The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

EP: 113


“Muriel, did you eat? There’s a lot of your favorite fruits today… If you don’t feel like eating anything else… try fruits or even soup. You should eat… it’ll give you energy.”


When Muriel asked something, Ondal had no choice but to tell the truth. Just as no one hid their heart while praying to the moon, Ondal found it impossible to hide his heart from Muriel.


So he wanted to turn the subject around and pretend not to know, but Muriel kept staring at him. Her lips were closed in a straight line, and her eyes were nervously raised. She was even touching her temple as if she’d had a headache. Muriel’s visible discomfort made Ondal’s mouth turn ashy, but he did not want to tell her about Kaiton’s whereabouts.


Though he couldn’t agree with his methods and thought he was wrong, Ondal knew that Kaiton was only trying to help Muriel. At present, Kaiton was the only one who could help her.


Ondal couldn’t figure out what to do when he cared for a person. It was an immensely difficult problem for him, who’d never been able to truly form human relationships throughout his life. Should he help Muriel do what she wanted, even if he knew she would get hurt, or should he protect and save her even if it meant going against her will?


Kaiton seemed determined to protect Muriel even if it meant being hated by her, but Ondal still couldn’t decide on an answer.


It’s so difficult…


Muriel’s eyes were dark and sunken. It seemed like she hadn’t been able to sleep properly. Her eyes, once always shining with curiosity and vitality, now appeared empty and dull. Muriel’s eyes, which had lost their light, reminded him of his time in the underground prison.


Yes…he mustn’t tell her. He had to protect Muriel first. When he made up his mind like that, Muriel called Ondal’s name in a soft sigh-like voice. The first gift he’d ever received since he was born. The name she gave him.




Come here. Muriel stretched out her weak hand as if saying so. Ah, he shouldn’t react. If Muriel asked, he would have no choice but to answer.. It would be better to just run away… Even though he thought that way, Ondal obediently responded. Approaching quickly, he took Muriel’s hand, and to be extra cautious, he positioned himself as a human cane to support her.


Muriel smiled as she looked at Ondal and playfully squeezed his hand. Her grip was so weak that it made his heart ache even more.


“I… thanks to some strange power, I can foresee disasters in the future, but I can’t prevent many of them. Even though I know bad things will happen, I’m powerless to stop them… I can only watch helplessly.”


Ondal understood that feeling better than anyone else.


“I want to protect Kaiton. I can’t helplessly watch when he is in danger… I want to do everything I can to save him and keep him by my side. Help me… tell me where he is now.”


“If Kaiton collects other people’s pacio… both you and him can survive.”


Ondal closed his eyes tightly. Even now, when he closed his eyes, he could see Kaiton clearly. At his fingertips were the faces of terrified people screaming. It was horrible, but… if he could close his eyes once more, Muriel would live.


“Then he will suffer. Kaiton… on the days he attended funerals… he never felt good. Even if he tried to conceal it, he couldn’t hide his despondency. He couldn’t sleep for long, but when he finally fell asleep, he couldn’t sleep deeply and kept waking up from bad dreams.”




“I told you before that Kaiton is not a Devil.. He’s a good person… I don’t want to let him do things he’ll regret again.”


Help me. Muriel said to help her – Ondal had no power to turn her away. It was Ondal’s duty to be swept along with Muriel’s actions. No one could change the moon. Even if the moon waned, there was no other way but to patiently wait for the full moon to return without impatience.


“Kaiton is… in a place where demons pour down like a waterfall.”


⚜ ⚜ ⚜




As soon as he saw Muriel’s face twisted with confusion, the urgency in Jaron’s heart disappeared and a faint laughter escaped despite the disappointment. He had not imagined a touching reunion, but considering the determination with which he’d run to make this meeting, it was a bit disappointing.


