The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Ep: 80


“Then Kaiton just doesn’t have to use Muriel’s Pacio.”


Ondal, who responded to Kaiton’s words, bit his lips. He said it because he didn’t want to lose, but it was actually just a bluff. At first, he truly hated Kaiton using Muriel’s pacio at will, but now it was different. All day, he hoped Kaiton would magic, even just a little, so that he could see Muriel a bit more.


After Kaiton drastically cut back on his use of magic, as if wary of Sharan’s eyes, Ondal was plagued with anxiety. When he couldn’t see Muriel, whom he used to see dozens of times a day, only darkness remained for Ondal.


Darkness had always been familiar and comforting to him, but not anymore. He missed Muriel. It felt unbearable not to see her. Even if his eyes stung, he forced himself to change the fabric of his blindfold to a thinner one and hovered around Muriel. Although he couldn’t get as close as before because he felt guilty for lying, he maintained a distance that allowed him to approach whenever Muriel gestured for him to come.


“That won’t do. Muriel gets anxious.”


Kaiton looked down at Ondal with an arrogant expression, chin held high.


“What can I do when I’m told to just use her pacio? I have to do what Muriel wants.”

“Do not take advantage of Muriel’s tenderness.”

“…Aren’t you the one who shamelessly relies on Muriel’s sympathy?”


“…I won’t hurt Muriel…”


Kaiton, who had been cold and stiff, soon showed a deep smile again. Kaiton’s voice, as if whispering something secret, lowered and scratched at Ondal’s nerves.


“…That’s right. Hurting Muriel… and pleasing her, only I can do that.”


It was inevitable that Ondal’s gaze would be drawn to Kaiton’s torn lips. It was so unseemly to see him walking around with torn lips when healing them would be easier than lifting a finger.


Ondal’s mind went cold as he imagined how those wounds came to be. Memories of the dark nights he had experienced in the underground prison stirred his mind. He didn’t want to think of those things when thinking about Muriel. But because of the man who sometimes licked his wounds with his tongue as if he found the red scars on his lips lovely, Ondal’s thoughts kept drifting to disturbing and uncomfortable places.


Ondal trembled, feeling the cruel jealousy ripping through his heart. While he only had red eyes that everyone found repulsive, that man had the bright blue and fluctuating red colors that Muriel must have clearly given him… It stimulated a sticky and murky feeling.


Ondal was surprised to find that he still had these feelings. He thought he had used them all up. Just as pacio was finite, he believed his emotions had exhausted and disappeared completely. Like a discarded insect, he only ever looked at a small window in the darkness. Getting angry, resentful, indignant, sad, lonely, and jealous… all of that had turned into ashes.


For a long time, Ondal neither got angry nor felt sad. He only responded to the emotions Muriel gave him. It was possible because the emotions Muriel made him feel had never been there before, so they couldn’t be extinguished. It was the first time he felt a warm and cozy peace. A joy that filled his heart. A desire to repay Muriel’s kindness and tender consideration… Ondal, who could no longer bear emptiness in his heart, clung desperately to Muriel.


But Ondal knew. Even if Muriel gave him anger and fear, if it could fill his empty heart, he would do whatever it took to stay by Muriel’s side.


That Ondal was angry at Kaiton. His blood boiled with petty jealousy. He was no longer a clay doll that could hold nothing. He was a person who clung, desired, rejoiced, and felt sad.


Ondal, who didn’t realize the meaning of his anger, grabbed Kaiton by the collar. Kaiton was much taller than Ondal, but Ondal’s strength lifted his feet into the air.


“It doesn’t suit you.”

The red blood, the blue talisman…


“How audacious… How dare Sharan covet what is mine?”


Muriel has always been mine. From the day we first met on the plateau, always.


Kaiton immediately responded to Ondal’s provocation. He seemed happy to be able to use radical solutions rather than a boring conversation. His eyes flowing with madness and menace, Kaiton created a massive light.


It was a Lux that absorbed light around it and generated immense power. Lux magic was the highest level of magic that only a mage who fully understood the attributes of light and darkness could succeed in. Therefore, very few people in the kingdom could create Lux.


Crackle… crackle…


With a fierce and threatening sound, the light of Lux pierced Ondal like thorns.

The stronger the lux’s light grew, the darker the surroundings in turn. First, the dining hall where the two were, then the long corridor, and finally, the Great Hall; they were all stripped of light and plunged into complete darkness.


The power of Lux expanded ferociously, accompanied by a fierce wind like a typhoon. Kaiton’s cape fluttered, and the black cloth that covered Kaiton’s eyes trembled precariously.


Even as the black cloth flew away, Ondal did not release his grip on Kaiton’s neck. He remained focused solely on strangling Kaiton, even as tears streamed down his eyes like he was being blinded.


“Muri…el… is… not… yours….”


Kaiton did not back down either. His face turned red because he was being choked, but he was devoted only to making the light of Lux stronger.


The surroundings became chaotic. People flocked to the dining hall to solve the mysterious darkness. Among them was Muriel. Ondal, who was startled by seeing Muriel emerging from Kaiton’s room through Sharan’s eyes, suddenly let go and fell away from Kaiton in surprise.


Ondal quickly covered his red eyes. Muriel hadn’t even arrived yet, but as if afraid to be seen, he hurriedly scurried away. His movements were swift and fast, as if he’d completely forgotten Kaiton.


