The Villainess' Ending Was Death


Because the inside of the pharmacy was a bit cluttered, Fresa and Isaac moved to the living room. Fresa, who served warm medicinal tea, checked the contract Isaac presented.

“Take a good look. Don’t say anything later about being scammed.”

Isaac spoke in an indifferent tone.

‘If it weren’t for that way of speaking, I would definitely have liked you.’

Fresa scratched her cheek and looked over each and every clause of the contract. The most important information was missing. Fresa lifted her gaze from the contract and looked at Isaac.

“There is no mention of the ratio. What happened?”

“That will be decided now. How much do you want?”

Isaac had been waiting for that question and instead asked Fresa. He was a little taken aback because he thought Fresa would give Isaac a percentage.

This was because she didn’t look in advance what the contract ratio was in this world.

‘I wasn’t prepared enough.’

It was difficult because Lycaon and Zed were not there. As Fresa began to worry, Isaac spoke again.

“6 months exclusive contract, ratio 9:1. How are you feeling?”


Fresa opened her eyes wide.

“Am I a 9?”

“Yes. Instead, as I just said, it’s 6 months of exclusivity. We will provide ample support and down payment.”

Isaac’s percentage was so high that even Fresa could not have predicted it. She was shocked when he even said he would give her a down payment. Of course, there had to be an exclusivity period, but six months wasn’t that long.

“Why are you signing a contract with such terms?”

“Possibilities, because that’s what your business has. And that also happened earlier.”

Isaac squinted at the corners of his eyes and looked down at the leather bag containing the glass bottle. He probably got extra points for taking out that hideous thing.

The discomfort that hung over his handsome face became a little deeper.

“Anyway, I think it’s not a bad condition. Now, here.”

Before she knew it, Isaac added the ratio and down payment details to the contract and returned it to Fresa. Fresa checked the ratios and conditions written in the contract one more time carefully and nodded her head.

“Yes, I like it. I have a contract.”

“Please sign here. And one more copy.”

Fresa signed succinctly with the pen Isaac held out. After Isaac signed underneath it, they each got a copy.

It was a perfect deal.

Fresa stretched out a hand toward Isaac.

“Would you like to shake my hand?”


Isaac blinked his eyes slowly, looking alternately at Fresa’s white hands and face. Fresa shook her hand as if to shake his hand quickly.

Isaac, who thought for a few seconds, then lightly touched Fresa’s hand.

“We are partners now, Fresa. I look forward to it.”

“Yes, Mr. Cade.”

“Just call me by my name.”

At Isaac’s words, Fresa shook her head and withdrew her hand.

“Anyway, that’s not it. This is business, so I want to be polite.”

“…Well, do whatever you want.”

Isaac shrugged his shoulders with a strange expression and withdrew his hand a little slower than Fresa.

‘I want to tell Mr. Lycaon this news quickly.’

Should he come back today? Fresa naturally thought of Lycaon, but soon stopped. Anyway, what mattered now was the fact that this contract had been concluded. She would be very busy for a while.

‘And I have something to talk about with Mr. Reese.’

Fresa checked the contract one more time and then looked toward the basement where Reese had disappeared.

* * *

After Isaac passed away, Fresa, who put the contract in the safe, carefully headed underground. Sunlight was streaming in through the small window, but it felt darker than usual, perhaps due to the atmosphere.

Reese, who was sitting on the herb pot, was still stained gray. He seemed to be contemplating something and did not move until Fresa came closer.

“Mr. Reese. Are you okay?”

After catching her breath for a moment, Fresa quietly opened her mouth.

Reese then rolled his small eyes and stared at her.

“I feel like this is all my fault.”

“Why do you think that? It just happened.”

“You… You can say that because you don’t know anything.”

Fresa’s sincere consolation was of little use. Reese let out a deep sigh and his fur turned a deep black color.

She had noticed that colors change depending on emotions, but she had never seen something as black as it was now. In fact, Fresa knew nothing about the spirit of this World Tree.

They met by chance and signed a contract because they needed each other, but they didn’t have any deep conversations. After thinking briefly, Fresa pulled up the chair behind him and sat down.

“Please tell me what happened. I want to find a solution together.”


“If there is a problem with the World Tree, it is important to me as a person living in this world.”

Reese’s color faded slightly at Fresa’s words. Still, the silence became quite long, as if it was difficult to speak up.

Fresa placed her hands on his and waited silently for his choice.

The fragrant smell of herbs lingered in her nose. Only after a while did Resse speak in a very low voice.

“I am… The world tree was abandoned.”

