The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 09: The Demon King’s Magic Class


“You will be learning stage one healing magic. This is something that can be learned regardless of compatibility, so it shouldn’t be impossible for both of you.”


The magic classes continued.


Despite Muriel and Rovelia’s lack of talent in magic and the fact that there was no progress in their learning of white magic which wasn’t compatible with them, Kaiton did not give up.


What was annoying was that Kaiton continued to mock and tease them whenever he saw Muriel and Rovelia’s skills, despite knowing full well how incompetent they were. It was undoubtedly a class focused more on bullying than training.


“Let me show you first.”


When they wondered how he could demonstrate a magic that required healing wounds so suddenly, Kaiton didn’t change his expression and simply inflicted a wound on the back of his hand. There was no spell or preparation, he just brought his hand close, and a black and purple glow briefly passed before a shallow, long wound appeared on his hand.




As Kaiton recited the spell, a white light glazed over the wound and healed it. It was astonishing to see him hurt himself and then heal it on his own.


Despite everyone’s astonishment at his fearlessness, Kaiton remained calm. Muriel felt uncomfortable with Kaiton’s expressionless face and pitch-black eyes. It was because she felt uneasy about the twisted emotions hidden behind that thin and weak curtain.


“Give it a try. It’s a beginner-level magic that doesn’t even need to be taught at the academy, so even young children can do it.”


“Where should we try it?”


Rovelia asked in a sharp tone.

As the magic classes progressed, she seemed to lose her patience, unlike her confident and gentle demeanor at the reception hall. It seemed that showing her incompetence and confusion to others was causing her to lose her composure.


In a country where everything revolved around Pacio, Muriel thought Rovelia would be used to the humble Pacio she was born with and her own limitations . However, it seemed that wasn’t the case. Every time her magic failed, Rovelia was under severe stress.


“Offense magic…  it’d be difficult for you to control it, so use a blade.”


“…Excuse me?”


Kaiton found a small dagger amidst the cluttered desk and handed it to Rovelia.


“Don’t you need something to heal in order to test it?”

“Are… you suggesting that I hurt myself like you did, Mr. Crawford?”


Rovelia frowned as if she’d been deeply insulted.

“Then who would you like to hurt, lady Rovelia? If you want to bring servants from your mansion or something, I won’t stop you.”


Kaiton’s voice sweetened, but his eyes turned cold. The twisted curve of his lips was devilish, without a doubt. This was most definitely a bullying class.


“I’ll give you my hand.”

August stood in front of Rovelia, blocking Kaiton’s gaze with his body.




“It’s better this way than seeing Rovelia get hurt.”


“Be gentle…”


“I will gladly offer it whenever you need, so feel free to use it as much as you want.”


August rolled up his sleeve, and drew his sword, inflicting a wound on his forearm. The wound was long and deep enough to be tested for healing magic.


How ignorant.


While Muriel clicked her tongue at August for how foolishly kind he was, he turned to her and extended his other arm towards Muriel before she could say anything,


“This is for Muriel, so don’t worry. It’s fortunate that I have two arms, haha.”


That idiot, fool, and pushover victim.


Such unnecessary kindness. Muriel doesn’t feel any pain, so a small wound was nothing special. Why was he stepping forward?


“I will handle it myself.”

“Don’t refuse and use my body to your heart’s content.”

“Do you even hear what you’re saying?”


What the hell did he mean to use his body as much as she wanted?


Muriel sighed and took the dagger from Kaiton’s hand. She had no intention of playing along with Kaiton’s wicked games, but she was more reluctant to see August offering up his body, so there was no choice.


“This isn’t some strange knife, is it? Like a blade that curses someone who’s stabbed with it..”


“Black magic is prohibited by law.”


“So will I get cursed or not?”


“The court wizard wouldn’t use black magic, would they? Use it without worry, Miss Muriel.”


Ha, he lied without even blinking with such a brazen face. She felt uneasy because she thought he might have poisoned the dagger, but she had no desire to witness August’s self-harm a second time.


