The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 29: Arson (2)


“That… Because of the potion….”

In truth, Muriel’s heart was pounding with the desire to shout ‘I love you!’ to Kaiton from the moment they reunited.


That Bloody love potion. She thought it was a romantic in the store, but now she realized it was nothing but a source of shame and misery.


Her whole body and heart yearned for Kaaiton, so she felt restless. However, when Kaiton suddenly brought up the topic of the potion, it felt like a stab in the heart. It was as if her innermost feelings had been exposed. A curse, torment. Actually, she wasn’t even registering half the things he said.


She wanted to reach out to Kaiton, touch him, whisper her love to him, and mix their breaths together. She was too busy pretending to be fine because of the sticky and humid thoughts that consumed her. They had kissed, so the desire for carnal or physical love should have ended, but it seemed that Muriel’s love wasn’t as noble and sacred as she had thought.


“If it’s bothersome that I’m clinging onto you, then you can just quickly release it.”


While saying that he should just say “those words,” Muriel hoped her words would sound as businesslike and brusue as possible. To make it sound like she was saying that she only wanted to hear the words I love you to eliminate the effects of the potion. Otherwise, it felt like he would catch some secret wish of hers.


To want to hear the words I love you from a man known as the Demon King. Of course, it was because of the potion’s effect, but still, she couldn’t help feeling awkward and embarrassed.


“If you think you can tease me because you caught me, then give up. My love seems quite radical, and even now, I’m barely holding back from doing something drastic.”


Muriel lowered her head deeply. Even though she knew his heart wouldn’t be like that, she couldn’t help but feel strangely excited, thinking that she would soon hear his confession of love.


Damn it, damn it.


Even though she knew that her excitement, anticipation, and intense desires were all influenced by the potion, separating emotions from reason was not an easy task. She clearly knew it wasn’t her own feelings, yet they felt sincere, vivid, and distinct. Was magic really this great and dangerous?


Suddenly, a chilling suspicion arose, wondering if she’d fallen into another spell without realizing it. But would she be able to notice it now?


“Doesn’t it matter?”


It was then.

Kaiton’s voice pulled Muriel, who was worried if the ancient magic hanging on her was the kind that controlled her mind and spirit, back to reality.


“Isn’t it okay even if the magic of the potion isn’t released? You said you don’t feel any pain anyway.”


Kaiton asked with a sly smile. Seeing his mischievous expression, it was clear that he was enjoying her frustration and that he was up to something. What could it be this time?


“Or do you feel pain in your heart?”


“Do I look like a stone golem or a demon to you? I have a heart, so of course it’ll hurt if it’s afflicted with the potion.”


What kind of question was that? Muriel glared at Kaiton angrily and responded nervously. It may have been intentional, but it was still a great insult to her.


“So If I tell you I will never love you, ever, it does hurt you. Is that what you mean?”


“I’m also a person, you know.”


It was frustrating that she had to pretend to not know Kaiton was Kaiton. If only that wasn’t the case, she would have retorted, ‘If you’re a human being treated like a demon king, then you should know that well!’


“You may not feel physical pain, but you do feel emotional pain. I’ll keep that in mind.”


“Seems like you’re planning to torture me later.”


“Well, it’s just that for you, despair, anger, betrayal, and fear would be more effective than physical pain.”


The black eyes that stared at her without avoiding seemed to say, ‘I now know how to break you.’


So Muriel smiled confidently as she raised her chin. It was a look that said, ‘Go ahead and try.’


“Not really. I’m not afraid.”


For some reason, she didn’t want to lose to Kaiton, and she had a strong conviction that she wouldn’t lose to him.


<Muriel dies by Kaiton’s hands, and is resurrected as the demon king.>


The Muriel in the novel had a tragic death and a shocking process of corruption. But now, she was her, she felt like she could create a different ending.


“Mr. Crawford has no obligation to undo the magic of the potion cast on me. It can’t be helped if you don’t help me. But, you must be prepared.”


Because being a pushover wasn’t her style.

Love was no different.


“From now on, I’ll cling to you, make up my mind to seduce you, and confess my love for you all day, everyday. Will that be okay?”


“…Is that a confession? Or a threat?”


“Think about that yourself.”


“So  it’s a threat.”


Kaiton responded clearly, as if he didn’t even need to think about it. She thought about acting sweeter, but it was too late. Besides, she couldn’t play with words like Rovelia and the other young ladies. Even if she was a bit ignorant, she was always someone who could only be straightforward.


“By the way, Mr. Crawford. I don’t have a problem. As you know, my love for you is not my own will, but merely a result of a spell. But what would you do if you fall for me?”


“Me? Fall for you?”


Kaiton asked back incredulously. It was both embarrassing and uncomfortable to face someone who exuded such displeasure with all their body. Suddenly, a sense of shame washed over her, but in situations like this, it was best to be brazen.


Muriel made an effort to hold her chin up so as to not feel intimidated in front of Kaiton, who was more beautiful than most beauties. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel like hiding her hair behind her flowing hair forever and never face him again, but since things had turned out this way, this was how it had to be.


