The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 39: Rendezvous In Dreams (1)


“Goodnight, Fen.”


..What should she say to Jaron tomorrow?

…Will the expenses be okay after paying for the broken inn’s repairs?

…What if Fen goes to Kaiton to report after she finds the second piece?


She lied down, but was unable to easily fall asleep because worries kept creeping up her mind. Just then, the bed seemed to tilt to one side, and a cold energy enveloped Muriel.


It was Fen.


“Wha… you’re going to sleep here?”


Even when she tried to push him away, the creature that had already wrapped itself around Muriel didn’t budge.


It would have been fine if it were summer, but the night wind was too chilly to sleep surrounded by ice. As Muriel struggled to break free, the creature growled, revealing its teeth. Sigh. Momentarily distracted by its audacious attitude, Muriel’s mind wandered, and the beast, as if determined not to let go of the opportunity, nestled Muriel deeper into its fur.


“Ugh… You’re not even a snake, don’t suffocate me!”




She was going to catch a cold like this tomorrow.

She’ll feel stiff, too.

Her throat might get sore and make her lose her voice too.


When the cold and soft sensation touched her skin, all the worries that were buzzing in her head vanished. The comforting feeling of the soft fur supporting her body was also pleasant.


Sigh… I don’t even know anymore. Is it okay if it’s only one night?”



Look at him getting angry for no reason. He resembles someone.


Muriel stretched out, letting out a yawn. It was still cold, but it didn’t seem like she would have trouble sleeping. Even though she’d never been in one, maybe this was what the coziness of an igloo feltlike. Plus she really wanted to sleep now. It’d been a long time.

“Sleep well, Fen…”


Ssh… As Muriel’s breathing became regular and the hand that was gently stroking his fur slowed down, Fen pitifully whimpered and burrowed into Muriel’s embrace. Licking her cheek as if to reveal his affection, he pressed his face against hers. Then, as if not wanting to let go at all, he held Muriel even tighter.


That night.

Muriel had a nightmare.


It was Kaiton’s magic.


“Foolish idiot.”


Kaiton muttered while waiting for Muriel. The fact that the magic had succeeded meant that Muriel still had Fen by her side.


He had clearly told her that Fen had his magic in him. Muriel had to be cautious of Kaiton. She should have driven away the white beast that could serve as a medium to prevent him from casting magic.


But because of her foolish nosiness, she pretended to not know. Thanks to that, Muriel fell into the nightmare he created.


Kaiton intended to comb through Muriel’s fears. He wanted to prevent her from ever uttering the words that she would save the Demon King so brazenly again.


Kaiton patiently waited as Muriel approached from a distance. Despite shivering, Muriel walked confidently towards Kaiton with straight steps.


Step by step.


As Muriel got closer, the back of his neck stiffened. Even though he couldn’t feel the cold, his body involuntarily shivered from the eerie goosebumps that appeared on him. His scalp tightened, pulling back the muscles in his face.


“Hello, Muriel.”


He said hello as if he was relaxed, but he was worried that his expression didn’t appear as natural as he hoped. Only then did he have no choice but to admit that he became nervous as soon as he saw Muriel.


He feared that Muriel would shake him up with unexpected words once again.


The more his fear grew, the more hostile the space surrounding the two became. The blizzard raged so intensely that it was impossible to keep one’s eyes open, and the cutting wind sliced through their bodies, leaving them unable to regain their balance.




Finally, Muriel, dressed in thin nightwear, stumbled and fell down. Her bare feet, stepping on the snow, were so frozen that they turned blue and were split open, bleeding red.


It wasn’t just her feet. In front of the merciless wind, the thin nightwear was nothing but a useless rag, leaving Muriel’s entire body covered in frostbite.




Only then did his reason suddenly return. Why was he so afraid when facing someone so small and shabby? When he saw Muriel shivering uncontrollably, the raging emotions in his mind gradually subsided. He felt a bitter taste in his mouth. Kaiton quickly withdrew all the sharp thorns he had sharpened in his mind before feeling any more unpleasant.


The wind, which had been blowing fiercely as if it would blow away the entire world, disappeared. The landscape that had just been like a war transformed into a peaceful scene. The snow, illuminating everything around, seemed warm and cozy.


“…Do you know where we are?”




Kaiton asked without thinking and immediately regretted it.


This place was a manifestation of his subconscious, but it resembled somewhere. His hometown. The place where he and Muriel first met.


A home covered in cold winds and snow all year round, the homeland of the exiled. The plateau.




Muriel, as if suddenly spirited, quickly raised her collapsed body. Kaiton concealed his nervousness the whole time, and only his dry lips trembled to give any sign away.


Even though Muriel couldn’t remember the plateau, and even though he had confirmed it several times, it was his perennial weakness that he couldn’t help but anxiously await her answer, since he was unable to ask for years.


