The Villain Dreams Of World Peace

Episode 10: The Demon King’s Magic Class


“Will it be okay?”

“Is there something that’s not okay?”


‘Who I am worrying about? About the Demon King? About the perverted villain who pretends to teach healing magic but is secretly out to harass me?’


Muriel found it ridiculous and found it incomprehensible that she was worried about Kaiton, but she was still concerned he’d be driven out by Sharan. Yes, this uneasy feeling was only because she was worried that Kaiton would engage in even worse behavior after being driven out of the royal palace. There was no other reason.


“There will be a hero among us, or something like that. It’s not something Sharan would be pleased to find out.”


“Would there be any reason for him to dislike someone who’ll get rid of the kingdom’s most sinister existence?”


That’s not it. Sharan would wish for Ur to live forever unless he could do the killing himself.

There must be darkness for there to be light, just as stars only shine in the darkness of the night. Ur was an enemy that Sharan and the three guardians must eliminate, but at the same time, he was a necessary evil that must live for their power.


Sharan would know that too. That’s why he was thoroughly hiding the fact he wasn’t blessed. Even if it meant imprisoning his own brother like a slave.


And this guy can’t be unaware of that either.


“Why are you so sure? The Oracle only mentioned the appearance of a Saint who’d save the kingdom. There was no mention of killing the Demon King.”


Again, Kaiton stared at Muriel with a frightening look, as if she was the saint of the Oracle who would kill him.


“What if the demon king is determined to destroy the kingdom?”




He whispered in a low voice, as if revealing a secret.


“To save the kingdom, there is no choice but to stop the demon king, isn’t there?”


His dark eyes seemed to say this: You’re the one who’ll have to do that.


“There is only one way to stop the demon king, to find him and cut off his breaths.”


So, you ask if there is another way, there is none. I have no choice but to get rid of you. His flickering black eyes, sinking low, seemed to say that.


“But the prophecy could be wrong.”


“If the demon king kills the saint first, that will be so.”




A sigh escaped involuntarily. She thought everything would go smoothly as long as she didn’t have any evil intentions, but why were there so many things to be cautious about? At this rate, she might really end up losing her life to Ur.


But she wasn’t afraid. Her heart was pounding, definitely, but it wasn’t because of fear. Was it because she perceived this place as a novel and lacked a clear sense of reality? She wasn’t deeply saddened or scared. She  just felt a little annoyed.


Kaiton chased away Muriel without treating the wound on her arm. It didn’t really matter because she didn’t want him to treat her to begin with, but it was uncomfortable because the bleeding continued trickling down even though she tried casting healing spells again.


The thought of the High Priest Nicholas, who was previously upset about not being able to help her, briefly crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to get involved with him, so she just found a handkerchief and roughly bandaged the wound. It didn’t hurt, so it was enough that the bleeding stopped.


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


That night, there was no moon in the sky..


Muriel was deeply asleep, unaware that the loosely tied handkerchief had come undone. Even in the dark night without light, she shone brightly. Her pale skin, the nightgown swaying above her restless chest, and the thin blanket covering her lanky waist and slim legs, were all white.


Because of the sloppy knot she’d made, the handkerchief quickly unraveled, leaving only stains of red blood on it. The red handkerchief was a blot on the picture. It was a stone thrown into a calm lake, a crow flying through graceful swans, and a sudden rain shower on a picnic day.


That one blemish was disturbing the sacred atmosphere emanating from Muriel and kept her from sleeping peacefully.


So he liked it.


Kaiton carefully re-tied the handkerchief that was slipping from her arm. He secured it tightly to prevent it from easily falling off. He thought it was a good thing that he hadn’t cast a healing spell on it.


If she had been sleeping peacefully like a calm lake, he wouldn’t have been able to resist. He would have probably made a small crack appear in her flawless face somehow.


“I hope you like my gift.”


Kaiton placed the piece of Ur on the table.

