The Villainess' Ending Was Death


The mood in the Count Gillespie family had been subdued for several days. Rowan and Alicia shared separate rooms and did not say a word to each other. It was a cold war that started after Fresa appeared at the banquet.

As the relationship between the two people, who had always been a lovely couple, became cold, the employees couldn’t help but notice. Rowan failed to comfort Alicia because he was embarrassed because he had no idea Fresa would come out like this. Alicia was in a state of shock as she was.

She was expecting Rowan to be hiding something from her, but she never thought it would be something to do with Fresa Thorpe.

‘How can that be?’

Rowan had to love Alicia. But why did he hide it?

‘No way, Rowan is Fresa…’

That couldn’t have been possible. Rowan has been whispering that Alicia was his only love in the world. As if there was no room for Fresa to intervene, Alicia was the only one. But no matter how hard she tried to think positively, she couldn’t quite understand it.

Rowan even gave up trying to comfort Alicia.

‘Just because she was a little stubborn, that’s ridiculous.’

Originally, Rowan would cheer Alicia up all day long, even when she got a little sulky. He made an even bigger mistake now, but he didn’t even come to visit, even when she had been waiting. He was hiding the fact that he had met Fresa in Paro Village.

‘Do you really believe what Fresa Thorpe says, Alicia?’

‘You’ve been acting strange since Paro Village! What should I believe?’

‘…You should have trusted me no matter what. I’m disappointed.’

Her head started pounding as she recalled her conversation with Rowan.

Rowan instead blamed Alicia. Who should be angry now, was shamelessly pretending to be the victim.

Alicia, who had skipped breakfast, opened the window wide and looked out into the garden, deep in thought. If she resolved the Fresa issue, her relationship with Rowan would automatically improve.

Alicia’s cold eyes slowly disappeared into her eyelids and reappeared.

‘How did she pretend to be dead? Moreover, she is engaged to the Grand Duke of the Grenadines.’

She couldn’t believe that Fresa, who had been acting as if her life depended on Rowan, had just gotten engaged to another man. Wouldn’t it be better if the two of them got married and left for the empire?

In her own way, Alicia tried to win back Rowan’s affections. Because she needed Rowan’s fame, wealth, and abundant affection.

‘But Fresa was obsessed with Rowan. Maybe she’s lying to make him jealous.’

Alicia could hardly trust Fresa, who went so far as to fake her death.

‘It’s a difficult thing to do alone. There must be someone who helped.’

Who was close to Fresa at Thorpe Mansion? Alicia had once worked as a maid for the Thorpe family, so she knew the estate quite well.

‘Lauren. She was the only person close to Fresa.’

Lauren had definitely brought her tea the last time she had been to the Thorpe mansion.

‘She might be Fresa’s weakness.’

If Fresa was really targeting Rowan, she might be able to use Lauren. The more advantageous cards she held, the better.

Alicia had more or less made her plan. She paused for a moment and then she looked up at the sky and then she closed the window and turned around.

‘I’m angry, but I can’t figure out anything in this state. I need to make peace with Rowan.’

Alicia forced the corners of her mouth to smile.

* * *

“If you ask for forgiveness even now, I will allow you to return to the family.”

Fresa deliberately read Elias’ letter out loud, which arrived early in the morning.

“What nonsense?”

“That’s right. It’s truly pathetic.”

Reese shook off his depressed appearance and returned to his original state, flying through the air with a pure white and fluffy appearance.

Fresa clicked her tongue, tore up the letter, and threw it in the trash can.

“It’s an important interview, but I’m going to cheat.”

“You’re not even going through an interview.”

“It is true that it is an important day for the interviewer as well.”

Fresa pulled down her now-grown hair into a tight ponytail. Today was the day to meet new employee candidates. Soon it was time for the interviewers to arrive.

Fresa wore a more modest navy blue dress than usual, with long sleeves that reached down to her ankles. She was worried that she might look a little too hot to wear in the summer, but she wanted to give the neat impression of a boss.

As she wore black shoes with heels that were neither too high nor too low, she looked quite strict. After checking herself out in the full-length mirror she kept in her bedroom, she went out into the living room.

“Ah, Resa. Are you ready?”

