The Villain Is Obsessed With His Fake Wife

CHAPTER 067: You can't believe what that woman says!

Diana was embarrassed to be in front of her, but she still tried to take Bluna, awkwardly wiping away her seed. But she booed at her, making a sound as if Bluna were whistled on her. As if she would never fall.

Jjaek, jjaek.

Honestly, she thought that Bluena was very cute. Of course, Diana’s position seems to have been clearly different. She was “the one who pecked at everyone who came near”.


‘She’s so charming and gentle.’

Bluna tilted her head as if she didn’t know anything. Diana glared at Bluna with betrayal in her eyes.

“I’ve been taking care of him since he was a cub, but this is the first time I’ve seen him like people this much. How could it be that my hands became like this while taking care of it, Bluna?”

Diana showed Bluna her pinched hand. She was definitely gross.

“You must have been in a lot of pain.”

“Actually, it wasn’t a big deal. However, I don’t know how to take that guy away…”

Every time Diana’s hand approached her, Bluna jumped to avoid her hand. Because she was so close to her, she seemed unable to even stretch out her hand roughly.

‘I can’t help it.’

“How do you usually take Bluna?”

“Usually we put them in a cage. He broke the cage door, so he had to get a cage nearby and return to Royam Manor…”

“If it’s not too far, I’ll take it to Royam Manor with you. Will that solve the problem?”

Then Diana opened her eyes wide as if she was surprised.

“Is that okay?”

“Is Royam Mansion very far away?”

“But it’s not that close. You have to walk for about 30 minutes.”

Since her relationship with Diana didn’t end well, it would seem strange for her to do something like this. But anyway, it happened because of Mireyu.

Diana said she was just swayed by Mireyu.

‘But that doesn’t make Diana’s fault go away.’

“That’s close. Coincidentally, I also wanted to spend more time with Bluna and her. Right, Bluna?”

Bluna made a strange rumbling sound and nodded at her. Diana swallowed her saliva and looked at her too.

“I would appreciate it if you could do that, but…”

“Instead, I think we will have to borrow a carriage from Royam Mansion and go to the Grand Duke’s residence. Can you do that?”

“Isn’t that natural!”

Diana, who was speaking awkwardly, raised her voice and then shook her head.

“No. What I was trying to say was…”

“Don’t worry, I understand.”

As she laughed lightly, Diana scratched her cheek awkwardly.

‘The more I look at her, the more she seems like she’s not a bad person.’

To be honest, Diana once drove her crazy, but she wasn’t that obnoxious. The Kingdom of Royam paid a huge amount of compensation as an apology for what happened last time. Among them were Diana’s private fiefdoms and her property.

‘She even lost her hard-earned knighthood.’

She didn’t sense any malice toward her from Diana. Rather, it seemed like Diana was having a hard time deciding how to treat her.

‘Basically, she is not a bad person.’

Perhaps this was why Diana had so many social friends despite her frequent mistakes. She may be selfish, but she used her head and calculated the situation. Beyond simply helping with this accidental task, was it okay for her to become friends with Diana?

‘She is Royam’s only princess. Even though her reputation has been tarnished, she still has a lot of people who like her. It would be nice to become friends.’

She didn’t like her ambiguity. Usually, the vague affection would turn into ridiculous hostility and attack her.

‘In that case, it is better to incur hostility for sure.’

Because she didn’t have expectations in the first place, she didn’t have to worry about getting tired. Of course, buying people’s favor didn’t mean they wouldn’t hate her.

‘You pretend to be a lady, but after all, you are a commoner like me! But why are you like this-‘

Even though she would pretend to like her at first, she would eventually hate her like everyone. Actually, at this point, she thought the problem was herself. But that’s not the point.

‘Crushability is unbelievable. Favors change too easily. It goes from being arbitrarily expectant to hostile. But…’

The scales in her heart swayed and moved. Now that she had left Libertan, things had started to happen little by little that haven’t turned into hostility.

“Then I’ll just leave you a note. My maid is coming to get me. If you suddenly disappear, everyone gets worried.”

A strange attraction appeared in Diana’s orange eyes. She looked into those eyes and thought briefly.

‘What will happen to that crush?’

* * *

Diana glanced at Estelle.