“Is this a dream?”




“It is, right? We’re here in a dream.”

Kaiton was momentarily stunned by the unexpected response, and Muriel, as if she had anticipated his reaction, irritably brushed her hair back.


“I didn’t expect you to figure it out so quickly…”


“Who do you think I am, a fool? Damn it…! What kind of nonsense dream is this…!”


Muriel glared at him with axed eyes as if making sure he didn’t miss a word.


Just a moment ago, her face had turned white as if she was about to collapse, but as soon as she stood in front of Kaiton, she became so confident. While she curled up and cowered at the slightest breeze, she stared at him with a fierce expression, as if she could devour him. Only Kaiton was the recipient of that intimidating gaze.


As if she wasn’t afraid of Kaiton at all.


“How did you know it was a dream?”


Perhaps still suffering from the cold, Muriel hugged her trembling body and glared fiercely.

Her lips twitched several times, as if hesitating whether to speak or not. Finally, with a deeply furrowed brow, as if there was no other choice but to answer, she replied.


“…Because it hurts!”

“…it hurts? Where?”


“Where? Everywhere! It feels like my whole body is being stabbed and stung by a needle. It’s unbearable not to faint, damn it…! It doesn’t hurt when it’s not a dream… The pain… It’s been hurting for so long. It’s so painful right now… this is so scary.”


While Muriel was nonchalant when she casually lied, at times she was overly honest. As if it didn’t take any effort to open up and show her true feelings, she narrowed the distance with her friendly demeanor.



Kaiton shuddered in thrill at his late success.


No matter what he did, she wouldn’t bat an eye, but Muriel was now about to shed tears as if she was truly sad.


He hadn’t even started in earnest yet. Muriel seemed to be barely holding back the urge to sob. Kaiton’s heart swelled with excitement.


“Yeah. This is a dream. Anything is possible in our dream.”


Did Muriel notice the deep satisfaction underlying Kaiton’s low voice? She drew a straight line on her forehead and let out a deep sigh.


“But isn’t this lacking realism? At this point, I should have no sensation in my feet because of frostbite. It’s weird that I still feel this stinging sensation as if walking on knives.”


For someone in pain, she seemed quite calm in her complaint.


“Now, please get rid of it quickly.”

Muriel demanded as if it was only natural.


“I don’t know what kind of magic this is… but it’s Crawford’s dream, right? I understood your intentions well. I’m not going to casually say things like I’ll say the Demon King anymore. Now, please let me wake up.”




With Muriel’s groan, a massive ice pillar emerged and bound her body. The ice pillar was as huge as Kaiton’s irritation.


Muriel struggled in panic, but the sharp ice tore her skin apart. Kaiton approached Muriel, now at eye level.


“You act as if you know everything, Muriel, even though you know absolutely nothing…”

“Why… what is wrong with you? Hurry up and release me… let go! It hurts, Crawford!”


Muriel sobbed and twisted her body, angrily calling out his name.

Perhaps because she’d been immune to pain until now, Muriel was greatly surprised by even the slightest discomfort, causing her body to jolt.




Upon hearing that fake name, Kaiton felt an uncontrollable rage. Then he felt relieved knowing that this was a dream. Because there was no need to hold back anymore. This place was his own space where he could do anything he wanted.


“Look, Muriel. You don’t know anything. I am not Crawford.”




Muriel, who had been persistently struggling, turned pale and looked back at him.


“I am Kaiton Ur.”




“The same demon you said you would help.”


“Why… why…”



Muriel’s eyelashes, frozen in place without even a breath, trembled pitifully.


“Oh, my… Are you scared, Muriel?”


Kaiton raised the corner of his mouth mockingly, but he couldn’t help feeling displeased. She said she would help. And yet what a frightened look she had on her face when the demon was in front of her.


He didn’t trust Muriel in the first place, but…

Still, he felt pathetic for being shaken even for a moment.


Muriel was just a liar.


“You always give false hope with your sweet words.”


So, without realizing it, words of resentment slipped out. Well, it didn’t matter anyway.


This was his little room, which worked the way he wanted.

Once she woke up from this dream, Muriel would forget everything.


Because that’s how he was going to make it happen.


“And I become foolish again. I trust you, am disappointed, and get hurt.”




“I won’t be dragged around by you anymore.”


“…I’ve been wanting to ask for a while now, but by chance, did we know each other before?”


“That’s right. You forgot, though.”




Muriel would be honest at times, but Kaiton could only be honest here. Otherwise, he would cling to false hopes again. He confided in her because he would erase this moment with his own hands. It was because of his sincere fear of letting his true feelings escape and run wild that he’d had for a long time.


“I waited for you, Mure.”

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


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