She lightly drew on the back of her hand with the blade. August watched Muriel with pity, as if he couldn’t understand her while Rovelia watched with blatant disapproval.


Kiaton also continued to watch Murriel. He found her arrogance unpleasant, annoying, and amusing. However, on the other hand, he was quite satisfied. It was clear that if Muriel had been scared and backed down or hesitated, he would have been even more displeased.


Even when the fresh red blood flowed down her arm, it wasn’t painful. However, every time there was no pain, she felt bitter, as it confirmed this body wasn’t her own.














It was said to be easy magic, but even though Muriel chanted the spell until her throat was sore, the wound didn’t heal.


“I should… explain the magic a little more.”


August scratched his forehead and spoke.


“It’s okay, Muriel. There was a possibility it might fail. It’s fortunate there aren’t side effects.”


August’s words of comfort faltered. Even he, who was skilled at hiding his emotions, couldn’t hide his surprise, so it really must’ve been a very easy spell.


“It’s despairing.”


Kiaton looked straight at Muriel and said monotonously. His expression, which showed little expectation, was even more mocking. Muriel wanted to shout, “I told you it wouldn’t work,” but she had to hold back because she didn’t want to appear even more pathetic.


“I’ll try too. Can I use a Talisman?”


Rovelia approached August, fiddling with the ring in her hand.

Muriel was surprised when she saw the ring. It was so familiar, with a talisman larger than a grape embedded in it, shining red.


Did she see it wrong? No.

That ring was definitely the one Muriel knew.


The time was approaching!


The event where August dies, the first event that shatters the kingdom’s peace. The time for that arson incident was approaching.


The memories of the novel Muriel remembered were fragmented. She didn’t know the details of the developments, but she knew the important events for sure.


That ring was undoubtedly the talisman Muriel used when she set fire to the Sharan Mountains. Later, August recognizes the ring at the scene of the incident and protects her by turning himself in.


But was the ring originally Rovelia’s? How did it end up like this? Muriel was wondering when she would come into possession of that ring, but she never expected to meet it here like this.


“Is this a Talisman containing Pacio?”




Kaiton asked while looking at Rovelia’s ring.


A Talisman was a magical device that amplified power and protected Pacio. It was quite expensive, mainly made using spirit fossils.


Among them, the Talisman containing Pacio was particularly high-end because it was filled with the crafter’s pacio. It was ironic that someone else’s Pacio had to be sacrificed to protect the owner’s, but talismans with a generous amount of Pacio were rare and highly sought-after items.


Since the shape of the crystal that held the pacio talisman changed every time one was made, there was not a single identical one in the world. The talisman Rovelia was wearing, with a red crystal depicting the sun, was most likely the only one in the world.


The reason the protagonist, Muriel, coveted Rovelia’s talisman in the novel was probably due to its rarity. Still, stealing it… that was a bit too much. Well, she was an evil woman trying to destroy the world, so I guess stealing was just a minor offense for her?


“There’s nothing more luxurious than using a pacio talisman for Cerenus, but give it a try.”


Rovelia’s cheeks turned red at Kaiton’s mocking.

Nevertheless, she must have thought it was better than failing at magic, since Rovelia touched the ring and shouted right after, “Cerenus.”


Clearly, she’d intended to cast a healing spell, but August’s wound caught fire instead.



A startled Rovelia let out a short scream. The fire quickly went out, but she seemed shocked. It was unclear whether she was surprised that she had hurt August or that she couldn’t successfully cast even a level 1 spell despite using an advanced talisman.




Despite his arm being on fire, August clenched his teeth and suppressed his groans, not wanting to startle Rovelia further. He had impressive mental fortitude.


“Cerenus Fortis!”

August healed his charred, melting skin with magic. The wound was significant enough to require a level 2 healing spell.


“The power of the talisman is incredible, isn’t it? It was really hot.”


“I’m sorry…”


“Don’t be too disheartened, Rovelia. You know how difficult it is to learn magic that you don’t have an affinity for. You’re just not compatible with light magic. There’s no need to feel defeated.”