The tone of voice was similar to usual, but there seemed to be some loneliness in it. Fresa did not urge, but just nodded in the affirmative.

Reese was silent again for a moment and then spoke again.

“Because I loved humans.”

Fresa’s eyes widened slightly. She never even imagined that this could be the reason.


“In human time, it was a very long time ago. But for me and the World Tree, it is also a fleeting moment.”

Reese’s voice became more and more subdued, and soon he became distant, as if he were underwater. Fresa thought he was crying. So she slowly reached out her hand and gently stroked the little fluff.

“So all of this is my fault. The world is getting sick because I left the World Tree.”

Reese sighed deeply.

“There must be a way to turn it back. The World Tree is also a tree after all. The tree that supports this world. I am a plant expert. I will find a way.”

At Fresa’s words, Resse looked up at her without saying a word. And soon, Resse flew over and stopped right in front of Fresa’s eyes.

“Will you promise me?”

“Of course. I am Reese’s contractor.”

Fresa smiled slightly and answered straight away. As if it was some consolation, Reese’s color returned to a much lighter gray.

Reese rubbed the soft fur on the tip of Fresa’s nose and whispered.

“Fresa, I have one more favor to ask you.”

“Yes, please tell me.”

“If I recover enough to regain my original form, will you take me to the World Tree?”

Fresa did not know where the World Tree was or how far away it was. But how could she refuse the earnest request of this small and precious spirit?

Fresa looked directly into Reese’s small, sparkling eyes and promised that she would. Honestly, it won’t be an easy path. However, if the world tree collapsed, this world would also collapse.

She didn’t even know how much time was left, so she felt a little lost. She stubbornly survived and wanted to protect her new life and help Reese, who was suffering from his guilt. If she stayed with Reese, she would definitely be able to find the answer.

“First of all, I will help you recover as quickly as possible.”

Fresa placed her wreath on his shoulder and began to grow her herbs. She had to do what she could right now.

* * *

“Fresa… she is alive?”

Elias checked the newspaper with a rare expression of astonishment. Amy, the one who brought this news, also shouted with her pale face.

“I said I was sure! She proudly attended Count Gillespie’s banquet! She’s that crazy woman!”

Elias absentmindedly read the front page of the newspaper article.

Fresa Thorpe, who even held her funeral, was engaged to the Grand Duke of Cancer? Shocking news in the social world… It was a provocative article title.

The content was more serious.

Fresa, who appeared at Count Gillespie’s banquet, revealed that she was engaged to the Granadine Grand Duke of Cancer, and according to Fresa, Count Gillespie was already aware of this fact.


What did this mean?

“How dare she scam her family?”

He knew she was a fool since she was young, but he never thought she would do something like this. Elias crumpled the newspaper into a mess and threw it on the floor.

“How did Count Gillespie know?”

“Isn’t he just trying to do well with Fresa again?”

Amy spewed out her ridiculous nonsense.

Elias was having a hard time with just the family’s debt, and the appearance of Fresa, whom he thought was dead, was causing him a lot of stress.

Fresa was alive. He still couldn’t believe it.

She was clearly not breathing and her heart had stopped. How on earth was such a thing possible? The reputation of the family was at an all-time low, and they even held a funeral for someone who wasn’t even dead. There would be whispers everywhere.

‘Damn girl. She really doesn’t help.’

Elias held his throbbing head in his hands.

“What is this, really! Father should have been there…”

Because Amy was babbling non-stop, Elias became even more nervous about her.


Jerome also burst into the office as if he had heard the news.

“F-Fresa is alive?”

“Yes. They say so.”

Jerome looked unusually pale for some reason. As if he had been discovered with something he was hiding.

‘Ever since we went on our honeymoon, Rowan… It’s changed. I think something happened in that village.’

A hypothesis suddenly passed through Elias’ mind. What Rowan Gillespie and Jerome have in common was that they recently visited the village of Paro. Alicia insisted that she send someone there.

Elias lowered his hand that was covering his face and stared at Jerome.

“Jerome Thorpe.”

“Uh, huh?”

“Did you meet Fresa in Paro Village?”

Jerome’s face turned completely white. His response was so honest that you could be sure without having to hear the answer.

“But you hid that fact. Why?”

“Well, I did wrong, bro! Please forgive me!”

Jerome immediately knelt down on the floor and lowered his head. Elias had a hunch.

This stupid younger brother must have had an accident again.

But now there was something more important than that. Instead of questioning Jerome’s mistakes, Elias asked for something else.

“First, tell me what Fresa was doing there.”



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released tomorrow.

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  1. niki1da1 says:

    “after Isaac passed away” lol this translation

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