The Villainess' Ending Was Death


The day before the Wheat Field Festival. Fresa was in the process of harvesting fully grown herbs and turning them into ointment. While she was living at Thorpe Mansion, she made medicine several times without her family knowing. It was preparation for the future. Thanks to this, it was now possible to make difficult-to-mix drugs with some ease. She had completed some basic medicines, and now it was time to develop an ointment that could be applied directly to the skin.


Fresa concentrated for quite some time in the basement with the lights on. After grinding the herb and extracting the juice several times, she felt no pain in his wrists, back, or even her eyes.


“Oh, it’s hard.”


To catch her breath for a moment, she straightened her hunched back.




Fresa patted her waist with her hand and blinked her eyelids. Her eyes were already dim, as if she was getting presbyopia.


‘I need to get some glasses somewhere.’


She was worried that if her eyesight continued to deteriorate, she would not even be able to distinguish the people in front of her. A healthy mind in a healthy body.


Fresa took a couple of deep breaths and took out the freshly prepared ointment. In fact, it was still ambiguous to call it an ointment. It wasn’t sticky and was closer to a thin lotion. Fresa scooped up some of her ointment and rubbed it on the backs of her hands.


‘It’s cool.’


Formulated to reduce skin heat and reduce inflammation. Since it was summer, she thought it would be useful.


‘It’s roughly finished, so now I have to take care of the herbs.’


Fresa applied her ointment evenly to her exposed arms and the nape of her neck and headed to the garden. The green herbs brightened her dim vision.


“How are you guys? It’s hot, right? I need to give you some water.”


Fresa hummed her tune and picked up the watering can. The green plants with water droplets looked vibrant. After growing some herbs, she decided to plant some flower trees. 

At that time when she was worrying so much…




‘What do you mean?’


A rustling sound was heard from a corner of the garden. Fresa turned her head towards where the sound had come from.


‘Is it a cat?’


Several cute and lovely cats came and went in the garden.


“Are you there, Nabi?”


Among them was a black cat that Fresa had already taken affection for and even given it a name. She brought him food a few times and he came and went like it was his own home. 

Fresa approached Nabi with water in a cat dish, fearing that Nabi might be thirsty. However, the person crouching and hiding behind the bush was not a small cat, but an unfamiliar girl.


‘A thief?’


Fresa gulped, even preparing to swing the plate as a weapon. At that moment, the girl raised her hands high and shouted urgently.


“I’m not a thief!”


‘You’re not a thief when you break into someone else’s house.’


Fresa tightened his grip on the plate. Then the girl spoke again.


“Wait a moment… I’m just hiding! I’m playing hide and seek…”


Hide and seek? The moment her frown narrowed, someone called out to her from the front door.


“Are you there? I’d like to ask you something!”


It was a loud and fierce male voice. At the same time, the girl hid behind the bushes again. Fresa slightly turned her body to look at the man.


“What’s going on?”


The man answered with a frown.


“Have you by any chance seen the young lady? She is about thirteen. She is short and has brown hair.”


A girl about thirteen years old, short, brown hair. It was exactly the same as the girl who had just hid behind the bushes. Of course, she was about to raise her finger and point in that direction, but the girl shook her head with an earnest expression.


‘You don’t want to get caught?’


Fresa thought for a moment what to do, then she turned to the man and said:


“It seemed like it was going that way.”


The tip of her slender finger pointed away from her. The man bowed and hurriedly walked towards him. Perhaps because of his height, he disappeared at once with wide strides.


“Thank you…”


Only then did the girl come out of the bushes, letting out a sigh of relief. Her leaves clung to her dress and her hair as if they were her jewelry. Fresa asked, taking them off one by one.


“Are you being chased?”


“Oh, no… It’s not like that…”


The girl in her bonnet blushed a little. A bonnet covering her face, and long sleeves and gloves even in the middle of summer.


‘Is it not hot?’


Even so, she was sweating profusely. Fresa’s calm gaze swept over her girl.




Before long, she figured out why. Full of red marcs, the girl’s skin had turned inside out. That was clearly a case of Sun allergy. Fresa had experienced this symptom firsthand. Even in the hot weather, it was almost certain to see the clothes that covered the body excessively and the traces of itchy scratching.


‘She looks like a noble lady.’


Still, looking at her all dressed up, it looked like she had secretly gone out for an outing. She had an idea what was going on, but she pretended not to know. Instead she took her ointment out of her apron pocket and handed it to him.


“Put this on. It will take some of the heat off her skin.”




The girl’s eyes widened, as if startled by the sudden favor. Fresa smiled brightly and added her explanation.


“I made it for experimentation anyway, so I don’t need any money. Instead, let me know if it works well. Oh, is this too suspicious?”


Fresa opened her container of ointment and squeezed it onto the back of her hand.


“It’s a drug with no problems. Now, are you okay?”