Lycaon, who was standing in front of the sales counter, welcomed Fresa.

“Yes. To some extent, I don’t know why I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be too harsh, Resa. It would be a big problem if everyone ran away.”

Zed, who was displaying fresh medicine made yesterday, stuck his head out and joined in.

“But I can’t hire just anyone, Zed.”

“How much work am I doing on my own right now? I feel more comfortable when a new employee comes in.”

Lycaon noticed, but Zed did not give up on his opinion.

Fresa watched the two people arguing and then raised her hands and clapped them twice.

“Now that I know enough about your opinions, I’ll go down first. “You two, please guide the interviewees well.”

The interview location was chosen as the basement, which had a relatively quiet and calm atmosphere. There were only a few people who wanted to come for the interview in the first place, so she scheduled a personal interview.

At any rate, they were all from this village, so they must be familiar to some extent.

Fresa was about to head to the basement when Lycaon followed her and said.

“I will be with you too.”

“We cannot leave Mr. Zed to do the work alone, Your Highness.”

When Fresa responded sternly, Lycaon retorted with a strange expression.

“Zed is not a child.”

“I’m not a child either.”

“…If it’s an interview, I’m confident.”

“Everyone would feel burdened if Mr. Lycaon sat as the interviewer.”

What Fresa said was true. The problem with Lycaon was that he seemed too flashy for an interviewer. The village people would only think that he was a noble nobleman who came to recuperate, so they would be very uncomfortable.

‘It’s not wrong.’

Moreover, unlike Zed, who was quite talkative, Lycaon never said anything other than what was necessary even when guests came, so public opinion was unfavorable. Fresa didn’t agree that he was a cold person, but his image has become so established that he couldn’t help it.

‘Maybe the reason there are so few applicants is because of Mr. Lycaon.’

If you think about it, Lycaon was the most senior among the pharmacy employees, and he would be at a loss to think about working under him.

‘It would be burdensome for me to think that a high-ranking noble is my boss.’

In any case, it was difficult for Lycaon to work as a pharmacy employee in many ways, so Fresa needed a new employee. The moment Lycaon opened his lips as if to retaliate, the sound of something rumbling came from Zed’s direction.

Fresa thought it was time to quickly push Lycaon’s back.

“Please help Mr. Zed. I can do the interview alone.”

“But Resa…”

“If the vial is broken, it’s in trouble, so please check it quickly.”

Reluctantly, Lycaon walked towards Zed, his bundle of thought. And while he nervously seemed to be saying something to Zed, Fresa went down to the cellar, waiting to see who would arrive first.

“You look excited.”

As she was sitting in front of the chair prepared in advance and humming to him, Reese came up to her and started talking to her.

“I feel like a real boss. Business expansion is progressing rapidly.”

“It should work out well.”

“Don’t worry, Resse. I will do it without mistakes. Could you please keep an eye on Mr. Lycaon and Mr. Zed? Those two can’t fight again.”

Fresa smiled as she touched Reese’s round body with her fingertips.

“I will do that.”

Reese circled her once and he was soon out of the basement.

She would definitely keep her promise to Reese. In fact, she had no intention of becoming this greedy in business, but as she had several goals she wanted to achieve, she needed more money.

‘The more money you have, the more useful it is in many ways. If this thing goes well, I’ll have to branch out into the empire as well. I’ll have to reconsider Mr. Lycaon’s suggestion.’

While she was lost in her thoughts, someone came down the stairs. Fresa naturally straightened her posture and sat down to look at him. And soon she couldn’t help but zone out.

Why was this person here?

“…Mr. Cade?”

Fressa looked at the face of the man who had just entered the basement, and she muttered to herself in a daze.

Isaac, the master of the home-buying guild, looked at Fresa with his characteristic sensitive expression.

‘There was no mention of him attending as an interviewer…’

When Fresa gave him a puzzled look, Isaac cleared his throat softly.

“I came because they said they were looking for employees.”

“Um, so as an interviewer?”

Fresa decided she had misheard and asked the question again. However, Isaac deliberately answered more clearly.

“As an employee.”



What was this really happening?

While Fresa was blankly unable to hide her bewildered expression, Isaac sat down in the chair, crossed his legs, and said.

“Let’s start the interview, boss.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

Want to read more?