Rovelia’s face didn’t brighten even with August’s consolation. Muriel finally realized that Rovelia was upset because of her own failure.


For her own mistake to be harder to accept than burning August. Living with the name of the Dachinis’ didn’t seem easy.


“Let’s try again. If we keep going, you’ll get the hang of it.”

August seemed to be raising his sword as if trying to inflict another wound, but Rovelia shook her head with a pale face.


“No, I can’t do it.”


“Is that so…? Well, don’t push yourself too hard.”


“…Seriously, how long do we have to continue this foolish show?”




“Tell me, Mr. Crawford! The oracle mentioned a Saint, but for a saint to use magic…!”

“No, Lady Rovelia. I am pretty certain.”


Kaiton’s black eyes looked at Muriel. Those straight, deep eyes seemed to be telling her that he was the one she was talking about.


“The protagonist of the oracle will kill the Demon King Ur.”




So I must get rid of you – it was as if he was menacingly whispering that.

Rovelia’s face froze in astonishment. She turned pale as if she had heard something outrageous.


“The Saint killing the Demon King Ur… What nonsense is this?”


“It’s hard to believe, considering you both do not even have the pitiful abilities that children do, but that’s what the interpretation of the Oracle means.”


“The only ones who can defeat Ur are Sharan and the three guardians who inherited the names of heroes. You’re not saying you don’t know that, do you?”


Even though Rovelia was serious as she pointed, Kaiton snorted. The pride possessed by Dachini, Eklum, and Pendragon was great. The title of guardian was the most valuable praise of all.


Sharan and the three guardians, who saved the world from Callahan Ur, had always derived power from that title. There was no way they’d allow it to be taken away by someone else now.

“Heroes are like stars. When they win, they rise, but when they lose, they fall back down.”

“Are you saying the heroes are fallen stars? What blasphemous words, Mr. Crawford..! You must take responsibility for what you just said.”


Rovelia rushed out of Kaiton’s laboratory. While Muriel had been thinking the magic class was boring and unproductive, Rovelia seemed to be under great pressure.


She never expected her to explode like this. She didn’t think she’d be pushed this far.


“I must follow her. Muriel, make sure to get your wound treated by Mr. Crawford.”


August followed after Rovelia in haste, but did not forget to care for Muriel’s injury.


Rovelia must be going to Sharan, right? How will that narcissistic king react? To dare call him a fallen star! He might throw Kaiton out in anger.


Only Muriel, who knew the contents of the novel, knew the fact that Sharan lacked the divine treasure given to their family called ‘Sharan’s Eye’ that monitored Ur. So, he’d react even more sensitively to hide that fact…


Will everything be okay?

Muriel looked at the man in front of her with a slightly anxious expression.


Episode 09: The Demon King’s Magic Class


“You will be learning stage one healing magic. This is something that can be learned regardless of compatibility, so it shouldn’t be impossible for both of you.”


The magic classes continued.


Despite Muriel and Rovelia’s lack of talent in magic and the fact that there was no progress in their learning of white magic which wasn’t compatible with them, Kaiton did not give up.


What was annoying was that Kaiton continued to mock and tease them whenever he saw Muriel and Rovelia’s skills, despite knowing full well how incompetent they were. It was undoubtedly a class focused more on bullying than training.


“Let me show you first.”


When they wondered how he could demonstrate a magic that required healing wounds so suddenly, Kaiton didn’t change his expression and simply inflicted a wound on the back of his hand. There was no spell or preparation, he just brought his hand close, and a black and purple glow briefly passed before a shallow, long wound appeared on his hand.




As Kaiton recited the spell, a white light glazed over the wound and healed it. It was astonishing to see him hurt himself and then heal it on his own.


Despite everyone’s astonishment at his fearlessness, Kaiton remained calm. Muriel felt uncomfortable with Kaiton’s expressionless face and pitch-black eyes. It was because she felt uneasy about the twisted emotions hidden behind that thin and weak curtain.


“Give it a try. It’s a beginner-level magic that doesn’t even need to be taught at the academy, so even young children can do it.”


“Where should we try it?”