Blue here, fierce eyes, pale and sullen face. This was indeed the Muriel Storm he knew. Upon seeing the unharmed Muriel, Jaron felt a mix of relief and joy, but Muriel didn’t bother to hide her annoyance. Without hesitation, she climbed onto the Murishi that had a saddle placed as if she would leave immediately, saying, “I’m a bit busy right now.”


A Murishi. A repulsive and grotesque Murishi. What on earth was Muriel Storm doing here? Beneath Muriel’s feet lay a moat that was clearly created by Tapahite, which must’ve been the illegal mining that invoked Sharan’s wrath, but it was astonishingly filled with monsters. It was truly something only Muriel, who had boldly declared she would save the Demon King, could bring about.


If he had time, Jaron also wanted to find out what Muriel had been up to, but he too was busy.


“I’m busy too. I came all this way to save you, and your hospitality is really top-tier.”


“I’m glad to see you too, but right now-“


“Sharan’s knights are on their way.”


Muriel, skillfully sitting on the Murishi, turned to Jaron in surprise. It wasn’t a surprise that she didn’t expect it all, but at that moment, it seemed her frustration was even stronger than the shock.


“They’ll be here in no time. I destroyed the closest portal, but even so, that can only last half a day, a day at most. We need to evacuate immediately. Unless we’re going to battle.”




“But… the size of the knights being mobilized is enormous. Sharan doesn’t underestimate the power of ‘Kai Crawford.’ There will be enough knights to overwhelm that monster. If you’re not well-prepared, it’s best to flee.”




“But… Is that true? The lord of this place is Kai Crawford. The Demon King, Ur?”


“Not the Demon King… it’s Kaiton. Kaiton Ur.”


Muriel corrected Jaron’s words like a compulsion, even as she touched her forehead with a troubled expression. That’s how it was. To Jaron, even with her sensitive and frail appearance, Muriel looked quite impressive with her blue eyes. She had truly been the one to manage to create this eerie domain with the Demon King sitting beside her. A glimpse into the estate showed people actively working and doing their parts. Some were young, some draped in black robes. He was certain they were dark sorcerers.


A pleasant sense of satisfaction enveloped Jaron. He had made the right choice to align himself to this side. He was destined to die in battle anyway. He wanted to die as a knight, not a mercenary who moved solely for money. They say there’s a fish that returns home when it’s time to die, and Jaron felt like that fish right now. Ah, he had come to the right place to die.


“So what will you do? Fight or flee?”




⚜ ⚜ ⚜


“It could be a trap.”


“Certainly, Jaron Calypso has always been a knight who would do anything for money and honor.”




Jaron cursed Debbie and August on the inside, but kept his mouth shut. Their suspicions weren’t entirely unfounded. However, the longer the suspicion lingered, the more delayed the escape would be. Reluctant but unwilling to let his efforts go to waste, Jaron firmly stated, “If you want, use magic to confirm or feed me a truth serum. Just make a decision quickly.”


“There’s no need for that. Jaron came to help us.”


Despite Muriel’s defense, Debbie couldn’t shake off her suspicious look.


“But it doesn’t make sense. Why would Sharan’s knight come to help us?”


“Muriel says she trusts me. If you don’t trust me, you can stay here. I need only take Muriel with me…!”




Muriel’s trust boosted his confidence and the moved Jaron yelled without patience, which made the discontented onlookers swiftly aim their swords at him. In an instant, as if each one was a trained knight, they reacted quickly to ensure Muriel’s safety.


It was then that Jaron realized. Although the lord of this place was known as Kai Crawford, the true master was Muriel. You could tell by their reactions. Who the person holding them together was.


“Who dares to take who away now?”


“Isn’t he a spy? I think he’s here to steal our Captain.”


“Should we just kill him? It doesn’t matter if we escape on our own afterwards.”


Moreover, Jaron chuckled as he looked at the array of weapons pointed at his neck. He had thought they were just bookworm students or mischievous little rascals, but the threatening blades’ edges were fierce and ready. If they had met as adversaries, they would have been worthy opponents.




