouth.

“I was just trying to help her avoid being gossiped by her servants. I know neither of you would want that. I said it quietly to Miss Reshwan, and she even smiled and thanked me.”

That’s exactly what happened. I casually suggested some food to her while subtly pointing out that her fork wasn’t positioned according to etiquette.

“She has value simply by existing, so she doesn’t need to change. The only thing that needs to change is your arrogant attitude.”

…If you’re so passionate, why don’t you confess to Reshwan directly? Instead of twisting my words.

“Prince Ryan is right. I love her just the way she is!”

Wow, seriously. I’m done with this.

It’s time to put an end to all of this.

“Yes, I was entirely, utterly wrong. I will repent for the rest of my life and never see Lady Reshwan again.”

I’m just so tired of everything.

“How is that even possible? You’re the marquis’ only daughter.”

I replied calmly to the two male leads, who looled taken aback.

“I’ll just stay at home.”

It was a simple and clear solution.

Almost made me regret wasting my time until now.

Yeah, being reincarnated as the villainess in a rich family was probably God’s way of telling me to stay home and do nothing.


“Exactly what I said.”

So, I decided to put it into action.

I’d stay at home and live my life however I wanted!


  1. RavingCrow1118 says:

    I can’t wait for more chapters!!!

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