Rovelia asked in a sharp tone.

As the magic classes progressed, she seemed to lose her patience, unlike her confident and gentle demeanor at the reception hall. It seemed that showing her incompetence and confusion to others was causing her to lose her composure.


In a country where everything revolved around Pacio, Muriel thought Rovelia would be used to the humble Pacio she was born with and her own limitations . However, it seemed that wasn’t the case. Every time her magic failed, Rovelia was under severe stress.


“Offense magic…  it’d be difficult for you to control it, so use a blade.”


“…Excuse me?”


Kaiton found a small dagger amidst the cluttered desk and handed it to Rovelia.


“Don’t you need something to heal in order to test it?”

“Are… you suggesting that I hurt myself like you did, Mr. Crawford?”


Rovelia frowned as if she’d been deeply insulted.

“Then who would you like to hurt, lady Rovelia? If you want to bring servants from your mansion or something, I won’t stop you.”


Kaiton’s voice sweetened, but his eyes turned cold. The twisted curve of his lips was devilish, without a doubt. This was most definitely a bullying class.


“I’ll give you my hand.”

August stood in front of Rovelia, blocking Kaiton’s gaze with his body.




“It’s better this way than seeing Rovelia get hurt.”


“Be gentle…”


“I will gladly offer it whenever you need, so feel free to use it as much as you want.”


August rolled up his sleeve, and drew his sword, inflicting a wound on his forearm. The wound was long and deep enough to be tested for healing magic.


How ignorant.


While Muriel clicked her tongue at August for how foolishly kind he was, he turned to her and extended his other arm towards Muriel before she could say anything,


“This is for Muriel, so don’t worry. It’s fortunate that I have two arms, haha.”


That idiot, fool, and pushover victim.


Such unnecessary kindness. Muriel doesn’t feel any pain, so a small wound was nothing special. Why was he stepping forward?


“I will handle it myself.”

“Don’t refuse and use my body to your heart’s content.”

“Do you even hear what you’re saying?”


What the hell did he mean to use his body as much as she wanted?


Muriel sighed and took the dagger from Kaiton’s hand. She had no intention of playing along with Kaiton’s wicked games, but she was more reluctant to see August offering up his body, so there was no choice.


“This isn’t some strange knife, is it? Like a blade that curses someone who’s stabbed with it..”


“Black magic is prohibited by law.”


“So will I get cursed or not?”


“The court wizard wouldn’t use black magic, would they? Use it without worry, Miss Muriel.”


Ha, he lied without even blinking with such a brazen face. She felt uneasy because she thought he might have poisoned the dagger, but she had no desire to witness August’s self-harm a second time.


She lightly drew on the back of her hand with the blade. August watched Muriel with pity, as if he couldn’t understand her while Rovelia watched with blatant disapproval.


Kiaton also continued to watch Murriel. He found her arrogance unpleasant, annoying, and amusing. However, on the other hand, he was quite satisfied. It was clear that if Muriel had been scared and backed down or hesitated, he would have been even more displeased.


Even when the fresh red blood flowed down her arm, it wasn’t painful. However, every time there was no pain, she felt bitter, as it confirmed this body wasn’t her own.














It was said to be easy magic, but even though Muriel chanted the spell until her throat was sore, the wound didn’t heal.


“I should… explain the magic a little more.”


August scratched his forehead and spoke.


“It’s okay, Muriel. There was a possibility it might fail. It’s fortunate there aren’t side effects.”


August’s words of comfort faltered. Even he, who was skilled at hiding his emotions, couldn’t hide his surprise, so it really must’ve been a very easy spell.


“It’s despairing.”


Kiaton looked straight at Muriel and said monotonously. His expression, which showed little expectation, was even more mocking. Muriel wanted to shout, “I told you it wouldn’t work,” but she had to hold back because she didn’t want to appear even more pathetic.


“I’ll try too. Can I use a Talisman?”


Rovelia approached August, fiddling with the ring in her hand.

Muriel was surprised when she saw the ring. It was so familiar, with a talisman larger than a grape embedded in it, shining red.


