The Villainess' Ending Was Death


Was the girl a wizard? Lauren opened her eyes wide and looked at the relaxed Fresa in bewilderment.

“Did you become a wizard when you were resurrected?”

Fresa burst into a bright laugh as soon as Lauren heard the question she had barely managed to ask.

“What? Ahaha, that can’t be. I got some help. By the way, are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay…”

“Everyone, get out of the way right now! What the hell are you doing?”

Amy, who had been lying on the floor, finally came to her senses and tried to push Fresa. However, before she could reach her hand, Fresa stepped on Elias, who had fallen, and came down to the floor.


Amy suddenly lost her balance and fell forward again.

Coincidentally, Elias was lying in front of her, and Amy fell on top of him.

Fresa looked back at the two siblings with a regretful expression.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know you’d be standing in that exact spot. Brother Elias, are you okay?”


“Did your jaw turn wrong? I should call a doctor, Amy.”

Fresa clicked her tongue, knowing that Elias was too proud to answer.

“I’m sorry, brother!”

Amy stood up, pulling up her fluttering dress in a hurry. Elias glared at Fresa without answering, then slowly got up.

Fresa smiled broadly and faced Elias.

“Thank goodness there’s nothing broken.”

“What kind of presumptuous behavior is this?”

Elias asked with a voice filled with anger. But to Fresa, it was nothing, a trivial emotion.

While living as Fresa Thorpe, Fresa had never been afraid of them.

It was quite difficult to pretend to be afraid, but it was bearable if you thought that it was just following a predetermined fate.

She had to endure it only for the sake of the predetermined ending. But in the end, it was like this again, but this time, she didn’t have to worry about the plausibility of the original.

They were the ones who first provoked Fresa, who was still.

Fresa crossed her arms and stared at Elias.

“You were the ones who provoked my person first. I’m just treating you appropriately.”

“Ha, have you forgotten that we are your family? The Thorpe family is in danger right now, and you dare…!”

“Family? It seems a little late for you and me to be tied as family.”

At that moment, the heavy footsteps of someone walking up the stairs were heard. Fresa knew who the owner of the footsteps was without having to turn around. However, Elias, Amy, and Lauren all turned their gazes toward the stairs at the same time.

Lycaon, dressed in a pitch-black uniform, slowly came down the stairs and stood next to Fresa naturally.

“I’m sorry. I guess I got the coordinates wrong again. I almost got thrown into the trash can.”

“Grand Duke Granadine…”

Elias muttered quietly.

His pupils shook back and forth, as if he had never expected Lycaon to be here with him.

Fresa looked up at Lycaon and let out a faint sigh.

“I guess I should ask Mr. Cade to look for another business partner. The scroll is not very good.”

“I told you that man is untrustworthy. From now on, I’ll just use magic or make scrolls.”

“Mr. Lycaon needs to rest more.”

“That’s overprotection.”

“Employee and patient care.”

Fresa and Lycaon talked as if they were the only two people in the room.

Amy was scared, so she clung to Elias.

“Oh, brother…”

Elias glanced back at Amy and then fixed his gaze on Fresa.

He ran his hand through his messy red hair and began to speak calmly.

“I’m sure you told me to come alone.”

“You came alone, right? Mr. Lycaon came alone.”

Fresa retorted angrily.

It was true that he told her to come alone, but since Lycaon showed up later, it meant that he didn’t actually come with her.

Elias looked offended by Fresa’s pun, but reluctantly maintained his composure.

“…Well, I’ll forgive this level of rudeness. Since you came here, I guess you meant you would accept my offer.”

Elias seemed to have no intention of even being polite to Lycaon.

Fresa could easily guess why Elias was acting this way.

‘I’m easygoing, so they’re looking down on Mr. Lycaon.’

They’re being treated like this because they’re by Fresa’s side. However, Fresa decided not to care.

They were like this anyway, and they would continue to live like this in the future. Even if she tried to teach them, it would only hurt her mouth.

They’re the kind of people who talk more about money and power than words.

Fresa stared at Elias for a long time and smiled affectionately.

“That’s not possible.”

“First, we have to stop the urgent mansion auction… What?”

Elias’ expression distorted as if he had misheard. As expected, he thought Fresa would accept this ridiculous and flimsy proposal.

Fresa still had her arms crossed and lifted her chin slightly.

‘How could there be such an idiot?’

