The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 11: The Demon King’s Magic Class


While she was worried about not knowing the answer to that question, Sharan’s voice echoed again.


“I wish to uproot Callahan Ur’s dirty bloodline from this land entirely. I want to protect and keep our people safe from that vile and dirty demon. If we leave the Demon King alive, he will endlessly seek opportunities to devour the Pacio of our people and swallow the entire kingdom.”


Ah… she didn’t know why, but Sharan’s speech felt like one a person did in the shower? Making up stories that don’t exist and spreading malicious rumors with no basis at someone else’s expense.


She felt uncomfortable. Kaiton’s indifferent, expressionless face bothered her. Had he heard such words before? Well, Sharan had been looking vigorously for Ur to keep up the pretense that he had the blessing of Sharan’s eyes. There would probably be no days where he’d miss the opportunity to curse Ur.


Yet Kaiton would have had to bow down to Sharan in order to survive…


“That’s the kind of being the Demon King is. He only seeks strong power and devours the flames of others. I can no longer tolerate the tyranny of such a demon. We need the help of guardians and high priests. What if there is no saint? You have the king, who can watch for the evil deeds of the Demon King Ur, and you also have the divine treasure that can cut down demons.”


So Sharan was basically saying to focus all attention on him.

But Muriel could no longer concentrate on Sharan’s words. She was too worried that Kaiton might explode or cry, so she just kept stealing glances at him.


Ah… really.


To worry that the Demon King might be hurt and shed tears during the speech. It was absurd and ridiculous, even to herself, but she couldn’t help it.


She suddenly felt sorry for Kaiton who quietly clasped his hands together and nodded his head as if listening attentively to Sharan’s words. He wasn’t ‘who consumed other people’s flames because he sought power.’


The real Kaiton Ur, whom Muriel knew, was just a victim who borrowed the power of the fragments of Ur’s sculpture because he wanted to survive.


Muriel was the only person in this world who knew that Kaiton was not a merciless Demon King, but just a black wizard.


Realizing this fact, Muriel wanted to escape from this place as soon as possible. She had an ominous, foreboding feeling that if things continued like this, she would forever be entangled with Kaiton.


Of all things, why was Kaiton’s journey to become the Demon King written in the novel? If he had just been painted as a madman filled with anger for the world from the beginning, she wouldn’t be so bothered. It was troubling to know that when he was young, he was just a passionate child with an extraordinary interest in magic.


How could that cold face belong to a pitiful, pure wizard…?!

It was undoubtedly Sharan who drove him to become the Demon King when he mercilessly exterminated the Ur family who had been living quietly simply because they were descendants of Callahan Ur. Sharon and the three Guardians under his command killed Kaiton’s parents. Kaiton only barely managed to escape with his life thanks to a fragment of Ur.


Why was Kaiton’s detailed past suddenly coming to her mind and making her feel uneasy?


Muriel and Rovelia were allowed to return to the mansion. In reality, they were being chased away, but their status as candidates for the position of Saint was still maintained, so it was decided, in name at least, that they were allowed to go to the mansion for the sake of the girls’ well-being.


Muriel didn’t have much to pack, so she quickly grabbed a small bag and hurriedly set off to find Kaiton who’d left ahead.


She told herself that she just wanted to say goodbye at least, but deep down, she was genuinely worried about him.


“Don’t tell me he’s actually really crying somewhere…”

His flushed face as he left the office was on her mind the whole time.


“No way.. The Kaiton Ur who watched as I cut myself with an indifferent expression? No, that can’t be…”


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


People think that the biggest enemy of love is misunderstanding and prejudice, but in fact, the greatest ally of love is also misunderstanding and prejudice.


Fateful encounters such as ‘falling in love at first sight’ are actually a result of misunderstanding and prejudice, where we develop an image of the other person as we please.


Therefore, it can be said that misunderstanding and prejudice are inseparable from love. Love begins with misunderstanding and ends with misunderstanding. Some even believe that believing in love entirely is a misunderstanding. So, can we consider misunderstandings trivial?


Misunderstandings can be said to be fate.

Misunderstandings can be said to be one’s own will.


Misunderstandings are a way to express one’s hidden feelings that even the person themselves are unaware of, and also a sincere feeling that they do not recognize.


Muriel fell into an absurd misunderstanding that would change her and Kaiton’s fate.

She mistook Kaiton, who’d come out with a wet face from the fountain, to be secretly crying.


Muriel saw that Kaiton’s eyes were red and his face was moist with water. She couldn’t think of anything else. All she could see was that he’d come back from crying.


However, it was a huge misunderstanding. Kaiton had taken a detour after venting in a place where no one was around. He’d found a deserted place and put curses on Sharan, who’d been barking like a dog earlier.


Of course, the curse was so subtle and clever that Sharan wouldn’t notice and attribute it to a spellcaster It was a curse at the level of a prank, where trivial but unpleasant things happened, like stumbling and falling while walking, getting caught in the rain, or bird droppings falling from the sky.


His eyes were red because he was playing dangerous pranks that could cost him his life if found out. And yet, the anger still did not go away, so he cooled his heated face with the water from the fountain.


However, in Muriel’s eyes, Kaiton, who she’d been worried about ever since Sharan’s speech, appeared as if he had just cried, with his wet eyes.


If anyone else had seen him, his terrifying expression would have made them misunderstand that he’d just come back from killing someone, but to Muriel, he looked like a pitiful puppy coming back after getting wet in the rain.


It was the moment when Kaiton, who had only been seen as a crazy or rabid dog until now, transformed into a pitiful puppy in Muriel’s prejudice.


Ding! Ding! Ding!


The bell of fate rang.


Muriel’s nose twitched.


