The Villainess' Ending Was Death


After finishing the schedule and boarding the ship heading to Paro Village, Lycaon was in a bad mood. He put his arms on the railing and stared at the imperial port that was receding further and further away.

‘You’re making things a hassle.’

This call was not the Emperor’s will. The reason was that the high-ranking nobles of the empire heard the news of Lycaon’s engagement and scolded the emperor.

‘It’s not unexpected, though.’

Lycaon sighed lightly.

Zed, who was standing tall next to Lycaon and watching Lycaon’s thoughts, cautiously opened the door.

“Your Highness, please be patient.”

Lycaon glanced at Zed with a cold smile.

“Haven’t I already endured enough? The problem is that they thought I was going to die and they let go.”

“Your Highness…”

Zed looked very anxious. Lycaon had a personality that did not show his emotions easily, but the calmer he was, the more likely something big would happen.

Zed had been with Lycaon since he was a child, so he knew that better than anyone else.

“Don’t worry, Zed. I can still tolerate those disgusting old people.”

Lycaon let out a soft sigh and looked down at the deep blue sea with squinted eyes. It was a color similar to Fresa’s eyes. Just by looking at it, he felt as if his heart would sink to an unknown place.

‘You should just get some help from me.’

Fresa was assertive from the beginning. Even though she knew that Lycaon was the Grand Duke of the Empire and had great authority, she refused his help.

Maybe they were able to meet thanks to that personality. The dragon venom was still flowing through his veins, but it didn’t bother him as much as before.

‘It’s painful in a different way now.’

Lycaon was still interested in Fresa. However, it was a slightly different kind of feeling than when he first met her. He didn’t know how to define this, but one thing is certain.

He wanted to watch Fresa from the side. And in order to do so, he had to induce Fresa to come to the empire rather than Paro town.

‘It won’t be easy.’

Fresa had just begun to expand her business.

Lycaon believed that Fresa would naturally succeed in signing a contract with the guild. So it wasn’t time yet. Fresa still had a lot of things left to sort out. He would help her get revenge, just as he promised, and he would stand by herr side and protect her.

Maybe this feeling… Suddenly, the midday sun felt too hot. At that moment, the magic circle installed in Fresa’s mansion resonated well over this distance.

‘It looks like another filthy intruder has appeared.’

Lycaon looked up at the sky for a moment with his eyebrows furrowed and then blurted out.

“Zed, I’ll go first.”


Zed’s eyes widened in surprise, but Lycaon’s appearance had already disappeared a long time ago. Also, he shamelessly disappeared by himself using space movement magic. Zed, who was left alone on the deck, pulled out his hair with both hands.

* * *

After signing a contract with the homebuying guild, Fresa became very busy. It took quite some time to find information about the World Tree.

Even 10 of her hands were not enough. Fortunately, as soon as Isaac returned to the kingdom, he sent a huge down payment. Thanks to that, Fresa decided to hire two more of his employees.

‘I have Mr. Lycaon and Mr. Zed, but honestly, I don’t know how long they can work.’

After publishing an announcement in the village newspaper, we purchased a luxurious new medicine cabinet, sales stand, and signboard. She grew herbs and made medicine all day long, and carefully prepared the items to be delivered to the guild. In addition, perhaps thanks to word of mouth, visits from outsiders to Paro Village have become more frequent. Their purpose was to visit <Resa’s Pharmacy>.

There were many people waiting in line from the time the pharmacy opened until it closed. Some even put their names on the reservation list and returned empty-handed. Thanks to this, Fresa had to buy a new safe.

Anyway, everything was going so hectic but in a good direction that she didn’t have time to pay attention to the main characters of the original. It was almost like it was a waste of time to devote to such insignificant people.

‘Well, since they haven’t taken any action on that side either.’

She worked so hard that it was time to close the pharmacy. In the end, Lycaon and Zed did not return today.

She was a little annoyed at Lycaon who hadn’t contacted her even though it had already been three days since they left.

Fresa cleaned up the pharmacy, had a quick dinner, and decided to make medicine to sell tomorrow. She went out with the intention of picking cucumbers from the garden and making some cold vegetables to eat, when the person she was waiting for appeared. A handsome man with dazzling white hair, beautiful purple eyes, and a tall stature. As far as Fresa knew, there was only one person who looked like this.

“Mr. Lycaon?”