Did she see it wrong? No.

That ring was definitely the one Muriel knew.


The time was approaching!


The event where August dies, the first event that shatters the kingdom’s peace. The time for that arson incident was approaching.


The memories of the novel Muriel remembered were fragmented. She didn’t know the details of the developments, but she knew the important events for sure.


That ring was undoubtedly the talisman Muriel used when she set fire to the Sharan Mountains. Later, August recognizes the ring at the scene of the incident and protects her by turning himself in.


But was the ring originally Rovelia’s? How did it end up like this? Muriel was wondering when she would come into possession of that ring, but she never expected to meet it here like this.


“Is this a Talisman containing Pacio?”




Kaiton asked while looking at Rovelia’s ring.


A Talisman was a magical device that amplified power and protected Pacio. It was quite expensive, mainly made using spirit fossils.


Among them, the Talisman containing Pacio was particularly high-end because it was filled with the crafter’s pacio. It was ironic that someone else’s Pacio had to be sacrificed to protect the owner’s, but talismans with a generous amount of Pacio were rare and highly sought-after items.


Since the shape of the crystal that held the pacio talisman changed every time one was made, there was not a single identical one in the world. The talisman Rovelia was wearing, with a red crystal depicting the sun, was most likely the only one in the world.


The reason the protagonist, Muriel, coveted Rovelia’s talisman in the novel was probably due to its rarity. Still, stealing it… that was a bit too much. Well, she was an evil woman trying to destroy the world, so I guess stealing was just a minor offense for her?


“There’s nothing more luxurious than using a pacio talisman for Cerenus, but give it a try.”


Rovelia’s cheeks turned red at Kaiton’s mocking.

Nevertheless, she must have thought it was better than failing at magic, since Rovelia touched the ring and shouted right after, “Cerenus.”


Clearly, she’d intended to cast a healing spell, but August’s wound caught fire instead.



A startled Rovelia let out a short scream. The fire quickly went out, but she seemed shocked. It was unclear whether she was surprised that she had hurt August or that she couldn’t successfully cast even a level 1 spell despite using an advanced talisman.




Despite his arm being on fire, August clenched his teeth and suppressed his groans, not wanting to startle Rovelia further. He had impressive mental fortitude.


“Cerenus Fortis!”

August healed his charred, melting skin with magic. The wound was significant enough to require a level 2 healing spell.


“The power of the talisman is incredible, isn’t it? It was really hot.”


“I’m sorry…”


“Don’t be too disheartened, Rovelia. You know how difficult it is to learn magic that you don’t have an affinity for. You’re just not compatible with light magic. There’s no need to feel defeated.”


Rovelia’s face didn’t brighten even with August’s consolation. Muriel finally realized that Rovelia was upset because of her own failure.


For her own mistake to be harder to accept than burning August. Living with the name of the Dachinis’ didn’t seem easy.


“Let’s try again. If we keep going, you’ll get the hang of it.”

August seemed to be raising his sword as if trying to inflict another wound, but Rovelia shook her head with a pale face.


“No, I can’t do it.”


“Is that so…? Well, don’t push yourself too hard.”


“…Seriously, how long do we have to continue this foolish show?”




“Tell me, Mr. Crawford! The oracle mentioned a Saint, but for a saint to use magic…!”

“No, Lady Rovelia. I am pretty certain.”


Kaiton’s black eyes looked at Muriel. Those straight, deep eyes seemed to be telling her that he was the one she was talking about.


“The protagonist of the oracle will kill the Demon King Ur.”




So I must get rid of you – it was as if he was menacingly whispering that.

Rovelia’s face froze in astonishment. She turned pale as if she had heard something outrageous.


“The Saint killing the Demon King Ur… What nonsense is this?”


“It’s hard to believe, considering you both do not even have the pitiful abilities that children do, but that’s what the interpretation of the Oracle means.”


“The only ones who can defeat Ur are Sharan and the three guardians who inherited the names of heroes. You’re not saying you don’t know that, do you?”