He thought it was time to finally finish what he’d been putting off. He still wanted to watch a little longer, but he had no more time left now.


He wanted to find out what unknown magic was hanging over Muriel, and he wanted to bring out her lost memories. But all that would be pointless when Muriel became a demon, so he had no choice but to bury those desires.


The disheveled blue hair lying on the bed caught his attention. The hair, which sparkled like the blue sea when it caught the light, now appeared quite dark. It had taken on the calm color of the night sky, tinged with the darkness of its surroundings.


It would be nice if it were a bit darker, if it were dyed a color similar to his, a little more pitch black…


If her slightly crooked smile and mischievous expression, if those eyes were to become a bit darker…

He wouldn’t have to leave behind a fragment of Ur.


In the end, Kaiton couldn’t resist the temptation and grabbed a handful of her hair. The blue strands flowing through his fingers were much softer than what he remembered.


Then again, his mind became unbearably distorted, and he quickly left the room. He ran away because he felt something would happen if he stayed a little longer.


Muriel woke up  to the damp morning air coming through the window. Did she leave the window open? She couldn’t remember very well. Feeling the chill, she pulled the blanket up to her chin and was about to go back to sleep, but something sparkling at the edge of her vision caught her eye.


A sharp, shattered piece of a transparent bead. Ur’s fragment, which was said to absorb Pacio and grant immense power in return, was on her table.


Muriel got out of bed. The floor felt cold against her bare feet. It was still the season of hot winds, yet the air inside the room was chillingly cool.


Kaiton Ur.

He had come.


Muriel peered outside through the open window. It was still too dark to see anything clearly. If he was hiding under a large tree, she doubted she would be able to spot him. She carefully closed and locked the window, then wrapped the bead fragment in a small piece of cloth.


⚜ ⚜ ⚜


She couldn’t sleep properly last night, so she wasn’t in a great mood when she was called to Sharan’s office first thing in the morning. In the office were Sharan, Rovelia, Kaiton, August, as well as Veron Dachini, the head of the Dachini family, and High Priest Nicholas Neville.


Murielthought Rovelia would have gotten more lively after she’d snitched, but she too had dark circles under her eyes. Thanks to her peach-colored complexion and vibrant blonde hair, she didn’t give off the same impression of haggardness as Muriel, but it was still a dark face she’d never seen on Rovelia before.


As expected, the matter was about Kaiton’s magic classes.


“You’re teaching magic to the Saint candidates?”




Kaiton didn’t seem to have any intention of defending himself or explaining the situation. He simply answered briefly and fell silent.


“Why? Those with special powers cannot learn magic. You must know that. Do you think the ladies of Dachini and Storm are not the saints?”


Sharan sat on a large golden chair, resting his chin on his hand. His restless leg tapped the floor, as if he was uncomfortable.


“The heirs don’t have any special powers. However, the Oracle says that the Saint would save the kingdom, so I wanted to prepare for that.”


“To kill the Demon King?”




“Rovelia and Muriel?”




“Those two who have terrible Pacio? They will kill the Demon King?”




“Hah! What nonsense you’re talking.”


Sharan leaned deeper into his chair. He didn’t pay any attention to Veron Dachini’s disapproving face and snorted at Rovelia’s darkened face. Rovelia couldn’t even look up at Sharan’s face and clenched the hem of her dress, as if holding back her humiliation.


With how the one she’d snitched to reacted, it was no wonder Rovelia’s face was dark. She probably wanted Crawford to be scolded and have the responsibility of finding the saint transferred to a priest. Unexpectedly, she was met with disregard and ridicule, which was probably unbearable.


“I’m just following the Oracle.”


“They’re just words left by a Saint who died over twelve years ago. Over the years, the saint may have fallen, or the position of the stars could have changed. Don’t waste your efforts on something hopeless, Crawford.”


“Sharan… How can you say such things?!”

Veron Dachini shouted, unable to hold back his anger.