Muriel sighed, touched her temples, then approached Jaron.


“I’m sorry. But… just because I believe in you, so I can’t force them to as well. Please… convince them. After all… you’re putting everything at stake to be here. Sharan must have surely found out about your betrayal by now. Why are you here, risking your life and honor?”


“What honor..”


Jaron replied bluntly, and then was embarrassed, so he avoided eye contact, pulling the cloth around his neck down. Whenever he got this sensitive, the pain in his neck intensified.


“…You know it too. I was not a knight, but a dog under Sharan. I came here to die as a knight. So… to serve you as… a lord… to die for you….”


He hadn’t even formally pledged allegiance to her yet… it felt so embarrassing to call her his lord, it made him want to squirm. There was no evidence to dispel their suspicions. He had run here as soon as he heard the command to depart. If they still didn’t believe him, he wanted to get a truth serum from somewhere and force it down his throat.


 felt like forcing a truth serum down his throat.


“Oh, really?”


“That’s what it is.”


“…What should I say then.”


However, too blandly, the weapons aimed at Jaron’s neck were suddenly withdrawn. The sharp tension that had momentarily arisen returned to a calm and dull atmosphere.


“What… what? Do you believe me?”


“Well, those eyes of yours. We see them every day too.”


Uh… Jaron was dragged by Sadie into an awkward position. Her touch was so wicked and harsh that Jaron couldn’t resist.


“Whether it’s loyalty, affection, or friendship… those who have given anything to Muriel have these eyes. It’s like being enchanted, so to speak. Possessed.”


“Stop talking nonsense, Sadie. We need to get going. Come on.”


Debbie seemed annoyed with Sadie’s behavior, but Sadie ignored her and extended her hand for a handshake with Jaron.


“Hello, comrade. We have the same eyes, don’t we?”


What nonsense. She only empathized with the honest confession that he was Sharan’s dog. Debbie’s nagging at Sadie was jarring, but Jaron, in a sudden decision, took Sadie’s hand.


What are you talking about? I just sympathized with the honest confession that it was Sharan’s dog. Debbie’s nagging at Sadie was jarring, but Geron grabbed Sadie’s hand in a haphazard way.




⚜ ⚜ ⚜


The efficiency of the estate was remarkable. As soon as the decision to flee was made, they moved in harmony to prepare to depart within an hour, as if they knew exactly what to do. 

He’d thought the movements would be slowed down by the many children, but they, formerly bandits, moved even more efficiently than Jaron and were adept at commanding the Murishi.


The escape was an embarrassingly peaceful flight. Thanks to their quick actions, they avoided any encounters with Sharan’s pursuers, and under the direction of Cece and August, a fairly organized and cozy camp area was set up.


While everyone was busy with their tasks, Muriel was the only one missing. Often, she asked a strange blindfolded man, whose name he’d learned was Ondal, something as if she was confirming it, and when Ondal nodded as if to reassure her, she held the black necklace around her neck like a rosary and mumbled something softly like a prayer.


“What do you need to say?”


Muriel said she had something to say and called Jaron separately to her tent.


“Is it…burdensome? What I said? That I’ll pledge loyalty to you?”


Because Muriel’s perpetually dark expression bothered him, Jaron took the lead.

“Oh… loyalty… that’s too much for me. I know that I should decline. But, I can’t afford to refuse help right now. It’s shameless, but I’ll request it of you. Please help me a lot.”


That was an unexpected response. Perhaps it had something to do with Kaiton Ur. Throughout the journey, Kaiton was nowhere to be seen. It was likely the place that Muriel had been trying to go when she encountered Jaron was where Kaiton was. The person who had made Muriel worry throughout the journey and the person who made her unable to refuse Jaron’s loyalty was also likely to be the Kaiton Ur with threatening eyes. Muriel was staying momentarily here to ensure the safety of the people of the estate, but her heart seemed to be already at Kaiton’s side.


