The Villainess' Ending Was Death




Fresa’s hoe went down a little. Suddenly, she wanted to have breakfast together. Fortunately, Lycaon seemed to be in better condition than yesterday.


“We both just moved here so we don’t have any friends. I want to be friends with you.”


Lycaon made a sad expression again. He clearly had a faint smile on his face, but he looked particularly pitiful, perhaps due to the fact that he was sick. Fresa was conflicted, but then remembered how he helped her yesterday and nodded.


“If you don’t mind.”


“Actually, I do some cooking. It’s too bad to eat alone.”


Lycaon smiled playfully and pointed to his house with the tip of his chin.


“Let’s go. Ah, first of all…”


Lycaon’s eyes turned to Fresa’s dirt-covered hands.


“Wash your hands thoroughly first.”




Fresa somehow felt embarrassed, like a child caught playing with dirt. She obviously just did what she had to do.


“I’ll take a shower and come out soon.” she said, wiping her hands roughly on her apron.


“Come slowly. I’ll go first and get ready.”


Lycaon waved one of his hands in greeting and then turned his back on her first. Fresa put down her hoe and went into her house where she washed her hands with clean water. She then changed out of her apron and overalls into a comfortable, clean ivory dress. People with poor health usually have weak immune systems. Since she had been invited, she did not want to cause any harm by visiting in unhygienic clothing.


‘If I catch a cold, it’s a big problem. Oh, I guess I should take something.’


Fresa rummaged through her kitchen, grabbed her container of cookies, and headed to Lycaon’s house. There was a knock on her front door and shortly afterwards Lycaon appeared. He was wearing a white apron with a carrot on it. Fresa was startled by her unexpected appearance, but Lyca On welcomed her with her innocent face.


“Oh, are you here? Come in.”


“I came empty-handed, so I brought some cookies.”


Fresa stepped inside and held out her cookie tin. Lycaon opened his eyes slightly and he locked eyes with Fresa.


“Did you bake it yourself?”


Fresa grinned.


“It can’t be. bought.”


“Well, because the heart is important. I will eat well.”


Lycaon grinned and he took the cookie jar. His house smelled like delicious bread. Fresa asked as she followed Lycaon into the kitchen.


“Did you bake bread?”


“I prepared lightly because it was morning.”


“You didn’t knead the dough yourself, right?”


“It can’t be. I bought it. I just baked it. Sit down in a comfortable seat.”


Lycaon responded politely and went to the oven and took out some well-cooked bread. And he served it with boiled eggs and apricot jam. Fresa sat down at the table and took a sip of tomato juice. The refreshing taste lingered on the tip of her tongue.


“Now, here.”


Soon, a plate containing bread, boiled eggs, and plump sausages was placed in front of Fresa. A bowl full of fresh salad also took up the center of the table. Fresa opened her eyes and looked up at Lycaon.


“You prepared incredibly quickly.”


Actually, she didn’t expect much, but she was surprised. He looked like a flashy nobleman, so she thought he would just tell his servants to order, but she had no idea he would prepare and eat it himself like this. As if Lycaon had read Fresa’s intentions, he took off his apron and sat down across from her and answered.


“It’s been a while since I showed off my skills. Is it so strange that I cook?”


“A little bit.”


Fresa answered truthfully, but when Lycaon’s expression became subtle, she quickly changed the topic of conversation.


“Wasn’t there a knight? Where has he gone?”


“Oh, Zed? He was away for a while due to personal matters.”




“Let’s eat quickly first. You must be hungry because you’ve been gardening since morning.”


Lycaon urged. Fresa nodded her head and took a bite of the crispy bread with a generous amount of apricot jam. The fresh and sweet taste spread throughout her mouth. Next, she cut up some juicy sausage and ate it.


‘All the food ingredients are fresh.’


It tasted that good too. It felt quite different from the food I ate at Count Thorpe’s mansion.


‘Oh, I couldn’t eat a proper meal back then.’


Even though Fresa was thin enough, her family closely monitored her diet, telling her that she had gained weight and needed to eat less. Thanks to this, she had to eat only wilted vegetables every time. Lauren sometimes sneaked her bread and meat, but even that became difficult for her after Amy caught her.


‘It’s all for my sister. You know how I feel, right? Who would want to marry you if you had a mean personality and even gained weight?’


Amy’s spiteful voice lingered in her ears.


“How is it?”


Amy’s voice disappeared as Lycaon suddenly asked a question. Fresa was a little dazed. She looked at him and then quickly answered.


“It is delicious. Really.”


“Is it so? Fortunately.”


A satisfied smile appeared on Lycaon’s face.


“We often eat breakfast together.”


“It’s a bit hard to just take what you get.”


Fresa, who had already finished eating, wiped her mouth with a napkin and responded. Aside from the fact that she had a pretty nice meal, she didn’t feel like continuing to eat.


“Then next time you can invite me. Isn’t that right?”


He stared at Fresa with his shameless gaze, as if Lycaon had been waiting. It was only then that Fresa realized that that was really his goal.


‘Now that I see it, you’re a real fox, a fox.’