In fact, she had already known that the members of the Thorpe family were all lacking in some way, contrary to what the world thought.

On the surface, it seemed like a perfect family, but in reality, it was far from perfect. However, if they didn’t follow the original story’s development, they would have suffered for days, so Fresa endured it.

If you think about it, the safety device in the original story was probably to protect these people who were lacking and whose character was ruined.

If not, it wouldn’t have ended up like this right after the conclusion.

The power of fate that must flow was much greater than Fresa had thought.

“You won’t help us?”

Amy shouted at Fresa, who was momentarily lost in thought.

Fresa turned her head slightly and looked at her directly.

Amy was still holding onto Elias’ arm tightly and glaring at Fresa, but since she was still a child, she didn’t seem intimidating, but rather cute.

Of course, she didn’t feel much emotion, knowing what kind of demon was inside.

Fresa shrugged and lowered her shoulders in response.

“You didn’t even ask for help. You just threatened me.”

“If you’re family, shouldn’t you help them? You made a lot of money! Do you want the Thorpe family to go down like this?”

Amy raised her voice as if she felt a little braver when Fresa accepted her words.

It was a mystery how she survived in this harsh social circle without being able to hide her feelings at all.

Fresa, who was newly impressed, closed her mouth for a moment and then smiled softly.


“…What, what did you say?”

Amy blinked her large eyes quickly several times.

Fresa looked up at Lycaon.

Lycaon had been looking at Fresa all along and stared straight into her eyes.

Lycaon had made a kind of promise with Fresa, so he didn’t say a word to Elias or Amy.

He had to come with Fresa because she said she couldn’t send him alone, but Lycaon was an imperial citizen anyway, so he couldn’t let him get involved in a pointless conflict within the kingdom.

He was already a person who had a lot to worry about, so getting too involved in other countries’ affairs would be a big risk of being exposed as a weak point.

“I’ll just be quiet even if you don’t look at me like that.”

Lycaon seemed to have read Fresa’s thoughts as he narrowed his eyes and smiled silently.

Fresa, who had smiled back, turned around this time.


Lauren, who still had a surprised look on her face, was staring at Fresa.

Fresa nodded her head slightly to reassure her. She didn’t want to stay in this gloomy place any longer, so it was time to wrap things up.

Fresa turned her gaze to Elias again and spat out breezy words.

“I came back to see you all ruined.”

“What nonsense are you talking about…”

Elias’ expression, which had been silently glaring at Fresa, distorted into a mess.

“Are you saying that you don’t care if our family falls apart?”

Fresa finally couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing.

Her clear laughter echoed through the narrow prison, then soon disappeared.


Elias shouted Fresa’s name sternly, like Count Thorpe. Fresa then slowly stopped laughing and stared straight at Elias.

“You never treated me like family, but now that you need money, you say I’m part of the family. I knew you were a heartless person, but this is too much.”


“Oh, brother…”

Elias couldn’t say anything at Fresa’s cold words.

Amy just stuck next to Elias and tried to tell him to do something.

“Be quiet, Amy.”

Elias looked down at Amy with cold eyes and then roughly pulled her arm away.

“The prison key isn’t here anyway. What are we going to do? You should know that magic doesn’t work on these bars. If you don’t pay me to take that maid, I’ll hand her over to you as a slave.”

Elias raised his chin and spat out haughtily.

The dungeon of the Count Sof’s family was certainly made of a special material that was impervious to magic. But did he really think that Fresa would come without any countermeasures?

She was truly the eldest child who grew up in the arms of Count Sof and Countess Sof, being loved and cherished.

Fresa always watched them from behind, and was always lonely.

Even though she knew that it was a novel, it didn’t mean that she didn’t feel lonely and unloved.

On the one hand, she felt sorry for Fresa in the original work.

When reading the novel as a reader outside of the novel, she could only see it from the perspective of the main characters, so she just thought Fresa Sof was a stupid and one-dimensional villain.

A weak villain who trampled on the honor of her family because she loved the male protagonist too much, and who envy and plotted petty schemes because she was jealous of the affectionate and beautiful female protagonist.

Perhaps Fresa was reborn in this novel because she hoped that there would be at least one reader who would understand Fresa’s grievances?

Whoever that may be.

Fresa looked between Elias and Amy with calm blue eyes.

Then, she took out a vial of red liquid from her cloak sleeve and said.

“I’m afraid I didn’t need the key in the first place.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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