The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 06: The Demon King’s Magic Class


Muriel and Rovelia were to stay at the wizards quarters in the Imperial Palace.

Although there was a portal that could transport them from home to the royal palace in an instant, opening the portal required a significant amount of magical energy from the palace wizards.


It was more convenient for them to just stay at the residence instead of using the portals. While it wasn’t entirely reassuring to think that Kaiton was on the top floor of the same residence, Muriel didn’t have to worry about constantly meeting him aside from the schedule.


“From now on, the ladies will be learning white magic.”


From the very next day, Kaiton revealed his plan to find the saint. He didn’t even care that August, who had agreed to help them, hadn’t arrived yet.


“But Saints cannot learn magic, can they? I don’t understand.”


Rovelia asked with a puzzled expression. It was well-known that neither the Sharans nor the Saints could use magic. It wasn’t that magic was entirely impossible for them, but they could only use very basic spells. That’s why priests were designated in the first place – so they could heal and serve Sharan and the Saints, and they even took special measures to protect their divine power from being used on others.


They had an extraordinary amount of Pacio, but were unable to use magic. People believed that it was because the gods did not wish to allow the Saints and Sharan to have the ability to use magic on top of the blessings they already had.


To use Sharan’s eyes and a Saint’s power of Prophecy, an enormous amount of Paico was required, and the restriction of their usage of magic probably meant to not use their energy on trivial tasks, but fulfill their duties.


So Kaiton’s words to teach magic to the saint candidates were understandably hard to comprehend.


“To be a saint, an immense amount of Pacio and prophetic abilities are essential. Both of you ladies lack these. So shouldn’t we consider another way?”


“Another way… so are you suggesting that we learn magic now, Mr. Crawford? I don’t think the Saint will save the kingdom with magic.”


“But aren’t both of you supposed to possess the ability to foresee the future? Otherwise, how will you save the kingdom then? And isn’t it possible that the Saint in the oracle mentions isn’t really an authentic Saint? I want to consider all possibilities.”


“A saint who isn’t actually a saint.. I didn’t know you enjoyed wordplay, Mr. Crawford.”


Rovelia spoke with blatant displeasure, but Kaiton showed no sign of changing his mind.

Well, he must want to teach magic even if it meant feeding them absurd stories. That way, he could subtly push them towards Ur’s sculpture.


Muriel, who knew the contents of the novel, was not particularly surprised because she knew Kaiton’s hidden intentions behind teaching magic to the saint candidates.


But that also didn’t mean she wanted to obediently take the magic lessons. In the novel, Muriel, who was trying to learn magic, burned down Sharan’s mountain in the process. And the price was huge.


“Lady Rovelia and I have no talent for magic. Besides, didn’t you say my Pacio is so pathetic that even a level-3 spell would be enough to turn me into a demon?”


“Then try praying hard, Miss Muriel. Who knows? You’re a saint candidate loved by God, maybe their holiness will come down and increase your power.”


This person is really…

Muriel snapped at Kaiton’s condescending attitude of treating people like fools again.


“When you talk about power, you’re just referring to the magic of a white wizard. You’re not suggesting that if I pray now, the chief wizard will come improve my magic aptitude, are you?”


“Even if your magical talent is non-existent, you don’t seem to have neglected your studies, Miss Muriel.”


Kaiton pursed his lips and fell silent, but it was easy to predict his next unspoken words. His expression seemed to say, “To think you would know things like this, how surprising.”


Goodness, what a hateful brat.


Muriel still found Kaiton intimidating and frightening, but now she found him more annoying. It seemed like he was someone who didn’t know how to speak without being sarcastic.


Since the appearance of the first Ur, Callhan, who plunged the world into chaos, black mages became followers of evil, while white mages became priests of the gods.


However, in truth, they were all just ordinary wizards. White magic borrowed power from the spirits of light, while black magic borrowed power from the spirits of darkness. It just depended on the affinity they were born with.


