The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 22: Murishi, The Species That Eats Monsters (8)


Kaiton’s visit to Muriel’s room was an impulsive decision. When Muriel, who had gone to her territory and returned with a fragment of Ur in her arms, he could feel it.


She used the fragment again.


He couldn’t hold back and rushed out. How much did she use? How much was left of her Pacio? This was the second time, but she might soon become a demon. He couldn’t stay still because his curiosity was gnawing at him.


And fortunately, her pacio was still fine.

Her Pacio was still as small and insignificant as ever, but not enough to turn her into a demon right away.


In fact, Muriel’s Pacio had completely disappeared after using Ur’s fragment and then reappeared, and it was more than the last time he checked. However, by Kaiton’s standard, the amount was so minimal both times that it looked the same.


In addition, he felt embarrassed and confused at thinking the situation was fortunate, so he overlooked the slight difference that he would not have missed normally.


To think it was a relief.

Kaiton was perplexed by his own sense of relief.


However, the frequency of touching Ur’s fragment was a lot faster than he’d expected. Did she not know how pathetic her pacio was? When he saw Muriel holding the fragment of Ur behind her back like a child hiding a candy she didn’t want to be taken away, irritation surged within Kaiton.


Was he worried that Muriel might become a demon or that she might not? He couldn’t figure it out either.


Anyways, it was certain that he didn’t want to see Ur’s fragment being carried around like candy anymore.


“…Good talismans have a good sensitivityl, so they naturally communicate with Pacio without conscious effort.”




When Muriel looked up, her gaze met Kaiton’s piercing stare. Kaiton, having confirmed what he needed, let go of the hand he was holding.


“So, just by being close to the body, the talismans can protect the owner’s pacio. Even without the owner’s will, the talismans freely visit pacio and exert their influence.”


She wondered what he was talking about, but soon understood that the good talisman Kaiton was talking about was the piece of Ur.


“What a troublesome thing. To touch someone else’s pacio without even being used. But I can’t just throw it away either.”


Kaiton smirked. He also understood that the troublesome thing Muriel was talking about was Ur’s fragment.


“If it’s a talisman you can’t handle, you can put it in Nihil.”




That was something Muiel had never heard of before.


“It’s a storage box made of calamity stone. It has the property of blocking magic power, so it’s also used for the transportation of high-level talismans. A talisman with pacio is a consumable item, so it’s also used to ensure the quality doesn’t deteriorate during transportation.”




If such an item existed, it was exactly what Muriel needed. If she had known from the beginning, she wouldn’t have buried the fragment in the ground, and been robbed by the Murishi.


“If you keep a Nihil close by, it becomes difficult to manipulate magic power due to its property of blocking it. But I suppose that doesn’t matter to Miss Muriel. Your magical abilities are already quite impressive, aren’t they?”


He was a man who had a knack for preventing any words of gratitude coming out for him


“The only flaw is the astronomical price. But the two talismans that lady Muriel possesses would be enough.”


Kaiton pointed to the two brooches hanging on Muriel’s chest. They were gifts from August.


“This is…”


Kaiton was probably suggesting she sell them because he didn’t know that these prooches were a gift from August. But Muriel didn’t feel comfortable selling something given to her by a friend. Wouldn’t the Storms have that kind of money anyway? How expensive could that item be?


Kaiton furrowed his brow when she hesitated and then explained.


“Calamity stones are rare materials that can only be found occasionally after the star of calamity falls. If you miss the timing, you may have to wait another six years until the next star rises. I happen to know a place that deals with Nihil, so let’s go there.”


“You’ll tell me the store?”


Surprised by the unexpected kindness, Muriel asked, and Kaiton raised an eyebrow as if asking if there was a problem.


“There is only one place in the kingdom that makes Nihils which completely block magic, so be careful not to purchase them anywhere else.”




Muriel was taken aback. Could Nihil be a wicked item that accelerates the theft of one’s pacio? If not, she couldn’t understand why Kaiton was so actively helping her.


“…Let’s go together tomorrow. It’s a dangerous place to go alone, and the route is complicated, so it’s better to have a guide.”


“What? No, you don’t have to…”


“You have to pay the price up-front, so make sure to bring those talismans. See you tomorrow.”


“Wait, Mr. Crawford…!”


Kaiton disappeared as if his business was done as soon as he finished his words. It was fortunate to have learned about Nihil’s existence, but Muriel didn’t think she’d be going shopping for it alongside Kaiton…?


“Isn’t this really a trap?”


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


“Are you ready?”


“But are you really coming with me?”


Actually, she didn’t even need to ask. Kaiton was dressed in plain black clothes, abandoning the uniform of the palace, clearly showing he really was going with her. He wore a black satin cloak and had a sword strapped to his belt. He looked solidly prepared.


“You’d better put on a robe. It’s best not to show your face where we’re going.”




“We’re going to the underground market outside the border. All sorts of lawless people roam there. They often pick fights for no reason when they see a pretty woman. I want to go as quietly as possible, so pull the hood of your robe down deeply.”