Fresa opened her eyes wide and looked at Lycaon. Lycaon was dragging someone by the back of his neck. He looked familiar with his bright red hair.

Fresa narrowed her eyes and muttered his name.


Lycaon laughed, throwing him in front of Fresa like a piece of luggage.

“I’m home.”

“What is this…”

“F, Fresa!”

Before Fresa could understand the situation, Jerome crawled in front of Fresa, screaming. Fresa was scared and stepped back, afraid that his hand would touch her.

She then sent a look towards Lycaon asking him to explain quickly.

Lycaon said as he slowly took off his white gloves.

“He was spying on you like a rat. So I caught him.”

“Well, it’s not like that… What happened to you? Don’t say it, don’t say it!”

Jerome stopped making excuses one after another and scolded Fresa. Fresa gave a cold expression, thinking that she was still being easy on this person.

“Because I changed my mind. Then why did you come back?”

“You, you, your words have become shorter…”

Jerome was arrogant and tried to act like a big brother by pointing a finger at Fresa.

Lycaon held onto his fingers and looked at Fresa.

“I could break it.”

“Hehe, hehe…!”

Jerome was scared and struggled. Fresa gazed pitifully at the sight of Jerome being held captive by Lycaon and then sighed.

“It’s okay, Mr. Lycaon. Anyway, I think I know why you came.”

Lycaon let go of Jerome’s hand, showing a slight expression of regret. Fresa only lowered her gaze to meet Jerome’s eyes.

“Elias sent you, right?”


“When he heard I was alive, he told you to check out what I was doing here.”


Jerome glanced at Fresa’s gaze and nodded his head very slightly.

“People… they were talking about you. A great drug has been developed. I think you made quite a bit of money…”


Lycaon frowned and interrupted Jerome. Jerome probably watched Fresa’s pharmacy all day. He would have had to find out what Fresa was doing here for a living.

“Jerome, go and tell them exactly what you saw and heard.”

Fresa grinned and said to Jerome.

Jerome looked embarrassed, but he did not miss the opportunity to run away and hid his appearance in a hurry.

“You might get caught up in some trouble sooner or later.”

Lycaon muttered with a hint of concern. Fresa expected him to react like this.

“I can at least cast a spell to erase memories.”

“Mr. Lycaon is still recovering. The more you use magic, the faster the dragon poison flows. Well, it’s just what I wanted anyway.”

Fresa replied indifferently and picked a couple of ripe cucumbers and put them in her basket.

“What else is on your mind?”

Reese, who was quietly watching the situation like an observer, also seemed curious about what Fresa was thinking. Fresa shrugged her shoulders and continued.

“Actually, I had a dream I wanted to achieve for a long time.”

“A dream you want to achieve?”

“The people who bullied me were falling at my feet and begging me. And then I was the only one in the Thorpe family. I’m sure it will become real soon.”

Anyway, she decided to give back what had been done to her, so she wanted to actually see what she had been imagining. The Thorpe family must have already heard that Fresa was alive. However, they did not know that Fresa had succeeded in her business. What would happen if they found out about this?

‘It should be annoying, but it’s actually an opportunity to see the bottom of them.’

Usually, in family regrets, it was customary to kneel at the feet of the female protagonist and pray for her. Now, the development here would proceed as Fresa wanted, rather than as determined by the author.

Of course, the proud siblings of the Thorpe family would not make such a choice easily. But eventually they would bow down and pray. Just like when Fresa knelt down and prayed to them to not follow the original.

Fresa looked back at Lycaon with a refreshing expression.

“I’m thinking of making cold cucumber salad. Would you like to join me for dinner?”

Lycaon, who was looking in the direction where Jerome disappeared and making an unknown expression, finally turned to face Fresa. And without even a brief moment of thought, he nodded.


“You don’t know how busy I was while Mr. Lycaon and Mr. Zed were away.”

“You must have quite a bit to talk about.”

“Of course. Oh, by the way, I can’t see Zed.”

Fresa entered the mansion, chatting all her words, and then looked back at Lycaon. Before she knew it, Lycaon, who had followed closely behind, calmly answered.

“Zed will be late because he’s coming by boat.”

“And did you come alone with magic?”

“Because I don’t want to ruin my natural talent.”

Lycaon grinned shamelessly.

Poor Zed.

Muttering under her breath, Fresa locked the front door firmly as soon as Lycaon entered.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on June, 29.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    thank you for the chapter!

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