“Fallen, you say! Rovelia has consistently honed her virtues and loyalty under the name of Dachini for years. If you insult her honor, I, Veron Dachini, will not stand for it!”


“You won’t stand for it while putting you name on the line? Are you saying you, who swore allegiance to me, would harm me?”


Sharon sneered, tapping his foot. His yellow eyes, contrasting against his dark brown skin, stared down the loyal servant who had devoted his allegiance to the Sharans for generations.


He knew Dachini would not betray him. So the anger of the loyal servant daring to threaten him was displeasing. It was displeasing and amusing.


“I know you care for Rovelia, but protecting the kingdom is not child’s play. If I find the Demon King, will you send Rovelia to him? Can you send your incompetent child, who can’t even properly perform a healing spell, and order her to capture the Demon King?”


Behind Sharon stood a golden lion statue, his symbol, but his tongue moved like a snake. Drawing out his fangs, he indiscriminately bit everyone in front of him.


“I cancel the confirmation of the Oracle.”




This time Nicholas Neville was appalled.

“You cannot do that. These chosen ones were undoubtedly born under the Star of the Holy Maiden. The fate of the kingdom is at stake. We must be careful.”


“Neville, are you saying that I alone am not enough? Are you saying that the king’s tireless efforts to protect the kingdom day and night are in vain?”


“…Sharan… It’s not like that…”


Nicholas Neville bit his tongue before he could deny it. He felt dizzy at the thought he’d almost retorted saying ‘isn’t that obvious?’. As the most popular man in the kingdom before August appeared, he had the power to sway women’s hearts as he pleased. But fearing that he might slip up and say something wrong, he kept his mouth shut, waiting for the right moment.


“Isn’t it enough for me and the three guardians to capture and kill the Demon King? Isn’t that right, Dachini?”


“…Yes, Sharan.”


Rovelia struggled to hold back her tears. Seeing her in that state tore the Dachini’s Head’s heart apart, but he had no choice but to give the answer Sharon wanted.


It would have been nice if she had become a saint and gained honor, but if the protagonist of the Oracle had to face the Demon King, he had no intention of sacrificing his precious daughter.


Muriel was slightly surprised by the situation unfolding in front of her. The story was taking a completely different turn from the novel, but as long as she could escape from the royal family and Kaiton, the order didn’t matter to her.


Could she leave the palace now? The timing couldn’t be better. Kaiton had taken out the fragment of Ur, which was his last card. He even indirectly threatened to kill anyone who got in his way.


Muriel stole a quick glance at Kaiton, who was pretending to be nonchalant. Would he let her go? She hoped he wouldn’t come after her…


I actually feel really bad for Rovelia. Sure, she might be pretentious and what not, but there’s nothing else she can do. Muriel doesn’t care about all that stuff because her body isn’t letting her fully accept her current reality. Rovelia has had to endure the limitations of her power all her life, and the one time she gets to do something extraordinary for once – she’s met with obstacles.


Also Kaiton is certain the saint is Muriel, but Muriel has valid reasons for not believing it, so neither can be blamed. And her hair feels softer from what he remembers, huh?


Btw, Kaiton isn’t really a fake villanous lead who is actually very sweet and just misunderstood like other novels, this is a true enemy who has reasons for wanting to eliminate Muriel from interfering from his plans and reasons for why he does things the way he does.


I love reading comments, so please do share your thoughts on the chapters, and if you like this series, please consider supporting me by buying a ko-fi!


Hey there, this is the translator, Ami. Hope you're enjoying your reading. You can support me buying me a ko-fi here


  1. 🐥 says:

    How interesting…I wonder how things will proceed

  2. 😽 says:

    i feel like that her 3-month worth of memories was erased by kaiton. And by the looks of it, Kaiton and Muriel had a deeper connection.

    PLUS! That Muriel’s heartbeat was for sure, caused by her connection with Kaiton in the pastttt

  3. Eliza says:

    I love the translator’s opinions.
    The Demon king is a troublesome guy.
    I too, would stay away from him.

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