But her pride was hurt to refuse here. In all her years living as Fresa, she had never cooked for herself, but hey, whatever. Since she became independent anyway, it was time to improve her cooking skills and start making food.


“Yes, I do.”


Why should she make food that she couldn’t eat?


* * *


The marriage of the young and talented Count Gillespie and the Countess, a former commoner maid, caused an uproar in the kingdom. Perhaps thanks to the love affair between the actual Countess and Count Gillespie of the century, novels and plays featuring them were poured out. True love, a romance that would never happen again. Even those who criticized the difference in social status blessed the two people who overcame numerous adversities and hardships and finally became connected. The topic became even more intense because Fresa Thorpe died shortly after their wedding. Rowan became a man with a devilish charm, and Alicia, who had such a man, was an object of envy. Thanks to this, the banquet held at the count’s mansion was filled with so many people that there was no room to move. The list of invited guests also included the Count of Thorpe. It had only been three days since Fresa’s funeral, but no one cared. The three siblings of the Count Thorpe family stood out even from afar. It was because of their flame-red hair. As Elias, Jerome, and Amy Thorpe entered, all eyes were focused. They proudly straightened their backs and approached the hosts of this invitation, Count and Couple Gillespie. Elias bowed slightly and greeted her with a serious expression on his face.


“Thank you for the invitation, Count Gillespie.”


“Ah, Elias. There’s no need to be so formal.”


Rowan responded with an expressionless face but with courtesy. He and Alicia, who was smiling brightly with their arms around each other, welcomed Count Thorpe’s siblings.


“Elias, Jerome! Amy is here too! Thank you, everyone.”


Alicia’s bright blonde hair was flowing and flowing. The sparkling green eyes, as if filled with greenery, were overflowing with happiness. No one thought much of it when she called her name informally. Jerome even blushed and glanced at her.


The beautiful Alicia.


She was such a lovely person that it was hard to believe that she was from a commoner background.


‘There’s no way Count Gillespie could get away with it.’


Jerome glanced at Alicia, whom he could no longer see, and swallowed her sigh. Rowan was once a man who almost married into the Count Thorpe family. If Fresa Thorpe had been as bright and lovely as Alicia, it probably would have been so.


“Brother, do you want to dance?”


Amy, who was standing behind him, tugged on Jerome’s sleeve and whispered. Fortunately, the Thorpe family still had a daughter named Amy.


“Let’s show off our skills after a long time, Amy.”


Jerome then took his eyes off Alicia and held Amy’s hand. The two quickly disappeared into the center of the banquet hall.


“You guys are really good siblings. Oh, have you heard the rumor that the Grand Duke of the Kanzer Empire is recovering from illness?”


Rowan, who had been staring at Jerome and Amy, looked into Elias’ eyes and asked. Elias asked back, opening her eyes slightly.


“Are those rumors true?”


“I’m not sure right now either. Because he is such a mysterious person.”


Rowan laughed and sarcastically said.


“Personally, I hope it’s real.”


“Rowan, you can’t say bad things. You promised!”


Alicia pointed out, puffing out her cheeks. Rowan hugged her, kissed her forehead and whispered something to her. It seemed like he was saying he was sorry. Elias pretended not to notice their love affair and tipped her glass of wine. As a noble from a kingdom that was not on good terms with the empire, Rowan’s reaction was natural. The Grand Duke of the Grenadines was the real reason why the Emperor of the Cancer Empire was able to dominate the continent. He was the owner of the Magic Tower and a genius wizard. He is so powerful that no one can match him. Rowan was also quite skilled in swordsmanship, but he was no match for the Archduke of the Grenadines. Elias already knew that fact well. The Grand Duke of the Grenadines was the only one who gave Rowan, who was called ‘the King’s Sword’, a feeling of inferiority.


“Anyway, you must be very heartbroken, Elias. I never thought Presa would do that… I feel like it’s my fault.”


Rowan looked at Elias with regretful eyes. Elias felt a strange sense of shame.


‘You were truly a useless person to the end, Fresa.’


Elias recalled Fresa with her deadpan expression. Just the thought of how much Rowan’s abilities and wealth would have helped him later when he succeeded his father as earl made his stomach twist. He was disgusted by her foolishness in not being able to hold on to even one man, and her stupidity in choosing her death. Well, Fresa has always been like that since she was young. She cried often, was stubborn, and did stupid things to get her attention. He was actually thankful that she disappeared like that. Elias shook his head with an innocent expression.


“It’s not your fault, Count. Her father told her to convey his apology. From the perspective of a father who had a bad child.”


It was truly a Fresa-like ending to dishonor the family even to the point of death. Elias suppressed her irritation and swallowed the bitter wine.



Translator Note:

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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  1. Mai says:

    Haaa… A trash family, what a surprise! It won’t be too soon for them to get what they deserve.

  2. vinkoo7 says:

    Wow what a sh!ttie family. I hope they get a fair “punishment” for the way they treated Fresa

  3. Bee says:

    It looks like the only reason her family is going to try to get back with her is because of her relationship with the Duke. I am assuming the same for her ex-fiance. Thank you for the translation.

    1. Bubbly_BingeReaderRN says:

      That is also my guess

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