The Villain Found Out This Was A Novel

The Villain's Bride (1)

Chapter 3 : The Villain’s Bride (1)

A deposed king killed his brothers, indulging in luxury and pleasure, to protect his throne, while claiming that the government was indifferent.

Sikar executed the deposed king because he had caused the people to fall into chaos and destroy the kingdom.

After the deposed king was executed, Sikar appointed Gillian as the new king.

Gillian, who witnessed the words of the deposed king, was worried that he might lose the kingship, and as soon as he became king, he captured the mother of the main character, Feronia, and imprisoned her, in order to get rid of Kian, the main character of the novel, who is the son of his sister Feronia.

Ferona was the princess of this kingdom, but she had already been kicked out of the palace by falling in love with a fire wizard before the deposed king could commit evil.

Gillian catches Feronia, who has been imprisoned, and is under Sekar’s protection, tries to find out Kian’s whereabouts, but he never reveals her son’s whereabouts.

In order to provide an excuse to threaten Kian in the future, Gillian doesn’t kildl Feronia but imprisons her somewhere, but the location is not mentioned in the novel.

The main character, Kian, is unaware of this fact and grows up thinking that his mother abandoned him.

Gillian, who became king, asked Sikar to find and eliminate Kian, and Sikar eliminated Kian, but he wasn’t the real Kian.

In the end, the grown Kian removes the cursed Sikar. So, Sikar was a villain in this novel who later lost his life due to the protagonist.

However, now that he has read my memories, he knows that he is destined to die in this novel.

“Answer me. Do you mean this place is really a novel?”

If I say no, He will kill me for lying, and if I say it is true, he will kill me for saying it is true. I didn’t know what to say, I just felt like my head had turned white.

“Are you saying you won’t answer?”

Even during this, his expression was calm, so I couldn’t tell if he was angry or what.

“No matter what I say anyway, you’re going to believe my memory, not my words!”

“It’s hard to believe this situation, as you said, but the world in your memories is a place I’ve never seen before, so I can’t help but believe it. Moreover, there is nothing you don’t know about me, and you know very well that I trust memories more than people’s words.”

He didn’t let go of my arm as he read my memories. With one arm held in his hand, I held out one hand and begged.

“Forgive me.”

I felt like he was going to kill me after reading all my memories, so I had no choice but to beg for my life.

“Please save me. I didn’t want you to know that this was a novel. So I tried to run away. Really.”

Sikar didn’t listen to me at all. He just glanced at me.

“It’s so noisy that I can’t concentrate. I need to read your memories, so stay quiet!”

When reading a person’s memory, he was able to select and view them as if opening a file in a computer folder.

Even though he should have read all the novels in my memory by now, he kept holding on to them. What kind of memory are you holding onto like this?

“Your occupation is a daycare teacher. A very kind and kind teacher to children. Growing up being discriminated against by your parents from your younger brother, you compensated for his sorrow by being good to the children. Before you came here, you was scammed by your younger brother.”

How dare you touch on my painful family history! When I experienced my memories being read, I didn’t feel like I was naked.

‘Can you stop looking at me now?’

Sikar laughed bitterly and let go of my arm and said.

“I have roughly obtained some information about you. If you remember, this is a novel, and I am the villain.”

He’s a villain who takes over the world and then disappears in an instant.

“I was also a villain who died a gruesome death at the hands of a young man.”

Sikar looked at me with such creepy eyes that it sent a chill down my spine. Sure enough, he took out the long sword that he always kept at his waist and immediately threatened me.

No, this wasn’t a threat, it really seemed like he was trying to kill me.

“Then, all I have to do is kill the person who is trying to kill me. And kill you too.”

“For-forgive me! I really won’t tell anyone. No, from the beginning I had planned to live quietly here! I was planning on living quietly, with nothing to do with you!”

“Guess. Will I save you or kill you? You know me well, so you would know that much.”

‘He will kill me. There’s no benefit to him, and he knows this place is a novel, so he can’t let me live….Uh, what should I do?how should. Can i stop that crazy guy from trying to kill me? I can’t die like this!’

At that moment, it occurred to me that Sikar was under an inescapable curse.

“curse! We need to get rid of the curse. If you kill the main character, Kian, you will never be able to get rid of that curse!”