Even though Rovelia was serious as she pointed, Kaiton snorted. The pride possessed by Dachini, Eklum, and Pendragon was great. The title of guardian was the most valuable praise of all.


Sharan and the three guardians, who saved the world from Callahan Ur, had always derived power from that title. There was no way they’d allow it to be taken away by someone else now.

“Heroes are like stars. When they win, they rise, but when they lose, they fall back down.”

“Are you saying the heroes are fallen stars? What blasphemous words, Mr. Crawford..! You must take responsibility for what you just said.”


Rovelia rushed out of Kaiton’s laboratory. While Muriel had been thinking the magic class was boring and unproductive, Rovelia seemed to be under great pressure.


She never expected her to explode like this. She didn’t think she’d be pushed this far.


“I must follow her. Muriel, make sure to get your wound treated by Mr. Crawford.”


August followed after Rovelia in haste, but did not forget to care for Muriel’s injury.


Rovelia must be going to Sharan, right? How will that narcissistic king react? To dare call him a fallen star! He might throw Kaiton out in anger.


Only Muriel, who knew the contents of the novel, knew the fact that Sharan lacked the divine treasure given to their family called ‘Sharan’s Eye’ that monitored Ur. So, he’d react even more sensitively to hide that fact…


Will everything be okay?

Muriel looked at the man in front of her with a slightly anxious expression.


Episode 09: The Demon King’s Magic Class


“You will be learning stage one healing magic. This is something that can be learned regardless of compatibility, so it shouldn’t be impossible for both of you.”


The magic classes continued.


Despite Muriel and Rovelia’s lack of talent in magic and the fact that there was no progress in their learning of white magic which wasn’t compatible with them, Kaiton did not give up.


What was annoying was that Kaiton continued to mock and tease them whenever he saw Muriel and Rovelia’s skills, despite knowing full well how incompetent they were. It was undoubtedly a class focused more on bullying than training.


“Let me show you first.”


When they wondered how he could demonstrate a magic that required healing wounds so suddenly, Kaiton didn’t change his expression and simply inflicted a wound on the back of his hand. There was no spell or preparation, he just brought his hand close, and a black and purple glow briefly passed before a shallow, long wound appeared on his hand.




As Kaiton recited the spell, a white light glazed over the wound and healed it. It was astonishing to see him hurt himself and then heal it on his own.


Despite everyone’s astonishment at his fearlessness, Kaiton remained calm. Muriel felt uncomfortable with Kaiton’s expressionless face and pitch-black eyes. It was because she felt uneasy about the twisted emotions hidden behind that thin and weak curtain.


“Give it a try. It’s a beginner-level magic that doesn’t even need to be taught at the academy, so even young children can do it.”


“Where should we try it?”


Rovelia asked in a sharp tone.

As the magic classes progressed, she seemed to lose her patience, unlike her confident and gentle demeanor at the reception hall. It seemed that showing her incompetence and confusion to others was causing her to lose her composure.


In a country where everything revolved around Pacio, Muriel thought Rovelia would be used to the humble Pacio she was born with and her own limitations . However, it seemed that wasn’t the case. Every time her magic failed, Rovelia was under severe stress.


“Offense magic…  it’d be difficult for you to control it, so use a blade.”


“…Excuse me?”


Kaiton found a small dagger amidst the cluttered desk and handed it to Rovelia.


“Don’t you need something to heal in order to test it?”

“Are… you suggesting that I hurt myself like you did, Mr. Crawford?”


Rovelia frowned as if she’d been deeply insulted.

“Then who would you like to hurt, lady Rovelia? If you want to bring servants from your mansion or something, I won’t stop you.”


Kaiton’s voice sweetened, but his eyes turned cold. The twisted curve of his lips was devilish, without a doubt. This was most definitely a bullying class.


“I’ll give you my hand.”

August stood in front of Rovelia, blocking Kaiton’s gaze with his body.




“It’s better this way than seeing Rovelia get hurt.”


“Be gentle…”


“I will gladly offer it whenever you need, so feel free to use it as much as you want.”


August rolled up his sleeve, and drew his sword, inflicting a wound on his forearm. The wound was long and deep enough to be tested for healing magic.