“I got you, you little rat…”


Kaiton swept off his disheveled hair and struck coldly. His expression was terrifying enough to blow away the castle.


He should’ve just killed him.

Kaiton accurately caught Ondal’s eyes facing the air for a moment. It meant that contrary to Ondal’s claim that he couldn’t see Muriel, he had been peeking at Muriel through Sharan’s eyes.


Caiten felt an unbearable discomfort. He didn’t like how Muriel pretended to be a meek rabbit in front of her and revealed her true colors in front of him.


As expected… It wasn’t too late even now. Let’s just kill him.

When Kaiton floated the Lux in the air, Muriel’s voice came.


“Kaiton… What’s going on?”

Muriel, as if unaffected by the threatening Lux flashing like lightning, walked straight towards Kaiton.


“I’ve been waiting….”

When Muriel’s soft whisper reached his ears, Lux, which seemed like it wouldn’t disappear until something was broken, cleanly vanished. The surroundings regained their brightness, and a faint smile appeared on Kaiton’s face, which had been crumpled harshly.


“Just a moment… I had something to confirm. Did you come to find me? …Because I didn’t come even though you waited?”


“…Why are you asking that?”


When the words “You know already…” faintly reached his ears, Kaiton smiled brightly and reached out his hand towards Muriel.


“Come. Let’s go up.”



“What are you going to give me?”


Muriel asked, trying not to pay attention to the sound of the door closing behind her. Caiten’s room was unusually quiet. Since the black wizards entered the castle, the castle had always been full of sounds, loud and small, but none of those noises could be heard from his room.


Was it because it was too quiet? Muriel had to be very careful even about swallowing saliva, something she had never consciously thought about before. She even made foolish efforts not to move her Adam’s apple to prevent even the slightest gulp or small sound from reaching Kaiton’s ear.


“What do you want to get? Is there something you’re expecting?”


“You said you had something to give me…! I came because of that. I didn’t have any expectations. I didn’t…”


“Yes, I see.”


You don’t believe me at all. I’m telling you I didn’t! Muriel opened her mouth as if to shout like that, but then let out a deflated sound of defiance and closed her mouth. Kaiton continued to smile as if he was in a good mood. She didn’t want to ruin the good atmosphere, especially since someone who didn’t smile easily was smiling for no reason.


“Hurry… Hurry up and give it to me.”


Muriel spoke a bit bluntly, trying not to stare too much at Kaiton’s smile, which felt somehow playful. However, no matter how bluntly she said it, she couldn’t completely hide her melted anticipation and excitement.


“Can Sharan see even in the darkness?”


“Ah… Yes, Ondal’s eyes can see better in low-light environments.”


Muriel nodded reflexively, puzzled at Ondal’s name, which suddenly popped out.


“Well… I’m not sure about how it is for Sharan’s eyes, but shall we do this for now?”


Kaiton conjured up glowing jellyfish-like creatures around them.

A spectacular view unfolded as the room filled with large and small sources of light.




Muriel, with a look of amazement, exclaimed and looked around the room. Glowing jellyfish seemed to flaot around the room. The lights created long tails as they gracefully swam through the air.


“What is this?”


“Well… claiming ownership?”




“I can’t have a monopoly on it, even if I wanted to.”


Muriel, who’d been watching the floating lights as if possessed, looked back at Kaiton at his mysterious words. Without explaining further, he held out his hand to Muriel, raising the corners of his mouth.


Her heart was pounding.


It was just a gesture, but Muriel’s heart raced with excitement. She couldn’t deny it any longer. The glowing jellyfish were fascinating, the movement of the lights was excessively romantic, and Kaiton, with his enchanting smile, was dangerously beautiful… There was nothing she could do. Muriel cautiously held Kaiton’s hand, putting her other hand on her trembling heart.


Kaiton pulled Muriel’s hand towards him, bringing her close to his side, and created a large magic circle on the ground. Judging by the speed at which pacio coldly escaped from Muriel’s heart area, it seemed like he was casting a rather complex spell.


“What on earth…”


When Muriel looked up at Kaiton at an angle, he smiled meaningfully and gestured towards the front. Unconsciously following his gaze, Muriel saw Fenrir, with its snowy white fur, appear from the magic circle.




Muriel let out a cheer and ran, and Fen, appearing just as she remembered, happily jumped and ran towards Muriel at full speed.


“This is truly a sight I wish I could have seen alone.”


Kaiton murmured quietly as he watched the two’s touching reunion. His gaze was solely on Muriel. Occasionally, Fen would also come bounding towards Kaiton and acted cute, seeking affection, but after a few gentle pats, he would push Fen away, telling him to go back to Muriel.


The two dogs then rolled around on the floor and boomed with joy. Muriel’s pointed eyes went down like they were melted then. It was those things Kaiton wanted to keep to himself. The hearty laughter that burst out like it was scratching her vocal cords, the cheekbones that turned red uncontrollably with joy, and the eyes that occasionally looked back at him, filled with warmth… The miracles he’d created.


They were entirely and forever his.


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. Midori says:

    thanks! FENFENFEN! FEN’S BACC! oohh tension was high in this one! But i wasn’t worried, after all, muriel was nearby ahahaha!

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