The girl’s big eyes wavered. She seemed to think for a moment and then quickly took the container of ointment.


“Okay, thank you.”


The girl didn’t know what to do. Fresa did not want to keep her child standing under this scorching sun. Applying the ointment would make her feel better, but it was not a cure. There was no medication for allergies in her past life either. Fresa opened her front door and greeted her.


“I hope you come through the front door next time. I almost threw the plate away because I thought you were a thief.”


The girl held her ointment container with both hands and headed out the front door. Fresa shook her hand lightly.


“It’s Daisy! I will definitely come back again, for sure.”


As she walked a couple of steps, the girl looked back at Fresa and she smiled shyly. Fresa looked down at the little girl, who then smiled and nodded her head.


“I’m Resa. Goodbye, Daisy.”


Daisy looked at Fresa for a while with thrilled eyes, and then she disappeared. Fresa stared at her until the tiny back of her head moved away. It was a waste of her mind to throw away her medicine, which she had only made a few hours ago.


‘Well, I just have to make it again.’


She had plenty of ingredients, so she just had to make something new. She hoped that her connection to Daisy would ease her suffering a little. As she was about to enter the house, Fresa suddenly glanced at her house across the street. This time she should make a little more and give it to Daisy too. By the way, where did Daisy live? Why was she hiding? Although she was curious, she wasn’t bad enough to ask a nervous child this or that.


‘If it’s meant to be, we’ll meet again.’


Fresa resumed her humming that had been interrupted for some time by her sudden disturbance.


* * *


The Wheat Field Festival had begun. As for Fresa, she wore a green, breezy summer dress and a must-have under the sweltering sun, a straw hat. The wheat field she arrived at with Lycaon was quite crowded with people. Fortunately, the wind blowing from the sea was cool.


Fresa was walking slowly towards Lycaon and the lighthouse. Under the blazing sunlight, Lycaon looked as if it would disappear somewhere at any moment. His skin was paler than it had been a few days and his lips were bloodless.


“Shouldn’t you rest?”


Fresa asked in a worried tone. Then Lycaon, who had been looking straight ahead at her, turned his gaze to her.


“It’s okay. I’m fine.”


“You don’t look fine at all.”


Fresa muttered the words she was trying to think in her mind and Lycaon grinned.


“Are you worried?”


“It would be difficult if I collapsed.”


Fresa responded somewhat coldly and handed over the ointment she had brought with her.


“This is a gift. It’s my reward for the breakfast. Apply some now. “t’s so hot.”


“What is this?”


“It’s an ointment that protects the skin.”


“Did you make it yourself?”


“Of course.”


The crowd began to cheer as Lycaon opened his eyes slightly. Fresa’s eyes turned towards that direction. She was in front of the lighthouse. Lycaon said, opening the can of ointment and sniffing it.


“The lord himself came to visit.”


“The lord?”


“The Wheat Field Festival is quite a big event. He must have come to celebrate. He wants to welcome tourists and make himself known.”


He explained it clearly, as if Lycaon had done some research in advance. Fresa, who moved in on the same day, was a story she knew nothing about. In fact, what was important to her was not the festival or the village owner. Living a wonderful and happy new life in the completed original work. That was the only force that moved Fresa.


“But is it okay to apply it like this? My face is so cool.”


Before she knew it, Lycaon had spread the ointment all over his hands, face, and neck. His skin was shiny, as if bugs were flying and sliding around. Fresa snatched the canister of the ointment from his hand.


“You can’t apply it like that all at once. You have to take a little bit and spread it out.”


Fresa clicked her tongue and spread the ointment on the overly applied area. To do that, she had to tiptoe slightly. Lycaon’s expression showed a strange smile, but Fresa did not notice. She just concentrated on wiping his shiny face. She roughly wiped the ointment from his face and lowered her hand with the intention of applying it to his neck, when Lycaon whispered in a low voice.


“Resa, you’re too close.”




Fresa blinked her eyes and looked up. Lycaon’s face was right in front of her nose. He was really handsome. The eyes were a strange color… 




What? Wasn’t this how they could at least touch their lips? Fresa didn’t think like that before she lost her footing.


“Be careful.”


She would have fallen if Lycaon hadn’t caught her. But the problem was that she didn’t fall.




This was because Lycaon was holding on to Fresa too tightly, so she ended up being wrapped around him.



Translator Note:

There won’t be anext post of this novel until 2024 soooo Merry Cristmas and Happy New Year. See you in two weeks 😉

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

If you like my work please support me with Ko-fi or Patreon. Next post will be released on January, 7.

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  1. vinkoo7 says:

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you too 🎉🫶🏼

  2. Nobodynobodyma says:

    They are soo cute ❤️❤️ Thanks for the chapter 💕💕

  3. Bubbly_BingeReaderRN says:

    I bet Daisy is the daughter of the Lord of Paro

  4. Catfish says:

    I love this ml,he is cute and sly. A green flag ml is rare

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