The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

EP: 92


“Is this real?”


Kaiton was using the former lord’s study as his workshop, and there, gathered before him, were the black wizards with determined expressions. They were one step faster than Muriel, who had been searching for him all morning, not only in his room but also in the dining hall and garden. In the hands of Debbie, who stood at the forefront representing the seven black wizards, was a fragment of Ur carefully wrapped in a cloth. It was something Kaiton had lent them to study.


“Mr. Kaiton, you said this was the last piece you had. But what else can create demons with monsters outside the territory? Is this really a piece of Ur?”


“What on earth are you doing, Debbie?”


Muriel interjected before Debbie and blocked Kaiton as if protecting him. Kaiton was so tall that Muriel couldn’t even hide his shoulders properly behind her. Even though he sat arrogantly on a chair, elegantly crossing his legs. But Muriel’s body was tensed firmly to hide him behind her.




The black wizards were taken aback upon seeing Muriel. Especially Debbie and Sadie, who were close to her, flinched and couldn’t even look her in the eye.


“Of course it’s real. Kaiton… he’s not someone who deceives people like that.”

“Sorry, Captain.”


Sadie murmured sadly, then took hold of Debbie’s hand as if giving her courage. In response, Debbie stared at Kaiton with a determined expression. Her thin arms and legs trembled. Nevertheless, she bit her lips as if she had no intention of backing down.


“Muriel… I’m sorry, but we… need to find out if this is truly a piece of Ur. If it’s not, then we’re living under the same roof as a demon who recklessly steals people’s pacio. If that’s the case… if that’s the case… we have no choice but to reveal Ur’s identity to Ellum, the guardian.”


Debi’s eyes crumpled with anguish. Muriel had seen her express admiration for Kaiton from time to time. Muriel also knew and was unhappy that someone like her probably found it uncomfortable to suspect Kaiton.




But this wasn’t right. Muriel was worried that Kaiton might be hurt. As soon as he got out of the cocoon of the Dream Butterfly, he’d been worried about the safety of the fiefdom. But like this.. He shouldn’t be suspected for such a foolish reason like this.


“The demons increasing isn’t Kaiton’s doing. It’s the work of the fake Sharan. He also has two pieces of Ur!”


“Sharan…? But why would Sharan do such a thing…?”


Debbie wore a bewildered expression, unable to comprehend. Muriel grew frustrated. Why couldn’t they trust Kaiton, who they’d seen and interacted with firsthand, instead of Sharan Kasal, whom they’d never even seen and had expelled them to the plateau?


“Then what about Kaiton?! Why would he do such a thing…! Kaiton didn’t do it. I can guarantee that. So go back, Debbie.”


Kaihten kept his promise with Muriel. It was a promise that he wouldn’t touch anyone’s pacio as long as she was there. Although he was mean and playing tricks yesterday, speaking as if he’d touched someone’s pacio, it was all… Muriel thought it was all just a bluff born out of fear.


Did he corner her and get to the point first because he was afraid she’d suspect him too? After experiencing countless misunderstandings and prejudices, was he afraid that she would be no different from them? If he put up a shield first with harsh words, would he be able to avoid that disappointment he feared…


Muriel sought him out to question him about it, but facing Debbie’s fearful suspicion and the dark mages, she realized there was no longer a need for that. It was clear. Kaiton, like a frightened dog, was baring his teeth and barking, trying to hide his trembling tail behind him.

She just hadn’t realized it because of his fierceness.


What a stupid fool.


Muriel sighed, and Kaiton, who had been sitting leisurely behind her all this time, suddenly stood up and grabbed the piece of Ur in front of Debi. The fragment emitted a sinister glow as if it was delighted to be in its owner’s hand.


“There’s only one way to confirm if a fragment of Ur is real.”


Muriel knew that she used the sculpture to amplify her magic like a talisman, but its true power lay in controlling pacio at will. A ruthless plunderer that brought others’ flames to oneself. The confirmation method Kaiton was talking about was exactly that.


Muriel wasn’t the only one who understood that, and the faces of the black wizard turned pale.


“It’s pathetic that you came crawling to me instead of thinking to try it yourself, but if you want, I’ll gladly do it. Yes… who should I check with?”




Look… he’s hiding his wounds behind thread again…


He did not know how to defend himself with meticulous explanations. He was so full of wounds that he’d rather bite than cry. He was strong, so his method would have worked until now. He must have successfully threatened his opponents, scared them, and made them run away. That’s how he successfully isolated himself. Burdened beneath layers of misunderstandings and prejudices, he must have been utterly alone.


Muriel, who now had no intention of leaving him alone like that, grabbed his wrist. Under his cold skin, she could feel a relaxed pulse. It was truly a calm and indifferent heart.


“If they need confirmation, you can do it to me.”

“Are you trying to protect them?”


Kaiton looked at Muriel’s hand tightly holding his wrist and spoke coldly. As Muriel gripped his gradually warming skin a little more, she shook her head.


“You promised me. You won’t use someone else’s pacio when I’m around. Because you promised… If you want confirmation, do it to me.”




Sadie called out to Muriel anxiously, “Captain,” but Muriel looked only at Kaiton. Kaiton looked at Muriel discondetedly and pulled away the hand held by her. It was a declaration that he would not do it.


Muriel reached out to Kaiton.