The mood in the Count Gillespie family had been subdued for several days. Rowan and Alicia shared separate rooms and did not say a word to each other. It was a cold war that started after Fresa appeared at the banquet.

As the relationship between the two people, who had always been a lovely couple, became cold, the employees couldn’t help but notice. Rowan failed to comfort Alicia because he was embarrassed because he had no idea Fresa would come out like this. Alicia was in a state of shock as she was.

She was expecting Rowan to be hiding something from her, but she never thought it would be something to do with Fresa Thorpe.

‘How can that be?’

Rowan had to love Alicia. But why did he hide it?

‘No way, Rowan is Fresa…’

That couldn’t have been possible. Rowan has been whispering that Alicia was his only love in the world. As if there was no room for Fresa to intervene, Alicia was the only one. But no matter how hard she tried to think positively, she couldn’t quite understand it.

Rowan even gave up trying to comfort Alicia.

‘Just because she was a little stubborn, that’s ridiculous.’

Originally, Rowan would cheer Alicia up all day long, even when she got a little sulky. He made an even bigger mistake now, but he didn’t even come to visit, even when she had been waiting. He was hiding the fact that he had met Fresa in Paro Village.

‘Do you really believe what Fresa Thorpe says, Alicia?’

‘You’ve been acting strange since Paro Village! What should I believe?’

‘…You should have trusted me no matter what. I’m disappointed.’

Her head started pounding as she recalled her conversation with Rowan.

Rowan instead blamed Alicia. Who should be angry now, was shamelessly pretending to be the victim.

Alicia, who had skipped breakfast, opened the window wide and looked out into the garden, deep in thought. If she resolved the Fresa issue, her relationship with Rowan would automatically improve.

Alicia’s cold eyes slowly disappeared into her eyelids and reappeared.

‘How did she pretend to be dead? Moreover, she is engaged to the Grand Duke of the Grenadines.’

She couldn’t believe that Fresa, who had been acting as if her life depended on Rowan, had just gotten engaged to another man. Wouldn’t it be better if the two of them got married and left for the empire?

In her own way, Alicia tried to win back Rowan’s affections. Because she needed Rowan’s fame, wealth, and abundant affection.

‘But Fresa was obsessed with Rowan. Maybe she’s lying to make him jealous.’

Alicia could hardly trust Fresa, who went so far as to fake her death.

‘It’s a difficult thing to do alone. There must be someone who helped.’

Who was close to Fresa at Thorpe Mansion? Alicia had once worked as a maid for the Thorpe family, so she knew the estate quite well.

‘Lauren. She was the only person close to Fresa.’

Lauren had definitely brought her tea the last time she had been to the Thorpe mansion.

‘She might be Fresa’s weakness.’

If Fresa was really targeting Rowan, she might be able to use Lauren. The more advantageous cards she held, the better.

Alicia had more or less made her plan. She paused for a moment and then she looked up at the sky and then she closed the window and turned around.

‘I’m angry, but I can’t figure out anything in this state. I need to make peace with Rowan.’

Alicia forced the corners of her mouth to smile.

* * *

“If you ask for forgiveness even now, I will allow you to return to the family.”

Fresa deliberately read Elias’ letter out loud, which arrived early in the morning.

“What nonsense?”

“That’s right. It’s truly pathetic.”

Reese shook off his depressed appearance and returned to his original state, flying through the air with a pure white and fluffy appearance.

Fresa clicked her tongue, tore up the letter, and threw it in the trash can.

“It’s an important interview, but I’m going to cheat.”

“You’re not even going through an interview.”

“It is true that it is an important day for the interviewer as well.”

Fresa pulled down her now-grown hair into a tight ponytail. Today was the day to meet new employee candidates. Soon it was time for the interviewers to arrive.

Fresa wore a more modest navy blue dress than usual, with long sleeves that reached down to her ankles. She was worried that she might look a little too hot to wear in the summer, but she wanted to give the neat impression of a boss.

As she wore black shoes with heels that were neither too high nor too low, she looked quite strict. After checking herself out in the full-length mirror she kept in her bedroom, she went out into the living room.

“Ah, Resa. Are you ready?”

Lycaon, who was standing in front of the sales counter, welcomed Fresa.

