The Villainess' Ending Was Death


How much time has passed? Fresa carefully placed her hand on Lycaon’s forehead.


‘He has a fever.’


His body temperature, which was like burning lava, suddenly dropped to a mild fever. It was proof that it was effective. Zed kept swallowing dryly and wondering why Lycaon wasn’t waking up. Every time, Fresa just said to wait quietly. Fresa was equally nervous. In the end, she spent the night with her eyes open.


Early in the morning, birdsong was heard and Lycaon was still breathing shallowly. A bluish light seeped into the room.


‘Why is he not conscience yet?’


Fresa slowly became anxious. She was so tired, but she didn’t even want to sleep.


“Close your eyes.”


Zed looked at Fresa with tired eyes. Fresa shook her head.


“It’s fine.”


“You look tired.”


“The same goes for Mr. Zed.”


His dry lips fell heavily and then glued back together. Zed looked down at Lycaon and muttered.


“I’m used to this kind of thing.”


What’s wrong with Lycaon? Or was it a different story? Fresa was unable to think clearly because her head was heavy.


“I’ll bring you some water to drink.”


Fresa, who was looking at Lycaon blankly, feared that drinking cold water would wake her up, so she hurried out of the bedroom. He was pouring a clean cup full of cold water when suddenly Zed shouted.


“You are awake!”


Fresa hurriedly returned to the bedroom without even taking a cup of water. Her zed greeted her with her flushed face.


“I’m going to get a doctor.”


Zed quickly left the bedroom before Fresa could say anything. Only then was Fresa able to see Lycaon’s face. Lycaon said with a grin, leaning her upper body against the head of her bed.




The voice seemed to be weak and stretched out. He still didn’t look good. Still, he looked much better than yesterday.


“Are you okay?”


Fresa asked, pulling up the chair and sitting down.


“My head feels a little heavy. Maybe it’s because there’s a lot of stuff in it.”


It seemed like he was okay, seeing as he still had the energy to say nonsense. It was only then that Fresa let out her sigh of relief.


“What a relief. If you’re not feeling well, you shouldn’t have told me. You wouldn’t have had to go into the forest.”


“I’m sorry. You must have been surprised because it was so sudden… Cough…”


Lycaon coughed softly mid-sentence. Fresa handed over the tea she had prepared in advance.


“Drink. It’s a herbal tea that helps restore energy.”


Lycaon drank the medicinal tea without saying a word and frowned at her.


“It’s too bitter.”


“Use things that are good for your body. Don’t leave anything behind, just drink it all.”


Fresa tapped the teacup to indicate that she should drink it quickly. Lycaon looked reluctant, but she obediently drank all her tea. Fresa placed the empty tea cup he had finished drinking on the table. Lycaon’s weary eyes followed her.


“I heard from Zed. You created the antidote.”


“That’s right. It seems to have worked.”


“…You didn’t know it would work?”


“Actually, this is my first time making it.”


Lycaon laughed at Fresa’s simple answer.


“That’s a lot of confidence.”


“Because that confidence saved your life.”


Fresa lifted her lips into a smile. Finally, she relaxed. Lycaon looked out the bluish window and muttered to himself.


“Not even famous pharmacists or doctors could create an antidote.”


His gaze returned to Fresa. It was a look filled with strange emotions.


“How did you do it?”


“I made it after reading a book. I happened to have all the ingredients.”


Fresa told the truth. Of course, this excludes her ability to instantly grow plants. Lycaon didn’t seem to believe her very much.


“That’s a lie. I told you, Resa. Even the most powerful people couldn’t create an antidote.”


“I guess those people didn’t have as much skill as me.”


Fresa replied nonchalantly and lifted the basin she had left on the floor. Then she wrung out the wet towel and held it out to Lycaon.


“You’ll feel bad from sweating all night, so just wipe it off first. Washing is still probably too much.”


Lycaon blinked his eyes slowly. Fresa lightly waved the wet towel, she told him to take it quickly, but Lycaon shook his head.


“Because my hands have no strength at all. Wipe it for me.”


“…Are you serious?”


“I’m serious. I’m still a patient.”


Lycaon lowered his eyes and made a sad expression. Fresa looked at him with her bewildered eyes and moved her hands countless times. After wiping his forehead and cheeks, she had to wipe his eyes, which she found difficult because Lycaon was staring at her so intently.


Fresa said, dropping the wet towel slightly.


“Close your eyes.”


“What are you going to do?”


Lycaon asked again with his signature smile. Fresa responded coldly.


“I have to wipe your eyelids too. I can stab you in the eye.”


“Ah yes.”


Lycaon’s eyes closed, revealing his slight disappointment. After Fresa gently wiped her eyes, she prepared a new clean wet towel. And with a solemn expression she stared at Lycaon’s side.


“Can I check your wound again? I applied medicine there too.”


She said as Lycaon’s eyebrows rose slightly upward.


“It hurts… Did you see it?”


“We need to know the cause to create a cure.”


“So, you saw my naked body…”


Lycaon tried to make a strange noise again. The subtle tone became more intense. Fresa, who noticed that fact, quickly cut him off.


“I didn’t even take it all off. I just checked the wound.”


“Shall we take it all off this time? It will be easier to look at it then.”


Lycaon was overly proactive. He was even motivated for someone who had been sick all night. Normally, she wouldn’t have hesitated, but now Lycaon was a patient.


