The Villainess' Ending Was Death


‘Mr. Albert used the ointment.’


Honestly, it was a plan that was no different from gambling. Fortunately, Albert used hair loss Balm and was satisfied with the results. Lord Barrett, who had closely observed the changes in Albert’s hair, readily permitted the sale of the ointment.


Albert had come to tell the story, but Fresa and Lycaon could not keep their mouths shut as they saw his hair grow twice as thick. Albert’s hair, which had grown thicker, even looked strangely softer. The unfamiliar smile was a bonus.


‘After all, hair is precious. He was a person who knew how to laugh like that.’


In addition, there was news that Daisy’s medicine alleviated allergy symptoms. It was a relief that little Daisy no longer had to suffer under the sun.


‘Thanks to Albert, I was able to see the effectiveness of promoting the ointment.’


This morning, after hearing the rumor that Count Gillespie and his wife’s honeymoon were over, the pharmacy reopened for business. The limited edition hair loss treatment sold out quickly.


‘I can’t believe there are so many people suffering from hair loss in this small town.’


The reaction was much more enthusiastic than expected. Fortunately, Zed came back yesterday and there was no shortage of workers. As soon as he arrived, Zed became a great worker at the pharmacy.


“You developed an amazing drug while I was away, Resa.”


Zed muttered, now looking more tired than Lycaon. It seemed that the road back by boat was not smooth.


“Me and Resa had a hard time, Zed.”


On the other hand, Lycaon’s complexion has already brightened surprisingly. Of course he still got sick here and there, although he did take her medication consistently.


Fresa asked the two people as she set up her stand.


“I’ll be busier tomorrow, is that okay? I have to make more mint water early in the morning.”


Fresa did not miss the opportunity and sold mind water to her hair loss ointment’s clients one by one. She said it was a service, but it was also a sales strategy. Perhaps in the near future, the number of people visiting Faro village would increase.


To her surprise, things were going smoothly.


“Employees must follow what the boss says. It’s nice to have more time together.”


Lycaon looked like he didn’t care, but Zed didn’t. He asked cautiously with a shadowy face.


“If it’s early in the morning, what time does it start?”


“Maybe around 5 o’clock?”


“That’s not morning, that’s dawn…”


Zed retorted, but was cut off by Lycaon jabbing him in the side. Zed’s expression became darker. Fresa smiled sweetly at Zed and Lycaon.


“Then, you two, go back early and get some rest. “We have to work from early morning tomorrow.”


Zed was about to take off his apron and leave, but Lycaon was not. He waited until Zed got out and then he came closer to Fresa.


“Resa, would you like to have dinner with me? To commemorate the success of new drug sales.”




Fresa deliberately pretended to be worried. Lycaon lowered his eyes and made an expression like a puppy with its tail down.


“No way, do you not want to?”


As Fresa’s thoughts continued, Lycaon asked impatiently. Only then did Fresa begin to speak.


“I’d like to treat you today, would you like it?”


“…You? You cook for me yourself?”


Lycaon’s eyes widened. It looked as if Fresa had made a very big decision. Fresa narrowed her eyes, feeling strangely dumbfounded.


“Why? Don’t you believe it?”


“Oh, that can’t be true. I’m just a little happy.”


Lycaon raised the corners of his mouth and smiled, as if wondering when he had ever looked surprised. It was a look that was truly difficult to get used to. Perhaps because he was recovering, Lykaon now looked like a shining ray of sunshine. Even when he seemed somewhat sad and mysterious, his charm was overflowing, but now it was at the level where he openly shed it.


Fresa said, finding it difficult to handle the sparkle, so she slightly turned her gaze away from him.


“Mr. Zed, please come too.”


“…Aren’t I the only one you’re inviting?”


Why was he showing such disappointment?


“As soon as he came back Mr. Zed had a hard time. Instead, it will take some time to prepare, so please come with plenty of time.”


Lycaon still looked disappointed, but he nodded his head obediently.


“All right. Don’t push yourself too hard.”


“Do not worry.”


“See you later, boss.”


Lycaon stared at Fresa’s face as she grinned and left the medicine cabinet.


‘Ugh. You really shouldn’t be laughing like that anywhere.’


She thought he did things that easily attract people. Fresa shook her head and checked today’s earnings.


‘Customers from Faro Village alone are not enough. We need to distribute it to other villages too…’


From what she roughly researched, there was no separate way to distribute it in this village. She had to use an external company, but then the problem of fees arose again.


‘Going through a merchant or guild is the most stable.’


However, it was still difficult in some places. A reasonably trustworthy place.


‘Business is very difficult.’


Her mind was dizzy as she had to worry about this and that. Even if you prepared in advance, actually encountering it was a different story.


“You were so busy that you didn’t even have time to talk. I can’t even leave the pharmacy, and the only person I can talk to is you. Do you know how boring it is?”


Reese, who had been quietly floating around the pharmacy all day, spoke in a dissatisfied voice. Only then did Fresa remember his existence. She was so busy that she completely forgot about him. She felt sorry for not being able to pay attention at all.