Unless they were geniuses like Kaiton, most mages could only learn one magic that matched their affinity.


People called black wizards were just unlucky, they were no ‘followers of evil.’


“Besides, I have a water affinity, and Rovelia has a fire affinity. If we both have to learn magic, shouldn’t we learn magic that matches our respective affinities instead of white magic?”


“If you’re going to be the hero who saves Sharan, wouldn’t it be better to use white magic? Besides, you both won’t be able to learn advanced magic that is influenced by magic affinity anyway, so don’t worry.”




“Of course, we will make efforts to stimulate your Pacio to try awakening your saint-like abilities.”


“Is it dangerous?”

Rovelia asked.


“It’s just channeling magic power. By opening up the blocked path of your magic, whether it’s magic or the prophecy of Oracle, you will learn how to do at least one thing. Give me your hand. I will show you directly.”


Rovelia had just cautiously extended her hand when August appeared. He knocked briefly, then confidently strode in as if he didn’t need permission.


“Oh, I was late, wasn’t I?”


August chuckled leisurely, but took to the middle of the room, as if he wouldn’t allow anything to proceed without him.


Eklum was the most affluent among the three Guardian families: Eklum, Pendragon, and Dachini. August was proving that fact with his entire being.


Earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, belts… Expensive-looking jewels adorned his entire body. And as if that wasn’t enough, small gems were delicately scattered throughout the embroidery on his pristine white clothes.


With each step August took, the jewels caught light and sparkled and there was a tinkling sound as the accessories collided. It seemed unlikely that anyone would think of him as a swordsman. He looked more like a musician or a performer. 


He even seemed like a vagabond who passed his time teasing women crossing the street.

“No, Lord Eklum. We were just about to start. Welcome.”


Rovelia quickly withdrew the hand that she had reached out to Kaiton and approached August, welcoming him.


“I feel relieved that Lady Rovelia welcomes me. I was worried I might be hated for intruding on this whole thing uninvited, as it might’ve caused you two discomfort.”

August was good at saying things he didn’t mean. He didn’t seem worried or intimidated at all. His smiling face was fully confident that he would be loved anywhere.


“That’s not true. It’s so reassuring to have you with us. Lord Eklum also helped me a lot back in my academy days.”


“…It was nothing special, but you remembered.”

“Of course. At that time, August… Oh!”


After addressing August by his name like a friend, Rovelia seemed to be belatedly realize her mistake and covered her mouth, pretending to be surprised.


“I’m sorry, Lord Eklum.”


Blushing as if embarrassed, Rovelia lowered her eyelashes and appeared like nothing but a lovely young lady, extremely delighted to see her old friend.


Even though there was nothing particularly wrong about it, Muriel’s stomach started to churn again.



Muriel carefully covered her mouth with her hand and took refuge by the window. Opening it slightly and breathing in the fresh air helped calm her stomach down.


“Call me August, Rovelia.”

“But now you’re the little master of Eklum….”

“Before that, aren’t we classmates from the Academy? Formalities are awkward between old friends, aren’t they, Muriel?”


“No, I… Uh…!”


She wanted to tell him to address her properly since they weren’t friends, but when she met Rovelia’s sparkling eyes, it made her feel even more nauseous. Muriel was forced to nod since it seemed like Rovelia was going to come over and hold her hand or something.


“It feels reassuring to be with friends. I was worried about having to suddenly learn white magic…”


“White magic? What are you talking about, Rovelia?”

August’s smiling face hardened as he sharply questioned her, and Rovelia cautiously responded while glancing at Kaiton. She had an embarrassed and awkward expression, as if she’d unintentionally snitched.


“Mr. Crawford said we might not be saints, so we should learn magic.”

“What is this nonsense, Crawford?”


Kaiton’s face displayed an obvious expression of annoyance.


“Sir Eklum’s duty is to just assist me well. I have already explained the details to the young ladies.”


“Answer me, Crawford. I’ve never heard something as absurd as a saint learning magic. Are you intentionally refusing to fulfill Sharan’s command to find the saint?”