In that case, it would be better for Kaiton to cover his face too, but he only wore the cloak and had no way to hide his face. And, calling her a pretty woman…


‘…Is he teasing me?’


Muriel quickly retrieved a dark-colored robe from her room.

When she was alone for a moment, she let out a deep sigh. To think she was considering going to the lawless border zone with Kaiton. It seemed too reckless.


“Today might be the last day of my life.”


However, the urge to use the fragment of Ur grew stronger by the day. If there was Nihil, which could completely block magic, wouldn’t it be somewhat better?


“Well, it’ll work out somehow.”


Muriel, who was not only fearless but also lacked a plan, stood next to Kaiton after uttering irresponsible words.


“Shall we go?”


Saying that, Kaiton pulled Muriel’s hand towards the window. The place where the two of them were was the 8th floor of the castle. Was he planning to push her to her death here?


“Hold on tight. If you fall, I’m not going to catch you”


While Muriel was fumbling, Kaiton pulled her waist and leaped out of the window at once without hesitation.



She thought they would fall, but the two of them floated in the air. It felt as if gravity had spared only the two of them, allowing them to move freely.


“…Am I flying?”


“We’re walking on the wind.”


“We’re walking on the wind?! ..No way!”


Kaiton rode the wind, and when the speed began to decrease, he leaped forward with a light movement. The speed was so fast that it almost blew off the hood of Muriel’s robe.


“Wow…! It’s amazing!”


Muriel’s face, which had been tense, quickly brightened up. She always had a nonchalant and sour expression, but walking in the sky fascinated her, making her eyes sparkle with childlike joy.


“Stick close to me. If you let go, you’ll fall.”


Kaiton stared at Muriel and pulled her waist closer. However, Muriel was too absorbed in looking around to notice that they were pressed tightly together.


Kaiton, who had been silently looking ahead with a straight face, finally spoke.


“…You’re not easily scared.”


“No. It’s pleasant.”


“…Aren’t you afraid?”


“Well, not really.”




Kaiton’s cloak fluttered in the refreshing wind, and Muriel’s hair swayed. Kaiton had a somewhat regretful expression. Muriel knew that the moment he let go of his hand, it would result in a fall, but the excitement of experiencing something new didn’t easily fade away.


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


“Ah… It’s the land. We’re on land.”


Murie slumped to the floor and kneeled down as soon as Kaiton landed gracefully. After hanging in the air for a long three hours, she felt nauseous. Her legs were shaky, and her body felt like jelly.


“Wear your robe properly. We don’t want to show our faces to the people we’ll meet here.”


Kaiton stood upright, looking pitifully at Muriel, who was stumbling and groaning. He was the one who flew and carried Muriel half-way, but it was Muriel who ended up exhausted.


“There’s a shop this far away? Where the hell are we?”


Muriel could only tell that they were somewhere in the north.


“If we go further north from here, we’ll reach the entrance to the plateau.”

“The entrance to the plateau… Isn’t it close to the Montier estate that belongs to the Pendragon Region? It would have been easier if we could have used a portal to travel.”


Then she wouldn’t have had to cling onto Kaiton for three hours.


“Black magic is essential for creating a perfect Nihil. You can’t just open a portal to buy such an item. Besides, I’m already misunderstood as someone who uses black magic.”




Since when did he start being cautious?


Muriel stood up, giving Kaiton a resentful glance, who pretended not to be a black wizard only in situations like this. Her legs were shaky, but she could still walk.


Thinking that Muriel was ready to go, Kaiton took out a black mask from his pocket and put it on. It was a plain black mask made with glossy, black silk, and with his all-black attire and the mask, he truly looked like a villain.


To think he was complaining like it was unfair to be mistaken for a black wizard when he went around like this.





Muriel, who almost called him Kaiton for a moment, bit her lips. No matter how exhausted she was, she needed to pull herself together. Muriel Storm. Get a hold of yourself. The day you call him Kaiton, you’ll be given a death sentence.


“Kai… Mr. Kai Crawford.”


“…What is it?”

It was fortunate that Kaiton came up with his alias without insincerity. As if she had intended to call him Kai from the beginning, Muriel awkwardly continued her halted sentence.


“That mask of yours. You look like a bad person, you know.”


She wanted to say he looked like a black wizard. She wanted to say, ‘You’re blatantly dressing up like a demon lord’.  But when she tried to say it in a gentle manner, Kaiton flicked his cloak and went ahead as if he didn’t care.


“I know.”


“…I don’t think you really do…”


Grumble, grumble.


Muriel followed along, grumbling to herself, but Kaiton turned back with a questioning look, as if asking what she was doing.


“Stay close. Didn’t I say there are dangerous people wandering around here?”


“Look, you have no idea. The most dangerous person here is saying it’s dangerous here…”


“What are you whispering about?”


“Oh, nothing. I’m coming. …You have sharp ears.”


“…What is it?”


“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.”




Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


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