She knew that the Demon King was secretly crying, and she was the only person in this world who knew how unfair and lonely he was. How could she turn a blind eye to him?


The moment Muriel saw Kaiton walking out from behind the fountain with wet eyes, she made up her mind to help him no matter what happens in the future.


It was a resolution that was on a completely different level from her previous one of just lying flat and not causing trouble. She was now determined to clear the unjust accusations against the Demon King. She would make the Kingdom love the Demon King. It was a decision so great that it would turn the kingdom upside down.


“Did you cry?”


When asked such a question for the first time in his life, Kaiton made a dumbfounded expression without answering.


Did he hear it wrong? Was Muriel referring to him when she asked about crying? Did she really say something like that?


In a fleeting moment, numerous thoughts crossed Kaiton’s mind. However, his bewilderment appeared as hesitation in Muriel’s eyes, quickly making her think that he was caught off guard when he was caught crying and was perplexed.


“You cried. So you did cry….”


Kaiton could not tell what on earth Muriel was thinking, but he could clearly see the pity and sympathy evident on her face. Growing uncomfortable, he put on a stern expression.


“Who cried?”


Muriel thought Kaiton was getting embarrassed for no reason. 

‘Yeah, let’s pretend we don’t know. It’s natural for people to want to cry alone sometimes.’


According to Muriel’s memory, she had never cried secretly or shown tears to others, but crying wasn’t something to be ashamed of.


“Yeah, that’s right. You didn’t cry.”


Kaiton’s face turned pale. He finally realized what misunderstanding Muriel had. It was such a ridiculous misconception that it almost made him burst into laughter, but he couldn’t just brush it off.


Crying? How could such a misunderstanding even occur? Who? Him? He swept his face with his hand. The cool water had barely cooled down his face, and now it was heating up again.


“Do you really think I cried just now?”

“No. You didn’t cry. Mr. Crawford definitely didn’t cry.”


Muriel squinted one of her eyes and twitched, as if she were having a seizure, and said in a tone like ‘It’ll be a secret between us.” As if she was playing along with some obvious lie of Kaiton’s.


Kaiton was astonished, his breaths trembling. What kind of mindset did this crazy woman have to come up with such a ridiculous conclusion? Would she still have such a misunderstanding if she knew his true identity?


“Muriel Storm. I swear to God I didn’t cry. Enough of your delusions.”

Kaiton said coldly. He even resorted to mentioning a God he didn’t believe in. That’s how much he wanted to make it clear.


“Yes, yes. Mr. Crawford did not cry, I swear.”


Muriel’s delusion was firm. Kaiton wanted to scream and tell her to stop with the foolish words, but he couldn’t stoop to her level, so he gritted his teeth and walked past her.


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


Thanks to the portal, Muriel returned to the Storm Manor without any difficulty and ignored the servants who said she needed to treat her injured arm, locking herself in her room. She had made up her mind to save Kaiton, so she needed a plan.


After much deliberation, she realized that she needed to solve two things to help him.


Clear his name.

Secure his Pacio supply.


Muriel had to let people know that Kaiton was not the evil demon lord they believed him to be but just an ordinary person and a dark wizard.


However, the problem was that he wasn’t entirely innocent. Kaiton had used the Sculpture of Ur, which had been divided into seven fragments, to steal Pacio from many people. Some of them had even become demons.


Like those who traded their souls and made contracts with devils, they were all people who had touched the power of Ur for greater strength. But that didn’t mean Kaiton was innocent.


She had to stop his misdeeds before clearing his name. That’s when the second problem arose: how to stop him, someone consumed with thoughts of revenge against Sharan. It was unimaginable that he would willingly change his mind to Muriel’s persuasion and cooperate with her.


Two out of the seven fragments of Ur were already in Sharan’s hands, and the remaining five were scattered throughout the kingdom. Muriel realized that obtaining all five remaining fragments was the first task she needed to accomplish.


Cut off Kaiton’s Pacio supply, and you could grab him by the leash. If she made Kaiton pledge his loyalty to her when he ran out of Pacio, he wouldn’t be able to kill Muriel. Then all she had to do was give her infinitely refilling Pacio to Kaiton.


“Well, I already have one….”


But she needed to obtain four more fragments in the future… Could Muriel, who only had an infinite well of Pacio in her arsenal, pull it off?


The people she had to deal with are those who are willing to do anything to obtain strong power, enough to touch the fragments of Ur. Whether it was called Cerenus or Severus or whatever, it seemed beyond what she, who couldn’t even perform healing magic, could handle.


“What should I do….”


As Muriel was left in contemplation, an unexpected visitor arrived. It was Rovelia, who had lost all her peach-like vitality and shimmering golden glow.

She’s so delulu, I love her sm.

Kaiton has now become Muriel’s project lmaoo I love them

Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. se-jia says:

    this is the kind of misunderstanding that I like! hahahaha

  2. Nova says:

    Idk but I find it rather unbecoming of Muriel to think this way. It’s like the built personality of Muriel from the previous chapters were easily wiped out and replaced for the sake of this plot (misunderstanding). I’m having a hard time explaining how it’s different but I just feel like the drive of Muriel to “redeem” Ur into society had not been properly integrated in the past chapters.

    Still, thank you for the chapters, Ami!

    1. Ami says:

      I think it’s because, before, she was way too focused on survival to think about anything else. she’s the type of person who doesn’t actively want to be involved in trouble but if she’s already in shit, she might as well shovel it. I think this is perfectly in character because we’re still at the infant stage of the story. Muriel never wanted to redeem Ur before because she thought that wasn’t any of her business. but the misunderstanding she had here (thinking Kaiton is just sorry and miserable misunderstood villain) bit at her conscience because she realised how lonely he must be – since she’s read about him in the og novel and ended up having to help him. And redeeming him is her solution for it.

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