“Yes. To some extent, I don’t know why I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be too harsh, Resa. It would be a big problem if everyone ran away.”

Zed, who was displaying fresh medicine made yesterday, stuck his head out and joined in.

“But I can’t hire just anyone, Zed.”

“How much work am I doing on my own right now? I feel more comfortable when a new employee comes in.”

Lycaon noticed, but Zed did not give up on his opinion.

Fresa watched the two people arguing and then raised her hands and clapped them twice.

“Now that I know enough about your opinions, I’ll go down first. “You two, please guide the interviewees well.”

The interview location was chosen as the basement, which had a relatively quiet and calm atmosphere. There were only a few people who wanted to come for the interview in the first place, so she scheduled a personal interview.

At any rate, they were all from this village, so they must be familiar to some extent.

Fresa was about to head to the basement when Lycaon followed her and said.

“I will be with you too.”

“We cannot leave Mr. Zed to do the work alone, Your Highness.”

When Fresa responded sternly, Lycaon retorted with a strange expression.

“Zed is not a child.”

“I’m not a child either.”

“…If it’s an interview, I’m confident.”

“Everyone would feel burdened if Mr. Lycaon sat as the interviewer.”

What Fresa said was true. The problem with Lycaon was that he seemed too flashy for an interviewer. The village people would only think that he was a noble nobleman who came to recuperate, so they would be very uncomfortable.

‘It’s not wrong.’

Moreover, unlike Zed, who was quite talkative, Lycaon never said anything other than what was necessary even when guests came, so public opinion was unfavorable. Fresa didn’t agree that he was a cold person, but his image has become so established that he couldn’t help it.

‘Maybe the reason there are so few applicants is because of Mr. Lycaon.’

If you think about it, Lycaon was the most senior among the pharmacy employees, and he would be at a loss to think about working under him.

‘It would be burdensome for me to think that a high-ranking noble is my boss.’

In any case, it was difficult for Lycaon to work as a pharmacy employee in many ways, so Fresa needed a new employee. The moment Lycaon opened his lips as if to retaliate, the sound of something rumbling came from Zed’s direction.

Fresa thought it was time to quickly push Lycaon’s back.

“Please help Mr. Zed. I can do the interview alone.”

“But Resa…”

“If the vial is broken, it’s in trouble, so please check it quickly.”

Reluctantly, Lycaon walked towards Zed, his bundle of thought. And while he nervously seemed to be saying something to Zed, Fresa went down to the cellar, waiting to see who would arrive first.

“You look excited.”

As she was sitting in front of the chair prepared in advance and humming to him, Reese came up to her and started talking to her.

“I feel like a real boss. Business expansion is progressing rapidly.”

“It should work out well.”

“Don’t worry, Resse. I will do it without mistakes. Could you please keep an eye on Mr. Lycaon and Mr. Zed? Those two can’t fight again.”

Fresa smiled as she touched Reese’s round body with her fingertips.

“I will do that.”

Reese circled her once and he was soon out of the basement.

She would definitely keep her promise to Reese. In fact, she had no intention of becoming this greedy in business, but as she had several goals she wanted to achieve, she needed more money.

‘The more money you have, the more useful it is in many ways. If this thing goes well, I’ll have to branch out into the empire as well. I’ll have to reconsider Mr. Lycaon’s suggestion.’

While she was lost in her thoughts, someone came down the stairs. Fresa naturally straightened her posture and sat down to look at him. And soon she couldn’t help but zone out.

Why was this person here?

“…Mr. Cade?”

Fressa looked at the face of the man who had just entered the basement, and she muttered to herself in a daze.

Isaac, the master of the home-buying guild, looked at Fresa with his characteristic sensitive expression.

‘There was no mention of him attending as an interviewer…’

When Fresa gave him a puzzled look, Isaac cleared his throat softly.

“I came because they said they were looking for employees.”

“Um, so as an interviewer?”

Fresa decided she had misheard and asked the question again. However, Isaac deliberately answered more clearly.

“As an employee.”



What was this really happening?

While Fresa was blankly unable to hide her bewildered expression, Isaac sat down in the chair, crossed his legs, and said.

“Let’s start the interview, boss.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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