“If you’re not going to use it, can you give it to me? There’s something I want to confirm too.”


“For what?”


Kaiton’s question carried various meanings. It sounded like, ‘Why do you need Ur’s fragment?’, or ‘Why are you trying to persuade the already suspicious black wizards?’, or even ‘Why are you stepping up?’.


However, Muriel had only one answer for any question.


“The Kaiton I know… I want everyone to know him.”


So don’t be scared anymore. I won’t turn my back on you. 

Muriel continued to whisper those words with her eyes.




“Just the two of us.”


This was Kaiton’s condition.


To Muriel, who was going to prove his innocence by finding the fragment with Sharan that was being used on the monsters. And Kaiton demanded that they leave the estate alone, without anyone else.


He acted as if Muriel needed to be scared and run away. It seemed like he was testing Muriel with the scary idea of going outside the territory with the Demon King who recklessly consumed Pacio without anyone else to protect her. To Muriel, Kaiton was her guardian who would protect her, but he acted as if she needed a separate guardian to be by her side.


Muriel readily accepted the foolish Kaiton’s suggestion, who was frightened and brimming with thorns. Although it would be easier to find the location of the demon with Ondal by her side, if what he wanted was to fully confirm her trust, she was willing to climb to the testing ground.


“Keep it safe. I will bring another piece that looks exactly like this one.”


Muriel firmly declared as she handed the piece back to Devi.


“And when you find the piece that was with Kasaal, apologize to Kaiton. All of you. You misunderstood Kaiton… You must apologize.”


If they still didn’t believe Kaiton, Muriel offered to personally confirm that the fragment in Debbie’s possession was genuine. But Debbie couldn’t respond. She firmly sealed her lips and didn’t meet Muriel’s gaze. She seemed guilty. Muriel smiled softly. That would be enough. Feeling sorry for Kaiton, realizing her misunderstanding. Debbie already made Muriel feel that her efforts were worthwhile.



Ondal hurriedly rushed over with an anxious look when he heard Muriel was going out alone with Kaiton. Muriel was on her way out of the room wearing a thick cloak.




Ondal hesitated for a long time while lightly grabbing the edge of Muriel’s clothes. It had been a long time since Ondal held onto Muriel’s clothes, so she smiled warmly. When they first met, Ondal couldn’t hold Muriel’s hand, so he only held onto the hem of her clothes and followed her around.


Ondal’s touch felt just like back then. It was a touch that couldn’t quite reach, it only gently pulled at the hem very carefully – it was pitiful. Muriel felt guilty for keeping her distance from Ondal. What had she done to make him so intimidated? She was the only one who could put Ondal’s heart at ease, yet she felt sorry for taking even that away from him.


“Can’t I come with you?”

“Ondal, this time…”


Muriel gently wrapped her hands around Ondal’s hand, which had been holding onto her cloak. In response, Ondal hung his head, clasping his hands together.


“Can you not go alone with Kaiton? There’s demons out there… Or, if it’s because I’m not helpful, can’t you take August with you…?”


“No… Ondal… It’s not that you’re not helpful… It’s really not… This time, I must go with Kaiton alone.”


She could feel Ondal trembling as if trying to hold back tears in the hand she held. Her heart felt like it was being pricked with guilt and remorse.


“You don’t have to lie… I’ll train harder… I’ll work harder to be of help to Muriel… Please… Please, can’t you go with August instead of me this time?”


Ondal cried with a choked voice, unable to control the sobbing that came out even as he bit his lip. Tears streamed down his face, yet he let them flow, not even attempting to wipe them away, as he held Muriel’s hand like he was hanging on.


However, it didn’t seem like he was completely out of it, for he did not hold onto her with all his strength like he used to. He held it with such care that Muriel could twist out her hand if she wanted to. But firmly enough that she couldn’t easily shake it off. Ondal clung to her hand with just enough strength and cried.


“Don’t cry. It’s not a lie… Why would I lie to you?”


When Murriel wiped away the tear that dripped down his cheek after releasing one of his captured hands, Ondal leaned against his cheek.


“We really have to go alone this time.”




Because of Kaiton’s childish stubbornness to only believe in me if only the two of us go.


But the question was, again, why… was she giving into that childish stubbornness?


“Because I don’t want Kaiton to feel anxious.”




“Sorry, Ondal.”


A long, thick teardrop fell down Ondal’s cheek.


“…For me…”


Ondal grasped Murriel’s hand that was about to fall from his cheek, pressing it gently against his face.


“Will you allow me to pray?”




“Allow me to pray for Muriel.”


Murriel was left speechless. To request permission to pray for her, the person who was going out to search for demons for Kaiton’s sake… what could she say? It was too overwhelming, should she say it was too much? It even felt sacrilegious.


“If God truly gave me these eyes because He loves me… If there really is a blessing bestowed upon me, please allow me to dedicate it all to Muriel, to protect you… Allow me to pray for that.”




“Please… I won’t ask you to let me come with you… I won’t do anything that Muriel dislikes… Just let me pray for you while I wait.”




Ondal held Murriel’s hand tightly and prayed for a long time. Since he had temporarily removed his blindfold to pray, his wet red eyes were clearly visible. Muriel looked at his red eyes for a while and said,


“Don’t wager all the blessings you’ve received. Just a small portion is enough.”


But no answer returned from Ondal.


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


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