The Villainess' Ending Was Death


Could it be that the coordinates were wrong?

Fresa went out of the alley to see if Lycaon had arrived somewhere else. As soon as she came out, the bright sunlight and countless people greeted her. It was an extravagant street that could not even be compared to the capital of the kingdom. The scroll coordinates that Fresa requested from Isaac were the capital of the Kancher Empire, especially the islands.

She needed to prepare for the Thorpe mansion auction in two weeks. She planned to appear in front of the Thorpe family dressed up as extravagantly as possible, including her new clothes and accessories. In fact, she was allowed to go to the kingdom, but it seemed like she would be in trouble because the loud announcement of the resurrection would draw attention to her.

She also wondered where Lycaon had been living. But she never thought things would go wrong from the start.

‘I bet he didn’t go to the auction house.’

For her convenience, she also prepared a scroll near the auction house in advance, but she may have misdelivered it to Lycaon.

She calmly walked her steps, remembering Isaac’s words that her coordinates might be slightly different for each scroll. But soon she became at a loss as to how to find Lycaon in this crowd.

Fresa stopped for a moment among the people passing by and then began checking the alley.

‘He said he set the coordinates to an alley, so it could be a different alley.’

However, she looked through several alleys, but Lycaon was not there. Perhaps Lycaon may have also moved in search of Fresa.

‘It’s difficult.’

Fresa rummaged through the leather bag she had packed and pulled out her map. It was fortunate that she recorded the location in advance as the coordinates on the scroll.

‘So this is a commercial area near Jedo Island. There’s a dessert cafe over here, and if you go over there, you’ll find the Imperial Castle… Let’s go towards the Fortress. No, if I were Mr. Lycaon, I wouldn’t have gone there.’

Since the plan she had told Lycaon about in the first place was to stop by the boutique, there was a better chance that he would be there.

After checking the streets lined with boutiques, Fresa folded up the map.

‘This alley is a shortcut.’

There was a boutique across the alley next to it, but the atmosphere in the alley was very gloomy. However, this was the best way to avoid conflict with Lycaon.

Fresa took a deep breath and quickly entered the alley.

It was an unusually dark and humid alley compared to other alleys.

‘Something must happen in a place like this…’

Fresa pulled her hood a little deeper to cover his face and walked looking down at the floor.

As she passed halfway down the alley, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her.


It was a rough voice, as if someone was scratching their throat with metal.

Fresa naturally tried to shake off her arms, but her opponent’s strength was so strong that it was impossible. She wanted to scream and ask what was happening, but raising her voice would only provoke her partner, so she remained silent.

“Can’t you talk? If someone calls you, you have to answer!”

The man got very angry and pulled Fresa’s hood roughly.

‘He smells of alcohol.’

The man smelled of alcohol and a terrible stench, as if he had been rolling in his gutter for days.

‘You shouldn’t hurt people.’

Fresa wondered whether she should take out her dagger, which she had kept in the sleeve of her cloak. When she lived in the Thorpe household, she constantly practiced her Dan sword skills without anyone knowing. It was thought that if she developed her stamina, her body would be able to withstand swallowing poison.

So actually, a man like this wasn’t a big threat. The problem was that Fresa, who was still from the kingdom, would be in trouble if an accident occurred here. Besides, she was more urgent to find Lycaon than to start a fight.

“Are you ignoring me now? Eh?”

She wondered if he was muttering lines like some kind of third-rate play.

Fresa clicked her tongue in her mouth and looked up at the man. The man was surprisingly well-built, but he was so drunk that he was out of his mind.

‘Pressing the neck with the handle of a dagger…’

Just when Fresa had made a decision and was about to put her hand under her cloak and pull out a dagger, there was a flash of light and the man’s eyes turned white. And then, boom, the huge man’s body fell backwards at once.

The man’s whole body convulsed as if he had been struck by lightning.

“It’s a shame because it’s such a consistent place.”

Lycaon glanced at the drunkard with an expressionless face and immediately took out his handkerchief. Then, he gently wrapped Fresa’s wrist, which had been touched by a stranger, and wiped it away.

Fresa looked up at him with eyes that were not at all surprised.

“Mr. Lycaon, when did you arrive?”