Sikar was fighting a spiritist a long time ago and was cursed by Agathion, who summoned him with all his might before he died, causing parts of his body to turn into ice.

Agathion is a spirit that curses humans and can only be used when a spiritist extinguishes his or her own life, and the curse manifests as much as the spiritist’s abilities.

as much as the spiritist’s abilities. The curse that the spiritist engraved on Sikar’s body was like the seed of a curse. For example, is it something like shingles hidden deep inside the body?

The curse could only be lifted by a spiritist with abilities far superior to Agathion’s by removing the seeds of the curse deeply rooted in the body.

So, rather than solving it, it is more like a concept of completely eliminating it. In the original, he couldn’t find the person who could break the curse, but now he would know that the only person who could break the curse was Kian.

“I can persuade Kian well, remove the curse, and then kill him. So it has nothing to do with you.”

“To do that, you need to be able to convince Kian, but can you do it? Kian is not stupid. The main character! Do you think I’ll easily fall for your trick?!”

“Well, it doesn’t matter because I just have to kill him.”

“You, you, sometimes suffer because of that curse! The reason you lost the fight with the main character later was because of that curse! I will help Kian break your curse!”

“How can you?”

“I’m a daycare teacher. I also studied child psychology. You can tell by looking at my memories how good I am with children!”

“As you said, no matter how good you are with children, will that work for the main character?”

“Ofcourse i can! Because I know Kian well! You have to lose anyway to get your money’s worth, right? Isn’t it better than living your whole life in a cursed body? Isn’t the curse going to get worse?”

He had a calm expression on his face, but only then did Sikar withdraw the knife pointed at my neck.

“It wouldn’t be a bad idea to hear the plan. You’ll have to convince him well. Otherwise, this sword will come up to hit your neck again.”

I calmly began to explain the thoughts I had had a moment ago.

“It will take five more years for Kian to fully demonstrate his ability to break the curse. In the original, a grown-up Kian comes under your wing and eventually finds out your weaknesses and kills you, right? But this time, you are sharing the time.”


“Kian has a deep thirst for his parents’ love because his mother abandoned him. In the original work, Kian risks his life to protect the Marquis family that took him in and raised him. So, adopt Kian! If you raise him well, Kian will think of you as his father. He won’t kill you!”

I didn’t know I was this strong at improvising. I thought it was a pretty good plan, but Sikar just glared at me with a distrustful look on his face.


“Yes! ADOPT! If you raise him well, Kian won’t kill you.”

“But I hate children.”

“Well, that’s why you need my help. Because I know children well. There is still no child-rearing education or information in this world. But, I have vast knowledge about that. Of course, you could read my memories and take them, but memories are different from actual combat!”

I kept appealing to him that I was a very useful person and that he would definitely need me to lift his curse. But Sikar just gave a blank expression. Are you really planning to kill me because you don’t like the plan? no way? That’s what I thought. No way.

“But why do you keep speaking informally?”

“Well, I’m five years older than you, so I spoke informally without realizing it, but if you were offended…I will treat you with respect. Duke.”

“You need to change your habits.

Slurp. Sikar took out his sword again and I collapsed on the spot.


Soon a blade will hit my neck…… I expected it to come in, but luckily it was quiet.


I looked up and saw Sikar’s grandmother, Hillis, coming in.

“hey! Hey! You bastard! What are you doing to my sister!”

As soon as his grandmother came in, she pulled Shikar’s hair and tore it out.

“Don’t bother my sister! You bastard!”

“aha……grandma! Grandma, it’s me! It’s Sikar! calm down. grandma…… !”

“Don’t bother my sister!!!”

“Oh, I won’t bother her, so calm down. grandma!”

This is it. My grandmother was the way for me to live! thank you grandma! Unlike Sikar, you know grace. I quickly went and stood behind my grandmother.

“grandma. grandma. Please save me!”

“I won’t leave alone those who harass my sister! I won’t leave you alone!”

Grandmother Hillis lost her only older sister in a carriage accident when she was young. grandmother’s older sister was sickly, so when she was young, her grandmother always had to protect her from her mischievous kids.

However, on the day of her carriage accident, her older sister protected Grandma Hillis and lost her life instead.

It seemed like grandmother felt an older sister-like affection for me, who took care of her like her older sister, even if only for a short time.

Sikar took back the sword pointed at me.