‘Why do you do this to me?’

For ladies who always travel by carriage, 30 minutes was quite a distance. Even Diana didn’t get along with Estelle.

‘I’m glad you helped me, but-’

Bluna was a bird officially gifted by the Kingdom of Depep. He was grateful for Estelle’s help, as losing it would have caused diplomatic trouble.

“Isn’t it difficult to walk?”

“It’s nice to walk and see the surrounding scenery after a long time. You’re also with the pretty Bluna, right?”

Estelle laughed bitterly. A soft pink glow appeared on her white blonde hair as it was exposed to the warm sunlight. Estelle, whose pink color spread even to her white and transparent skin, gave off a very lovely aura.

‘Estelle… She was very hurt by the fact that she came from a commoner background. I guess that’s why, as a nobleman, my heart hurt no matter what I did. As her friend, I should have been more considerate…’

‘This scar is from that child. But Diana. It was an accident that happened by mistake! Please don’t think too badly of Estelle.’

As much as she cared for Mireyu, who would become her family, Diana hated Estelle even more. But looking back, she seemed to have trusted Mireyu’s words too much. Before she knew it, she could see the Royam mansion.

Just before she arrived, Diana closed her eyes tightly and spoke the words she had been thinking about.

“…Duchess Blanchett, I am sorry.”

“Excuse me?”

“The work at the salon. As soon as I first met the lady, I was very rude. I didn’t even listen to what the lady said and acted recklessly.”

Estelle lowered her long eyelashes slightly.

“It’s a bit of a late apology.”

“Sorry. I didn’t have the courage.”

Diana had a hard time. She, who liked her as if she was just a new sister, felt like she was going to find out Mireyu’s ugly truth.

“So I tried to observe more of what the lady had told me.”


“How much do you know about your sister, milady?”

From that day on, Diana continued to notice strange things about her sister.

‘Lady Mireyu is on edge these days. And her maids beat her with her hands…’

‘Always be sensitive whenever you make your bed. I’m not sure, but you’re reacting like you’re hiding something.’

“Honestly, I… I do not know. Is everything I knew wrong, and if so, what should I do?”

Diana shamelessly cried and felt like she was going to cry.

“I know I said something strange. But-“

“I’m okay.”

Estelle held Diana’s hand in hers.

“I don’t think it was something I should say to your wife. She has no place to consult, so she talks nonsense again…”

Estelle patted Diana’s hand as if she understood her complex thoughts. Only then did Diana realize that she was crying. Diana, who had lowered her head, raised her head.

“Ah, now you are looking at my face.”


“Don’t think it’s shameless. Because I’m fine.”

Estelle, whom she met, was smiling sweetly.

“I can’t give you the answer, but you can cry if you’re having a hard time. If it’s hard, there’s nothing you can do.”

Diana collapsed helplessly. To this person that was infinitely loving and good-natured.

* * *

Mireyu’s wedding was just around the corner. Mireyu returned to Baron Juti and spent time with her friends. Her friends congratulated her on Mireyu’s wedding.

Mireyu smiled brightly, like a new bride who would soon be getting married.

“Thank you everyone for your congratulations. I still can’t believe I’m getting married.”

Then a friend asked cautiously:

“By the way, Mireyu, what happened with Duchess Blanchett back then?”

“That’s right. I was worried something happened to you again.”

Mireyu held the teacup she was holding tightly and smiled as if nothing had happened.

“It wasn’t a big deal.”

“They said the Duchess walked out crying. What on earth happened?”

At that time, Mireyu couldn’t say that it was Estelle’s own play. Because that banquet was held to apologize to Estelle. So she covered it up appropriately.

‘Estelle must have been very upset, because she accidentally spilled her wine.’

‘What was the broken wine bottle about?’

‘Estelle accidentally stopped… Perhaps because of her origins, Estelle often makes such mistakes. She doesn’t have to be too embarrassed.’

But people didn’t respond like before. She also looked distrustful.

Queen Isabella openly revealed her discomfort.

‘Sweetheart, is there really not a single lie in what you say?’

‘Really, mother.’

‘Even if that were the case, baby, you shouldn’t have acted like that. Because he is a guest we have had a hard time welcoming. There shouldn’t have been an accident like at the party yesterday…’

Queen Isabella warned Mireyu.