How ignorant.


While Muriel clicked her tongue at August for how foolishly kind he was, he turned to her and extended his other arm towards Muriel before she could say anything,


“This is for Muriel, so don’t worry. It’s fortunate that I have two arms, haha.”


That idiot, fool, and pushover victim.


Such unnecessary kindness. Muriel doesn’t feel any pain, so a small wound was nothing special. Why was he stepping forward?


“I will handle it myself.”

“Don’t refuse and use my body to your heart’s content.”

“Do you even hear what you’re saying?”


What the hell did he mean to use his body as much as she wanted?


Muriel sighed and took the dagger from Kaiton’s hand. She had no intention of playing along with Kaiton’s wicked games, but she was more reluctant to see August offering up his body, so there was no choice.


“This isn’t some strange knife, is it? Like a blade that curses someone who’s stabbed with it..”


“Black magic is prohibited by law.”


“So will I get cursed or not?”


“The court wizard wouldn’t use black magic, would they? Use it without worry, Miss Muriel.”


Ha, he lied without even blinking with such a brazen face. She felt uneasy because she thought he might have poisoned the dagger, but she had no desire to witness August’s self-harm a second time.


She lightly drew on the back of her hand with the blade. August watched Muriel with pity, as if he couldn’t understand her while Rovelia watched with blatant disapproval.


Kiaton also continued to watch Murriel. He found her arrogance unpleasant, annoying, and amusing. However, on the other hand, he was quite satisfied. It was clear that if Muriel had been scared and backed down or hesitated, he would have been even more displeased.


Even when the fresh red blood flowed down her arm, it wasn’t painful. However, every time there was no pain, she felt bitter, as it confirmed this body wasn’t her own.














It was said to be easy magic, but even though Muriel chanted the spell until her throat was sore, the wound didn’t heal.


“I should… explain the magic a little more.”


August scratched his forehead and spoke.


“It’s okay, Muriel. There was a possibility it might fail. It’s fortunate there aren’t side effects.”


August’s words of comfort faltered. Even he, who was skilled at hiding his emotions, couldn’t hide his surprise, so it really must’ve been a very easy spell.


“It’s despairing.”


Kiaton looked straight at Muriel and said monotonously. His expression, which showed little expectation, was even more mocking. Muriel wanted to shout, “I told you it wouldn’t work,” but she had to hold back because she didn’t want to appear even more pathetic.


“I’ll try too. Can I use a Talisman?”


Rovelia approached August, fiddling with the ring in her hand.

Muriel was surprised when she saw the ring. It was so familiar, with a talisman larger than a grape embedded in it, shining red.


Did she see it wrong? No.

That ring was definitely the one Muriel knew.


The time was approaching!


The event where August dies, the first event that shatters the kingdom’s peace. The time for that arson incident was approaching.


The memories of the novel Muriel remembered were fragmented. She didn’t know the details of the developments, but she knew the important events for sure.


That ring was undoubtedly the talisman Muriel used when she set fire to the Sharan Mountains. Later, August recognizes the ring at the scene of the incident and protects her by turning himself in.


But was the ring originally Rovelia’s? How did it end up like this? Muriel was wondering when she would come into possession of that ring, but she never expected to meet it here like this.


“Is this a Talisman containing Pacio?”




Kaiton asked while looking at Rovelia’s ring.


A Talisman was a magical device that amplified power and protected Pacio. It was quite expensive, mainly made using spirit fossils.


Among them, the Talisman containing Pacio was particularly high-end because it was filled with the crafter’s pacio. It was ironic that someone else’s Pacio had to be sacrificed to protect the owner’s, but talismans with a generous amount of Pacio were rare and highly sought-after items.


Since the shape of the crystal that held the pacio talisman changed every time one was made, there was not a single identical one in the world. The talisman Rovelia was wearing, with a red crystal depicting the sun, was most likely the only one in the world.


The reason the protagonist, Muriel, coveted Rovelia’s talisman in the novel was probably due to its rarity. Still, stealing it… that was a bit too much. Well, she was an evil woman trying to destroy the world, so I guess stealing was just a minor offense for her?