“I’m sorry, Reese. I was so busy today.”


“Honestly, wasn’t my help great, Ressa? I feel a little sad.”


The lease was a gloomy gray color. It seemed that he had become depressed because he did not receive Fresa’s attention. At first he acted like a dignified spirit, but now he looked like an old man with severe mood swings.


Fresa wrapped both her hands around Reese and looked him in the eyes.


“I’ll plant a lot of plants tomorrow. I just need more herbs.”




“Sure. How dare I lie to the Spirit of the Great World Tree?”


As Fresa exaggeratedly raised her head, Reese’s fur changed to light pink. He felt embarrassed.


“Hmm, hmm. If so, I will understand with an open mind today. Instead, you must keep your promise.”


“Of course.”


Reese slipped out of Fresa’s hand and settled on the top of her head. Then someone knocked on the front door.


‘Business hours are over, is he a late customer?’


Fresa asked a question toward the front door.


“Who is it?


“Miss Tho… No, Resa. It’s me. Scala Michiyo. “Do you remember?”


It was Scala from the homebuying guild. The bright voice was clear in her memory.


Fresa counted out the money, put it in her pocket, and then opened the door. Scala greeted her with her wide smiling face.


“Resa! Long time no see! Did you adjust well to the village? I’m so happy to see you again in good health!”


“Yes, thanks. So what’s going on today?”


Scala fussed and asked after her, but Fresa cut her off firmly. It was because she didn’t want to get caught up in something like last time. Scala seemed hurt by Fresa’s cold response, but Fresa maintained her completely cool demeanor.


Scala took a quick look at Fresa, and she hurriedly revealed her business.


“It’s a little late, but the guild master said he wanted to personally apologize. There was a bit of a problem with the last move.”


“Guild Master?”


She only encountered the guild master once when she was signing a contract to purchase her own home. She was not sure exactly who he was, but a very good plan passed through Fresa’s mind.


Fresa smiled brightly at Scala.


“Can you please tell him I’m always okay? The faster the better.”


* * *


Elias couldn’t accept it. It was because of the decision of Rowan Gillespie, the only hope of the Thorpe family that had fallen to rock bottom. Elias tried to keep his calm, but he couldn’t completely hide his distorted expression. He took a few deep breaths before she finally let them out.


“May I ask why you decided that way?”


Rowan, who was sitting on the sofa across from the living room with his legs crossed, calmly responded.


“It’s not just my decision. Please understand that this is the result of discussions among the vassals.”


Elias clenched his fists. Rowan said he would not help Count Thorpe’s family. No, he didn’t want to help. Elias was completely unable to cope with unexpected situations. It had to be that way because his father had solved all the big problems in the family so far.


“Right now the Thorpe family cannot afford to pay its debt. It’s not worth investing in just friendship.”


Rowan took a sip of his tea and explained. There was no sense of pity in the cold voice. On the contrary, he was so cold that he doubted whether he was the person he had been discussing the future with. It was hard for Elias to accept the fact that he had changed so much in just a few days.


“Isn’t there another reason?”


“Of course not. It’s just a choice for Gillespie’s future.”


Rowan answered immediately without even thinking. Elias suppressed his devastation. He was speechless. If this continues, the Thorpe family would disappear. The name, honor, and fortune of nobles would all turn to dust. Things he should have inherited were slipping away like sand.


“I’m sorry, Earl Thorpe. I hope you get through this crisis well.”


After saying those words, Rowan Gillespie stood up and turned his back. Elias couldn’t even see him off, she was blank and he glared at the back of his head.




Rowan raised the corners of his mouth and smiled as soon as the door to his drawing room closed.


‘Fresa, it was a choice for you. So you will have no choice but to accept me.’


He rejected the Thorpe family’s request, giving detailed reasons, but that was his intention. He wanted to show Fresa, who pushed him away, saying she no longer loved him.


Rowan knew better than anyone else how Fresa was treated by the Thorpe family. So, what kind of expression would Fresa make when she hears this news?


“I’m really looking forward to it.”


Rowan muttered in a cheerful voice while he left Count Thorpe’s mansion. Now all he needed was a little time. It’s time to come up with a plan to get both Alicia and Fresa under control. Even if his feelings for Alicia had cooled, she was exactly what he needed now. This was because too much attention was paid to their marriage. Although this made it difficult to move, it was a great help in solidifying its position within the kingdom.


‘So I have to be careful.’


Alicia seemed to be starting to doubt Rowan, so it was time to appease her. On his way back, Rowan bought a basket of fresh roses to give to Alicia. If he gave it to Alicia and whispers that he loved her, her doubts would probably disappear quickly. For his wife, who was innocent and beautiful, but whom he no longer loved.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on May, 19.

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  1. melody says:

    Wow, he’s completely trash.
    May garbage take out each other 🥱

  2. melody says:

    Thank you for update ❤️

  3. niki1da1 says:

    ewwwww he’s so gross

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