Fresa answered firmly.


“You have a cold. This is enough for now.”


Lycaon blinked his eyes rapidly.


“Then next time, besides the side…”


Fresa had pulled up the blanket before Lycaon could finish his sentence. Then she slightly lifted Lycaon’s top and looked at his wounds. Although the gap had narrowed slightly, it was still too early to feel relieved. A slight poison was still oozing out. Black smoke that couldn’t be called poison.


‘I need to make more medicine.’


It seemed like he would have to continue taking the medicine for a while.


“I’m going to make more medicine, so take what’s left for now. Apply once a day and always keep the wound clean.”


After calmly finishing her explanation, Fresa covered his jacket without any hesitation. She didn’t forget to put the blanket back on her. Lycaon had a somewhat regretful look on his face, but when Fresa raised the corners of hier eyes as if asking him to answer, he nodded calmly.


Presa felt like her work was finally done. Her whole body felt heavy, perhaps because of something unexpected he had experienced just before the opening of his pharmacy.


‘I need to get some sleep first.’


The sun was already rising.


“When Mr. Zed returns, he can go home. I’ll just close my eyes.”


Fresa stretched out her arms and yawned softly. She planned to sleep on the living room sofa, even if only for a little while. As she took the basin and opened her bedroom door, Lycaon called her out.






Fresa turned her back slightly and looked at Lycaon.


Lycaon touched his lips with an ever more serious expression.


“I will never forget for the rest of my life how you saved my life.”


It was a strangely ticklish greeting. Like ‘I will never forget you for the rest of my life.’ Fresa hurried out of the bedroom, her face feeling hot for some reason. It was her first time being greeted like this.


Anyway, what a strange man.


* * *


‘I love you. Don’t ignore my heart. We are even engaged.’


The dead woman’s voice seemed to be floating. Rowan Gillespie looked out the window at the dawn. Next to him, his lovely wife, Alicia, was sleeping soundly. Rowan has been waking up early in the morning because he has been suffering from nightmares for the past few days.




Fresa Thorn tormented him until her death. What a big deal an engagement was.


He narrowed his eyes in annoyance and hugged Alicia.


Alicia smiled and she snuggled into his arms.




Just a few days ago, his heart skipped a beat when he heard that warm voice calling his name. But why was he feeling no emotion at all now?


Rowan got up from the bed, suppressing the discomfort that rose up in him.




Alicia, who was barely awake, rubbed her eyes and called out to him, but she didn’t answer and left the bedroom. His mind was confused. Fresa’s face colored Rowan’s mind like water. Hair that was disheveled like lilac, eyes that were pleading with tears in their eyes, and even the last sight of them forcing a smile while saying congratulations on their wedding.




Rowan bit his lip. He was going crazy because he didn’t know why this was happening.


She was a terrible woman. She didn’t love him, but she kept craving affection. But now those boring things felt special.


Alicia was clearly a lovely, beautiful, and kind person. But something about her was lacking.


He suddenly missed the blind affection that Fresa gave to Rowan. Alicia was a satisfying woman to have around for a while, but he was getting tired of seeing her every day.


“I’m going crazy.”


Yeah, he must be crazy. Otherwise, he couldn’t have missed the woman he thought died well. He even stopped by for a brief moment at the funeral, where he merely played the role of a benevolent ex-fiancé. In front of the coffin where Fresa Thorn was buried, he even kissed Alicia on her lips, avoiding the gaze of others.


Stupid Fresa.


He even swore like that. His regret washed over him. At least he should have had a good last time. If Fresa’s spirit had remained around, she would not have felt sad when she heard his words. He wanted to at least say goodbye.


“Rowan, are you okay?”


While Rowan was standing in front of the bedroom door, looking down at the floor blankly, Alicia approached. Rowan suddenly came to his senses and looked back. Alicia, wearing her thin summer nightgown, was smiling brightly. Fresa’s appearances seemed to overlap.


Rowan frowned unconsciously and took a step behind him. Alicia looked up at him with puzzled eyes.


“Did you have a bad dream?”


“No, no. Did you sleep well?”


Only then did Rowan realize his mistake and hurriedly hugged Alicia. There was a strong smell of perfume. He thought Fresa had a more comfortable scent. Alicia didn’t know Rowan was there and she nuzzled her face into his arms and whispered.


“It’s finally our honeymoon. I couldn’t sleep well because I was so excited. Rowan, too, right?”


‘Ah. Honeymoon. Has it already been so long?’


Rowan suppressed his reluctance and nodded.


“Of course. I’m really looking forward to it.”


Alicia chose the honeymoon location herself. Rowan, who wasn’t particularly interested, willingly agreed to do so.


‘Was it Paro Village?’


He didn’t know why they chose the countryside, but it didn’t matter where. He just wanted to finish this annoying schedule quickly and come back.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on February, 4.

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  1. Nobodynobodyma says:

    Thank you for the update 💕💖

  2. Natasha801 says:

    Thank you for the translation of this wonderful novel!❤️

  3. vinkoo7 says:

    Oh no, they are coming to the island too 🤢

    1. vinkoo7 says:

      I mean * Village 🫣

  4. Tulipink says:

    Thankyou for the update✨✨

  5. niki1da1 says:

    wow he’s trash

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