“It was on the other side of the alley. This is why you shouldn’t use scrolls made by idiots. Are you hurt?”

Lycaon’s voice was several times quieter than usual.

Fresa thought he was angry.

“Sorry. I thought it was the same coordinates, but I guess the scrolling was a little off.”

“…I’m not mad at you. I’m just annoyed that I didn’t find you sooner and put you through this.”

Lycaon sighed softly and tied his handkerchief around Fresa’s wrist.

“Anyway, I can’t take my eyes off you even for a moment. Just by looking at it, it’s a dangerous alley. What if I didn’t come in on time?”

“But if you go this way, you’ll find a boutique right away. My goal was to meet Mr. Lycaon as soon as possible.”

Fresa responded calmly and smoothed the handkerchief Lycaon had wrapped for her.

She thought for a moment about whether she should say that he could defeat a man like this, but she didn’t think Lycaon would believe her if she said so, so she stopped.

Instead, she quickly grabbed Lycaon’s arm and pulled him towards the boutique.

“Relax. I’m fine. And I’m not the weak noblewoman you think I am. First stop by the boutique and then go to the dessert cafe. I heard there is the most famous cafe in this island, so I’m curious.”

As Fresa continued to babble in her excited tone, Lycaon reluctantly followed her lead. But the stiff expression still did not loosen.

Fresa walked a few steps, then turned to look at him and asked.

“But is that person dead?”

Fresa’s eyes, which had been focused on Lycaon, turned to the drunkard who had collapsed in his alley. Now foam was dripping from his mouth and he looked as if he had been punished to death.

Lycaon shook his head once, casually blocking Fresa’s view.

“He won’t die. If he is lucky, someone will find him and help him.”


Just looking at this alley, it didn’t look like any healthy people would come and go, which seemed to mean that there was a high chance of death. But Fresa was not the type of person to feel sympathy for that type of person. She was no different from a subhuman beast that trusted only her own size and treated weak people carelessly.

Fresa said as she walked back towards the boutique without another word.

“It would be better if he wasn’t alive so that there wouldn’t be another victim, but I still think that’s too easy a route.”

Fresa smiled brightly and walked completely out of the alley.

Lycaon followed, emerging from her shadow. He looked like she wasn’t sure what Fresa was talking about.

Instead of giving explanations to Lycaon, she stopped a guard who happened to be passing by.

“There’s a suspicious person lying in the alley.”

As soon as the guards heard Fresa’s words, they hurried into the alley.

“…It would have been better if we had just left it alone.”

Lycaon muttered, frowning one eyebrow. But Fresa smiled softly and faced him.

“I put one of my jewels in that man’s pocket. It’s too much for someone threatening someone in an alley. He’ll probably stay in jail for a while.”

The guards won’t believe anything the man says.

At first glance, it didn’t seem like he had been harassing anyone in the alley for a day or two, so they would definitely think he had stolen jewelry from someone.

Lycaon looked like he immediately understood what Fresa was talking about. And he moved his lips as if he were about to say something, but Fresa was faster.

“Now that we’ve sorted out the awkward issues, shall we go shopping in a happy mood?”

Lycaon still stared at Fresa with unknown eyes, but soon smiled and nodded.

“That was the purpose in the first place, right?”

“Actually, my destination is the most famous dessert cafe in the empire.”

Fresa responded lightly, still lightly holding Lycaon’s fingertips, and walked towards the boutique with a luxurious sign.

Fresa took off her cloak and held it up before entering the boutique.

“I’m a little nervous because it’s my first time shopping for clothes with someone.”

“Normally, nobles invite tailors to their mansions.”

A famous tailor frequently visited the Thorpe mansion. Except for Fresa, all the other family members used to wear clothes handmade by the tailor. For Fresa, all she had was clothes made by an old woman whose eyes were so dim that she couldn’t see very well.

Amy always made a mess, knowingly or unknowingly, so Lauren often had to sew it herself.

Fresa briefly remembered the past, but she quickly erased it and said:

“If Paro Village hadn’t been so remote, I would have called a tailor, but that’s a bit of a shame.”

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea to try something on or get a new one fitted at a boutique. This is a pretty famous place.”

Lycaon gently held Fresa’s hand and naturally pushed the boutique door open.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    ooh this will be fun

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