“Well… I have no obligation to answer to Lord Eklum, but since you claim to be the protector of the young ladies, I will tell you.”


Kaiton was pointing out that Rovelia was subtly shifting her work onto August, but it seemed that he didn’t understand. Muriel felt unfairly caught in the middle, but since she was secretly hoping August would win, she didn’t say anything.


“What we should focus on in the oracle is not the appearance of the saint.”


“Then what is it?”


“The birth of the hero who will save the kingdom.”




It sounded forced to Muriel, who knew of Kaiton’s schemes, but August seemed sincerely lost in thought at that.


He must have fallen for Kaiton’s audacious confidence.

The room fell silent. Rovelia and August were deeply absorbed in their own thoughts.


Kaiton approached Muriel and closed the window she had quietly opened.


“Are you feeling unwell?”


He whispered in Muriel’s ear.

He had noticed that she had sneaked away to the window to calm her restlessness.



Her voice cracked as she answered, taking a step away from him. Unconsciously, she became tense again.


It wasn’t fear that made her nervous. No, it wasn’t that. She didn’t feel fear like someone overwhelmed by terror. It was more like the feeling of irritation or frustration exploding, similar to the instinctual response of a deer whose sense of danger was triggered.


“There’s no such thing.”

“Is that so? Then let’s begin. Hold my hand, Miss Muriel. I will help you channel your magic.”


She couldn’t think of any excuse to escape the situation. Helplessly, she held Kaiton’s hand. Immediately, his magic flowed through their joined hands. It felt different from before.


It was like immersing her body in water. At first, the weight of the water was light, but it gradually became heavier. She felt her breath being taken away. It was as if she was being swept away by huge waves. There was no visible escape from the pressure of the water pressing against her heart from all sides.


As Muriel struggled and gasped for breath, August approached.


“Take it slow. Muriel is not accustomed to magic, so it’s not good to overwhelm her from the beginning.”


Kaiton dangerously narrowed his eyes and increased the flow of magic pouring into Muriel. A blue radiance, filled with madness, flickered in his dark eyes.


It felt like she was drowning in his hostility.

The more it happened, the tighter Muriel held his hand and tried to persevere. She didn’t want to show any signs of fear.





As Muriel’s last breath escaped her, August startled and separated the two. Muriel leaned against August’s chest, gasping for air, while August held on to her shoulders.


Hack… Haa… Haa….”


It seemed like August was growling something from above, but Muriel couldn’t hear it clearly – her ears were filled with only the sound of her harsh breaths.


“What the hell are you doing? Why is Muriel having such a hard time?!”


“Don’t interfere.”


“Please be reasonable. Muriel is different from the wizards in the tower. What if something goes wrong?!”


“Wouldn’t you like to know?”


Kaiton raised the corners of his mean mouth. As he reached out his hand, August slid back. It was as if the wind was pushing August’s body, and the ground was pulling him backward.



Rovelia rushed towards Auguste, who had fallen against the wall, shouting in alarm.

Haa.. we shouldn’t make a fuss… should we?”

“There’s something we need to discuss privately, Miss Muriel.”


Kaiton forcefully pulled Muriel, who was still gasping for breath, closer. He whispered in her ear with a cruel smile.


“What kind of magic is cast on you?”


Magic? A thunderous thought crossed Muriel’s mind as she furrowed her brows at his strange words.


Transmigration into a novel!

Wasn’t there some kind of magic required for her to come to this world, to become Muriel?

If that were the case, she definitely didn’t want Kaiton to find out.


“W-What… are you… talking about…!”

“No doubt about it. Forbidden ancient magic is hanging over your body. What could it be?”



“What on earth is your true identity, Muriel Storm?”


Bullies two young women about their shitty magic aptitude, bullies them further by making them take a magic class, beats up former classmate who wants to help, refuses to elaborate.


Kaiton Ur is truly a villain and that’s why I love him (I have questionable tastes)


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


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