“There’s nothing more luxurious than using a pacio talisman for Cerenus, but give it a try.”


Rovelia’s cheeks turned red at Kaiton’s mocking.

Nevertheless, she must have thought it was better than failing at magic, since Rovelia touched the ring and shouted right after, “Cerenus.”


Clearly, she’d intended to cast a healing spell, but August’s wound caught fire instead.



A startled Rovelia let out a short scream. The fire quickly went out, but she seemed shocked. It was unclear whether she was surprised that she had hurt August or that she couldn’t successfully cast even a level 1 spell despite using an advanced talisman.




Despite his arm being on fire, August clenched his teeth and suppressed his groans, not wanting to startle Rovelia further. He had impressive mental fortitude.


“Cerenus Fortis!”

August healed his charred, melting skin with magic. The wound was significant enough to require a level 2 healing spell.


“The power of the talisman is incredible, isn’t it? It was really hot.”


“I’m sorry…”


“Don’t be too disheartened, Rovelia. You know how difficult it is to learn magic that you don’t have an affinity for. You’re just not compatible with light magic. There’s no need to feel defeated.”


Rovelia’s face didn’t brighten even with August’s consolation. Muriel finally realized that Rovelia was upset because of her own failure.


For her own mistake to be harder to accept than burning August. Living with the name of the Dachinis’ didn’t seem easy.


“Let’s try again. If we keep going, you’ll get the hang of it.”

August seemed to be raising his sword as if trying to inflict another wound, but Rovelia shook her head with a pale face.


“No, I can’t do it.”


“Is that so…? Well, don’t push yourself too hard.”


“…Seriously, how long do we have to continue this foolish show?”




“Tell me, Mr. Crawford! The oracle mentioned a Saint, but for a saint to use magic…!”

“No, Lady Rovelia. I am pretty certain.”


Kaiton’s black eyes looked at Muriel. Those straight, deep eyes seemed to be telling her that he was the one she was talking about.


“The protagonist of the oracle will kill the Demon King Ur.”




So I must get rid of you – it was as if he was menacingly whispering that.

Rovelia’s face froze in astonishment. She turned pale as if she had heard something outrageous.


“The Saint killing the Demon King Ur… What nonsense is this?”


“It’s hard to believe, considering you both do not even have the pitiful abilities that children do, but that’s what the interpretation of the Oracle means.”


“The only ones who can defeat Ur are Sharan and the three guardians who inherited the names of heroes. You’re not saying you don’t know that, do you?”


Even though Rovelia was serious as she pointed, Kaiton snorted. The pride possessed by Dachini, Eklum, and Pendragon was great. The title of guardian was the most valuable praise of all.


Sharan and the three guardians, who saved the world from Callahan Ur, had always derived power from that title. There was no way they’d allow it to be taken away by someone else now.

“Heroes are like stars. When they win, they rise, but when they lose, they fall back down.”

“Are you saying the heroes are fallen stars? What blasphemous words, Mr. Crawford..! You must take responsibility for what you just said.”


Rovelia rushed out of Kaiton’s laboratory. While Muriel had been thinking the magic class was boring and unproductive, Rovelia seemed to be under great pressure.


She never expected her to explode like this. She didn’t think she’d be pushed this far.


“I must follow her. Muriel, make sure to get your wound treated by Mr. Crawford.”


August followed after Rovelia in haste, but did not forget to care for Muriel’s injury.


Rovelia must be going to Sharan, right? How will that narcissistic king react? To dare call him a fallen star! He might throw Kaiton out in anger.


Only Muriel, who knew the contents of the novel, knew the fact that Sharan lacked the divine treasure given to their family called ‘Sharan’s Eye’ that monitored Ur. So, he’d react even more sensitively to hide that fact…


Will everything be okay?

Muriel looked at the man in front of her with a slightly anxious expression.


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. ABlossom says:

    Matar e impedir são coisas diferentes né
    Thanks for the update 🇧🇷😸🥰

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