‘No matter how much Hesse loves you, I can’t give you any more chances.’

It was clear that she was planning for this to happen, and that she was pretending to be nice to shake off her abominations.

‘Do you think I’ll just suffer like this?’

Although she was embarrassed at first, she wasn’t helpless.

‘That girl is pretending to be loved in Libertan, isn’t she?’

She didn’t know why, but she guessed it’s because she didn’t want her hurt to be discovered.

‘I can threaten her the same way. That’s because she’s worse than me.’

Estelle was basically more innocent and kind than Mireyu. If she pretended to take control again, she would quickly be swayed.

Of course she had to lie to the Royal House of Royam before she could do that.

‘Let her confess that she has been doing bad things because she was jealous of me for a long time. The last time also happened to me, it was a self-made play to cause trouble.’

Then no matter what Estelle said, they wouldn’t believe it. Just like everyone had done so far.

“Guys. I’m really sorry. Today’s tea party, I guess I’ll have to end it here.”

After stopping the party, Mireyu immediately moved to the Royam mansion. Because they stopped the tea party as quickly as possible, they were able to arrive at Royam Mansion before the dinner.

‘It’s the perfect time because everyone is gathered together.’

At that time, Mireyu discovered Hessen picking flowers and entering.


Hessen asked with a surprised face.

“Weren’t you going to sleep at Baron Juti’s house today?”

“Yes. But I have something to tell everyone.”

“Do you have something to say?”

“Yes. Maybe everyone will be shocked, but I still want to share my pain before I get married.”

Mireyu lowered her eyebrows and looked at Hessen with a pitiful expression. But Hessen, with his ambiguous expression, said to Mireyu:

“How about next time?”

“Yes? Why…”

“There is a special guest at dinner today.”

The back of her neck became chilly.

“A special guest?”

“When Mireyu sees her, she will be a very surprising guest.”

Hessen took Mireyu with his welcoming face.

‘Probably not.’

A cheerful laugh was heard from the dinner hall. Her hair turned white due to her anxiety and she didn’t know why. A banquet hall at the luxurious Royam Mansion. Queen Isabella and Princess Diana sit in the center. and-

“Oh my, Mireyu!”

It was Estelle.

‘Why is he here? Except me, too.’

Queen Isabella and Princess Diana looked at him. However, unlike usual, she did not say hello and looked uncomfortable.

‘Already while I was gone…!’

Queen Isabella opened her mouth with a stern expression on her face.

“Baby, I’m a little disappointed in you.”


“I heard everything. How could that-”

Mireyu quickly got down on her knees.

“Mother, it’s all lies! You can’t believe what she says!”

The atmosphere became even colder. So Mireyu became more anxious.

“Estelle has been jealous and hating me for a long time. That’s how it is this time too. She said she staged a plan to break up my wedding. Because she doesn’t want me to have anything to do with the Kingdom of Royam!”

“New sister, what are you talking about?”

“I feel wronged! Mother, you have been watching me all along. There is no problem with my origins. You can’t be swayed by lies like that.”

Diana shouted at Mireyu as if it was absurd.

“So what is that lie! You suddenly come in and say something ridiculous!”

Mireyu’s hair turned completely white.

‘Then what were you talking about?’

“We were just talking about my sister’s failure to resolve a misunderstanding with the lady’s apology at the banquet. The Duchess continued to protect my sister’s poor behavior.”

Diana frowned and glared at Mireyu.

“But it’s a self-made play, so it’s a lie about your origins…”

“Oh, no. I am-“

“You’re saying that because what on earth did you do? And what do you mean by hating? You told me you were close to each other. Was everything you said so far a lie?”

Mireyu looked blankly at the furious Diana and her stiffened Queen Isabella, then made eye contact with Estelle.

“I didn’t know you misunderstood me so much. I thought I had it all figured out then.”

Estelle bit her lip with a sad expression.

“Did you actually hate me?”



Translator Note:
From now on this novel will be released 5 times a week, please enjoy!!

That said, this chapter was pretty confusing to me at first, so sorry if the translation is not as good as it should be.

Hello there! This is RJR. I hope you liked it <3

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