“Don’t forget that it was my grandmother who saved your life. If you tries to escape again like you did now, I will kill you then.”

Sikar, who had been glaring at me, lost strength in his legs as he led his grandmother away.

‘If I’m going to survive somehow, I’ll have to hold on to my grandmother.’

Soon the maids came running, carried me up to my room, and laid me down on the bed.

I guess all my memories have already been revealed.

There was no will left to escape anymore. Is it because I am tired and worn out? I quickly fell asleep.

“miss. miss. wake up.”

Who? Who is the miss…..

When I realized that the miss was me, I came to my senses. In front of me, Mellie was standing smiling brightly and holding a bowl of wash water.

“Miss. You need to wash your face.”

‘She is so kind.’

When Sikar selects people, he looks at their character through their memories, so the people who worked in this mansion and his subordinates were all good and loyal.

‘Just be kind to yourself.’

“miss. I guess you couldn’t sleep well because you changed your bed. Your skin has become dull.”

“Really? I guess I couldn’t sleep well because I changed my bed.”

“Well. What should I do? From today onwards, I will serve you some sleep-inducing tea before going to bed.”

“okay. Thank you for your consideration. Mellie.”

“you’re welcome. miss. Now go down and eat. The duke asked you to come down and have dinner with him.”

I guess the reason Sikar came down and had dinner with me was because of his grandmother. Just looking at the knife Sikar was holding to cut the meat made me feel cold, so I sat down next to her grandmother.

“sister. Come on.”

“Did you sleep well? Master……”

As I sat down next to her, Grandma Hillis looked at me with her upset eyes and pursed her lips.

“Master? Sister, why do you call me that?”

I looked at Sikar and he wrinkled his nose as he stared at me fiercely.

“Make my grandmother happy. You know her grandmother’s name, right? Call her by name.”

I nuzzled his mouth a little at him and then smiled at his grandmother.

“Sorry. Hillis. It was a mistake. Then shall we eat now?”

“Yes. sister!”

grandmother smiled brightly like a child, holding a fork and eating the meat.

Hillis Considering that she was fifteen when she had an accident, she looked like a bright child, making you wonder if she had returned to her childhood.

After a meal that was so tense and scary that I didn’t even know if the food was going into my mouth or my nose, Sikar called me into his study.

Feeling that my life was in danger, I looked at my grandmother and begged her to help, but Sikar had briefly distracted his grandmother with her favorite chocolate cake.

So I had no choice but to be dragged into Sikar’s study while my grandmother ate dessert.

I was called to his study and sat on the sofa with his shoulders slumped like a criminal.

“I thought about what you said.”

Sikar spoke indifferently, but as I listened, even the air I was trying to breathe felt like it was stuck in my throat.

“Like you said, I thought it would be a good idea to adopt Kian.”

Adopt or not. It’s not like you’re letting me go on the condition of adopting Kian anyway, so what does that have to do with me?

“Can’t you hear me?”

“Isn’t my grandmother the reason you keep me alive anyway? So, that has nothing to do with me anymore, so will it change anything if I hear about it?”

‘I’m pissed at this too.’

“Grandma is planning to send her to The Great Temple of Leper for treatment soon. So, after the grandmother receives treatment at the temple and cures her dementia, she will no longer need your help. Then there’s no reason for me to keep you alive anymore, right?”

The Great Temple of Leper was a place where the world’s most prominent priests gathered.

In the original, she couldn’t even try to treat her dementia because her grandmother died, but now she can try to treat it.

So, if grandmother’s dementia gets better……Except for Kian, Sikar no longer needs me.

I felt goosebumps running down my back, so I stopped grunting a moment ago and took a very polite attitude.

‘I have to change his attitude well to survive!’

“okay? I see Then I guess I can help you raise Kian well when you adopt him. Can I be Kian’s tutor?”

“There is no need for a tutor.”

“then? What should I do?”

Sikar glared at me with a murderous expression.

Why he looking at me like that again?
“Marry me.”

‘what? Did I hear something wrong just now?’

I said, looking at him with an extremely absurd expression.


Slurp. Sikar said, holding the blade from its scabbard under my chin.

“Choose. Will you marry me? I wonder if you will die.”

I never thought I would receive a proposal like this.

I never thought I would receive a proposal like this

• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •By Esraa• ❁ • ❁ • ❁ •


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