“There’s no need to feel ashamed. I will solemnly pledge to you. I, Jaron Calypso, will serve Muriel Storm as my lady and master for the rest of my life.”


“Oh, but for a pledge… I don’t even have a knot prepared…”


Before Muriel could finish speaking, Jaron took out a long cord with a knot from his pocket and presented it to Muriel. He courteously sank to one knee.


“Every knight carries a knot, does he not?”




“You’ll accept it, won’t you? I’ll take yours at my funeral.”




“A pledge of allegiance is as precious as pacio to a knight. You’re not going to make me a fake knight with no master to serve, are you? Instead of talking about burdens, just pay me well. My new master… no, it’s fortunate that my first master is as rich as Eklum.” 


Although it turned into a situation where he seemed to be, in a way, forcing an oath of allegiance on her, Jaron’s heart swelled with pride. When Muriel accepted the knot as if she had no other choice, Jaron held the sword he had been carrying with both hands. The formal oath was completed when they each took half of the tassel that Muriel divided in half.


“My shoulders sure are getting heavier.”


Muriel fiddled with Jaron’s knot as if in trouble. At the end of her gaze lay a small box. Seeing that it was a box she had carefully brought with her to the refuge, it seemed to be a box of collections of knots she shared with the people she’d formed bonds with.


“That’s life.”




“But why did you call me?”




“What is it?”


“…the herb that helps you forget pain that’s sold in the 0 store. Can it make you forget mental pain too?”


It was an unexpected question.


“…Why do you ask?”


“If it can help me forget emotional distress… I thought maybe I should give it a try.”


In response to Jerome’s cautious gaze questioning why she needed it, Muriel replied calmly.


“I know now too. Unfortunately… I know how it feels to have your throat cut, to become a demon, to experience the pain of being fried alive… I know. Ah… I hate the feeling of lying on the cold floor and dying alone…”


They were words that Jaron, unaware of Muriel’s circumstances, could not understand. However, recalling that Muriel was the Star of the Saint, he thought she was talking about the side effects of her abilities and took out the special cigarette from the 0 Shop and handed it over.


“It seems like a worthless deal.”


“Yeah… it does seem worthless. But still… not all memories are horrible… there are so many good memories that I’ve regained… so I can’t give up.”


When Muriel was about to light the anesthetic cigarette Jaron handed her, August and Ondal rushed into the tent. If they thought they’d safely avoided the war, it was a grave illusion.


“The guardians have been summoned. To where Kaiton is.”

We’re so close to the end!! I’m so proud of how far Jaron has come, I really have a soft spot for him.

Okay I had to do a lott of research for the knot because I wasn’t sure what imagery the author was going for with it so in case you’re interested in sticking out for the process, here it is.


First, I researched knighting ceremonies. None of them really included anything about a knot. This made me think that perhaps a tassel was being talked about instead of a knot knot. Some Korean and Chinese swordsmen carried tassels on their swords, afterall. But the knot has been mentioned several times as something of cultural significance in the story, if you remember how people in Bulrion send off their beloved to the afterlife with a knot. So I decided to leave the tassel be on hold for some time. 

This is how a tassel would look, for reference.


That’s until I found a handfasting cord ceremony originally done in Celtic traditions. 

Here that is. My first thought was; gorgeous. This is usually a tradition done for weddings, but in the end, it’s a form of agreement and contract. So I let my own imagination run wild, and thought, ‘this is probably what they’re going for.’ In this ceremony, the two partners tie the knot to form their union. (Fun fact, this is where the saying ‘tying the knot!’ comes from!)


I imagined Jaron and Muriel doing something similar.

But the problem of Muriel and Jaron keeping a piece of the knot still persisted. Afterall, how would they divide this knot? In the tradition itself, the couple is encouraged to slide the thing off. So, I decided to leave it to your imagination.


Yes, that’s right. I’m only the translator, so I’m unsure where the author was really going with this, but this is my best interpretation of it.


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


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