“That won’t happen.”


“You don’t know that. Anyone can be swayed by someone who is determined to show their affection.”


“Not me.”


“You haven’t experienced it.”



“Someone following you around because they like you. You’ve never experienced it before. So you wouldn’t understand.”




“So let’s say, hypothetically, Crawford starts to like me. The moment your feelings are revealed to me, the magic will be lifted. I won’t love you anymore. That kind of relationship, it’s a tragedy.”


“It is a tragedy indeed,” murmured Kaiton, and Muriel finally wore a triumphant smile. She thought Kaiton agreed and would say the magic words as she asked.


“So don’t regret it later and just say it quickly. That… those words, I mean.”


“The ending that a potion brings is always a tragedy. It seems like a great delusion was one of them.”



“I already told you. There will never be a day when I fall in love with you.”


As Muriel let out a short sigh, realizing her own delusion, Kaiton firmly added, “Never.”



Kaiton and Muriel’s gazes intertwined.


Kaiton stared into Muriel’s eyes for a while, as if contemplating something. Muriel, who had lost the strength to resist his eyes under the love potion’s magic, blushed and met his gaze.




The surroundings were so quiet that even the sound of Muriel’s hair swaying in the wind could be heard. Every subtle sound and movement he made seemed to stimulate Muriel’s nerves, as if he was showing off his overwhelming presence. In particular, it seemed like even the very minor movements she made were caught in the black eyes fixed at her.


As they engaged in a silent staring contest for a while, she remembered the first time she met Kaiton. How his deep, black eyes seemed to absorb and annihilate all the light around them, like a black hole. The intense gaze directed at her was so piercing that it made her feel strange even during their first encounter.


Thump, thump, thump.


That time felt so far away.

And suddenly, a feeling of longing arose.


There was nothing to miss from that past encounter. But as if she had left something precious behind in the past, a tender and melancholic emotion spread within her.


Kaiton was a man who stimulated instincts and emotions in Muriel that she didn’t even know about. When Muriel vaguely realized this and her lips trembled with impatience, Kaiton, who had made up his mind, spoke up.


“Muriel Storm.”


His voice was very low and soft. If one didn’t pay attention, it would sound like the wind echoing through a cave. However, despite the rustling sound of her hair brushing against her ears, Muriel, who was on edge, heard Kaiton’s voice clearly. As if she’d been waiting for that voice alone.


“I love you.”


The magical words that released the spell of the elixir.

He decided to set Muriel free.


She should feel relieved, shouldn’t she? She should feel refreshed and have a clear mind. Instead, Muriel felt numb.




As if she didn’t want to lose the magic of the elixir, she even felt a strange sense of loss. Kaiton, who was still silently looking at Muriel’s face, seemed to confirm the magic was being unraveled in her eyes and then turned away without hesitation.




Muriel hurriedly asked, afraid that he might suddenly leave.


“Why did you tell me? You acted as if you were going to leave me in despair.”


“…Is there a problem?”


“Scared… did you get scared? You were afraid, weren’t you? Afraid that you might fall in love with me.”


Kaiton turned away plainly.. Not because he succumbed to Muriel’s feeble provocation, but rather, like a scholar who had no choice but to answer in order to clarify the situation.


“I was just weighing the pros and cons. The pain I would suffer was greater than the enjoyment I would get from watching your despair. I’m not strong enough to endure false confessions of love all the time.”


“Is that really the only reason?”

“Do I need another reason?”


It tasted bitter. She thought it would be at least a little sweet hearing him say I love you. But the love Kaiton spoke of was bitter, lonely, and fierce.


Before Muriel could ask Kaiton anything else, she heard a loud explosion in the distance, accompanied by flames shooting up.


“Isn’t that the direction of Sharan’s Palace?”

Muriel’s voice, as she recalled the arson incident in the novel, became anxious. In the novel, it was something Muriel did to test her powers. But who set fire to the Sharan’s mountains now?


“That’s a forest fire, right? Kai… T… No, it’s not Mr. Crawford, is it?”


No one else besides Kaiton came to mind when thinking about who would dare to set fire to the mountains protected by the law.


“Why would I do such a thing?”


The flames were massive. The black night turned as red as a sunset. However, even in the face of this colossal disaster, Kaiton remained nonchalant. He briefly glanced at the flames with disinterest and replied casually.


“Well, yeah. Who would be crazy enough to set fire to the cherished mountains of Sharan? I guess I’ll have to see what’s going on.”


“Why you?”


“I have something to check.”


there was previously a slight mistranslation error about the Murishi, the Murishi eat monsters not demons. the korean words are kinda similar so uhhh haha

but for clarificiation:

Monsters: corrupted spirits

demons: humans whose pacio have been taken away and are turned into demons who in turn steal others pacio

its all been fixed though!

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. Nova says:

    Oh how I love their twisted affection. They’re both so miserable and I like it.

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